Lesson (Unit/page) Student Teacher MST School Class Date Select

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Task 3

Write a Lesson Reflection using this Form for Every Lesson that you Teach (CLOs 1-6)
You are expected to use support from the academic literature to enhance your reflections.
(N.B. 10 lessons – 3 peer reviewed and 10 MST/MCT are recommended in total)
Unite 7 Huda
Lesson (unit/page) Student teacher

MST Ms. Randa School Al Aliaa school

Class Grade 2 Date Sunday March 14, 2021

The learning outcome is:
 The characteristics of the planets and what differentiates each planet
from the other.
There are no special needs in this class. The differentiation strategy is use was
for homework. I also differentiation in my questioning so I ask him questions
based on their level. I also differentiation them in the handwriting activity.

I always used oral positive reinforcement with my students to encourage them

keep working and be confident to participate in the lesson as well as using
stars and points on Nearpod when they finish their work.

To scaffold my activities, I like to start my lesson with a video then discuss

the video with my students ask them questions then listen to them if they have
any question about the video or if they have any discussion to said after that I
start explaining the next activity for them then after they finished the activity
with have a discussion and I give them point when they finished the activity
and so on till we finish the lesson and start with time to climb.
Overall aim and context of the lesson

Since I already took them a similar Lesson before about the planets my
expectations for them was higher that’s why I add some challenging activities
for today’s lesson. However, the students were very active and participating.
For prior knowledge I ask them about how many planets do we have on the
solar system? What planet do we live and? What’s the closest planet to the
Sun? What’s the furthest planet to the Sun? I also asked them why they think
the Earth is a planet the creatures can live in and why we can’t live on other
planets? this question was as critical thinking questions.

On Sunday March 14, 2021, 10:00 to 10:30 AM I start my Science lesson
with 2/5. The lesson was about The Planets. I present my lesson using
Microsoft teams and Nearpod.
I taught grade 2/5 students online using Microsoft team. I used Nearpod to
present my lesson and this is my third time using Nearpod.
My personal goal of this lesson was to make sure all the students or at least
most of the class are following with me on your part and they know how to
use it and how to answer. For prior understanding I try to make it simple and
give them one question that related about what they will learn today so I had
one question witches how many planets are in the solar system.
Since I think this lesson maybe a little bit long for them, I tried to short and
divided the activities of planets 4 to 4. Also I only added simple quizzes for
the students my goal for this lesson was to make sure they understand the
characteristics of each planet so I divide the quizzes for them
I personally was happy about their participation today they wear little bit
quieter than usual that’s why I try to engage them by raising their hands and
choosing them by names.
I personally believe in at the power of good reinforcement and I love seeing
them happy for having good feedback that’s why I keep saying good job,
great job, thank you, you are smart, to make them feel happy and comfortable
and brave to participate at the lesson. Today Donna wasn’t raising her hand,
but I call her name and I ask her questions and she answer very perfectly after
that during the lesson when I asked question, I see you have raising her hand
which makes me very proud of her and happy.
From my point of you I think the idea of using Nearpod is a successful and a
good way to catch the students participation and I think the students like it. I
like using it because it is interesting and fun but also I can’t teach a whole
lesson with the many different activities and assessing.
This time I think my lesson reached my teaching goals and I’m so happy for
that. This make me do my best all the time and to find ways to teach the
students in fun ways.I use Nearpod game Time To Clime to assess the
students at the end of the lesson.

In this lesson there was a worksheet that the students had troubles writing on
it I really don’t know why but it’s all on me I should test my near pod and
toilet before sending it to the students I always did that but this time I didn’t
do it. The only solution I think of at the point was keep going on the lesson
instead of wasting time trying. I will read my MST feedback very carefully
and I will follow her feedback to improve my lessons in the future.

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