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Global Warming: Causes and Consequences

Prepared For
Ma’am Sara Saeed
Comsats University Islamabad

Prepared By
Faryal Bakht Yar

May 15, 2019


Table of Contents
Executive Summary 1
Aims 2
Objectives 3
Findings 4
Introduction to the topic 4
Introduction 5
Background information
Statement of the problem 6
Significance of the Study 7

Scope of the Study 8

Review of Related Literature 9

Methods of the Study

Global Warming: Causes and Consequences

Executive Summary
The purpose of this report or aim is to examine the climatic changes caused by increased
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This report will tell us that how climatic change is caused by
human activity and what its results are.

The final objective can be shared through social media .This is the objective for humans mainly.
They need to interact with the surrounding to prevent climate change and keep it stable.

In 2013, the intergovernmental panel on Climate change (IPCC) fifth assessment report
concluded that it was extremely likely that from the 20th century human influence has been the
most dominant cause for the warming. The largest human influence is the release of
greenhouse gases such carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide.

Introduction to the Study

The term Global warming refers to the temperature of the earth which is
persistently on rise for the last about 3 decade. This phenomena is telling upon
the health of not only mankind rather the flora and fauna both are endangered.
The earth is facing a serious issue as rise in the temperature is bringing up the
level of sea waters thus causing floods and damaging the settlements around.

Background Information
The earth was not as warm as it is now. Its temperature is continuously rising for
certain well-known reasons.Consequently,the global warming has become a
burning issue which should be resolve by the human utilizing all the resources in

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this report is to highlight the impact of Global warming that how it
is affecting human and animals both by damaging. In the past years, some very
large holes have been formed in the layer thus resulting in the increase of Global

Significance of the Study

The comprehension, data analysis, communication tools are the prerequisites to
highlight and solve every issue. In this regard as the Global warming is posing an
eloquent threat to our Mother Earth so it has become the liability for every
human to participate and put his share in facing and coping up with the situation.
Bringing down the emission of CFC’s is the first measure which can be taken. The
traditional fuels should be replaced by exploring sources of Renewable energy.
The applied sciences have a significant role to play in every sphere of life. The
Industries, Housing, Agriculture and the education sectors are in the main focus to
be invested for a sustainable future.

Scope of the Study

The issue has a wide scope which ranges over the inhabitants around the globe as
every living thing either it is human, animal, the species living under the sea
water, all of them are endangered. On the other side, the vegetation like trees,
food items rather every plant is facing an imminent threat. The scope of the
study, here on this topic has no limits as it spans over every inch of the earth. The
global warming is a standing threat to our present and future as well.
Review of Related Literature
Tett et al. (2000) used an “optimal detection methodology” with global climate
model simulations to try and match the observational data. The inputs into the
model included measurements of GHGs in the atmosphere, aerosols from
Volcanic eruptions, solar irradiance, human aerosol emissions, and atmospheric
ozone changes which is another greenhouse gas.Tett et al. applied this philosophy
to their model of global surface temperature from 1897 to 1997.The estimate
approximately matched to the overall global warming during this period very well.
In 1938,there was a British engineer named CALLENDAR who demonstrated
through laboratory experiments that CO2 does indeed have absorption bands
outside of those dominated by water vapor and that increased CO2 concentration
which might possibly have significant global effects on the surface temperature of
the earth.Callendar also for the first time that humans could have a major
impact on the atmospheric CO2 concentration ,but estimated that it would take
several centuries of continued industrial emission to achieve a doubling of
ARRHENIUS (1896) demonstrated that an increase in the atmospheric
concentration of CO2 by a factor of two would lead to a heating of the earth’s
temperature by 5 to 6 ⁰C.This was the first estimate of how changes in the global
concentration of “carbonic acid” (a primary greenhouse gas, now more commonly
referred to as carbon dioxide) might affect mean global surface temperature were
made by Arrhenius.
American geologist CHAMBERLIN (1899) whose work was focused on the role of
CO2 in the formation of glacial periods in geological times.
A recent paper by PIELKE (2003) analyzes the heat storage system in the earth
system and points out how the utilization of surface temperature as a monitor of
the earth system climate change is not particularly useful in evaluating the heat
storage changes to the earth system. However,, since surface air temperature is
the most commonly used and most easily understood variable in the present
global warming debate, which is the base of the discussion.

Methods of the study

The Methodology adopted for writing this report is mainly the history of the issue,
causes, implications especially the hazards caused by the global warming. This
problem has an enormous impact upon the future of the earth as every living
being is facing a clear danger rather extinction. Reports on weather, snowfall,
rainfall, agricultural yield, diminishing biodiversity specially the rare specie,
shrinking of the rainforests and other allied phenomena gave a solid base to write
the report of global warming. Furthermore, the findings of United Nation
commissions on the population explosion, poverty, unemployment, urbanization
and climate changes are a standing witness to make a comprehensive analysis of
the given subject. The print and the fast track electronic media made it easy alot
to record the response of the people those who cannot be approached otherwise.
Last but not the least, social media is a great tool to collect and analyze the data
as it is cheaper in cost and very popular.

Limitations of the study

The first and foremost limitation is Public awareness which is through print media
and electronic media. There is a very important role of Government and NGO’s in
this regard. Some spheres in this regard are beyond the control and influence of
the study and its implementation. The already damaged ozone layer ,restricting it
to expand further.

The conclusion confirms that global warming is a challenge for our society. It has direct relation
with human and their surroundings. There is a very little doubt that global warming will change
our climate in the next coming years. The very first solution is to solve politically and the second
one is that government must provide cheap and clean energy production as all economic
development is based on increasing energy usage. Closing it, we must not depend on global
politics and clean energy technology but we should prepare ourselves for the worst and adapt.
If we implemented now, a lot of costs and damage that could be caused by changing climate
can be diminished.

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