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Recovery of knee function following fracture

of the tibial plateau

P. Gaston, We assessed the functional outcome following fracture of the tibial plateau in 63
E. M. Will, consecutive patients. Fifty-one patients were treated by internal fixation, five by combined
J. F. Keating internal and external fixation and seven non-operatively. Measurements of joint movement
and muscle function were made using a muscle dynamometer at three, six and 12 months
From The Royal following injury. Thirteen patients (21%) had a residual flexion contracture at one year. Only
Infirmary of nine (14%) patients achieved normal quadriceps muscle strength at 12 months, while 19
Edinburgh, (30%) achieved normal hamstring muscle strength. Recovery was significantly slower in
Edinburgh, Scotland patients older than 40 years of age. We conclude that there is significant impairment of
movement and muscle function after fracture of the tibial plateau and that the majority of
patients have not fully recovered one year after injury.

Loss of movement and reduced muscle func- Table I. Demographic and injury details
tion affects recovery after intra-articular frac- Variable Number of patients
tures.1 Movement has been shown to en- Gender
courage the healing of articular cartilage in an Men 34
animal model.2 Fractures of the tibial plateau Women 29
are relatively common and often occur in an Age (yrs)
Mean (range) 45 (16 to 81)
active population.3 Weakness of the muscles < 40 30
controlling the knee joint, especially the quad- > 40 33
riceps, is a common complication.4-6 Func- Mechanism of injury
Low energy 34
tional recovery following ligamentous injury
Simple fall 15
to the knee has been well documented.7 How- Sport 12
ever, there is only one published retrospective Direct blow 7
study evaluating functional recovery after frac- High energy 29
RTA* motorcycle 11
ture of the tibial plateau.8 The aim of this study
RTA pedestrian 10
was to evaluate the recovery of knee move- RTA car occupant 4
" P. Gaston, FRCSEd(Orth), ment, and the strength of the quadriceps and Fall from height 4
Consultant Orthopaedic hamstring muscles prospectively, in the first Shatzker grade9
Surgeon I 9
" E. M. Will, MCSP, Research year after fracture of the tibial plateau.
II 23
III 12
" J. F. Keating,
FRCSEd(Orth), Consultant Patients and Methods IV 11
Orthopaedic Surgeon Between May 1996 and December 2001, all V 3
Royal Infirmary of VI 5
Edinburgh, Little France, Old patients who were admitted with an isolated Treatment
Dalkeith Road, Edinburgh fracture of the tibial plateau were considered for Non-operative 7
EH16 4SU, UK.
inclusion in the study. Exclusion criteria included ORIF† 51
Correspondence should be
a fracture elsewhere in the limb, a contralateral ORIF + external fixation 5
sent to Mr J. F. Keating;
lower limb fracture, and multiple trauma. * RTA, road traffic accident
e-mail: † ORIF, open reduction and internal fixation
We entered 63 patients into the study, with a
©2005 British Editorial mean age of 45 years (16 to 81). Details of the
Society of Bone and
Joint Surgery
injuries are shown in Table I. Shatzker’s classi-
doi:10.1302/0301-620X.87B9. fication system9 was used. Seven fractures were The patients who did not have external fixa-
16276 $2.00
treated non-operatively, 51 were treated by tion were mobilised in a hinged knee brace
J Bone Joint Surg [Br] internal fixation and the five type VI fractures allowing full extension and 90˚ of flexion for
Received 17 January 2005;
were treated by minimal internal fixation aug- the first six weeks. They were advised to
Accepted 31 March 2005 mented with external fixation. remain non-weight-bearing for four weeks,

VOL. 87-B, No. 9, SEPTEMBER 2005 1233


120 70
100 60
Peak torque (Nm)

Peak torque (Nm)

70 40
50 30
40 Uninjured
20 Uninjured
30 Injured Injured
20 10
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Months after injury Months after injury

Fig. 1 Fig. 2

Peak torque values for quadriceps (bars indicate 95% confidence inter- Peak torque values for hamstrings (bars indicate 95% confidence inter-
vals). vals).

100 100
90 90
80 80
Recovery (%)

Recovery (%)

60 60
50 50
40 40
30 Quadriceps 30 Quadriceps
Hamstrings Hamstrings
20 20
10 10
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Months after injury Months after injury

Fig. 3 Fig. 4

Percentage muscle recovery after fracture of the tibial plateau (bars indi- Percentage muscle recovery for patients treated by open reduction and
cate 95% confidence intervals). internal fixation (bars indicate 95% confidence intervals).

100 90
Recovery (%)

Recovery (%)

30 Age < 40 yrs 30
Age > 40 yrs Shatzker I, II, III
20 20
Shatzker IV, V, VI
10 10
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Months after injury Months after injury

Fig. 5 Fig. 6

Percentage quadriceps recovery by age (bars indicate 95% confidence Percentage recovery by Shatzker grade9 (bars indicate 95% confidence
intervals). intervals).



and partial weight-bearing for a further two. Progression to patients who were treated by open reduction and internal
full-weight-bearing began at six weeks when the brace was fixation and is similar to that for the whole group (Fig. 3).
removed. All had a standard physiotherapy regime, which All subsequent analyses were for quadriceps recovery
was continued for 12 weeks after injury. None was lost to only. Patients under 40 years of age recovered faster than
follow-up. those older than 40 years of age at each time point (Fig. 5).
Any complications were recorded at each visit. The range One year after the injury patients under 40 had regained
of movement in the injured and uninjured limbs was mea- 85% of their quadriceps strength, the older group had
sured using a goniometer. Muscle function was assessed regained 74% (p < 0.05). Patients with more complex frac-
using a Biodex System 2 dynamometer (Biodex Medical ture configurations (Schatzker types 4 to 6) had worse
Systems Inc, Shirley, New York). This measured isokinetic quadriceps recovery initially, but there was no difference at
peak torque (PT), total work (TW) and average power (AP) one year (Fig. 6). Gender and mechanism of injury had no
for knee flexion and extension. Each evaluation consisted of influence on the level or speed of recovery.
an active warm-up period followed by 5, 10 and 15 repeti- There were three superficial wound infections, which
tions respectively carried out at three different speeds 90, responded to antibiotic therapy. One deep infection re-
180 and 270˚ per second.10,11 The values for the uninjured quired removal of the metalwork. There were three com-
limb were measured for comparison. A research physiother- partment syndromes which were all recognised early and
apist (EMW) measured the range of movement and carried treated with fasciotomy. No patient required muscle debri-
out all the isokinetic tests. The measurements were taken at dement. Two patients developed deep venous thrombosis
three months, six months and 12 months after the injury. and one patient had a common peroneal nerve palsy.
For the purposes of this study only peak torque at the
medium speed of 180˚ per second is used since it has been Discussion
shown in a previous study that there is a very strong cor- The findings of this study indicate that quadriceps function
relation between all three parameters (PT, TW and AP) and is impaired for a considerable period following a fracture of
at all dynamic speeds.10 This correlation has been found by the tibial plateau. We found that only 14% of patients
other authors.11 achieved normal quadriceps muscle strength at one year,
Statistical analysis was carried out using SPSS software while only 30% had restoration of normal hamstring
(SPSS Inc, Chicago, Illinois). A paired-sample t-test was muscle strength at this time. Quadriceps strength recovered
used for comparing parameters at different time intervals more slowly than hamstring strength throughout the period
and a one-sample t-test was used for assessing differences of follow-up. Older age was associated with a significantly
between groups at one time point. Values for p < 0.05 were slower return of quadriceps strength. These are similar find-
regarded as significant. The results were presented graphi- ings to those previously reported for diaphyseal fractures of
cally with the corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CI). the tibia.9 None of the other demographic or injury factors
affected the recovery of muscle strength in this study. We
Results also found that more than 20% of patients had significant
Fifty-two patients (82%) had > 100˚ knee flexion and 39 residual knee stiffness one year after injury.
(62%) had an extension deficit of < 5˚ at three months. By To our knowledge, this is the first prospective study to
one year, 13 (21%) patients still had an extension deficit use an objective outcome measure to assess function after
≥ 5˚. fractures of the tibial plateau. The Biodex dynamometer
The values of PT for the quadriceps and hamstring has been shown to be a reliable device for assessing muscle
muscles at each time point are shown in Figures 1 and 2. function and isokinetic dynamometry has been validated in
There was no significant change in the values for the un- the literature.12-14 We have previously reported the use of
injured limb over the period of study. We used the un- this technique in other types of injury.10,15
injured limb as the control, with the value achieved in the A limitation of this study is the small numbers in some of
injured limb expressed as a percentage of that in the un- the demographic subgroups which increases the possibility
injured limb. By this method, the level of recovery in the in- of a type II error with some true differences not being
jured limb was generated at each time point. detected. In Figure 6, those patients with more severe frac-
Figure 3 shows the percentage recovery for both muscle ture patterns were weaker at their initial assessment but
groups. Quadriceps recovery lags behind the hamstrings at achieved the same level by one year. The initial difference
all time points. The mean extension torque is only 77% of was not statistically significant, possibly because there were
the uninjured side by 12 months compared with 90% for very few of these more complex fractures. However, it is
flexion. These differences between quadriceps and ham- possible that there may be a difference in the rate of recov-
strings were significant at both six months (p < 0.01) and ery of muscle function following the more severe fracture
one year (p < 0.001). Only nine (14%) patients achieved patterns. Another possible criticism is the use of the
normal quadriceps muscle strength at 12 months while 19 uninjured limb as the control. It has been reported that
(30%) achieved normal hamstring muscle strength by this there are few differences between the right and left limb in
time. Figure 4 shows the percentage recovery for the 51 terms of muscle strength, even in those whose sport

VOL. 87-B, No. 9, SEPTEMBER 2005


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