Problems - Module 3

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Solution: 4.

1 (a)
Given information,
Df = 3ft Df = 3 ft
B = 3 ft
c' = 400 lb/ft2
ϕ’ = 280
γ = 110 lb/ft3 B = 3 ft
F.S. = 4 c' = 400 lb/ft
ϕ' = 280
γ = 110 lb/ft3
For ϕ’ = 280
Nc = 31.61
Nq = 17.81
Ny = 13.70

Surcharge (vertical effective stress at the base of the footing)

q = Df × γ = 3 ft × 110 = 330 lb/ft2

Gross ultimate bearing capacity (stress) (for continuous footing),

( ) ( ) ( )
= 20781.8 lb/ft2
Gross allowable bearing capacity (stress),
( )
Additional step:

Net ultimate bearing capacity,

qnu = qu – q = 20781.8 – 330 = 20451.8 lb/ft2

Net allowable bearing capacity,

Net allowable bearing capacity

Gross allowable Load, Q = qa x A = 5195 x (3 x 1) = 15,585 lb per ft [area, A = B x L (for continuous

footing, L = 1]
Solution: 4.2
Given information,
Df = 1.5 m
c' = 0
ϕ' = 340
γ = 15.9 kN/m3
Qga = 1805 kN
F.S. = 3
Find, B = ?

For ϕ’ = 340
Nc = 52.64
Nq = 36.50
Ny = 38.04

Surcharge (vertical effective stress at the base of the footing)

q = Df × γ = 1.5 m × 15.9 = 23.85 kN/m2

Gross ultimate bearing capacity (stress) (for square footing),

( ) ( ) ( ) 𝑄𝑔𝑎 = 1805 kN

= 870.525 + 241.93B

Gross allowable bearing capacity (stress), Df = 1.5 m 𝑞𝑔𝑎

c' = 0
Step-4: A=BxB ϕ' = 340
γ = 15.9 kN/m3
Gross allowable stress at base of the footing,
A = 2 x 2 = 4m2
( )
B = 2.0 m

From eq. (i) and (ii)

or, 241.98B3 + 870.525B2 – 5415 = 0 B = 2.0 m

or, B = 1.99 m ~ 2.0 m (ans)

Terzaghi’s Bearing Capacity equations:

Strip/Continuous Footing:

Square Footing:

Circular Footing:
Modification of Bearing Capacity Equations (Terzaghi’s) for Water Table:
Case I: [0 ≤ dw ≤ Df] – from ground surface
Given information,
Df = 6 ft
B = 7 ft
c' = 400 lb/ft2
ϕ' = 280
γ =110 lb/ft3 dw =1 ft γ = 110 lb/ft3
γsat =120 lb/ft3
F.S. = 3 Df = 6 ft
5 ft

For ϕ’ = 280
Nc = 31.61 B = 7 ft
Nq = 17.81
Nγ = 13.70 c' = 400 lb/ft2
ϕ' = 280
Effective unit weight, γsat = 120 lb/ft3
γ' = γsat - γw = 120 – 62.4 = 57.6 lb/ft3

Surcharge (vertical effective stress at the base of

the footing) Effective unit weight,
q = (1 110) + (5 57.6) = 398 lb/ft2 𝛾 𝛾𝑠𝑎𝑡 𝛾𝑤
Gross ultimate bearing capacity (stress) (for square footing),

( ) ( ) ( )
= 25735.11 lb/ft2
Gross allowable bearing capacity (stress),

( )

Additional step:

Net ultimate bearing capacity,

qnu = qu – q = 25735.11 – 398 = 25337.11 lb/ft2

Net allowable bearing capacity,

Net allowable bearing capacity

Net allowable Load, Q = qa x A = x (7 x 7) = 413805 lb = 413.8 kip

Case II: [0 ≤ dw ≤ B] – from base of the footing

Given information,
Df = 6 ft
B = 7 ft
c' = 400 lb/f2
ϕ' = 280
γ =110 lb/ft3 γ = 110 lb/ft3
γsat =120 lb/ft3 Df = 6 ft
F.S. = 3

For ϕ’ = 280
B = 7 ft
Nc = 31.61 dw = 2.5 ft
Nq = 17.81
Nγ = 13.70 c' = 400 lb/ft2
ϕ' = 280
Effective unit weight, γsat = 120 lb/ft3
γ' = γsat - γw = 120 – 62.4 = 57.6 lb/ft3

Surcharge (vertical effective stress at the base of

the footing)
q = 6 x 110 = 660 lb/ft2

Gross ultimate bearing capacity (stress) (for square footing), ̅
𝜸 𝜸 (𝜸 𝜸)

= 57.6 + { 𝟕 (110 -57.6)}
= ̅
= 76.31 lb/ft3
( ) ( ) ( )
= 30591.05 lb/ft2

Gross allowable bearing capacity (stress),

( )

Case III: [dw > B] – from base of the footing

No modification. There is no water table.
Step - 1:
Given information,
Df = 1.5 m
B = 2 m and L = 3 m
c' = 70 kN/m2
ϕ' = 250
γ =17 kN/m3
γsat =19.5 kN/m3
F.S. = 3

For ϕ’ = 250
Nc = 20.72
Nq = 10.66
Nγ = 10.88

Effective unit weight,

γ' = γsat - γw = 19.5 – 9.81 = 9.69 kN/m3

Surcharge (vertical effective stress at the base of the

q = (1 17) + (0.5 9.69) = 21.85 kN/m2

Shape factors:
= 1+ [(B/L) (Nq/Nc)] =1+ [(2/3) (10.66/20.72)] = 1.343
= 1 + (B/L) tan = 1 + (2/3) tan 250 = 1.311
= 1 – 0.4 (B/L) = 1- 0.4 (2/3) = 0.733
Depth factors: (Df/B = 1.5/2 = 0.75, so, Df/B ≤ 1 , ϕ' = 250, so ϕ' > 0)

= 1 + [2 tan (1 - sin )2 (Df/B)] =1 + [2 tan 250 (1 – sin 250)2 (1.5/2)] = 1.233

= – [(1 - ) / (Nctan )] = 1.233– [(1 -1.233) / (20.72 × tan 250)] = 1.257
Inclination factors:

Gross ultimate bearing capacity (stress),

= (70×20.72×1.343×1.257×1) + (21.85×10.66×1.312×1.233×1) + (0.5×9.69×2×10.88×0.733×1×1)

= 2902.281 kN/m2

Net allowable bearing capacity (stress),

Net allowable load,

Qna = × A = 960.144 × (2×3) = 5760.862 ~ 5760 kN (ans)

Qall = 3330 kN

Step - 1:
Given information,
Df = 2 m
c' = 0 kN/m2 Df = 2 m 𝑞𝑎
ϕ' = 300
γ =16.5 kN/m3
F.S. = 4
Find, B = B = L (square foundation)?
For ϕ’ = 300
Nc = 30.14

B = 3m
Nq = 18.40
Nγ = 22.40

Surcharge (vertical effective stress at the base of the

q = (2 16.5) = 33 kN/m2 B = 3m

Shape factors:
= 1+ [(B/L) (Nq/Nc)] =1+ [(B/B) (18.40/30.14)] = 1.6104
= 1 + (B/L) tan = 1 + (B/B) tan 300 = 1.577
= 1 – 0.4 (B/L) = 1 – 0.4 (B/B) = 0.6
Depth factors: (Df/B = ?, assume, Df/B ≤ 1 , ϕ' = 300, so ϕ' > 0)

= 1 + [2 tan (1 - sin )2 (Df/B)] =1 + [2 tan 300 (1 – sin 300)2 (2/B)] = 1+ ( )

= – [(1 - ) / (Nctan )] = [(B+0.577)/B] – [(1 – ((B+0.577)/B) / (30.14 × tan 300)] =

= (B+0.577)/B – [( )

= -

= =

Inclination factors:

Gross ultimate bearing capacity (stress),

= (33×18.40×1.577×( )×1) + (0.5×16.5×B×22.40×0.6×1×1)

= + 110.88B

Gross allowable bearing capacity (stress),


Gross allowable load,

( )

From eq (i) and (ii),


By trial and error,

B = 3.005 ~ 3.0 m (ans)

Step - 1:
Given information,
Df = 3 ft
c' = 600 lb/ft2
ϕ' = 250 Q
β = 200 β = 200
γ =115 lb/ft3
F.S. = 3

Find, Qall = ?

For ϕ’ = 250 Df = 3 ft
Nc = 20.72
Nq = 10.66
Nγ = 10.88
B = 5 ft
Surcharge (vertical effective stress at the base of the
q = (3 × 115) = 345 lb/ft2

B = 5 ft
Shape factors:
= 1+ [(B/L) (Nq/Nc)] =1+ [(5/5) (10.66/20.72)] = 1.514
B = 5 ft
= 1 + (B/L) tan = 1 + (5/5) tan 250 = 1.466
= 1 – 0.4 (B/L) = 1- 0.4 (5/5) = 0.60

Depth factors: (Df/B = 3/5 = 0.6, so, Df/B ≤ 1 , ϕ' = 250, so ϕ' > 0)

= 1 + [2 tan (1 - sin )2 (Df/B)] =1 + [2 tan 250 (1 – sin 250)2 (3/5)] = 1.187

= – [(1 - ) / (Nctan )] = 1.187– [(1 -1.187) / (20.72 × tan 250)] = 1.206

Inclination factors:

( ) ( )

( ) ( )
Gross ultimate bearing capacity (stress),

= (600×20.72×1.514×1.206×0.605) + (345×10.66×1.466×1.187×0.605) +

= 17680.20 lb/ft2

Gross allowable bearing capacity (stress),

Gross allowable load,

Qa × cosβ = ×A
Step - 1:
Given information,
Df = 1.0 m
B = 1.5 m and L = 1.5 m
c' = 0 kN/m2
ϕ' = 360
γ =17 kN/m3
e = 0.15 m
F.S. = 4

Find, Qall = ?

M=e Qall or e = M/Qall (Moment = Load x distance) e = 0.15m

L = 1.5m
For ϕ’ = 360
Nc = 50.59
Nq = 37.75
Nγ = 56.31

Surcharge (vertical effective stress at the base of the B = 1.5 m

q = (1 17) = 17 kN/m2

Effective width, B’ = B – 2e = 1.5 – (2*0.15) = 1.2 m
Effective length, L’ = L = 1.5 m

Shape factors: (here, B and L should be replaced by B’ and L’)
= 1+ [(B’/L’) (Nq/Nc)] =1+ [(1.2/1.5) (37.75/50.59)] = 1.597
= 1 + (B’/L’) tan = 1 + (1.2/1.5) tan 360 = 1.581
= 1 – 0.4 (B’/L’) = 1- 0.4 (1.2/1.5) = 0.68

Depth factors: (Df/B = 1/1.5 = 0.67, so, Df/B ≤ 1, ϕ' = 360, so ϕ' > 0)

= 1 + [2 tan (1 - sin )2 (Df/B)] =1 + [2 tan 360 (1 – sin 360)2 (1/1.5)] = 1.16

= – [(1 - ) / (Nctan )] = 1.165– [(1 -1.165) / (50.59 × tan 360)] = 1.004
Inclination factors: (load is applied vertically)

Gross ultimate bearing capacity (stress),

= 0 + (17×37.75×1.581×1.165×1) + (0.5×17×1.2×56.31×0.68×1×1)

= 1572.583 kN/m2

Gross allowable bearing capacity (stress),

Gross allowable load,

Qa = × A’ (A’ = B’ L’)

= 707.66 kN
Step - 1:
Given information, c' = 0
Df = 0.8 m ϕ' = 350
Df = 0.8m γ = 17 kN/m3
B = 1.5 m and L = 2.55 m
c' = 0 kN/m2 ft
ϕ' = 350
γ =17 kN/m3
eB = 0.12 m, eL = 0.36 m 1.5m × 2.25m
F.S. = 4

Find, Qall = ?

For ϕ’ = 350 L = 2.25 m eL

Nc = 46.12
Nq = 33.30
Nγ = 48.03

Surcharge (vertical effective stress at the base of

the footing)
B = 1.5 m
q = (0.8 17) = 13.6 kN/m2


Checking eL/L and eB/B, the case is “Case II”

Effective area, A’ = ½ × (L1 + L2) × B = ½ × (2.115 + 0.743) × 1.5 = 2.144 m2

From chart,
L2/L = 0.33 or, L2 = L × 0.33 or, L2 = 0.33 × 2.25 = 0.743 m
L1/L = 0.94 or, L1 = 0.94 × L or, L1 = 0.94 × 2.25 = 2.115 m
Effective width,
B’ = A’/(L1 or L2, larger value)
or, B’ = (2.144/2.115) = 1.013 m

Effective length, L’ = L1 or L2, larger value

or, L’ = 2.115 m

Shape factors: (here, B and L should be replaced by B’ and L’)
= 1+ [(B’/L’) (Nq/Nc)] =1+ [(1.013/2.115) (33.30/46.12)] = 1.346
= 1 + [(B’/L’) tan ] = 1 + [(1.013/2.115) tan 350] = 1.335
= 1 – [0.4 (B’/L’)] = 1- [0.4 (1.013/2.115)] = 0.808

Depth factors: (Df/B = 0.8/1.5 = 0.53, so, Df/B < 1, ϕ' = 350, so ϕ' > 0)

= 1 + [2 tan (1 - sin )2 (Df/B)] =1 + [2 tan 350 (1 – sin 350)2 (0.8/1.5)] = 1.136

= – [(1 - ) / (Nctan )] = 1.0135– [(1 -1.0135) / (46.12 × tan 350)] = 1.140

Inclination factors: (load is applied vertically)

Gross ultimate bearing capacity (stress),

= 0 + (13.6 × 33.30 × 1.335 × 1.136 × 1) + (0.5 × 17 × 1.013 × 48.03 × 0.808 × 1 × 1)

= 1020.98 kN/m2

Gross allowable bearing capacity (stress),

Gross allowable load,

Qa = × A’ (A’ = B’ L’)

= 547.23 ~ 547 kN

0.33 0.94

Figure 4.26 (b)

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