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A project management plan is a blueprint of a real-life project. This provides a
roadmap to the companies and multinational firms to act on some important point.
These points provide a complete structural frame work to achieve the desired goals
and objectives. The current study is influenced by the “The Free Trust Website”
based content and the Free Trust Institute is a trust-based institution in New
Zealand. The whole project is sponsored and organised by the FREEDOM
institute, that organises a lot of events like Talent shows and other recreational
events. All such events like “FREEDOM’s GOT TALENT” should follow the
important legislative implications. The FREEDOM`s Got Talent” is talent show
comprised of different competitions between learners and staff of the institutions.
The organisations should follow all the legislative obligations implicated by the
governments. A complete project management plan provides a complete overview
of all the events, financial details and realistic timelines to complete the project.
The current project provides a complete legislative design for both talent hunts.



Overall the project was completed on time and it is a quite encouraging part of project
implementation and planning (Suprayoga, Witte and Spit, 2020). The critical and holistic
evaluation of the project was evaluated with the help of “Whare Tapa Rima” model. The
important aspects of evaluation along with the desired outcomes of the whole project. Whare
Tapa Rima is five sided home and the following outcomes of project are totally in coherence
with the Whare Tapa Rima model:

 Mental Wellbeing or Taha Hinengaro

How a suffering or difficult situation bring best as well as worst in human beings (Mental
Wellbeing or Taha Heiningaro). This show has provided students a visual framework for
their mental and emotional training. They can learn from this show “Freedom got talent”,
the glimpse of any hidden talent in them and how to showcase this talent at any platform
to get maximum out of it.

 Physical well-being or Taha Tiana

Other important aspect was “Secret of survival in a challenging situation”. This aspect is
considered as the second wall of this five sided house (Physical well-being or Taha
Tiana). The challenges of life can be easily overcome and surpass by a physically strong
and stout individual. This show has provided a clear overview that physical health is the
basic and most important aspect of the human survival. All the participants can easily
visualize the importance of second pillar i.e. physical well-being or Taha Tiana.

 Spiritual well-being or Taha Wairua

The life of pi is an embodiment of the spiritual and religious power of the living beings.
So the third important aspect (Spiritual well-being or Taha Wairua) is fulfilled as well.
This show provides participants an important pictorial representation of the power of
spirituality in their lives.
 Social well-being or Taha Wahnau
This movie event will change the thinking perspective of all the participants about the
outlook of the world i.e globalization and social interaction. All the participants are from
different cultural and social backgrounds. So their overall interaction can improvise the
entire social and cultural believes and they can easily interact with each other. So fourth
pillar of the house (Social well-being or Taha Wahnau) is supported by this show.
 Ethnic or Cultural Well-being or Taha Whenua
Taha Whenua is the fifth important part of this five sided home model. All these
objectives support the ethnic, cultural and socially responsible believes of all the
participants and organizers. The cultural and ethnic differences provide different blends
of cultural aspects in a very positive way. “Anthropomorphism” is the most appropriate
term to highlight the importance of ethnic and cultural variations in different human
beings (Chofreh et al, 2020).



This task will give us an essential system to progress of the expert and future life. Danger
appraisal and assessment improvement is basic for the effective occasion arranging and the
executives calling. Danger moderation techniques ought to likewise ad lib with preparing and
practice. Appropriate direction pretty much every one of the significant terms in the undertaking
objectives and objective ought to be characterized and ought to be remembered for the
commercials and online media crusade. The legitimate input overviews to check the achievement
of the task and its general effect on the personalities of crowds ought to be assessed by the
venture supervisory crew. The best method to measure the effect of the venture on the
personalities of crowd is through input overviews. Thus, I will gain from every one of my errors
and will attempt to conquer these issues on quick premise. Fundamentally, life is an excursion
and we as a whole ought to appreciate this in most ideal way. We ought to consider our errors as
the inception plugs for the fresh starts.


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