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Business and Sustainability

The sustainability is the key to success in this era. Sustainability and development goals are

imperative for the better future of people and planet. The sustainable development goals are the

true drivers of business community in the recent era. All huge and small firms are devising new

and innovative strategies to cope up with greatest sustainability challenges of this planet. The

pollution and excessive usage of resources provide a valid reason for all of the business sector to

cut down their energy use and wastes generation. Corporate governance, Corporate philanthropy,

and environmental soundness related initiatives are always crucial for the progress and

development of an organization. Green marketing and manufacturing approaches have

supplemented the global business. International business firms experience many constraints

during their operations. When a new business is launched in a specific area, legal, ethical,

linguistic, and geographical barriers hinder the successful execution. Marketing is the joining

bond between business firms and consumers (Yao, Yang and Liu, 2020). Effective marketing

strategies and good planning help organizations to excel and spread their business. Customers are

the backbone of the business community. Technological interventions and modernized marketing

tools have helped business firms to read the actual needs of consumers. Wall-mart international

have a huge team of professionals that deals with the emerging needs of the society. COVID -19

pandemic has devastated all the business firm in the world.

The digitalized applications generation process plan study of Pick a Park has provided us with a

generalized overview that how companies effectively grow when they implement the appropriate

Sustainability development models at their working place. The RTA and Pick a Park are doing a

lot of work in this regard but most important thing which is to be considered is that employees
should be treated equally and a proper career counselling centre is imperative to communicate

with the staff (Xiao et al., 2020).

Team management practices are important. The deliberate efforts of upper management can

further increase the sales and prosperity of the companies. Workplace security practices and

health insurance option in the pandemic situations can also improve the job satisfaction of

employees (RTA, 2019). The executive members at RTA and Pick a Park has a responsibility to

engage all individuals together as an organization. They have to inculcate endurance in their

crewmates. So, it is essential that all team members are satisfied and happy with their jobs. Job

security, social benefits and economic stability are some key factors of talent management

procedure. Pick a Park team also arrange a lot of interactive training sessions to guide their

consumers about the application. Pick a Park also encourage all individuals with high

performance and talent. They also arrange different competitions to improve the sustainability

and development goals. Such competitions are healthy to support the professional health and

stability of an organization (Lindh et al., 2020). The whole organization is well-oriented and

focused on their goal. They have best strategies to work with internal and external individuals.

Talented individuals are encouraged in the organization and company has well-oriented

procedures to help them to excel in personal and professional life (Miceli et al., 2020).

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