Mandl Shaw Solution

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Solution to Problems in

Quantum Field Theory

by Franz Mandl & Graham Shaw

Sanha Cheong October 4, 2017
Stanford University

1 Photons and the Electromagnetic Field

1. The free-radiation field inside a cubic enclosure is given by the state:
1 2 X cn

|ci = exp − |c| √ |ni
2 n=0 n!

where c = |c|eiδ is any complex number and |ni is the state with n photons with
some specific wavevector k and transverse polarization r, omitted in the expression.
(Such a state |ci is called a coherent state and is extremely useful in quantum
optics and other bosonic quantum field theory.)
(i) |ci is normalized: hc|ci = 1.
∞ ∞
! !
∗m n

 X c X c
hc|ci = exp −|c| hm| √ √ |ni
m=0 m! n=0 n!
∞ X ∞ 2 i(n−m)δ
X |c| e
=e √ √ hm|ni
m=0 n=0 m! n!

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At this point, we invoke the orthonormality hm|ni = δmn to obtain:
∞ X ∞
X |c|2 ei(n−m)δ
=e √ √ δmn
m=0 n=0 m! n!
∞ 2
2 X |c|
= e−|c|
2 2
−|c| |c|
=e e
(ii) |ci is an eigenstate of ar (k) with the complex eigenvalue c: ar (k) |ci = c |ci.
1 2 X cn

ar (k) |ci = exp − |c| √ ar (k) |ni
2 n=0 n!

" #
n √
1 X c
= exp − |c|2 0+ √ n |n − 1i
2 n=1 n!

If we redefine the index by m = n − 1, we get:

1 2 X cm+1

= exp − |c| √ |mi
2 m=0 m!
= c |ci
(iii) The expected number of photons in the enclosure N ≡ hc|N |ci is equal to |c|2 .

N ≡ hc|N |ci
= hc|a† a|ci
= a |ci

Since a |ci = c |ci as shown in (ii), we get:

= c |ci

= |c|2

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(iv) The RMS fluctuation of the photon number is given by:

(∆N )2 ≡ hc|N 2 |ci − N 2 = |c|2

Recall that ar (k), a†s (k0 ) = δrsδkk0 . Hence, in our case with some specific

wavevector k and polarization r, a, a† = 1. Then,

N 2 = a† a a† a

= a† (aa† )a
= a† (N + 1)a
= a† N a + N

Then, the RMS fluctuation becomes:

(∆N )2 ≡ hc|N 2 |ci − N 2

= hc|a† N a + N |ci − N 2
= hc|a† N a|ci + N − N 2
= |c|2 hc|N |ci + N − N 2
= |c|4 + |c|2 − |c|4
= |c|2
(v) The expected value of the electric field E is given by:
E ≡ hc|E|ci = −εr (k)2 |c| sin(k • x − ωk t + δ)
where V is the volume of the cubic enclosure.
Since we are only dealing with free radiation (i.e. no charge distribution,
φ = 0), we can let the longitudinal field EL be zero in the Coulomb gauge.
Then, the remaining electric field is purely transverse, which is given by:
1 ∂A (x, t)
E (x, t) = −
c r ∂t
~ωk h i(k x−ωk t)
• † −i(k x−ωk t)

= iεr (k) ar (k)e − ar (k)e
At this point, we define the phase of the electric field: θ ≡ k • x − ωk t.

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The mean electric field E is then:

E ≡ hc|E|ci
hc|ar (k)|ci eiθ − hc|a†r (k)|ci e−iθ

= iεr (k)

From (ii), ar (k) |ci = c |ci and, similarly, hc| a†r (k) = hc| c∗ . Also, recall that
c = |c|eiδ . Hence, we get:
~ωk  iθ
ce − c∗ e−iθ

= iεr (k)
r 2V
2i Im ceiθ
= iεr (k)
= −εr (k)2 |c| sin(k • x − ωk t + δ)
(vi) The RMS fluctuation ∆E in the electric field is given by:
(∆E)2 ≡ hc|E 2 |ci − hc|E|ci2 =
Note that the polarization vector εr has been omitted and the electric field here
is treated as a scalar quantity, since we are dealing with a definite pure polar-
First, we compute the operator E 2 :

E 2 ≡ EE
"r #2
aeiθ − a† e −iθ

= i
~ωk  2 i2θ
a e + a†2 e−i2θ − aa† − a† a

~ωk  2 i2θ
a e + a†2 e−i2θ − 2a† a − 1


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Then, the RMS fluctuation ∆E is:

(∆E)2 ≡ hc|E 2 |ci − hc|E|ci2

~ωk  i2θ
e hc|a2 |ci + e−i2θ hc|a†2 |ci − 2 hc|a† a|ci − hc|ci

~ωk 2 2
−4 |c| sin (θ + δ)
~ωk h 2 i2θ ∗2 −i2θ 2 2 2
=− c e +c e − 2|c| − 1 + 4|c| sin (θ + δ)
~ωk h 2 i2θ 2 i2θ ∗
 2 2 2
= 1−c e − c e + 2|c| − 4|c| sin (θ + δ)
~ωk h 2
= 1 − |c| 2 Re e − 2 + 4 sin (θ + δ)
~ωk h 2 2 2 2
= 1 − |c| 2 cos (θ + δ) − 2 sin (θ + δ) − 2 + 4 sin (θ + δ)
From the above calculations, we observe that, in the coherent state |ci which is
a superposition of states with all possible number of photons (we sum from n = 0 to
n = ∞), the relative fluctuations in both the mean number of photons and the mean
electric field strength vanish:
= |c|−1 = N −1/2
∝ |c|−1 = N −1/2
as N → ∞. Hence, in this limit, the state |ci behaves like a classical electromagnetic
field. In other words, classical beam of electromagnetic radiation is retained from
quantum electrodynamics by considering a coherent state in the limit of infinite mean
number of photons.

2. The Lagrangian of a point particle of mass m and electric charge q moving in an

electromagnetic potential (φ, A) is given by:
1 q
L (x, ẋ) = mẋ2 + A • ẋ − qφ
2 c

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(i) The momentum p conjugate to x is:
∂L q
p≡ = mẋ + A
∂ ẋ c
The Euler-Lagrange equations become:
d ∂L ∂L d  q  q ∂(Aj ẋj ) ∂φ
− = mẋi + Ai − +q
dt ∂ ẋ ∂x dt c c ∂xi ∂xi
d q ∂Ai ∂Ai q ∂Aj ∂φ
= m ẋi + + ẋj − x˙j + q
dt c ∂t ∂xj c ∂xi ∂xi
d 1 ∂Ai ∂φ q ∂Ai ∂Aj
= m ẋi + q − − + ẋj −
dt c ∂t ∂xi c ∂xj ∂xi
d 1 ∂A ∂φ q
= m ẋ + q − − + ẋ • (∇ × A)
dt c ∂t ∂x c
where we have used the index notation; repeated indices imply summation.
The electromagnetic fields E, B are described in terms of the potentials
∂φ 1 ∂A
E=− − , B=∇×A
∂x c ∂t
and therefore the Euler-Lagrange equations give:
d 1
m ẋ = q E + ẋ • B
dt c
(ii) Given a Lagrangian L (x, ẋ), the Hamiltonian H(x, p) is:

H(x, p) = ẋ • p − L

Hence, in our case, the Hamiltonian becomes:

 q  1 q
H(x, p) = ẋ • mẋ + A − mẋ2 + A • ẋ − qφ
c 2 c
= mẋ2 + qφ
and since mẋ = p − qc A, we get the desired Hamiltonian:

1  q 2
= p − A + qφ
2m c

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With this Hamiltonian, the Hamiltonian equations of motion give:
ẋ =
1  q 
= p− A
m c
from which we retain:
p = mẋ + A
and also
d q ∂Ai ∂Ai
ṗ = m ẋi + + x˙j
dt c ∂t ∂xj
1  q  ∂  q  ∂φ
=− pj − A j − Aj − q
m c ∂xi c ∂xi
q ∂Aj ∂φ
= + ẋj −q
c ∂xi ∂xi
from which we retain:
d 1
m ẋ = q E + ẋ • B
dt c

3. Consider a Thomson Scattering process such that an unpolarized photon with a wavevec-
tor k collides with an electron, and a new photon with a wavevector k0 linearly po-
larized in a specific direction is emitted at an angle θ relative to the incoming photon
(k̂ • k̂0 = cos θ).
The differential cross-section for a Thomson scattering of photons with definite
initial and final polarizations α, β is given by:
σα→β dΩ = r02 εα • ε0β dΩ

where εα , ε0β are the initial and final polarization vectors respectively, and r0 ≡ 4πmc

is the classical electron radius.

To apply this result to our case, we average over the initial polarization α and
fix a definite final polarization, say β = 1. That is,
1 X
σunp.→1 dΩ = σα→1 dΩ
2 α=1,2

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Since ε1 , ε2 , and k̂ form an orthonormal coordinate system,
X 2  2
0 0
εα • εβ = 1 − k̂ • εβ

Similarly, ε01 , ε02 , and k̂0 also form an orthonormal coordinate system. In this coordi-
nate system, we can write:
k̂ = (sin θ cos φ, sin θ sin φ, cos θ)
Therefore, we obtain:
1 X 2 2
σunp.→1 dΩ = r0 [εα • ε01 ] dΩ
2 α=1,2
= r02 1 − sin2 θ cos2 φ dΩ

If we consider both of the two perpendicular final polarizations, we obtain the
unpolarized differential cross-section:
σunp. dΩ = (σunp.→1 + σunp.→2 ) dΩ
= r02 2 − sin2 θ cos2 φ − sin2 θ sin2 φ dΩ

1 2
= r0 1 + cos2 θ dΩ

which is identical Eq. (1.69a).
Now, consider the case when the scattering angle θ = 90◦ . Since the choice of
the final state polarization vectors ε01 , ε02 are arbitrary within a plane perpendicular
to k̂ , we choose them such that:
k̂ × k̂0
ε01 =
k̂ × k̂

and naturally ε02 = k̂0 ×ε01 for an orthonormal basis. By construction, k̂ = (cos φ, sin φ, 0)
is perpendicular to ε01 and therefore φ = π/2. Then,
σα→2 = 0
which implies that the final state polarization must be 100% in the ε01 direction, which
is the direction normal to the plane of scattering.

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2 Lagrangian Field Theory
1. Show the the transformation
L 0 (φr , φr,α ) = L (φr , φr,α ) + ∂α Λα (x)
where Λα (x), α = 0, ... , 3 are arbitrary functions of the fields φr (x) does not alter
the equations of motions.
First, since Λα are functions of φr (x) only, we have:
∂Λα ∂φr ∂Λα ∂Λα
= = φ r,α
∂xα ∂xα ∂φr ∂φr
Then, the Euler-Lagrange equations with the new Lagrangian density L 0 be-
∂L 0 ∂L 0 ∂Λα
∂ ∂ ∂L ∂
− = α + φs,α
∂xα ∂φr,α ∂φr ∂x ∂φr,α ∂φr,α ∂φs

− L + φs,α
∂φ ∂φs
∂Λα ∂ 2 Λα

∂ ∂L ∂L
= α + δrs − − φs,α
∂x ∂φr,α ∂φs ∂φr ∂φr ∂φs
∂ ∂L ∂L
= α −
∂x ∂φr,α ∂φ
 α r
∂ ∂Λ ∂ 2 Λα
+ α − φs,α
∂x ∂φr ∂φr ∂φs
∂ ∂L ∂L
= α −
∂x ∂φr,α ∂φr
2 α
∂φs ∂ Λ ∂ 2 Λα
+ α − φs,α
∂x ∂φs ∂φr ∂φr ∂φs
∂ ∂L ∂L
= α −
∂x ∂φr,α ∂φr

2. The real Klein-Gordon field is described by the Hamiltonian density:

1 2 2 2

H (x) = c π (x) + (∇φ) + µ φ 2 2
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and the Hamiltonian of the field is:
H≡ d3 x H (x)

The commutation relations of the fields are:

[φ(x, t), π(x0 , t)] = i~δ (x − x0 ) ,

[φ(x, t), φ(x0 , t)] = [π(x, t), π(x0 , t)] = 0

Before computing the commutation relations involving the Hamiltonian H, let

us first compute some simpler commutators.
 2 0
π (x , t), φ(x, t) = π(x0 , t)π(x0 , t)φ(x, t) − φ(x, t)π(x0 , t)π(x0 , t)

= π(x0 , t)π(x0 , t)φ(x, t)

− π(x , t)φ(x, t) + [φ(x, t), π(x , t)] π(x0 , t)
0 0

= π(x0 , t) [π(x0 , t), φ(x, t)] − [φ(x, t), π(x0 , t)] π(x0 , t)
= −2i~δ(x − x0 )π(x0 , t)

 2 0
φ (x , t), π(x, t) = φ(x0 , t)φ(x0 , t)π(x, t) − π(x, t)φ(x0 , t)φ(x0 , t)

= φ(x0 , t)φ(x0 , t)π(x, t)

− φ(x , t)π(x, t) + [π(x, t), φ(x , t)] φ(x0 , t)
0 0

= φ(x0 , t) [φ(x0 , t), π(x, t)] − [π(x, t), φ(x0 , t)] φ(x0 , t)
= 2i~δ(x0 − x)φ(x0 , t)
0 ∂ ∂ ∂
Also, define ∇ ≡ ∂x0 , ∂y0 , ∂z 0 . (This is to emphasize that the partial deriva-
tives are taken with respect to x0 , and ∇0 therefore does not act on functions of x,
e.g. ∇0 φ(x, t) = 0.) Then, we have:
h i
0 0 2
(∇ φ(x , t)) , φ(x, t) = 0

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h i  
0 0 2 0 0 0 0
(∇ φ(x , t)) , π(x, t) = ∇ φ(x , t) ∇ φ(x , t) π(x, t)

0 0 0 0
− π(x, t) ∇ φ(x , t) • ∇ φ(x , t)
0 0 0 0
= ∇ φ(x , t) ∇ φ(x , t)π(x, t)

− ∇ π(x, t)φ(x , t) • ∇0 φ(x0 , t)
0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
= ∇ φ(x , t) π(x, t)∇ φ(x , t) + ∇ [φ(x , t), π(x, t)]

− ∇ φ(x , t)π(x, t) − ∇ [φ(x , t), π(x, t)] • ∇0 φ(x0 , t)
0 0 0 0

= ∇0 φ(x0 , t) • i~∇0 δ(x0 − x) + i~∇δ(x − x0 ) • ∇0 φ(x0 , t)

= 2i~∇0 δ(x − x0 ) • ∇0 φ(x0 , t)

Now, we simply combine the above results to compute the commutator relations
with the Hamiltonian:
Z  Z 
[H, φ(x)] = d3 x0 H (x0 , t) φ(x, t) − φ(x, t) d3 x0 H (x0 , t)
3 0 1
2 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 0
= dx c π (x , t) + (∇ φ(x , t)) + µ φ (x , t) φ(x, t)
Z 2
3 0 1 2 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 0

− d x φ(x, t) c π (x , t) + (∇ φ(x , t)) + µ φ (x , t)
Z 2
= d3 x0 c2 π 2 (x0 , t), φ(x, t)

Z 2
= d3 x0 c2 (−2i~δ(x − x0 )π(x0 , t))
= −i~c π(x)

3 0 1 h 0 0 2
 2 0 
[H, π(x)] = d x (∇ φ(x , t)) , π(x, t) + µ φ (x , t), π(x, t)
Z 2
3 0 1
0 0 • 0 0 2 0 0
= dx 2i~∇ δ(x − x ) ∇ φ(x , t) + 2i~µ δ(x − x)φ(x , t)
= i~(µ2 − ∇2 )φ(x)

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3. Consider the Lagrangian density given by:
1  α β  1   µ2
L = − ∂α φβ (x) ∂ φ (x) + ∂α φ (x) ∂β φ (x) + φα (x)φα (x)
α β

2 2 2
where φα (x) is a real vector field.
The corresponding Euler-Lagrange equations are:
∂ ∂L ∂L ∂  
β α − α = β − φα + δα ∂γ φ − µ2 φα
,β β γ
∂x ∂φ ,β ∂φ ∂x
= −∂β ∂ β φα + ∂α ∂γ φγ − µ2 φα
= −  φα + ∂α ∂β φβ − µ2 φα

Rewriting φα = gαβ φβ and rearranging, we get:

gαβ  +µ2 − ∂α ∂β φβ (x) = 0


Now, if we take apply an additional derivative ∂ α to the field equations, we get:

∂ α gαβ  +µ2 − ∂α ∂β φβ (x) = ∂β  φβ + µ2 ∂β φβ −  ∂β φβ


= µ 2 ∂β φβ

For non-zero µ (i.e. the fields are massive), this implies the Lorenz Gauge condition:

∂α φα (x) = 0

4. The 3-momentum operator of the fields is defined as:

∂φr (x)
P ≡ d3 x πr (x)
This operator satisfies the following commutation relations:
P , φr (x) ≡ P j φr (x) − φr (x)P j

∂φr (x0 , t) ∂φr (x0 , t)

3 0 0 0
= d x πr (x , t) φr (x, t) − φr (x, t)πr (x , t)
∂x0j ∂x0j

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because the derivatives are with respect to x0 and does not affect φr (x, t),

∂φr (x0 , t)
= d3 x0 [πr (x0 , t), φr (x, t)]
Z 0
3 0 0 ∂φr (x , t)
= − d x i~δ (x − x )
∂φr (x)
= −i~
and, similarly,
∂φr (x0 , t) ∂φr (x0 , t)
3 0 0 0
P , πr (x) = d x πr (x , t) πr (x, t) − πr (x, t)πr (x , t)
∂x0j ∂x0j
" #
Z 0
∂φr (x , t)
= d3 x0 πr (x0 , t) , πr (x, t)

= d3 x0 πr (x0 , t) 0 [φr (x0 , t), πr (x, t)]

= i~ d3 x0 πr (x0 , t) 0 δ (x0 − x)
∂πr (x)
= −i~
Consider an arbitrary operator F (x) = F (φr (x), πr (x)) that can be written as
a power series of φr (x) and πr (x):

F (x) = an φnr (x) + bn πrn (x)

where an ’s and bn ’s are arbitrary complex numbers.

Using the commutator identity

[A, B n ] = nB n−1 [A, B]

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we se that F (x) satisfies:

am P j , φm
    j n 
P , F (x) = r (x) + bn P , πr (x)
am mφm−1 (x) P j , φr (x) + bn nπrn−1 (x) P j , πr (x)
= r

X ∂φr (x) ∂πr (x)
= −i~ am mφm−1
r (x) + bn nπrn−1 (x)
∂xj ∂xj
∂F (x)
= −i~
Define the 4-momentum of the fields as: P α = (H/c, P j ), α = 0, ... , 3 where
H is the Hamiltonian of the fields. Then, combining the above result with the Heisen-
berg equation of motion:
∂F (x)
[H, F (x)] = −i~c
gives the covariant equations of motion:
∂F (x)
[P α , F (x)] = −i~

5. Consider a scalar field φr (xα ) invariant under translations xα −→ x0α = xα + δα

where δα is a constant 4-vector. i.e.,
φ0 (x0α ) = φ(xα )

or, equivalently,

φ0 (xα ) = φ(xα − δα )
In the limit of an infinitesimal transformation (δα  1), we can write the trans-
formation as:
φ0 (xα ) = φ(xα − δα )
+ O δ2

= φ(xα ) − δα
≈ φ(xα ) + δα [P α , φ(x)]

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where we have used the result from the previous problem: [P α , F (x)] = −i~ ∂F (x)
∂xα .
Let us write the corresponding unitary transformation U as:
U = eiδα T
where T α is a Hermitian operator (T α† = T α ). In terms of U , the same translation
transformation can also be written as:
φ0 (x) = U φ(x)U †
≈ (1 + iδα T α )φ(x)(1 − iδα T α )
= φ(x) + iδα [T α , φ(x)] + O(δ 2 )
Comparing the two results, we see that T α = −P α /~ and therefore:
U = e−iδα P /~

3 The Klein-Gordon Field

1. A real Klein-Gordon field can be written as:
φ(x) = φ+ (x) + φ− (x)
X ~c2 
a(k)e−ikx + a† (k)eikx

2V ωk

where k is the wavenumber of the field and k 0 = ωk /c.

Then, we have:
φ̇(x) ≡
X ~c2 h ωk  −ikx
k † ikx
= −i c a(k)e + i c a (k)e
2V ωk c c
X ~c2
ωk a(k)e−ikx − a† (k)e−ikx
= −i
2V ωk
and therefore:
X ~c2
iφ̇(x) + ωk φ(x) = ωk 2a(k)e−ikx
2V ωk

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To re-write the expression in the k-space, use Fourier transform, i.e. apply
R 0
V d3 x eik x on both sides. Then, we get:
  Z X 2~c2 ωk 0
d3 x eik x iφ̇(x) + ωk φ(x) = d3 x a(k)e−ikx eik x
Z X 2~c2 ωk
= d3 x a(k)δkk0
= 2~c2 V ωk0 a(k0 )
Rewriting this, we get:
−1/2 3 ikx
a(k) = 2~c V ωk d xe iφ̇(x) + ωk φ(x)

We define x = (x, t) and x0 = (x , t) to denote two different points in space.


Then, we have the following commutator relationship:

† 0 1 0 0
d x d3 x0 ei(kx−k x )
a(k), a (k ) = 2

2~c V ωk ωk0 V
h V  
0 0
× iφ̇(x) + ωk φ(x) −iφ̇(x ) + ωk φ(x )0

0 0
− −iφ̇(x ) + ωk0 φ(x ) iφ̇(x) + ωk φ(x)

since φ(x) is a real field and thus a Hermitian operator after quantization.
Given the commutator relationship [φ(x, t), φ̇(x0 , t)], this then becomes:
1 0 0
a(k, a† (k0 )) = d3 x d3 x0 ei(kx−k x )

2~c V ωk ωk0 V V
h i
0 0
× iωk0 [φ̇(x), φ(x )] − iωk [φ(x), φ̇(x )]
1 0 0
= 2
√ d3 x d3 x0 ei(kx−k x )
2~c V ωk ωk0 V V
h i
2 0 2 0
× ωk0 ~c δ (x − x) + ωk ~c δ (x − x )
~c2 (ωk + ωk0 )
3 i(k−k 0 )x
= √ d x e
2~c2 V ωk ωk0 V
ωk + ωk 0
= √ V δkk0 ei(ωk −ωk0 )t
2V ωk ωk0
= δkk0

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Also, we see that:
0 1 0 0
[a(k), a(k )] = 2
√ d x d3 x0 ei(kx+k x )
2~c V ωk ωk0 V
h V  
0 0
× iφ̇(x) + ωk φ(x) iφ̇(x ) + ωk φ(x ) 0

0 0
− iφ̇(x ) + ωk0 φ(x ) iφ̇(x) + ωk φ(x)
1 3 3 0 i(kx+k 0 x0 )
= √ d x d xe
2~c2 V ωk ωk0 V V
h i
0 0
× iωk0 [φ̇(x), φ(x )] + iωk [φ(x), φ̇(x )]
1 3 3 0 i(kx+k 0 x0 )
= √ d x d xe
2~c2 V ωk ωk0 V V
h i
2 0 2 0
× + ωk0 ~c δ (x − x) − ωk ~c δ(x − x )
1 3 i(k+k 0 )x
h i
= √ d xe ωk 0 − ω k
2V ωk ωk0 V
= √ δk,−k0 (ωk0 − ωk )
2 ωk ωk 0
However, ωk = ω−k . Hence, when the delta function is non-zero (i.e. k = −k0 ),
ωk − ωk0 = 0. Therefore,

[a(k), a(k0 )] = 0

and, similarly,
a (k), a† (k0 ) = 0

2. A pair of complex Klein-Gordon fields φ(x) and φ† (x) can be described by two
independent real fields φr (x), r = 1, 2:
1 1
φ = √ (φ1 + iφ2 ) , φ† = √ (φ1 − iφ2 )
2 2
and each of the real fields can be expanded as:
X ~c2 
ar (k)e−ikx + a†r (k)eikx

φr (x) =
2V ωk

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Now, suppose we wish to expand the complex field φ(x) as:
X ~c2 
a(k)e−ikx + b† (k)eikx

φ(x) =
2V ωk

This expansion, in terms of the real fields φr (x), requires:

X ~c2 1 h −ikx † ikx −ikx † ikx
= √ a1 (k)e + a1 (k)e + ia2 (k)e + ia2 (k)e
2V ωk 2
X ~c2 1  −ikx 1 † †  ikx
= √ a1 (k) + ia2 (k) e + √ a1 (k) + ia2 (k) e
2V ωk 2 2

Therefore, this expansion of the complex field φ(x) requires:

a(k) = √ (a1 (k) + ia2 (k))
b(k) = √ (a1 (k) − ia2 (k))
From here on, let x = (x, t) and x0 = (x0 , t). In other words, we will not
consider commutators of operators at different times in this problem.
Now, from the commutator relationships of the real field operators, we can com-
pute those of the complex field operators.
h i  1 1  
φ(x), φ̇† (x0 ) = √ (φ1 (x) + iφ2 (x)) , √ φ̇1 (x0 ) − iφ̇2 (x0 )
2 2
1 h
i h
= φ1 (x), φ̇1 (x ) + φ2 (x), φ̇2 (x )
= i~c2 δ (x − x0 )

since [φr (x), φr (x0 )] = i~c2 δ (x − x0 ) for any real field φr .

As one would expect based on the commutators of real fields, we see that:

φ(x), φ(x0 ) = φ̇(x), φ̇(x0 )


= φ† (x), φ† (x0 ) = φ̇† (x), φ̇† (x0 ) = 0


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Also, because φ1 , φ2 commute (at a given time) and φ, φ† are merely the linear com-
binations, we also see that:
 † 0
 h † 0
φ(x), φ (x ) = φ̇(x), φ̇ (x ) = 0

(In this sense, φ and φ† are independent fields.)

One less intuitive (and different from the properties of real fields) result is that:
h i  1 1  
φ(x), φ̇(x0 ) = √ (φ1 (x) + iφ2 (x)) , √ φ̇1 (x0 ) + iφ̇2 (x0 )
2 2
1 h
i h
= φ1 (x), φ̇1 (x ) − φ2 (x), φ̇2 (x )
h i
† † 0
and, similarly, φ (x), φ̇ (x ) = 0.
Furthermore, we see that:
 † 0
 1  1 † 0 † 0

a(k), a (k ) = √ a1 (k) + ia2 (k) , √ a1 (k ) − ia2 (k )
2 2
† 0
  † 0

= a1 (k), a1 (k ) + a2 (k), a2 (k )
= δkk0

and, similarly, b(k), b† (k0 ) = δk,k0 .


It is easy to see that

a(k), a(k0 ) = b(k), b(k0 ) = a(k), b(k0 ) = 0


since these will involve annihilation operators only, and the two real fields are inde-
pendent. The same holds for their Hermitian conjugates (creation operators only).
Lastly, we also can compute:
1 1
a(k), b† (k0 ) = √ a1 (k) + ia2 (k) , √ a†1 (k0 ) + ia†2 (k0 )
2 2

† 0
  † 0

= a1 (k), a1 (k ) − a2 (k), a2 (k )

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3. The Feynman ∆-function can be written as:
1 4
∆F (x) = dk 2
(2π)4 k − µ2 + i
where we let  tend to zero after theintegration.
Applying the operator  +µ2 to this function, we get:

 1 4
 +µ ∆F (x) =  +µ dk 2
(2π)4 k − µ2 + i
1 4 1 2
= d k  +µ e
(2π)4 k 2 − µ2 + i
1 4 1 2 2
= d k −k + µ e
(2π)4 k 2 − µ2 + i
4 −e
= dk
(2π)4 1 + iκ
= −δ (4) (x)

where we have defined κ = /(k 2 − µ2 ) and let it tend to zero.

Hence, the Feynman ∆-function satisfies the inhomogeneous Klein-Gordon

4. Let φ be a complex Klein-Gordon field, representing a charged meson. It can be

written as:

X ~c2 
a(k)e−ikx + b† (k)eikx

φ(x) = φ (x) + φ (x) =
2V ωk

where the operators a and b follow the commutator relationships derived earlier.
Recall from Problem 2 that:

a(k), a(k0 ) = b† (k), b† (k0 ) = a(k), b† (k0 ) = 0


and therefore, unlike the commutator of a real field, we now have:

[φ(x), φ(x0 )] = 0

for any two different points x, x0 in spacetime.

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Instead, for complex fields, we see that:

φ(x), φ† (x0 ) = φ+ (x), φ†− (x0 ) + φ− (x), φ†+ (x0 )


is non-zero.
The first commutator is:
 ~c2 X 1  0
φ (x), φ†− (x0 ) = a(k), a† (k0 ) e−i(kx−k x)

2V 0
ωk ωk 0
~c X 1 0
= √ δkk0 e−i(kx−k x)
2V 0
ωk ωk 0
~c2 X e−ik(x−x )
2V ωk

which, upon taking the limit V → ∞, becomes:

−ik(x−x0 )
3 e
= dk
2(2π)3 ωk
+ 0
≡ i~c∆ (x − x )

where Z 3
+ 0 −ic d k −ik(x−x0 )
∆ (x − x ) ≡ e
2(2π)3 ωk
is defined the same way as it was defined for real field Klein-Gordon fields (neutral
mesons). Similarly, the second commutator is:
φ (x), φ†+ (x0 ) = i~c∆− (x − x0 )

Therefore, we have:

φ(x), φ† (x0 ) = i~c ∆+ (x − x0 ) + ∆− (x − x0 ) ≡ i~c∆(x − x0 )


where ∆(x) ≡ ∆+ (x) + ∆− (x).

Now, define the Feynman ∆-function of a complex Klein-Gordon field φ as:

i~c∆F (x − x0 ) ≡ h0|T φ(x)φ† (x0 ) |0i

where T { } is the time-ordered product.

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Then, this Feynman ∆-function, or the Feynman propagator, turns out to be of
the same form as that of a real Klein-Gordon field:
∆F (x) = θ(t)∆+ (x) − θ(−t)∆− (x)
1 4
= d k
(2π)4 k 2 − µ2 + i
where θ(t) is the Heaviside
 step† function.
If t < t, then T φ(x)φ (x0 ) = φ(x)φ† (x0 ), and the Feynman propagator

i~c∆F (x − x0 ) = h0|φ(x)φ† (x0 )|0i
= h0|φ+ (x)φ†− (x0 )|0i
which is interpreted as: a particle is created by a† (k) at x0 , then propagates to x which
is a later point in time, and is absorbed (annihilated) by a(k) at x.
When t0 > t, then T φ(x)φ† (x0 ) = φ† (x0 )φ(x), and therefore:
i~c∆F (x − x0 ) = h0|φ† (x0 )φ(x)|0i
= h0|φ†+ (x0 )φ− (x)|0i
which is interpreted as: an anti-particle is created by b† (k) at x, then propagates to
x0 , and is absorbed (annihilated) by b(k) at x.

5. The charge conjugation operator C is defined by:

φ(x) −→ C φ(x)C −1 = ηc φ† (x)
where C is a unitary operator which leaves the vacuum invariant (i.e., C |0i = |0i),
and ηc is a phase factor.
First, note that:
φ† (x) → C φ† (x)C −1

and, since C is unitary, we can rewrite this as:

= (C −1 )† φ† (x)C †
= C φ(x)C −1
= ηc φ† (x)
= ηc∗ φ(x)

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Then, under
 the charge conjugation, the complex Klein-Gordon Lagrangian
density L = N (∂α φ† )(∂ α φ) − µ2 φ† φ becomes:
L = N (ηc ∂α φ)(ηc ∂ φ ) − µ (ηc φ)(ηc φ )
0 ∗ α † 2 ∗ †
∗ α † 2 †
= (ηc ηc ) N (∂α φ)(∂ φ ) − µ φφ

Since all commutators inside the normal product vanish, this simplifies to:
† α 2 †
= N (∂α φ )(∂ φ) − µ φ φ
Thus, the Lagrangian density is invariant under the charge conjugation.
On the other hand, the charge-current density
α q  α † † α

s = −i N φ∂ φ − φ ∂ φ
0α q  † α ∗ ∗ α †

s = −i N (ηc φ )∂ (ηc φ) − (ηc φ)∂ (ηc φ )
q ∗ 
† α α †

= −i (ηc ηc )N φ ∂ φ − φ∂ φ
q α † † α

= +i N φ∂ φ − φ ∂ φ
= −sα
Thus, the charge-current density changes sign under the charge conjugation.
Writing φ(x), φ† (x) out in their expansion forms in terms of the absorption and
creation operators, we see that:
X ~c2 
C φ(x)C −1 = C a(k)C −1 e−ikx + C b† (k)C −1 eikx

2V ωk
= ηc φ† (x)
X ~c2  †
a (k)eikx + b(k)e−ikx

= ηc
2V ωk

which implies that:

C a(k)C −1 = ηc b(k) , C b(k)C −1 = ηc∗ a(k)

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Then, we also see that, under the charge conjugation, single-particle states trans-
form as:
C |a, ki = C a† (k) |0i
= C a† (k)C −1 |0i
= C a(k)C −1 |0i
= ηc∗ b† (k) |0i
= ηc∗ |b, ki

and, similarly,

C |b, ki = ηc |a, ki
where we have used the fact that the vacuum state |0i is unchanged by C or C −1 .
Thus, the charge conjugation C interchanges the particles (a-particles) and the
anti-particles (b-particles).

6. The parity transformation (i.e. spatial inversion) of the Hermitian (real) Klein-Gordon
field φ(x) is defined by:
φ(x, t) −→ Pφ(x, t)P −1 = ηp φ(−x, t)
where the parity operator P is unitary which leaves the vacuum invariant (i.e.,
P |0i = |0i), and ηp = ±1 is called the intrinsic parity of the field. Note that
P only influences the spatial argument of the field, but not the time t.
Under the given parity transformation, the Lagrangian density of the real Klein-
Gordon field L = 21 (∂α φ)(∂ α φ) − µ2 φ2 transform as:
1 ∂φ(−x, t) ∂φ(−x, t)
L 0 (x, t) = ηp α
ηp − µ2 ηp2 φ2 (−x, t)
2 ∂x ∂xα
ηp 1 ∂ 2 φ(−x, t)

= 2 2
− (∇φ(−x, t))2 − µ2 φ2 (−x, t)
2 c ∂t
1 1 ∂ φ(x, t)
= 2 2
− (−1)2 (∇φ(x, t))2 − µ2 φ2 (−x, t)
2 c ∂t
(∂α φ(x, t))(∂ α φ(x,t)) − µ2 φ2 (−x, t)
where we have used the chain rule for ∇ and the fact that ηp2 = +1.

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Also, φ2 is necessarily an even function of each component of x. i.e.,
φ2 (x, t) = φ2 (−x, t)
Thus, the Lagrangian density L is invariant under the parity transformation:
L 0 (x, t) = (∂α φ(x, t))(∂ α φ(x, t)) − µ2 φ2 (x, t) = L (x, t)

Next, using the field operator φ(x) in the expansion form in terms of the ab-
sorption and creation operators, we can write:
X ~c2  0 −i(ωk0 t+k0 x) 0
+ a† (k0 )ei(ωk0 t+k x)
• •

φ(−x, t) = a(k )e
2V ωk0

Define k = −k0 . Note that ωk0 = ω−k = ωk . Then, we can write:

X ~c2 
a(−k)e−i(ωk t−k x) + a† (−k)ei(ωk t−k x)
• •

2V ωk

Then, the parity transformation of φ(x) can be written as:

X ~c2 
Pφ(x, t)P −1 = Pa(k)P −1 e−i(ωk t−k x) + Pa† (k)P −1 ei(ωk t−k x)


2V ωk
X ~c2 
a(−k)e−i(ωk t−k x) + a† (−k)ei(ωk t−k x)

= ηp
2V ωk

Therefore, we derive the transformation laws for the absorption and creation
operators under P:
Pa(k)P −1 = ηp a(−k) , Pa† (k)P −1 = ηp a† (−k)
Then, we can derive how an arbitrary n-particle state transforms:
P |k1 , ... , kn i = Pa† (k1 ) ... a† (kn ) |0i
= Pa† (k1 ) ... a† (kn )P −1 |0i
= Pa† (k1 )P −1 ... Pa† (kn )P −1 |0i

= ηpn a† (−k1 ) ... a† (−kn ) |0i

= ηpn |−k1 , ... , −kn i

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Now, let A and B arbitrary operators, and define:
B0 = B, Bn = [A, Bn−1 ] , for n = 1, 2, ...
Then, the following holds identically:

iαA −iαA
X (iα)n
e Be = Bn

We choose B = B0 = a(k).
(i) First, we define:
P1 ≡ eiα1 A1

π X
α1 = − , A1 = a† (k)a(k)

Then, we can calculate the commutators [A1 , Bn−1 ]:

" #
[A1 , B0 ] = a† (k0 )a(k0 ), a(k)
a† (k0 ), a(k) a(k0 )

=− δk0 k a(k0 )
= −a(k)
and, by induction,
[A1 , Bn−1 ] = (−1)n a(k)
Therefore, we get:
P1 a(k)P1−1 = eiα1 A1 a(k)e−iα1 A1

X 1  π n
= +i a(k)
n! 2
= eiπ/2 a(k)
= ia(k)

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(ii) Next, we define:

P2 ≡ eiα2 A2

π X
α2 = η p , A2 = a† (k)a(−k)

Then, the commutators [A2 , Bn−1 ] are:

[A2 , Bn1 ] = (−1)n a(−k)

Therefore, we get:

P2 a(k)P2−1 = eiα2 A2 a(k)e−iα2 A2

X 1  π n
= −i ηp a(−k)
n! 2
= e−iηp π/2 a(−k)
= −iηp a(−k)

Since αr ’s and Ar ’s are real for both r = 1, 2, Pr = eiαr Ar are unitary. There-
fore, the product P1 P2 is unitary as well. Note that the product operator satisfies
the following identity:

(P1 P2 ) a(k) (P1 P2 )−1 = P1 P2 a(k)P2−1 P1−1

= P1 (−iηp a(−k)) P1−1
= +ηp a(−k)

which was derived earlier in this problem as the parity transformation law for the
absorption operator a(k).
Thus, P1 P2 gives an explicit form for the parity operator P.

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4 The Dirac Field
1. For any given Dirac field ψ, we have the anti-commutator relationship:
ψ(x), ψ(y) ≡ ψ(x), ψ(y) + = iS(x − y)
∂ mc
S(x) = S + (x) + S − (x) = iγ µ µ + ∆(x)
∂x ~
Z 3
+ − −c dk
∆(x) = ∆ (x) + ∆ (x) = 3
(2π) ωk
First, note that we have:
−c d3 k ∂

∆(x) = sin(kν xν )
∂xµ (2π)3 ωk ∂x µ

−c d3 k
= kµ cos (ωk t − k • x)
(2π)3 ωk
Now, consider two points x, y at a same given time. That is,
x = (ct, x) and y = (ct, y)
Then, the anti-commutator above becomes:

ψ(x), ψ(y) 0 0 = iS(0, x − y)
x =y
Z 3 h
−ic dk µ i
= iγ kµ cos (−k • (x − y)) + sin (−k • (x − y))
(2π)3 ωk
Note that, if x − y 6= 0, the integrand is an odd function of k. Therefore, the
anti-commutator vanishes if x0 = y 0 and xi 6= y i . However, if x = y, the above
expression becomes:
Z 3 h Z 3 h
−ic dk µ i −ic d k 0 ωk i
iγ kµ cos 0 + sin 0 = i γ − γ ki
(2π)3 ωk (2π)3 ωk c
0 1
= +γ 3
d3 k
where the odd part of the integrand γ i ki vanishes again.
Therefore, the equal-time commutator for the Dirac field ψ is:
ψ(x), ψ(y) ≡ ψ(x), ψ(y) + = γ 0 δ(x − y)

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∂ mc ∂ mc ∂ mc
iγ µ µ − S(x) = iγ µ µ − iγ ν ν + ∆(x)
∂x ~ ∂x ~ ∂x ~
  mc 2 
µ ν
= −γ γ ∂µ ∂ν + ∆(x)
Recall that γ µ γ ν = g µν . Defining µ ≡ mc/~, we get:

= −  +µ2 ∆(x)

because ∆(x) satisfies the Klein-Gordon equation, which was mentioned in Chap-
ter 3.
Similarly, we also have:
∂ mc ∂ mc ∂ mc
iγ µ µ − SF (x) = iγ µ µ − iγ ν ν + ∆F (x)
∂x ~ ∂x ~ ∂x ~
= −  +µ2 ∆F (x)

= +δ (4) (x)
where the last step is the result of Chapter 3 Problem 3.
Hence, the functions S(x) and SF (x) satisfy the homogeneous and inhomoge-
neous Dirac equations respectively (because ∆(x) and ∆F (x) satisfy the homoge-
neous and inhomogeneous Klein-Gordon equations).

3. The charge-current density operator of the Dirac field ψ(x) is given by:
sµ (x) = −ecψ(x)γ µ ψ(x)
Let x, y be two different points at equal times. In other words, we have x0 =
y 0 = ct, but x 6= y. Then, thanks to the results from Problem 1, we have:

ψ(x), ψ(y) = 0
Also, we have the general anti-commutator relationships:
ψ(x), ψ(y) = ψ(x), ψ(y) = 0


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4. Recall the expansion of the real Klein-Gordon field φ(x):

X ~c2 
a(k)e−ikx + a† (k)eikx

φ(x) = φ (x) + φ (x) =
2V ωk

Now, supposes that we impose the anti-commutator relationships, instead of the

normal commutator relationships, on the absorption and creation operators:
a(k), a† (k0 ) = δkk0

{a(k), a(k0 )} = a† (k), a† (k0 ) = 0

This is equivalent to imposing Fermi-Dirac statistics, instead of Bose-Einstein statis-

The following identity will be useful in this problem.
A, B = AB − BA = 2AB − A, B}
Now, consider two points x, y in spacetime with a space-like separation (x − y).
First, we have:
 ~c2 X 1 h  † 0
−i(kx−k0 y)  † 0
i(kx−k0 y) i
φ(x), φ(y) = √ − a(k), a (k ) e − a (k), a(k ) e
2V 0
ωk ωk 0
~c2 X 1 
−i(kx−k 0 y) i(kx−k 0 y)

=− √ δkk0 e +e
2V 0
ω k ω k 0
~c2 X 1
=− cos (k(x − y))
V ωk

Since this quantity is Lorentz-invariant, it suffices to show its behavior for any
x, y with a space-like separation. Hence, we choose x, y such that they are at equal
time, but with non-zeros spatial separation x − y. Then, each cosine term is a non-
zero even function of k. Hence, the sum is non-zero.
Similarly, we can see that:
φ(x), φ(y) = 2φ(x)φ(y) − φ(x), φ(y)
~c2 X 1 
−i(kx−k 0 y) i(kx−k 0 y)

= 2φ(x)φ(y) + √ δkk0 e +e
2V 0
ω k ω k 0
~c X 1
= 2φ(x)φ(y) + cos (k(x − y))
V ωk

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is also non-zero.
Therefore, having imposed the anti-commutator relationships on a(k), a† (k),
we see that neither the commutator nor the anti-commutator of the Klein-Gordon
field φ can be zero for x, y with a space-like separation.
This will prevent the commutator of any bilinear physical observable of φ at
x, y to be zero, which is a violation of microcausality. Thus, we observe that the
absorption and creation operators of the Klein-Gordon field must be quantized using
the commutator relationships (i.e. Bose-Einstein statistics).

5. For a Dirac field ψ, we define the chiral phase transformations as:

ψ(x) → ψ 0 (x) = exp(iαγ5 )ψ(x) , ψ † (x) → ψ † (x) = ψ † (x) exp(−iαγ5 )
where γ5 ≡ iγ0 γ1 γ2 γ3 and α is an arbitrary real parameter.
Note that γ5 anti-commutes with all γµ ’s (µ = 0, 1, 2, 3). That is, each time the
order of product between γ5 and a γµ is exchanged, the term gains a negative sign.
Under this transformation, the Lagrangian density

L = cψ(x) i~γ µ µ − mc ψ(x)
transforms to:

L 0 = cψ̄ 0 (x)γ 0 i~γ µ µ − mc ψ 0 (x)
† 0 µ ∂
= cψ (x) exp(−iαγ5 )γ i~γ − mc exp(iαγ5 )ψ(x)
The first term has two powers of the Dirac γ-matrix: the γ 0 originating from the
adjoint spinor ψ 0 and the γ µ in front of the derivative. Hence, the first term can be re-
ordered such that the two exponential factors due to the chiral phase transformation
cancel each other. However, the second term (i.e. the mass term) has only one γ 0 ,
and thus gains a negative sign after such re-ordering. Hence,
µ ∂
L = cψ(x) i~γ
+ mc ψ(x)
Therefore, the Lagrangian density is invariant only if the mass is zero.
The infinitesimal chiral phase transformation is obtained in the limit α  1:
ψ 0 (x) = ψ(x) + δψ(x) = ψ(x) + iαγ5 ψ(x)
ψ † (x) = ψ † (x) + δψ † (x) = ψ † (x) − iαψ † (x)γ5

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Because the massless Lagrangian density is invariant under this transformation, we
have the corresponding conserved current:
µ ∂L
f (x) = δψ(x)
= cψ(x)i~γ µ iαγ5 ψ(x)

= −α~cψ(x)γ µ γ5 ψ(x)

Re-writing without the constants, we see that the axial vector current

jAµ (x) = ψ(x)γ µ γ5 ψ(x)

is conserved under the chiral phase transformation of a massless Dirac field.

Now, for a given massive Dirac field ψ(x), consider two new fields:
1 1
ψL (x) ≡ (1 − γ5 ) ψ(x) , ψR (x) ≡ (1 + γ5 ) ψ(x)
2 2
The subscripts L,R stand for “left-handed” and “right-handed” components of the
Dirac field ψ. They are also called “negative/positvie helicity” components, respec-
Note that:

ψL + ψR = ψ , ψR − ψL = γ5 ψ

Applying the operator i~∂/ − mc to the left of ψL,R gives their equations of
 µ ∂ 1
i~∂/ − mc ψL (x) = i~γ − mc (1 − γ5 ) ψ(x)
∂xµ 2
1 ∂ ∂
= i~γ µ µ − mc ψ(x) − i~γ µ µ − mc γ5 ψ(x)
2 ∂x ∂x
1 ∂
= 0 + γ5 i~γ µ µ + mc ψ(x)
2 ∂x
1 ∂
= γ5 i~γ µ µ − mc ψ(x) + 2mcγ5 ψ(x)
2 ∂x
= mcγ5 ψ(x)
= mc (ψR (x) − ψL (x))

where we have used that ψ(x) satisfies the Dirac equation: i~∂/ − mc ψ(x) = 0.

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Similarly, we also have:
i~∂/ − mc ψR (x) = i~∂/ − mc (1 + γ5 )ψ(x)
= γ5 −i~∂/ − mc ψ(x)
= −mcγ5 ψ(x)
= −mc (ψR (x) − ψL (x))
If the mass m of the Dirac field ψ(x) was zero, then the equations of motion for
ψL , ψR would be decoupled:

i~γ µ ψL,R = 0
Now, consider the Lagrangian density:
LL = i~cψ L (x)γ µ ∂µ ψL (x)
1 − γ5
ψL = ψ
The corresponding Euler-Lagrange equations are:
∂ ∂LL ∂LL ∂  µ

− = µ i~cψ L γ
∂xµ ∂ψL,µ ∂ψL ∂x
∂ 1 − γ5
= i~c µ ψ † γ 0 γµ
∂x 2
∂ † 1 + γ5 0
= i~c µ ψ γ γµ
∂x 2

= i~c µ ψR γ µ
∂ ∂LL ∂LL ∂
− = −i~cγ µ ψL
∂xµ ∂ψ L,µ ∂ψ L ∂xµ
Therefore, the given Lagrangian LL describes the right-handed massless anti-
fermions and the left-handed massless fermions only.

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5 Photons: Covariant Theory

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