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The Impact of Technology on the Quality-Value-Loyalty Chain: A Research


Article  in  Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science · April 2012

DOI: 10.1177/0092070300281015

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2 authors:

A Parsu Parasuraman Dhruv Grewal

University of Miami Babson College


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The Impact of Technology on

the Quality-Value-Loyalty Chain:
A Research Agenda
A. Parasuraman
Dhruv Grewal
University of Miami

In this article, the authors first propose a simple model issue. While the agenda we propose is consistent with the
summarizing the key drivers of customer loyalty. Then, on theme of serving customers and consumers effectively, it
the basis of this model and drawing on key insights from is not intended to be exhaustive because it relies primarily
the preceding articles in this issue, they outline a set of is- on our own past research. But we hope that it will serve as a
sues for further research related to the quality-value- useful concluding synthesis for this special issue and high-
loyalty chain. Next, the authors develop a conceptual light a set of critical issues worthy of further investigation.
framework that integrates the quality-value-loyalty chain The constructs of service quality, perceived value, and
with the “pyramid model,” which emphasizes the increas- customer loyalty have been gaining increasing promi-
ing importance of technology-customer, technology- nence in the marketing literature and in business practice.
employee, and technology-company linkages in serving As implied by many of the preceding articles, these con-
customers. Using this integrated framework as a spring- structs will continue to be critical. Much of our past
board, they identify a number of avenues for additional in- research with colleagues has focused on service quality
quiry pertaining to the three types of linkages. (e.g., Baker, Grewal, and Parasuraman 1994; Gotlieb, Gre-
wal, and Brown 1994; Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry
1985, 1988, 1994a), perceived value (e.g., Dodds, Mon-
roe, and Grewal 1991; Grewal, Monroe, and Krishnan
The preceding articles in this special issue collectively 1998), and precursors of customer loyalty such as
offer a rich set of insights for both managerial practice and prepurchase and postpurchase product evaluations (e.g.,
further research related to serving customers and consum- Voss, Parasuraman, and Grewal 1998) and behavioral
ers effectively in the twenty-first century. These insights intentions (e.g., Zeithaml, Berry, and Parasuraman 1996).
cover macro perspectives (i.e., aspects pertaining to mar- The cumulative insights from our studies support the gen-
kets as a whole) as well as micro perspectives (i.e., aspects eral notion that service quality enhances perceived value,
pertaining to individual seller-buyer linkages within mar- which, in turn, contributes to customer loyalty. The
kets). The primary goal of this concluding article is to offer quality-value-loyalty linkage is also consistent with
an agenda for additional research on issues that augment Heskett, Sasser, and Schlesinger’s (1997) work on the
those identified in the previous articles. We generate this service-profit chain and Reichheld’s (1996) work on
agenda by drawing on insights from our prior research loyalty.
with colleagues (relating to the topics of service quality,
perceived value, and customer loyalty) and melding those
insights with the main points of the other articles in this THE QUALITY-VALUE-LOYALTY CHAIN

Figure 1 shows a simplified synthesis of the scholarly

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.
Volume 28, No. 1, pages 168-174. literature as well as anecdotal evidence related to the driv-
Copyright © 2000 by Academy of Marketing Science. ers of customer loyalty. It is widely known that perceived
Parasuraman, Grewal / THE IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY 169

FIGURE 1 the context of perceived value and customer loyalty since

Key Drivers of Customer Loyalty these are important determinants of market performance.
Early research (Gronroos 1982; Lehtinen and Lehtinen
1982; Lewis and Booms 1983; Sasser, Olsen, and Wyckoff
1978) has suggested that customers assess service quality
by comparing what they feel a seller should offer (i.e., their
expectations) with the seller’s actual service performance.
This depiction of service quality found strong support in
an extensive exploratory study (Parasuraman et al. 1985),
which also identified various specific attributes on which
customers might assess the expectations-performance
gap. Building on this study, and on the basis of findings
from empirical research in several sectors, Parasuraman
et al. (1988; Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry 1991)
identified five generic dimensions that customers use as
criteria in judging service quality:

• Reliability: Ability to perform the promised service

value, the key determinant of customer loyalty, is com- dependably and accurately
posed of a “get” component—that is, the benefits a buyer • Responsiveness: Willingness to help customers and
derives from a seller’s offering—and a “give” compo- provide prompt service
nent—that is, the buyer’s monetary and nonmonetary • Assurance: Knowledge and courtesy of employees
costs of acquiring the offering (e.g., Dodds et al. 1991; and their ability to inspire trust and confidence
Zeithaml 1988). Much of the past scholarly research on • Empathy: Caring, individualized attention the firm
perceived value has focused primarily on product quality provides its customers
as the get component and on price as the give component • Tangibles: Appearance of physical facilities, equip-
(Grewal et al. 1998; Lichtenstein, Netemeyer, and Burton ment, personnel, and communication materials
1990; Zeithaml 1988). However, clearly, service quality is
also a logical driver of perceived value. In instances where Of the five service quality dimensions, reliability has
the core of what the seller offers to the buyer is a service generally surfaced as the most critical dimension, based on
(e.g., insurance, financial advice, consulting), there is no both direct measures of relative importance (Zeithaml,
tangible product and, as such, product quality and service Parasuraman, and Berry 1990) and importance weights
quality overlap. Even in instances where the buyer-seller derived from regression analyses (Parasuraman et al.
exchange involves a physical product, superior presale and 1988, 1991). Providing reliable service is thus the core ele-
postsale service rendered by the seller can add to the bene- ment of service quality as shown in Figure 2, a detailed
fits received (get component) and also reduce the buyer’s version of Figure 1.
nonmonetary cost such as time, effort, and mental stress The perceived value component in Figure 2 shows four
(give component). Figure 1 acknowledges the role of ser- different types of value that have been identified in the lit-
vice quality in perceived-value determination by depicting erature (e.g., Grewal et al. 1998; Grewal, Krishnan, and
it as a distinct component. Sharma 1999; Woodruff 1997): acquisition value, the
The relative influence of service quality, product qual- benefits (relative to monetary costs) buyers believe they
ity, and price on a buyer’s assessment is an issue in need of are getting by acquiring a product/service; transaction
systematic empirical research (Parasuraman, Zeithaml, value, the pleasure of getting a good deal; in-use value,
and Berry 1994b). However, case studies and anecdotal utility derived from using the product/service; and
evidence strongly suggest that achieving sustainable com- redemption value, residual benefit at the time of trade-in or
petitive advantage in the marketplace will be very difficult end of life (for products) or termination (for services). As
with just superior products and reasonable prices; regard- implied by these definitions, perceived value is a dynamic
less of whether a company’s core offerings are products or construct in that the relative emphasis on each component
services, superior service quality is essential for excellent may change over time. For instance, while acquisition and
market performance on an enduring basis (Berry 1999). transaction value may dominate during and immediately
The primary rationale underlying this conclusion is that following purchase, in-use and redemption value may
service quality is much more difficult for competitors to become salient only during later stages of product/service
copy effectively than are product quality and price. As usage. The notion that perceived value is dynamic is also
implied by the dotted box in Figure 1, the greater competi- consistent with earlier work suggesting that the nature and
tive leverage that service quality offers is also relevant in determinants of value assessment may change during

Expanded Model of Customer Loyalty

various stages of a customer’s association with a company to the price enhance acquisition value and transaction
(Parasuraman 1997; Slater and Narver 1994; Vantrappen value (as one might expect)? If so, does the enhanced
1992; Woodruff 1997). acquisition/transaction value perception persist after
Several of the micro-perspective articles in this issue product purchase? What impact does such a strategy
(Bolton, Kannan, and Bramlett 2000; Rust and Oliver have on perceived in-use value and on ultimate loy-
2000; Singh and Sirdeshmukh 2000; Zeithaml 2000) have alty? To what degree does the actual product or service
examined issues pertaining to the quality-value-loyalty performance moderate this impact?
chain. They have also identified a number of important • What approaches are appropriate for assessing cus-
questions that still await systematic inquiry. The multi- tomers’ perceptions of in-use and redemption value?
component portrayal of service quality and perceived (While scales for assessing acquisition and transac-
value in Figure 2 suggests several additional areas for fur- tion value are available [Grewal et al. 1998], the other
ther research, as illustrated by the following issues: two value components lack measurement metrics.)

• Do the five dimensions of service quality differen- ROLE OF TECHNOLOGY IN THE

tially affect the four types of perceived value? If so, QUALITY-VALUE-LOYALTY CHAIN
which dimensions are more critical for each type of
value assessment? Some of the macro-perspective articles in this issue
• What roles do the four types of value perceptions (e.g., Roberts 2000; Sheth, Sisodia, and Sharma 2000), as
play in fostering customer loyalty? well as one micro-perspective article (Bitner, Brown, and
• In determining overall value, does the relative con- Meuter 2000), focus directly on the impact of technology
tribution of the four components of value vary by on market structures and on interactions between sellers
buyer/user type (e.g., business-to-business vs. indi- and buyers. The remaining macro-perspective articles also
vidual), demographics/psychographics, and product allude to technology-related issues. Given that technology
type (durable vs. nondurable vs. service)? is likely to be a (if not the) major force in shaping buyer-
• Does creating high expectations of service quality seller interactions in the future, it would be instructive to
(and product quality if a product is involved) relative examine how it is likely to affect the traditional quality-
Parasuraman, Grewal / THE IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY 171

value-loyalty chain. In an effort to initiate such an exami- FIGURE 3

nation, we integrate the pyramid model, proposed by The Triangle and Pyramid Models
Parasuraman (1996) and referenced in the article by Bitner
et al. (2000), with the quality-value-loyalty chain.

The Pyramid Model

To capture the complexities resulting from the growing

infusion of technology into serving customers, Parasura-
man (1996) proposed a pyramid model of services market-
ing as an extension of Kotler’s (1994) triangle model of
services marketing. Both models are shown in Figure 3.
The triangle model summarizes the added complexities
of marketing services relative to marketing goods. It sug-
gests that in addition to external marketing—activities
pertaining to the “4 Ps” (product, price, promotion, and
place or channels of distribution) that are emphasized in
the marketing of goods—the effective marketing of ser-
vices requires internal and interactive marketing as well.
Internal marketing deals with viewing service employees
as internal customers and providing them with appropriate
training, support, motivation, and rewards to serve exter-
nal customers well. Interactive marketing deals with mak-
ing a good impression on customers during their encoun-
ters with service employees. Because of the current
proliferation of technology in the process through which
products and services are purchased and consumed, the tri-
angle model falls short of fully reflecting all the linkages
involved in seller-buyer exchanges. The pyramid model
addresses this shortfall by adding technology as a third
dimension to the two-dimensional triangle model. By
doing so, the pyramid model emphasizes the need for customers’ assessments of various interactions with, and
effectively managing three new linkages—company- cues from, a company (and its employees and technology).
technology, technology-employee, and technology- Thus, the customers component of the pyramid model in
customer—to maximize marketing effectiveness. Figure 4 is shown as having a one-to-one correspondence
with the quality-value-loyalty chain. The remainder of this
article presents the research issues stemming from the
Integration of Pyramid Model
With Quality-Value-Loyalty Chain integrated framework in Figure 4.

In addition to calling for an increased managerial focus Technology-Customer Linkage

on the three new linkages, the pyramid model suggests
important avenues for scholarly inquiry to enhance our As suggested by Bitner et al. (2000), “it is important to
understanding of how technology might influence the determine if the same conceptual factors established in in-
quality-value-loyalty chain. Emphasizing the need for terpersonal service encounter research are relevant in a
research on technology-based service encounters, Bitner technology-based environment” (p. 147). In a similar vein,
et al. (2000) have outlined several encounter-specific Zeithaml (1999) has issued a call for research focusing on
questions worth investigating. These questions can be the meaning and measurement of service on the Internet.
complemented with a broader set of issues pertaining to Consistent with these calls, and focusing on the frame-
the potential impact of all three technology-related link- work in Figure 4, we offer the following questions for fur-
ages on the quality-value-loyalty chain. As a backdrop for ther research:
discussing these issues, Figure 4 offers an integration of
the pyramid model with the expanded model of customer • Do the definitions and relative importance of the five
loyalty shown in Figure 2. service quality dimensions change when customers
Quality and value perceptions, as well as ultimate loy- interact with technology rather than with service
alty, are customer constructs since they depend on personnel?

Integration of Pyramid Model With Quality-Value-Loyalty Chain

• What impact does the greater degree of participation zation’s technology (e.g., the technology-based in-
and involvement required from customers when teractions between Proctor & Gamble’s production
they interact with technology have on their percep- plants and Wal-Mart stores’ cash registers)? Is loy-
tions of acquisition and transaction value? Do their alty necessarily stronger in situations characterized
perceptions of in-use value depend on whether they by such technological bonding than in situations
have ready access to employees? characterized by ongoing interactions between the
• For end customers (i.e., consumers), in what ways selling and buying organizations’ personnel?
do characteristics such as their demographics, life-
styles, experience with other technology-based sys- Technology-Employee Linkage
tems, and technology readiness (Parasuraman 2000)
affect their perceptions of quality and value of their Some of the research issues mentioned in the preceding
interactions with technology? What is the nature and section and in the article by Bitner et al. (2000) involve em-
extent of the roles of these characteristics in ployees as well. However, specific to the role of the
business-to-business contexts (i.e., when individu- employee-technology linkage on customers’ assessments
als in a buyer organization interact with a seller of quality and value (and their loyalty), several additional
organization’s technology)? questions arise:
• Is customer retention/loyalty harder or easier to
achieve when customers interact with technology • What impact do employee-technology interactions
rather than with employees? What boundary condi- that customers can observe (a salesperson accessing
tions or moderating factors are likely to be relevant his or her company’s information system through a
in this regard? laptop computer in the presence of a customer) have
• What is the meaning of, and how does one measure, on the various dimensions of service quality and
the four components of value in business-to- components of value?
business contexts wherein the buying organization’s • Does the mere visibility of such interactions (i.e., the
technology interacts directly with the selling organi- customer’s being able to see that the employee has
Parasuraman, Grewal / THE IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY 173

access to sophisticated technology) serve as a signal • For customers of companies that engage in e-
of higher quality and/or value? Or, does the profi- commerce, is perceived risk lower and, correspond-
ciency of the employee (as perceived by the cus- ingly, perceived quality and value higher, when the
tomer) in using the technology play a moderating companies also have brick-and-mortar locations
role in this regard? than when they do not? To what extent does a com-
• If the visibility and/or proficiency of employee- pany’s physical presence in addition to (or instead
technology interactions have a favorable impact on of) a virtual presence signal strength to customers
customer perceptions, what surrogate signals can and foster their loyalty?
companies send to customers when such interac- • With respect to each of the aforementioned issues,
tions occur below a customer’s line of visibility? Al- are there differences between end consumers and
ternatively, what approaches can companies use to business-to-business customers in terms of the
lower the customer’s line of visibility? likely impact of corporate signaling on their assess-
• Does giving employees instant access to detailed ments of quality and value, and on their loyalty?
customer information through technology motivate
them to deliver more personalized service and
higher value to customers and thereby foster SUMMARY
stronger loyalty? What employee and organizational
characteristics are likely to determine the degree of In this final article of the special issue, we have drawn
such motivation? on our own previous research, as well as relevant research
reported in the preceding articles, to synthesize key
Technology-Company Linkage insights pertaining to the quality-value-loyalty chain and
the role of technology in this chain. On the basis of this
The macro-perspective articles in this issue have al- synthesis and the conceptual frameworks stemming there-
luded to this linkage by, for example, implying the need for from, we proposed a research agenda focusing on unre-
companies to (a) understand and calibrate the impact of solved issues relating to the quality-value-loyalty chain as
technology on their markets (Roberts 2000); (b) develop well as the impact of technology on it. This agenda implies
technology-based (among other) capabilities (especially a strong need—as well as challenging opportunities—for
in business-to-business markets) if collaborative ex- both conceptual and empirical work addressing the vari-
changes are the goal (Day 2000); and (c) leverage applica- ous issues.
ble technologies in practicing customer-centric marketing
(Sheth et al. 2000). In the context of Figure 4, the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
technology-company link also raises certain, more micro-
perspective, issues. These issues revolve around The authors contributed equally to this article. Dhruv
technology-related corporate cues that could influence the Grewal would like to acknowledge the support of a Uni-
quality-value-loyalty chain. The articles by Berry (2000) versity of Miami School of Business summer research
and Webster (2000) imply that brand name and meaning grant.
can serve as important signals to buyers in both consumer
and business-to-business markets. Issues related to corpo-
rate signaling that are especially ripe for research in the REFERENCES
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. 1997. “Reflections on Gaining Competitive Advantage Through holder of the James W. McLamore Chair in Marketing at the Uni-
Customer Value.” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 25 versity of Miami. He teaches and does research in services mar-
(Spring): 154-161. keting, service-quality measurement, and the role of technology
. 2000. “Technology Readiness Index [TRI]: A Multiple-Item in marketing to and serving customers. He has received many
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of Service Research 2 (May). distinguished teaching and research awards, including, most re-
, Valarie A. Zeithaml, and Leonard L. Berry. 1985. “A Conceptual cently, the “Career Contributions to the Services Discipline
Model of Service Quality and Its Implications for Future Research.” Award” given by the American Marketing Association’s (AMA)
Journal of Marketing 49 (Fall): 41-50. SERVSIG. He has written numerous articles in journals such as
, , and . 1988. “SERVQUAL: A Multiple-Item the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Marketing Research, the
Scale for Measuring Consumer Perceptions of Service Quality.”
Journal of Retailing, and Sloan Management Review. He is the
Journal of Retailing 64 (Spring): 12-40.
, , and . 1991. “Refinement and Reassessment of author of a marketing research text and coauthor of two books on
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, , and . 1994a. “Alternative Scales for Measuring editor of the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
Service Quality: A Comparative Assessment Based on Psychometric (JAMS), he serves on the editorial review boards of five other
and Diagnostic Criteria.” Journal of Retailing 70 (Fall): 201-230. journals.
, , and . 1994b. “Reassessment of Expectations as
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for Further Research.” Journal of Marketing 58 (January): 111-124. Dhruv Grewal (Ph.D., Virginia Tech) is Interim-Chair and a
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Service Operations: Text and Cases. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
of the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of the Academy of Mar-
Sheth, Jagdish, Rajendra S. Sisodia, and Arun Sharma. 2000. “The Ante-
cedents and Consequences of Customer-Centric Marketing.” Journal keting Science, the Journal of Retailing, and the Journal of Pub-
of the Academy of Marketing Science 28 (Winter): 55-66. lic Policy & Marketing. He has won awards for both his teaching
Singh, Jagdip and Deepak Sirdeshmukh. 2000. “Agency and Trust and research. He has coedited a special issue of the Journal of
Mechanisms in Consumer Satisfaction and Loyalty Judgments.” Public Policy & Marketing and of the Journal of Retailing. He
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 28 (Winter): 150-167.
Slater, Stanley F. and John C. Narver. 1994. “Market Orientation, Cus-
was recently elected to the AMA Academic Council—VP Re-
tomer Value, and Superior Performance.” Business Horizons 37 search and Conferences (1999-2001). He is currently writing a
(March-April): 22-28. book on Marketing Research (publisher: Houghton Mifflin).

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