Islamiat Assignment 1

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Name: Faryal Bakht Yar

Class: FA18-BBA-034
Submitted to: Dr. Musferah Mehfooz
Subject: Isamic Studies

Assignment No 1

Purpose of Life

Academic activity: The things which help me in achieving the purpose of life and satisfy in
academic life are as following:
1) Patience
2) Gratitude
3) Hard work
4) Zero plagiarism
5) Humbleness
These five things make me achieve my purpose of life during my academic session. The first thing is that
I keep myself very patient, mostly when I am going through difficult times. Patience is the one which
keeps hope alive. This makes me feel relaxed if I go through any hardship. As our Prophet (SAW) said in
Surah Luqman 31:17
“And be patient over what befalls you”.
Gratitude is very important part of a life. We should be thankful to the almighty Allah with what is
provided to us and for our achievements, all the time. Gratitude makes the person more feel good deep
inside. I made it a part of my academics because when we achieve good grades, most of us forget to say
Thank you Allah in the form of prayer,dua. When we are in difficulty, we seek help from Allah but when
we overcome that, we don’t express our gratitude.
Hard work is the key to success. If we don’t work hard, we will be not able to achieve success. Working
hard is necessary. Man cannot make any progress without effort and hard work. I try my level best that I
can keep my hard work the same. In Surah Al Najam 53:39, it is stated
“Man will not get anything unless he works hard.”
I have always done my own work and did a zero plagiarism. Zero plagiarism means that you work hard
and try on your own. If someone is trying to copy what you have done, the person is stealing your hard
work. He/she has done plagiarism in their work assigned to them. We all, including me should try to have
zero plagiarism, and think on our own way to create something different rather stealing from anybody
else. I try if someone is asking for my assignment, I may help them describing the question in a detailed
way rather providing them with my assignment so they may steal my work( even if they are my best
friend). Our holy Prophet (PBUH) said in Sunan Ibn Maajah,
“Whoever claims something that does not belong to him, is not one of us.”
The last and very important part of my life is being humble and having zero arrogance. If you achieve
your goals, don’t become arrogant. This leaves a very bad impression if one stays arrogant while
achieving lot of success. Success makes a person arrogant no doubt, but we should be humble and this
will pave our way for the future. Staying humble with your friends during your university and speaking
good is a part of our life. I have always talked in a very polite way to my friends and try to maintain my
humbleness. Our Holy Prophet ,the messenger of Allah said(Sahih Muslim 2865),
“Verily, Allah has revealed to me that you must be humble towards one another, so that no one
oppresses another or boasts to another.”

Non Academic activity: In my life, the things which I do except academic activites are as follow:
1) Working for my area
2) Namaz
3) Reciting Quran
4) Reading Islamic books
5) Interaction with people

Working for my area is something very close to my heart. I am born in Dera Ismail Khan’s biggest
village, Muryali. It is the poorest also. My grandfather use to live there and had a Haveli type house.
Growing up in that area, I learned to love people around me. I was a much pampered child but I saw my
mother helping poor people a lot; getting them Nulls, getting them their clothes for eid, getting them their
Rashan for Ramzan. From there, I started to think about them who don’t have those facilities which we
had. I made my mother stand up for them in Politics. I made every way possible to make my area get
developed. I contacted politicians who were elected from this area. This led me taking part in charity on
my own. I have helped everyone in my area that came to my mother apparently, but I got involved in that
and helped them out. I have started working with Shahid Afridi Foundation, who helps poor children to
study and learn. I want a Skillful school to be built in my area for girls only so they can do a house job
easily by that skill. If someone even tries to work for others or think to do that, he/she is doing a great job
because it is the concept in our religion Islam of ‘giving’ or working for the poor. In Sahih Bukhari 5038,
it is said,
“One who strives to help the widows or poor is like one who strives in the cause of Allah.”
Except academic worries and responsibilities, we should take care of our contact prayers and offer them
five times regularly as soon as possible. It is an obligatory part of our day and life. We should fulfill it
without any delay. This should be our first priority and then we can focus on other things much better.
Namaz is the key to every problem’s solution. If a person is going through hard time, he/she should say
Salah. This is what I have learned through my experience and I recommend every other person the same.
We can stay connected to Allah in this way and the relation grows strong. In this way, we will not get
astray. This would keep us safe from every evil eye. Every student should try to say Salah when they get
free from class or even take time out of the class to say Salah.
A man once asked the Holy Prophet (PBUH) that what kinds of deeds are best in the sight of God? He
replied “To pray on time.”
Reciting Quran is the most beautiful time when I do. It’s the most peaceful time rather when you are one
to one connected with Allah and angels listening to Quran’s verses. It is a book which is exceptional and
beautifully packed with everything we need to maintain our lives. One must recite Quran once in a day, to
have a peaceful and relaxed day. It is the greatest medicine in our lives and we must not forget how our
Holy Prophet (PBUH) uses to recite it regularly. We shall follow the footsteps of our Holy Prophet
(PBUH) and it said that
“The greatest avenues of closeness to Allah is reciting Quran a lot, and listening to it with contemplation
and pondering.” – Bin Rajab –
Reading Islamic books increase in your knowledge and you may get to know about history of the
Prophets. It is the way to know more about Islamic history. One may know everything about his/her
religion so that we can convey our message clearly. It is the best thing to do in leisure time. One must use
its leisure time correctly so that he/she may not feel that they wasted their time. Islamic books which I
read off and on mostly when I am in my university library are:
1) Muhammad: His life based on the earliest sources
2) The alchemy of happiness
3) A history of the Arab peoples
Interaction with people is when you decide to start talking with people and you get to show your
behavior. Keeping your behavior good and nice is the thing which you show everywhere. It is not
necessary that you behave, when you are in university only but you should behave nicely even when you
are not in the university. It shows that your behavior is good and you talk politely. It shows how well
mannered you are. It portrays how your parents have groomed you as a human being. Helping others,
staying calm in the worse situation, your eye contact, body language. This is all which is noticed in your
interaction with others so I have prepared myself that way to talk politely, to help others, and to show a
nice gesture while talking with others. This is how I do and this is what others should do. Whether they
are our parents, siblings, neighbor, spouse or a whole society, we should try to behave nicely and with
low voice. If we don’t have a good moral, we won’t be able to survive in the society. As the holy prophet
stated, ‘I have been sent only for the purpose of perfecting good morals.’
In an emphatic hadith, the Prophet (PBUH) stated, “I am a guarantor of a house in the highest part of
Paradise for the one who makes his behavior good.”

Student- teacher Relationship:

It is based on two points mainly:
1) Respect
2) Obedience
Student-teacher relationship is a very kind of Parent-kid relationship. A teacher is like a parent who
makes a student study well and prepare for the exams. The relationship between teacher and student is
one of the most influential factors in the learning enviournment. If a teacher has a good relationship with
students, the students will more readily accept the rules and procedures with a good heart. Likewise, in
our life, as I attend any class of the session, I get to hear very good comments (about my behavior) and
appreciate my teachers for making me able to comment on anything which I know because of them. It’s
all because of my brilliant teachers that I am here today writing this assignment for Islamic studies in my
fourth semester. They have made me achieve success and do what I want to. This is all because of my
teachers and secondly all because of my good behavior with them. We behave nicely with our parents, so
are our teachers with whom we have to behave nicely and talk politely. As parents raise children, a
teacher raises a lay man to an educated student. As it is the duty of teacher to treat every student equally.
Hazrat Ali (RA) once stated that “ if a person teaches me one single word, he has made me his servant for
a lifetime.” This verse tells us that our teacher, teaches us from the very age we are admitted to school.
We should respect our teachers no matter what and believe in what they tell us to do; we should try our
best to accept it.

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