Problems Module 6

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Q = 30 MN
= 30,000 kN
Df = 2.2 m
B = 10 m
L = 12 m
𝜎𝑐′ = 105 kN/m2
z = 2+2+(5.2/2) = 6.6
q = 2.2 × 16 = 35.2 kN/m2
Vertical effective pressure at mid-depth of
compressible layer,
𝜎𝑜′ = (4.2×16) + [2×(18-9.81)] +
[5.2/2×(17.5 -9.81)] = 103.57 kN/m2

Step-3: Induced stress,

z = 6.6 m

B = 10 m
m1 = L/B = 12/10 = 1.2
n1 = 2z/B = (2×6.6)/10 = 1.32

From, 10.4
L = 12 m

For n1 = 1.20 m1 =1.2

1 - - 0.121
1 - - 0.121/1
0.2 - - - (0.121x0.2)/1 = 0.0242 0.606+0.0242 = 0.6302

1.32 For n1 = 1.40 m1 =1.2

1 - - 0.136
1 - - 0.1136/1
0.2 - - - (0.136x0.2)/1 = 0.0272 0.522+0.0272 = 0.5492
n1 m1 = 1.2 For n1 = 1.32 m1 =1.20
0.2 - - 0.081
1.2 0.6302
1.32 0.5816 1 - - 0.081/0.2
1.4 0.5492 0.12 - - - (0.081x0.12)/0.2 = 0.0486 0.6302 - 0.0486 = 0.5816

From table, I4 = 0.5816

Induced stress at mid-depth of compressible layer,

= (qb –q) × I4 = [(30000/120) – (35.2)] × 0.5816
= 124.93 kN/m2

′ ′ ′
0r, 103.57 + 124.93 > 105
0r, 228.5 > 105

′ ′ ′
Primary consolidation settlement at the center of the raft ( > ),

( ) ( )

= 0.356 m
= 356 mm

Q = 30 MN
= 30,000 kN
Df = 2.2 m
B = 10 m
L = 12 m

= 105 kN/m2
q = 2.2 × 16 = 35.2 kN/m2

Vertical effective pressure at mid-depth of compressible layer,

= (4.2×16) + [2×(18-9.81)] + [5.2/2×(17.5 -9.81)] = 103.57 kN/m2

Step-3: Induced stress,

m = B/z = 10/6.6 = 1.52
n = L/z = 12/6.6 = 1.82
From table 10.9
m = 1.52
n m =1.4 m =1.6
1.80 0.2183 0.2237

I3 = 0.22154

Induced stress at mid-depth of compressible layer,

= (qb – q) × I3 = [(30000/120) – (35.2)] × 0.22154
= 47.59 kN/m2

′ ′ ′
0r, 103.57 + 47.59 > 105
0r, 151.16 > 105
′ ′ ′
Primary consolidation settlement at the corner of the raft ( > ),

( ) ( )

= 0.167 m
= 167 mm
A soil profile and a shallow foundation are shown in figure below. Estimate the settlement of the clay layer
caused by primary consolidation if –
i. The clay is normally consolidated.
ii. The preconsolidation pressure ( ′ ) = 200 kN/m2


Dry Sand
γd = 16 kN/m3

z = 1.5+3+1 = 5.5 m
x2 Saturated Sand
γsat = 18 kN/m3

Saturated Soft Clay

γsat = 17.5 kN/m3
x3 𝑒0 0.9
𝑐𝑐 0.31
𝑐𝑠 = 0.15


Load and dimensions Depth

P = 2000 kN Df = 1.0 m, x1 = 1.5 m

B = 3 m, L = 3 m x2 = 3.0 m, x3 = 2.0 m
(1). Considering the clay layer is normally consolidated.
Step -1:
Vertical effective stress at mid-depth of clay layer,

0 = (2.5 × 16) + [3 × (18-9.81)] + [(2/2) × (17.5-9.81)]
= 72.26 kN/m2

Step -2:
B = 3 m, L = 3 m, z = 5.5 m, qb = (2000/9) = 222.22 kN/m2
m1 = L/B = 3/3 = 1
n1 = 2z/B = (2×5.5)/3 = 3.67
Surcharge, q = 1 × 16 = 16 kN/m2
From table 10.10,
I4 = 0.13143
Induced stress
Δσ’ = (qb – q) × I4 1 - - 0.071
= (222.22 – 16) × 0.13143 1 - - 0.071/1
0.67 - - - (0.071x0.67)/1 = 0.04757
= 27.10 kN/m2

3.67 - - - 0.179 – 0.04757 = 0.13143

Consolidation settlement (normally consolidated),

( )

= 0.045 m
= 45 mm

(ii). Preconsolidation pressure ( ′ ) = 200 kN/m2

Step -1:

0 = 72.26 kN/m2

Step -2:
Δσ’ = 27.10 kN/m2
Step -3:
′ ′ ′

0r, 72.26 + 27.10 ≤ 200
0r, 99.36 ≤ 200
′ ′ ′
Consolidation settlement ( ≤ ),

( )

= 0.022 m
= 22 mm

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