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Progress Test File
Filess 7–12 ENGLISH FILE
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation A

GRAMMAR 3  Complete the sentences with one word.

1  Complete the sentences with the correct form of Example: How many eggs are there in the fridge?
the verbs in brackets. 1 The bus is cheaper
cheaper _______
_______ the train.
Example: I went (go) a restaurant last night. 2 It’s _______ longest day of the year today.
1 The teacher ________ (not be) very
very happy with my 3 There are _______ sandwiches
sandwiches on on the table. Help
homework last week. yourself.
2 What _______ youyou _______ (see) at the
the cinema 4 How _______ did that magazine
magazine cost?
tomorrow? 5 When we arrived home
home there
there wasn’t _______ food
3 She _______ (not finish) all her work yesterday. in the fridge.
4 Ben’s gone home. He _______ (leave) five minutes 6 _______ you like to go on a safari holiday?
ago. 7 That restaurant makes the _______ delicious food in
5 _______ you
you ever _______ (sing) karaoke?
karaoke? town.
6 She_______ (walk) to work yesterday. 8 Did you
you watch
watch the programme about Brazil _______
7 _______ Lydia
Lydia _______ (phone) recently? night?
8 A  What are your plans for the holiday? 9 _______ were forty people at the party.
  B  I _______ (fly) to
to Malta with my
my boyfriend. 10 I need _______
 _______ buy
buy a new comput
9 _______ the children _______
_______ (sleep) well last night? 11 He’s going to visit his family in Rome
Rome _______
_______ week.
10 Kate _______ (wear) her new
new dress to Dave’s
Dave’s party 12 _______ many people live in your
your house?
last Friday. 13 Did you
you see the accident
accident _______ morning?
11 They _______ (not have)
have) a holiday next Christmas.
Christmas . 14 Have you _______ been to Asia?
12 Where _______ your brother _______ (work) at the 15 They’ve bought
bought _______ little house
house in the south of
moment? Spain.
13 _______ you _______ (be)(be) to
to a music concert 15
Grammar total 40
14 She _______ (not buy) a new
new car next month.
15 I _______ (speak) a lot of
of English in England last
15 4  Underline the odd word
word out.
Example: mushrooms onions apples potatoes
2  Underline the correc
correctt word
word or phrase.
1 carefully serious slowl
slowlyy fast
Example: I didn’t study / studied English at school. 2 cooker armchair bed kitchen
1 He drives very dangerously / dangerous. 3 pineapples
pineappl es bananas carrots grapes
2 Would / Do you like swimming? 4 carton jar jam packet
3 Their new album is most / more interesting than 5 cake eggs chocolat
chocolatee biscuits
the last one. 6 fireplace square road bridge
4 Is / Are there any apples? 7 supermarket vegetable bank shopping centre
5 We love going to concerts / the concerts. 8 fridge cupboard mirror ceiling
6 I think it’s easier / more easy to learn English than 9 lamp wall floor stairs
10 opposite there under behind
7 Do you eat many / much fruit?
8 Have you ever wrote / written a love letter?
9 She is the shortest / shorter in her family.
10 Laptops are smaller that / than desktop computers.

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Progress Test File
Filess 7–12 ENGLISH FILE
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation A

5  Complete the expressions with go, get, or have. 6 I usually leave work at 6.00 and I _______ home at
Example:  go shopping at the
t he weekend 7.00.
  go get come
1 _______ up late at the weekend
7 I booked
booked the tickets
tickets _______
_______ night.
2 _______ a shower before breakfast   ago last yesterday
3 _______ on holiday to Greece 8 Does your
your flat have
have _______ conditioning?
4 _______ a train to Paris cold cool air
5 _______ for a walk in the evening
evening 9 My grandfathe
grandfatherr was a _______.
6 _______ a swim in the
the sea   painting paintor painter
7 _______ dressed in the
the morning 10 I often _______ emails
emails from my
my friends in Australia.
8 _______ to the beach when it’s sunny   take get bring
9 _______ a good time on holiday 10

10 _______ blond hair

Vocabulary total 40
6  Complete the sentences with one word.
word. 8  Underline the stressed syllable.
Example: I met him at the railway stati on  this
 station   this morning. Example: sand|wiches
1 I was so tired last night. I _______ for ten
ten hours!
|| | |mem |ber
2 We saw Jamie the day _______ yesterday. 1 ti cian 6 re
2 for 7 dan |ge|rous
3 The new department _______ in town sells 3 en|gi|neer 8 mu|se|um
4 tra|vel 9 vege|ta|bles
4 Alice _______ me a very interesting secret yesterday!
5 Oc|to|ber 10 de|ssert
5 It’s much colder downstair
downstairss than it is _______.
6 Listen! Can you _______ that noise?
7 There’s a post office
office next
next _______ the chemist’s.
chemist’s. 9  Match the words
words with the same sound.
8 Do they have any _______ heating in their new flat?
9 Lots of people _______
_______ photos
photos at Kate
Kate and Bill’s away   juice peas  cooker cereal bus
wedding. machine tea  park yesterday chips
10 Did you
you put the milk in the _______?
_______? It isn’t very
very Example: lettuce chips
10 1 key _______ 
2 fridge  _______ 
7  Complete the sentences with the correct word. 3 between _______ 
4 painter _______ 
Example: I had breakfast before I got
got dressed.
  clothes dressed shower 5 car  _______ 
6 zebra _______ 
1 I’ve met her before but I’ve _______ her name.
7 you _______ 
  remembered forgotten lost
8 street _______ 
2 Would you like some _______ in your your coffee?
  jam sugar butter 9 up _______ 
3 The dogs next door
door _______ allall the time.
time. I hate it. 10 shower _______ 
  cry shout bark 10
4 Let’s _______ for coffee
coffee next
next week.
  meet see speak Pronunciation total 20
5 I’ve looked_______ my scis
sors but I can’t find them.
Grammar, Vocabulary,
Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 100
  for at in

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Progress Test File
Filess 7–12 ENGLISH FILE
Reading and Writing A

READING 8 You can’t eat at the restaurant if you aren’t staying at

the hotel.
1  Read the text and tick (✓) A, B, or C.   A True ■  B False ■  C Doesn’t say ■
9 The writer booke
booked d his room online.
Review of the Red Fox
Fox hotel   A True ■  B False ■  C Doesn’t say ■
Last month my wife and I stayed
s tayed at the new Red Fox hotel
10 The beds in the hotel
hotel aren’t
aren’t very
very wide.
■ ■ ■
near Benton, a small village in the south of England. It’s an   A True   B False   C Doesn’t say
informal, relaxed
relaxed hotel in an eighteenth-century building.
bui lding.
We went there a month after it opened, and it was full of
young fashionably dressed people from London. They go
there to escape from their busy city life because it’s only 2  Read the text again and answer the questions.
ninety minutes from the
t he capital by car. 1 Where is Benton?
The hotel has become very popular because its restaurant  ___________________________________________ 
 __________________________ _________________ 
serves incredibly good food. People say it’s the best hotel 2 Where do the chefs get their vegetables from?
food in the country. All of the food comes from the hotel’s  ___________________________________________ 
 __________________________ _________________ 
gardens. They keep animals and grow vegetables and fruit.
3 What kind of
of clothes
clothes did the hotel guests wear?
On some days a chef shows you round the garden, you
 __________________________ _________________ 
choose your food and he cooks it for your dinner. My wife
and I had chicken cooked in a delicious sauce and a warm 4 What did the writer’s wife have
have for dessert?
apple cake for dessert.  ___________________________________________ 
 __________________________ _________________ 

The meals aren’t expensive. They’re cheaper than in many 5  __________________________

How much
much did the writer pay for_________________ 
a room at the hotel?
restaurants, but only hotel guests can eat there and the  ___________________________________________ 
rooms aren’t cheap. They cost between £150 and £200 a
night. But you don’t need to be very rich to
t o stay there. Every
month the hotel offers five rooms for one pound each. Look
Reading total 15
for the offers on their website. Then you need to book them
by phone but do it fast because everybody is waiting for
these offers. We were very lucky – we got one of the cheap
rooms and we really enjoyed staying there. The rooms are Answer the questions. Write 25–35
25–3 5 words for each
beautifully decorated and quite big. The beds are a bit question.
narrow,, but for one pound, I’m not complaining!
narrow 1 Where did you go for your last holiday?
holiday? What did you
do there?
Example: A lot of the hotel guests come from London. 2 Descr
ibe your
your favourite
favourite city. What can you do there?
  A True ■ ✓   B False ■  C Doesn’t say ■ 3 What are you
you planning to do next weekend?
1 The hotel
hotel is in Benton. Writing total 10
  A True ■  B False ■  C Doesn’t say ■
2 The hotel opened three months ago. Reading and Writing total 25
  A True ■  B False ■  C Doesn’t say ■
3 It is an
an old building.
  A True ■  B False ■  C Doesn’t say ■
4 The Red Fox is popular with people with young
  A True ■  B False ■  C Doesn’t say ■
5 The writer lives in London.
  A True ■  B False ■  C Doesn’t say ■
6 You can drive there from the capital in an hour and a

A True ■  B False ■  C Doesn’t say ■
7 Guests at the Red Fox
Fox think the food is quite good.
  A True ■  B False ■  C Doesn’t say ■

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Progress Test File
Filess 7–12 ENGLISH FILE
Listening and Speaking A

1  Listen to two people talking about Barcelona in 1  Ask your
your partner
partner these questions.
Spain. Tick (✓) A, B, or C. 1 What did you
you do last weekend?
1 When did Sarah go to Barcelona? 2 What’s your
your favo
urite restaurant?
  A last year ■  B in March ■  C in May ■ 3 When did you
you last go to a museum?
2 Where did Sarah stay in Barcelon
a? 4 Have you ever won a prize?
  A in an apartment ■  B in i n a hotel ■  5 Whi ch famous person would
Which would you
you like to meet?
C in a house ■ 6 What are you
you going
going to do after this class?
3 What did Jeremy
Jeremy like best in Barcelona? 7 Have you ever slept outside?
  A an old church ■  B a market ■  8 What’s the most interesting
interesting thing
thing to see in your
C an art gallery ■ town / city?
4 What was the weathe
weatherr like when
when Sarah
Sarah was in 9 How many emails have you written today?
Barcelona? 10 What are you
you doing at the moment?
  A cold ■  B cloudy ■  C warm ■    Now answer your partner’s questions.
5 Does Jeremy want to go to Barcelona again?
  A yes ■  B no ■  C he’s not sure ■ 2  Read the information and answer your
your partner’s
Lola’s Café
2  Listen toshow
five conversations.
five conversations. Write Open 6.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m.
boxes to what the speakers areA–E in the
talking about .
Conversation 1 ■
Sandwiches: egg, cheese, bacon £4.25
Conversation 2 ■
Tea £1.35
Conversation 3 ■
Coffee £2.65
Conversation 4 ■
Fruit juices: apple, orange, tomato £1.75
Conversation 5 ■
Ice cream: vanilla, chocolate, coffee £2.95
A a ticket
B a bill Sorry, no credit cards
C a film
D a passport
E some stamps 3  Now make
make questions and ask your partner about a
house for sale.

• Where
How many/ house?
/ bedrooms?
Listening total 10
• have / good view?
• How old / house?
• How much / cost?
Speaking total 15

Listening and Speaking total 25

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Progress Test File
Filess 7–12 ENGLISH FILE
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation B

GRAMMAR 3  Complete the sentences with one word.

1  Underline the correc
correctt word
word or phrase. Example: How many apples are there on the table?
Example: I didn’t study / studied French at school. 1 How _______ did her newnew watch
watch cost?
2 They’re
They’ re going
going to see the new play _______ week.
1 Is / Are there any tomatoes?
2 Have you ever wrote / written a poem? 3 We live in _______ small flat
flat near the station.
4 Have you _______ been to Australia
3 Do / Would you like skiing? 5 _______were
_______ were seventy people at the party
4 He doesn’t drink many / much milk.
6 Did you
you watch the programme about Turkey
5 I am the taller / tallest in my family.
 _______ night?
6 Is honey healthier than / that sugar?
7 There are _______ cakes on the table. Help yourself.
7 We love watching French films / the French films. 
8 _______ you like to run a marathon?
8 I think it’s easier / more easy to learn English than
9 There wasn’t _______
_______ food in the fridge when I
arrived home.
9 She drives very dangerous / dangerously.
10 I need _______ wash the car.
10 His new book is more / most interesting than the
11 Today is _______ hottest day of the year.
last one.
12 The bus is cheaper
cheaper _______
_______ the train.
13 Did you
you see the car accident
accident _______ morning?
14 You can eat the _______
_______ delicious
delicious pizzas in that
2  Complete
the verb inthe sentences with the correct form of
brackets. restaurant.
15 _______ many people live in youryour city?
Example: We went (go) to the cinema last night.
1 They _______ (buy) a new car next August.
2 _______ you ever _______ (sing) in a concert? Grammar total 40
3 He _______ (speak) a lot of English in England last
4 The teacher ________ (not be) very
very happy with my
homework last week.
4  Complete the sentences with the correc
correctt word.
5 A  What are your plans for the holiday? Example: He had breakfast before he got
got dressed.
  B  I _______ (fly) to Istanbul
Istanbul with my
my girlfriend.   dressed shower clothes
6 _______ Tom
Tom ________ (phone) you recently? 1 Let’s _______ for coffee on Friday.
  speak see meet
7 Sarah ____
party last ___ (wear)
. r) her new dress
Friday dress to Charlie’s 2 I often _______
_______ emails from mymy friends in Germany.
8 Dan’s gone out. He _______ (leave) about half an   get take bring
hour ago. 3 I’ve met him before but I’ve _______ his name.
9 ______ you _______ (be) to a rock concert before?   remembered forgotten lost
10 She ______ (look) for a new flat tomorrow. 4 She’s looked_______ her keykeyss but she can’t find
11 We _______ (not have)
have) a holiday next year. them.
  for at in
12 The weather was lovely
lovely this morning so we _______
(walk) to work. 5 I usually leave work at 5.00 and I _______ home at
13 Where _______ youryour sister _______ (work) at the
moment?   go get come
14 _______ you
you _______ (sleep) well
well last night? 6 Does this car have
have _______ conditioning?
  air cold cool
15 He _______ (not finish) all his work
work yesterday.
7 Would you like some _______ in your
your tea?
15   jam sugar oil
8 The dogs next door
door _______ all the time. I hate
hate it.
  cry bark shout

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Progress Test File
Filess 7–12 ENGLISH FILE
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation B

9 I booked the tickets _______ night. 5 bank vegetable supermarket shopping centre
  ago yesterday last 6 strawberries carrots bananas grapes
10 My grandfather was a _______. 7 ceiling fridge cupboard mirror
mir ror
  painting paintor painter 8 carefully slowl
slowlyy fast serious
10 9 jam carton jar packet
10 cooker armchair
a rmchair kitchen bed
5  Complete the sentences with one word.
word. 10
Example: He saw her at the railway stati on  yesterday.
 station   yesterday.
Vocabulary total 40
1 There’s an art gallery next
next _______ the town hall.
2 Not many
many people _______ photos at Tina and Rob’s PRONUNCIATION
3 It’s much colder _______ than it is downstairs.
downstairs. 8  Match the words
words with the same sounds.
4 I spoke
spoke to Liz the day _______ yesterday. bus  juice chips tea  machine cooker
5 Did you
you put the milk in the _______?
_______? It isn’t very
very cereal away  yesterday peas  park
6 The new department _______ in town sells Example: lettuce chips
everything. 1 street _______ 
7 She was so tired last night. She _______ for
for twelve
twelve 2 car  _______ 
hours! 3 zebra _______ 
8 Did their old house have
have _______ heating? 4 shower _______ 
9 Bob _______ me an interesting secret last week. 5 up _______ 
10 Listen. Can you _______ a strange noise? 6 between _______ 
10 7 painter _______ 
8 key _______ 
6  Complete the expressions with go, get, or have. 9 fridge  _______ 
Example:  go to the beach when it’s hot 10 you _______ 
1 _______ a shower after breakfast
2 _______ on holiday to Croatia
9  Underline the stressed syllable.
3 _______ a swim before work
Example: sand|wiches
4 _______ short hair
5 _______ dressed in the
the morning 1 vege|ta|bles 6 mu|se|um
6 _______ shopping at the weekend 2 Oc|to|ber 7 dan|ge|rous
7 _______ a train
train to
to Berlin
Berlin 3 de|ssert 8 en|gi|neer
8 _______ for a walk in the morning
morning 4 po|li|ti|cian 9 tra|vel
9 _______ a good time on holiday 5 re|mem|ber 10 for|get
10 _______ up early
early during the week 10
Pronunciation total 20
7  Underline the odd word
word out. Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 100
Example: onions potatoes apples peas
1 eggs chocolate biscui
ts cake
2 opposite under there behind
3 square road fireplace bridge
4 wall floor stairs lamp

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Progress Test File
Filess 7–12 ENGLISH FILE
Reading and Writing B

READING 8 The writer paid a hundred

hundred and
and fifty pounds for his
1  Read the text and tick (✓) A, B, or C.   A True ■  B False ■  C Doesn’t say ■
9 The writer booked his room by telephone.
Review of the Red Fox
Fox hotel
hotel   A True ■  B False ■  C Doesn’t say ■
Last month my wife and I stayed
s tayed at the new Red Fox hotel
10 The beds in the hotel
hotel aren’t
aren’t very
very wide.
■ ■ ■
near Benton, a small village in the south of England. It’s an   A True   B False   C Doesn’t say
informal, relaxed
relaxed hotel in an eighteenth-century building.
bui lding.
We went there a month after it opened, and it was full of
young fashionably dressed people from London. They go
there to escape from their busy city life because it’s only 2  Read the text again and answer the questions.
ninety minutes from the
t he capital by car. 1 Where is the Red
Red Fox hotel?
The hotel has become very popular because its restaurant  ___________________________________________ 
 __________________________ _________________ 
serves incredibly good food. People say it’s the best hotel 2 When did the hotel open?
food in the country. All of the food comes from the hotel’s   ___________________________________________ 
gardens. They keep animals and grow vegetables and fruit.
3 Why do people from London enjoy
enjoy staying in the
On some days a chef shows you round the garden, you
choose your food and he cooks it for your dinner. My wife
and I had chicken cooked in a delicious sauce and a warm
apple cake for dessert. 4 What did the writer have
have for
for dinner?
The meals aren’t expensive. They’re cheaper than in many
restaurants, but only hotel guests can eat there and the 5 How often does the hotel offer rooms for one
rooms aren’t cheap. They cost between £150 and £200 a pound?
night. But you don’t need to be very rich to
t o stay there. Every   ___________________________________________ 
month the hotel offers five rooms for one pound each. Look
for the offers on their website. Then you need to book them
by phone but do it fast because everybody is waiting for
Reading total 15
these offers. We were very lucky – we got one of the cheap
rooms and we really enjoyed staying there. The rooms are
beautifully decorated and quite big. The beds are a bit
narrow,, but for one pound, I’m not complaining!
narrow Answer the questions. Write 25–35
25–3 5 words for each
Example: A lot of the hotel guests come from London. 1 Where did you go for your last holiday?
holiday? What did you
  A True ■ ✓   B False ■  C Doesn’t say ■ do there?
1 The hotel
hotel is in a new
new building. 2 Describe
Descr ibe your
your favourite
favourite city. What can you do there?
3 What are you
you planning to do next weekend?
  A True ■  B False ■  C Doesn’t say ■
2 The writer lives near the hotel. Writing total 10
  A True ■  B False ■  C Doesn’t say ■
Reading and Writing total 25
3 The owner of the hotel is a chef.
  A True ■  B False ■  C Doesn’t say ■
4 The chefs buy food from a shop near the hotel.
  A True ■  B False ■  C Doesn’t say ■
5 There aren’t any
any sausages on the menu.
  A True ■  B False ■  C Doesn’t say ■
6 The writer’s wife didn’t have
have a dessert.
  A True ■  B False ■  C Doesn’t say ■
7 The bedrooms in the hotel are usually expensive.
  A True ■  B False ■  C Doesn’t say ■

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Progress Test File
Filess 7–12 ENGLISH FILE
Listening and Speaking B

1  Listen to two people talking about Barcelona in 1  Answer your partner
’s questions.
Spain. Tick (✓) A, B, or C.   Now ask your partner these questions.
1 Who did Sarah
Sarah go
go to Barcelon
Barcelonaa with?
1 What did you do before you came to this class?
  A her boyfriend ■  B her friend ■ 
2 Who’s your
your favourite
favourite TV presenter?
C her brother ■
3 When did you
you last
last use a compute
2 How long did Jeremy stay in Barcelona? 4 Have you ever done a dangerous sport?
  A two nights ■  B three nights ■  5 Which
Whi ch singer would you like to see in concert?
C a week ■
6 What are you
you going
going to do for your next birthday?
3 What did Sarah enjoy looking at in Barcelona? 7 Where were you at eleven
eleven o’clock last night?
  A the famous sights ■  B the people ■  8 What is the most delicious meal you’ve ever eaten?
C the shops ■ 9 What is your favourite room in youryour home?
4 What was the weather like when Jeremy was in 10 What film would
would you
you like to see at the cinema?
  A cold ■  B rainy ■  C cloudy ■ 2  Your partner has some information about a café.
5 Does Sarah want to go to Barcelona again? Ask your partner these questions.
  A yes ■  B no ■  C she’s not sure ■ • How much / egg sandwich?
• What / hot drinks / have?
5 • have / pineapple juice?

2  Listen to five
five conversations.
conversations. Write A–E in the • What time / café / close?
• pay / by credit card?
boxes to show where the speakers are.
Conversation 1 ■ 3  Now read the information about a house for sale
and answer your partner’s questions.
Conversation 2 ■
Conversation 3 ■
House for Sale
Conversation 4 ■
Offley Village
Conversation 5 ■
3 bedrooms
A a post office
Small garden with river view
B a cinema
C a railway
railway station
station Built: 1895
D a restaurant Cost: £425,000
E an airport
5 Speaking total 15

Listening total 10 Listening and Speaking total 25

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Progress Test File
Filess 7–12 ENGLISH FILE
Answer Key A

Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation VOCABULARY

GRAMMAR 4  1 serious
2 kitchen
1  1 wasn’t 3 carrots
2 are … going to see 4 jam
3 didn’t finish 5 eggs
4 left 6 fireplace
6 Have … sung
walked 7 vegetable
8 ceiling
7 Has … phoned 9 lamp
8 am / ’m going to fly 10 there
9 Did … sleep
10 wore
5  1 get
11 aren’t going to have 2 have
12 is … working
3 go
13 Have … been 4 get
14 isn’t going
going to buy 5 go
15 spoke 6 have
7 get
2  1 dangerously 8 go
2 Do 9 have
3 more 10 have
4 Are
5 concerts 6  1 slept
6 easier 2 before
7 much 3 store
8 written
4 told
9 shortest 5 upstairs
10 than 6 hear
7 to
3  1 than 8 central
2 the 9 took
3 some 10 fridge
4 much
5 any / much 7  1 forgotten
6 Would 2 sugar
7 most
8 last 3
4 bark
9 There 5 for
10 to 6 get
11 next 7 last
12 How 8 air
13 this / yesterday 9 painter
14 ever 10 get
15 a

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Progress Test File
Filess 7–12 ENGLISH FILE
Answer Key A

PRONUNCIATION Listening and Speaking

8  1 politician LISTENING
2 forget
3 engineer 1  1 C
4 travel 2 A
5 October 3 B
6 remember 4 C
7 dangerous 5 A
8 museum
9 vegetables 2  1 D
10 dessert 2 A
3 C
9  1 cooker 4 E
2 juice 5 B
3 tea
4 away
6 peas Interactive communication and oral production:
7 yesterday The student
st udent communicates
communicates effectively with his / her
8 cereal partner, asking and answering simple questions, and
9 bus where necessary initiating conversation and responding.
10 machine The student
st udent uses appropriate
appropriate strategies to complete the
task successfully. (5 marks)
Grammar and Vocabulary: The student uses
Reading and Writing a sufficient range of vocabulary and structure to
communicate clearly. Minor occasional errors do not
READING impede communication. (5 marks)
1  1 B Pronunciation: The student’s
st udent’s intonation,
intonation, stress, and
2 B articulation of sounds make the message clear and
3 A comprehensible. (5 marks)
4 C
5 C
6 A
7 B
8 A
9 B

10 A
2  1 It’s in the south of England.
2 The hotel’s gardens.
3 Fashionable clothes.
4 Warm apple cake.
5 One pound.

Student’s own answers.
Task completion: The task ta sk is fully comple
ted and the
answerr is easy to understand. (4 marks)
Grammar: The student
st udent uses appropriate
appropriate structures
to achieve the task. Minor
Mi nor errors do not obscure the
meaning. (3 marks)
Vocabulary: The student
st udent uses a sufficient range of
words and phrases to communicate the message clearly.
(3 marks)

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Progress Test File
Filess 7–12 ENGLISH FILE
Answer Key B

Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation VOCABULARY

GRAMMAR 4  1 meet
2 get
1  1 Are 3 forgotten
2 written 4 for
3 Do 5 get
4 much 6 air
6 tallest
than 7 sugar
8 bark
7 French films 9 last
8 easier 10 painter
9 dangerously
10 more
5  1 to
2 took
2  1 are / ’re going to buy 3 upstairs
2 Have … sung 4 before
3 spoke 5 fridge
4 wasn’t 6 store
5 am / ’m going to fly 7 slept
6 Has … phoned 8 central
7 wore 9 told
8 left 10 hear
9 Have … been
10 isn’t going to look 6  1 have
11 are not / aren’t going to have 2 go
12 walked 3 have
13 is … working
4 have
14 Did … sleep 5 get
15 didn’t finish 6 go
7 get
3  1 much 8 go
2 next 9 have
3 a 10 get
4 ever
5 There 7  1 eggs
6 last 2 there
7 some
8 Would 3
4 fireplace
9 any / much 5 vegetable
10 to 6 carrots
11 the 7 ceiling
12 than 8 serious
13 this / yesterday 9 jam
14 most 10 kitchen
15 How

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Progress Test File
Filess 7–12 ENGLISH FILE
Answer Key B

PRONUNCIATION Listening and Speaking

8  1 cereal LISTENING
2 park
3 peas 1  1 B
4 machine 2 A
5 bus 3 B
6 tea 4 C
7 away 5 B
8 cooker
9 juice 2  1 E
10 yesterday 2 C
3 B
9  1 vegetables 4 A
2 October 5 D
3 dessert
4 politician
5 remember SPEAKING
6 museum Interactive communication and oral production:
7 dangerous The student
st udent communicates
communicates effectively with his / her
8 engineer partner, asking and answering simple questions, and
9 travel where necessary initiating conversation and responding.
10 forget The student
st udent uses appropriate
appropriate strategies to complete the
task successfully. (5 marks)
Grammar and Vocabulary: The student uses
Reading and Writing a sufficient range of vocabulary and structure to
communicate clearly. Minor occasional errors do not
READING impede communication. (5 marks)
1  1 B Pronunciation: The student’s
st udent’s intonation,
intonation, stress, and
2 C articulation of sounds make the message clear and
3 C comprehensible. (5 marks)
4 B
5 C
6 B
7 A
8 B
9 A
10 A
2  1 It’s near Benton.
2 Two months ago.
3 It’s only 90 minutes from the capital
capital by car.
4 Chicken in a sauce and warm apple cake.
5 Every month.

Student’s own answers.
Task completion: The task ta sk is fully comple
ted and the
answerr is easy to understand. (4 marks)
Grammar: The student
st udent uses appropriate
appropriate structures
to achieve the task. Minor
Mi nor errors do not obscure the
meaning. (3 marks)
Vocabulary: The student
st udent uses a sufficient range of
words and phrases to communicate the message clearly.
(3 marks)

English File Elementary Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2012 4


Listening Scripts Elementary


Listening 1 Listening 2
Sarah  Hi, Jeremy. How are you? 1
 Jeremy  Hi, Sarah. I’m fine, butbut I’m very tired. I came
came back
back last Man  Oh, no! Where is it? I had it a minute ago when I
night from a trip
tr ip to Barcelona. Have you ever been showed it to the man at the check-in desk. Ah, here it
there? is … phew!
Sarah  Yes, I went earlier this year, in May, with my frie friend
nd Woman  Can I see it?
Kay. Her brother lives there so we stayed
st ayed in his Man  Why?
apartment for a week. It was great. Woman  I want to see the photo in it. … ha ha you look very
 Jeremy  Well, I only went
went for two nights
nights.. But we saw all the different – your hair’s really short!
famous sights, you know, the churches, the art Man  Come on! Give it back. We need to hurry up and go
galleries, the food market … that was my favourite. to the security gate.
What did you enjoy the most?
Sarah  I really liked walking around the streets in the old part 2
of the city, and just sitting in cafés in the sun and Woman  I’d like a return to Heathrow Airport, please.
watching the people. It was really warm when I was Ticket clerk  Standard or first class.
there. Did you have good weather? Woman  Er … standard, please.
 Jeremy  Well, it was warm
warm butbut we
we didn’t
didn’t see the sun.
sun. At least it Ticket clerk  That’s £24, then.
didn’t rain. Woman  Here you are.
Sarah  Are you going to go there again? 3
 Jeremy  Definitely, and I’d like to go for longer next time. Man  That was great.
What about you? Woman  Yes, Ryan Gosling is a brilliant actor and that was
Sarah  Ianother
had a great time
city in but I’ve
Spain. seen itbeen
I haven’t
now . I’d like toPeople
Seville. go to the best soundtrack I’ve heard.
Man  I want to come and see it again … next week.
say it’s a very beautiful city. Woman  Are you serious? You
You can’t do that. It costs ten
pounds a ticket. Why don’t you wait for the DVD to
come out?
Man  OK. You’re right

Woman  Hello. I’d like to send these letters to Australia and
these to Canada.
Clerk  OK. Here you are.
Woman  How much is that?
Clerk  So, that’s two for Australia and two for Canada.
That’s £5.85, please.

Customer Is
… I thinkallthis
right, madam?
is wrong. It says here ‘two
seafood risottos’, but we had one risotto and one
pizza. Also we didn’t order any mineral water.
Waiter  I’m very sorry, madam. It’s a mistake. I’ll bring
you another one.
Customer  OK. That’s fine. Can I pay by credit card?

English File Elementary Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2012 2

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