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Cui, Y. J. & Delage, P. (1996). GeÂotechnique 46, No.

2, 291±311

Yielding and plastic behaviour of an unsaturated compacted silt

Y. J. C U I  a n d P. D E L AG E 

Within the framework of an extended elasto- Un programme expeÂrimental, mene aÁ l'aide

plastic constitutive model for unsaturated soils d'un appareil triaxial aÁ succion controÃleÂe par
(loading-collapse (LC) model), an experimental un dispositif osmotique, a eÂte eÂlabore dans un
programme was performed in an osmotically contexte eÂlasto-plastique deÂveloppe pour les sols
controlled suction triaxial apparatus. The lab- non satureÂs (modeÁle LC). On a eÂtudie au
oratory behaviour of a statically compacted silt laboratoire le comportement meÂcanique d'un
was studied, and particular attention was given limon compacte statiquement, en accordant une
to the volume changes monitored during shear. importance particulieÁre aÁ la mesure des varia-
Isotropic loading tests con®rmed the main tions volumiques se produisant pendant le
features of the LC model related to the effect cisaillement. Des essais de compression isotropes
of suction on volume changes, and allowed a ont con®rme les aspects essentiels du modeÁle LC
direct determination of the LC curve. Constant qui traitent des effets de la succion sur les
ó3 and a few constant h shear tests were variations de volume, et ont permis la deÂtermi-
performed in order to study yielding and plastic nation de la courbe LC. Des essais de cisaille-
¯ow at various increasing suctions, starting from ment triaxial aÁ ó3 constant, et quelques tests aÁ
the as-compacted condition. Several yield cri- h constant ont eÂte reÂaliseÂs pour eÂtudier la
teria were considered, depending on the type of plasti®cation et l'eÂcoulement plastique du mateÂ-
test performed. Some similarities between com- riau aÁ diffeÂrentes succions, eÂgales ou supeÂrieures
pacted unsaturated soils and natural soft soils aÁ la succion de compactage. On a consideÂreÂ,
were shown, such as the inclined elliptical form suivant le type d'essai reÂaliseÂ, divers criteÁres de
of the yield curve, which results from the plasti®cation. Un certain nombre d'analogies
anisotropic state of stress prevailing during K0 avec les proprieÂteÂs des sols mous naturels ont
compaction. Some preconsolidation effects due eÂte mises en eÂvidence sur les sols compacteÂs non
to increasing suction were identi®ed, and an satureÂs: la forme de la surface de charge est
approximately isotropic suction hardening phe- elliptique inclineÂe, du fait de l'anisotropie de
nomenon was evidenced, together with a non- l'eÂtat de contrainte applique pendant le com-
associated ¯ow rule. The direction of the plastic pactage. Des effets de preÂconsolidation dus aÁ
strain increment seemed almost independent of une succion croissante ont eÂte identi®eÂs, ainsi
the suction, and a hyperbolic plastic potential, qu'un eÂcrouissage en succion isotrope et une
similar to that of sand, was found satisfactory. reÁgle d'eÂcoulement non associeÂe. La direction de
Inclined ellipses were chosen for modelling the l'increÂment de deÂformation plastique s'est reÂ-
yield curves. As for any simple elasto-plastic veÂleÂe eÃtre indeÂpendante de la succion. Comme
Cam clay type model applied to overconsoli- dans les sables, un potentiel plastique hyper-
dated soils, the predicted stress±strain curves bolique est apparu satisfaisant. On a modeÂliseÂ
showed a sudden transition at yield, whereas a les surfaces de charge par des ellipses inclineÂes.
much more gradual transition was observed in Comme dans les modeÁles Cam-clay classiques,
practice. Volume change prediction appeared les courbes effort-deÂformation calculeÂes avec le
satisfactory, showing the validity of the hyper- modeÁle preÂsentent une transition marqueÂe aÁ la
bolic plastic potential. plasti®cation, alors que ce passage est progressif
dans la reÂaliteÂ. Les changements de volume
KEYWORDS: compaction; constitutive relations; de- calculeÂs sont apparus satisfaisants, ce qui con-
formation; laboratory tests; partial saturation; plasti- ®rme la validite du potentiel plastique hyper-
city. bolique.

Manuscript received 3 August 1994; revised manuscript
accepted 11 July 1995. Relatively few experimental data on the behaviour
Discussion on this paper closes 2 September 1996; for of unsaturated soils are available, due to technical
further details see p. ii. dif®culties related to both control and measurement
 Ecole Nationale des Ponts et ChausseÂes, Paris. of the suction. Early results of Bishop & Donald


(1961) were obtained in the triaxial apparatus, the later, the ®rst experimental results on volume
suction being controlled by the axis translation change behaviour during shear tests appeared,
method (Richards, 1941). After that, most of the within the general framework of critical state
experimental work carried out under controlled concepts and elasto-plasticity (Toll, 1990; Wheeler
suction conditions has dealt with volume change, & Sivakumar, 1992 and 1995; Cui & Delage,
examined either under K0 conditions with oed- 1993; MaaÃtouk, Leroueil and La Rochelle, 1995).
ometers (Jennings & Burland, 1962; Barden, In the present work, an experimental programme
Madedor & Sides, 1969; Aitchison & Woodburn, has been de®ned in order to investigate various
1969; Escario, 1969; Fredlund & Morgenstern, aspects of the behaviour of compacted soils within
1976) or under isotropic stress conditions (Matyas the framework outlined above. Normal Proctor
& Radhakrishna, 1968). As far as shear strength compacted samples have been studied in order to
properties were concerned, the few existing data approximate standard geotechnical engineering
dealt with failure, i.e. determination of the friction problems. Special attention has been given to the
angle and cohesion. More often, data have been in¯uence of suction on the yielding behaviour of
obtained by direct shear box testing (Escario, 1980). the compacted soil. In order to con®rm the suction
Some triaxial testing has also been performed by hardening phenomenon described in the LC model,
Gulhati & Satija (1981) and Ho & Fredlund (1982). the effect of suction increases on the yield curve
Except in the work of Bishop & Donald and Ho & has been studied and the ¯ow rule has been
Fredlund (where multi-stage testing was per- investigated. These investigations were aimed at
formed), very few stress±strain curves under a studying the capabilities and possible extensions of
controlled suction were published in these early the LC model, as well as providing the values of
papers. constitutive parameters of the soil. Finally, some
More recently, results concerning the change of predictions of the behaviour of the compacted soil
cohesion and friction angle as a function of the during triaxial testing are made.
suction have been presented by Escario & Saez
(1986) for various plastic clays tested on a shear
box, and by Delage, Suraj de Silva & De Laure
(1987) on a compacted silt. In this last case, a new MATERIALS AND METHODS
type of suction-controlled triaxial apparatus based Static compaction of the samples
on an osmotic principle derived from the work of The studied soil is an aeolian silt from the
Kassif & Ben Shalom (1971) was used. Some eastern region of Paris (limon des plateaux),
stress±strain curves under controlled suctions vary- located near the village of Jossigny. The clay
ing from 50 to 800 kPa showed an increase in both minerals of the soil, as determined by X-ray
stiffness and peak resistance with an increasing diffractometry, are illite, kaolinite and inter-
suction. Changes of cohesion and friction angle strati®ed illite±smectite. No signi®cant swelling
with suction were also found. In all these studies, properties have been observed on wetting. The
no volume changes were monitored during shear- geotechnical properties of the soil are given in
ing, and volumetric and shear behaviour were Table 1.
treated separately. The soil was ®rst dried under laboratory
As far as constitutive laws are concerned, the conditions, then ground and passed through a
®rst integrated model able to predict the various 400 mm sieve. The dry powder was carefully
aspects of unsaturated soil behaviour, called the wetted with a spray gun to the standard Proctor
loading±collapse (LC) model, was presented by optimum moisture content, and allowed to stand
Alonso, Gens & Hight (1987). In this work, for 24 h for moisture equilibration. In order to get
attention was essentially focused on volume change the best possible standard homogeneity, compaction
behaviour, including collapse, and the model was performed in three layers in a 38 mm dia.
qualitatively showed how an extended elasto-plastic cylindrical greased mould. A rate of 0´15 mm/min
theory could satisfactorily account for the main for compression on a triaxial press was adopted,
aspects of unsaturated soil behaviour. Alonso, Gens and each layer was compacted to the normal
& Josa (1990) presented a quantitative version of Proctor maximum dry density with a double piston
the LC model, where both volume change and system. The interfaces between the different layers
shear strength behaviour were predicted within the were carefully scari®ed.
framework of an elasto-plastic theory. Some time Figure 1 shows the stress±strain curve mon-
Table 1. Characteristics of the Jossigny silt
wL : % wP : % Plasticity % , 2 mm % . 80 mm wopt : % ãdopt : kN/m3 ãs : kN/m3
37 19 18 34 4 18 16´7 27´2
itored during the static compaction of the ®rst γdopt = 16.67 kN/m3 γdopt = 16.67 kN/m3
layer. In this case, compression was performed 8
until the desired volume was reached, and the
maximum applied stress was noted (878 kPa). The
two other layers were successively compacted on
each side of the ®rst one. The criterion for
compacting these subsequent layers was no longer

Height: cm
the volume, but the maximum stress reached
during the compression of the ®rst layer. Due to 4

the steep slope in this area, a stress criterion has

been found to be much more precise than a
volumetric one. Furthermore, as in the ®eld, all 2
layers support the same maximum stress value
during compaction. A volumetric criterion could
have induced large differences of this stress value. 0
It is also important to know exactly the highest 10 15 20 10 15 20
γd: kN/m3 γd: kN/m3
stress supported by the sample during compaction
in order to understand its subsequent mechanical (a) (b)

behaviour. In this compaction process, the water

Fig. 2. Typical density pro®les determined by gamma
content has been shown to have a strong in¯uence densitometry
on the maximum applied stress, and it has been
observed that a water content difference of 0´3%
induced, for the same ®nal density, a difference as dif®cult to achieve. Variation around an average
large as 40 kPa for the maximum stress value. Due density value was observed. Larger differences
to small variations of the initial water content, the between the three layers are observed in sample (a)
maximum compaction stress value ranged from than in sample (b) in Fig. 2.
800 to 900 kPa. A ®lter paper measurement gave
an initial value of the suction of the Standard
Proctor Optimum compacted sample of 200 kPa, Osmotic technique for control of suction
which was later con®rmed by the osmotic tech- The osmotic technique for the control of suction
nique, since no additional water exchanges were is not commonly used in geotechnical testing. In
observed under a 200 kPa controlled suction. this technique, drainage of the sample is caused by
In order to examine the homogeneity of the the process of osmosis, whereby the sample is
samples, some gamma densitometry measurements placed on a cellulotic semi-permeable membrane
were performed, as shown in Fig. 2. The results which is permeable to water and beneath the
showed that, even with precautions such as the membrane a solution of polyethylene glycol (PEG)
double piston system, perfect homogeneity was is circulated. The large PEG molecules cannot go
through the membrane, resulting in an osmotic
suction applied to the sample through the mem-
1000 brane and thus a negative value of pore water
pressure within the sample. By using a semi-
permeable membrane, the osmotic technique is
800 used to control the matrix suction, rather than the
osmotic suction, within the soil. The value of the
suction depends on the concentration of the
Vertical stress: kPa

600 solution: the higher the concentration, the higher

is the suction. The relationship between osmotic
pressure and PEG concentration is well known for
400 two molecular weights (PEG 6000 and 20 000),
since coherent results have been obtained by
different authors, as shown by Williams &
200 Shaykewich (1969). Initially developed by biolo-
gists (Lagerwerff, Ogata & Eagle, 1961), this
technique was later adopted by soil scientists (Zur,
0 1966). The ®rst adaptation to geotechnical testing
0 5 10 15 20 was by Kassif & Ben Shalom (1971) on an
Settlement: mm oedometer, in order to study swelling soils.
Fig. 1. Stress±strain curve obtained during the com- Subsequent work has been done on a hollow
paction of the ®rst layer of a sample cylinder triaxial apparatus by Komornik, Livneh &

Smucha (1980), and on a standard triaxial compared with the triaxial cell condition, this
apparatus by Delage et al. (1987). Some improve- device allows a signi®cantly faster drainage of the
ments on the oedometer have been made by sample, since the radial drainage length was
Delage, Suraj de Silva & Vicol (1992) concerning 19 mm instead of 38 mm. Suraj de Silva (1987)
the circulation of the solution and the control of showed that equilibrium was reached in this case
water exchanges. after approximately one week. Afterwards, the
As compared with the axis translation method, sample was taken out and placed in the triaxial
the main advantage of the osmotic technique is cell.
that the soil remains close to its natural condition,
since no pore air pressure need be applied within
the sample. The pore water pressure is negative, as The osmotic triaxial apparatus
in nature. The osmotic triaxial apparatus used in this work
was initially described by Delage et al. (1987).
Some improvements have been made in order to
Suction imposition under zero applied stress monitor volume changes during shear (Cui, 1993;
After compaction, the samples were enclosed in Cui & Delage, 1993). The apparatus is shown in
a cellulotic impermeable ®lm and kept, with the Fig. 4. The sample is put in contact on both
remaining hydrated soil powder, for 24 h in a bottom and top surfaces with the semi-permeable
closed box in order to ensure moisture equilibrium membrane. Most of the equipment comes from a
within the whole sample. During this period, a standard 38 mm triaxial cell. Concentric grooves
very slight swelling of the sample was observed. are machined in the base pedestal and top cap for
The ®rst suction imposition was performed under a the circulation of the PEG solution. A thin sieve
zero total stress condition using the device in mesh is placed over the grooves and covered by
Fig. 3 (Delage & Suraj de Silva, 1992). The the membranes, which are glued with an epoxy
triaxial samples were carefully inserted into a tube- resin. The top cap is connected to the base of the
shaped semi-permeable membrane that had pre- cell by two ¯exible tubes. The solution is
viously been slightly wetted. The membrane and contained in a closed circuit comprising the serial
sample were then submerged in a magnetically connection of the base of the cell, the top cap, a
stirred PEG solution, whose concentration corre- reservoir and the pump. The reservoir is big
sponded to the desired osmotic pressure. As enough to ensure a relatively constant concentra-
tion in spite of water exchanges occurring through
the membranes between the sample and the
solution. The reservoir is closed with a rubber
cap, pierced by three glass tubes. Two of these
tubes are for in¯ow and out¯ow of the solution to
the triaxial cell; the third is connected to a
graduated capillary tube for monitoring water
exchanges. The stabilization of the level of the
Polythene sheet solution in the tube indicates that an equilibrium
suction has been reached in the whole sample. In
this work, Spectrapor 4 membranes were used
PEG 20 000

Soil sample

Semi-permeable PEG 20000


Glass cylinder



Air vent

Magnetic stirrer Pump


Connected with an anti-evaporation system

Fig. 3. Osmotic suction control system under zero
total stress Fig. 4. Osmotically controlled suction triaxial cell
(molecular weight cut-off of 14 000±16 000), to- adopted in the osmotic triaxial apparatus has been
gether with PEG 20 000. An air vent was previously discussed in Delage et al. (1987),
machined on the base of the cell in order to according to Ho & Fredlund (1982). This approach
ensure within the sample a constant pore air was derived from the work of Gibson & Henkel
pressure equal to atmospheric pressure. (1954) on triaxial testing of saturated samples. The
Volume changes of the sample were monitored main problem is that, unlike in the saturated case,
by an optical system similar to that of Bishop & the rate of suction change during shearing is
Donald (1961). However, no mercury was used for completely unknown. As a compromise between a
safety reasons. A cylindrical glass tube was placed good suction regulation and a reasonable test
around the sample, and ®lled with slightly duration, a rate of 2 mm/min was adopted.
coloured water. A thin layer of silicon oil was
put above the water, and the con®ning pressure
was applied by air. The silicon oil avoided any EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
dissolution of air into the water, and reduced The experimental programme was to investigate
evaporation. It also provided a good optical the behaviour of the compacted soil within an
de®nition of the oil±air interface. Volume changes elasto-plastic framework, taking account of the
were optically monitored by following the changes effect of suction changes. Various tests were
of the oil±air interface level with a cathetometer. A performed in order to investigate the yield curves
correction was made in order to take account of of the compacted soil as a function of the applied
the penetration of the top cap into the liquid. The suction
top cap (Fig. 4) was made high enough (73 mm) to
(a) isotropic loading tests with either step loading
allow volume measurements up to an axial strain
or continuous loading
of 20%; a hollow cylinder was machined in it in
(b) shear tests under constant cell pressure
order to minimize the distance between the point
(c) radial stress path tests, corresponding to a
of application of the axial force and the top of the
constant ç = q/ p stress ratio value.
sample, so as to minimize any undesired moment
applied to the sample. The tests were interpreted using the LC model
Volume changes of the PEG solution with standard notation, which is introduced progressively
temperature ¯uctuations can alter the water ex- below.
change measurements, and it was necessary to
keep the temperature of the room at 20 6 0´58C.
Also, the PEG reservoir was plunged in a bath Isotropic loading
with a temperature controlled to an accuracy of Eight tests were conducted, at four suctions
60´1 OC. The relative humidity in the laboratory (s = ua 2 uw = 200, 400, 800 and 1500 kPa), as
was maintained at 75%. given in Table 2. In series A, four step loading
An advantage of the cell design (with pore tests were performed with total stresses up to
water pressure controlled at both top and bottom 600 kPa ( p = 25, 50, 100, 200, 400 and 600 kPa).
of the sample) was that the length of drainage was During each step, the pressure was maintained
reduced to half the height of the sample, which is for approximately 48 h to ensure stabilization of
better for ensuring uniform suction conditions both water exchanges and volume changes (Delage
during shear. The value of the shearing rate et al., 1992). In series B, with the same suction

Table 2. Isotropic loading tests

Series Compaction Suction application Compression

ómax:  Dry w1 : ãd1 : s: ãd2 : e2 w2 : e3 w3 :

kPa weight: g % kN/m3 kPa kN/m3 % %
A. Step loading 882 145´5 17´3 16´70 200 16´70 0´629 17´3 0´569 17´1
876 144´4 18´2 16´84 400 16´86 0´613 16´9 0´563 16´7
849 144´7 18´0 16´72 800 16´72 0´627 16´1 0´576 16´0
849 144´3 18´1 16´71 1500 16´74 0´625 15´3 0´580 15´3
B. Continuous 827 144´4 18´2 16´54 200 16´57 0´642 17´6 0´566 17´2
loading 854 144´6 17´8 16´62 400{ 16´65 0´634 15´8 0´570 15´4
827 144´1 18´2 16´46 800 16´50 0´648 15´6 0´612 14´0
854 144´5 17´8 16´42 1500{ 16´49 0´649 13´2 0´618 12´8

max is the maximum compaction stress; the variations of ómax are due to differences of the compaction water contents.
{ Two unloadings were conducted in series B under s = 400 kPa and s = 1500 kPa. The ®nal values of void ratio and
water content were 0´583, 0´627 and 15´4%, 13´2%, respectively.

values, continuous loading up to a total stress of whose value increases with suction, as shown in
600 kPa was performed using computer-controlled Table 3.
servo-operated pneumatic valves, at a rate of 1 kPa The v±log p plots from the continuous loading
every 2´5 min. This corresponded to a maximum tests of series B are shown in Fig. 6. In this case,
axial displacement rate (when the sample stiffness void ratio changes are calculated from optical
was lowest, during the ®rst loading increment) of readings, and the curves include some gaps
0´6 mm/min, which was deemed satisfactory. The corresponding to overnight periods (approximately
maximum volume change rate was 3´6 3 10ÿ3 %/ 10 h). As in series A, the s = 400 kPa sample is
min. A horizontal thin line on the piston allowed denser than the others. For lower stresses, the
optical measurements of axial displacements. slopes k are reasonably suction-independent,
The results of series A are shown on a v±log p although k (400 kPa) is higher than the others in
diagram in Fig. 5, where p is the mean net stress the intermediate stress range. There is a clear
(= (ó1 + ó2 + ó3 )/3 2 ua ). It can be seen that the decrease of the plastic compressibility (slope ë(s))
initial void ratio of the sample subjected to when suction increases in the higher stress range
s = 400 kPa is smaller than the three others, which ( p . p0 (s)). Although higher stresses should be
are close together. The general shapes of these applied for a better determination of the slope,
curves are in good agreement with LC model especially for high suctions (s = 800 and 1500
concepts. All curves exhibit two approximately kPa), the isotropic yield stress p0 (s) clearly
linear segments, like overconsolidated saturated increases with suction (Table 3). The unloading
soils. More points would be necessary to de®ne sequences performed at s = 400 and 1500 kPa
better the slope of the curve above a total stress of con®rmed the irreversible nature of the strains
300 kPa. The slope k in the elastic zone seems for p . p0 and showed slight suction dependency
reasonably independent of the suction, whereas the of the k parameter.
slope ë(s) in the plastic zone is suction-dependent: The smaller plastic compressibility of the
the higher the suction, the smaller is the slope. s = 400 kPa sample of Fig. 5 demonstrates the
The intersections of the two linear segments of the importance of the initial density, which can be
curves de®ne the isotropic yield stress p0 (s), stronger than the suction effect and hide it. As far

1.66 1.66
s = 200 kPa
s = 200 kPa s = 400 kPa
s = 400 kPa s =800 kPa

1.64 s =800 kPa 1.64 s = 1500 kPa

s = 1500 kPa
Specific volume v
Specific volume v

1.62 1.62

1.60 1.60

1.58 1.58

1.56 1.56

10 100 1000 10 100 1000

Mean net stress p: kPa Mean net stress p: kPa

Fig. 6. Volume changes under continuous isotropic

Fig. 5. Volume changes under isotropic step loading loading

Table 3. In¯uence of suction and loading procedure on the values of the isotropic yield stress p0 (s)
s: kPa 200 400 800 1500
p0 : kPa 268 280 279 350 307 380 320 435
as plastic compressibility is concerned, the in¯u- extracting water from the sample. As mentioned
ence of suction and density are similar, since any above, 48 h is necessary in the case of an
increase in either of these parameters reduces the oedometer, with a drainage length of 2 cm. During
compressibility. this period, the suction is varying through the
Plotting the values of p0 (s) as a function of s sample at lower values than the desired one. The
allows the determination of the so-called loading± volume changes therefore actually occur under a
collapse (LC) curve, presented in Fig. 7 for both lower average suction than intended, with a smaller
step and continuous loadings. The curve corre- p0 value, and hence the strains are larger. A better
sponding to the continuous loading points is regulation is ensured in the case of a continuous
derived from the theoretical expression of the LC loading, and the compressibility properties corre-
model and is detailed below. Since no tests have spond better to the imposed suction. Fig. 7 shows
been performed under a zero suction, the value of that the difference between the two curves is
the p0 (0) parameter, which is the yield stress under smaller for lower suctions, and that the same p0 (0)
isotropic loading in a saturated state, has not been is determined at zero suction. This is consistent
directly determined. It can be extrapolated from with the proposed interpretations, since the effect
the curves. Although the shapes of both curves are should be smaller when saturation is approached.
reasonably compatible with the expected one This observation is important, since it shows
(Alonso et al., 1990), a great difference is that a standard oedometer step loading procedure
observed between the results of the two loading is not suitable for unsaturated soils, and should not
procedures. be used for investigating compressibility properties
under controlled suctions. In saturated soils, the
instantaneously applied total stress is ®rst sup-
Effect of the loading procedure ported by the pore water, and the soil skeleton is
In addition to the difference between p0 (s) progressively loaded during pore pressure dissipa-
values, the higher suction curves of Figs 5 and 6 tion. For unsaturated soils, this procedure over-
show less volume change under continuous loading estimates the compressibility ë(s), underestimates
than under step loading. This is interpreted as the yield stress p0 (s) and is invalid. To perform
follows: in the step loading case, the stress suitable tests with a good suction regulation, it is
increase is large and sudden, and it induces a necessary to control the rate of volume change, in
drastic instantaneous (undrained) decrease of the relation to the drainage path and the permeability
volume of the sample. This undrained loading of the sample.
produces excess pore water pressure within the
sample, so that the suction of the soil is no longer
regulated by the system, and it decreases drasti- Shear tests under constant cell pressure
cally. Due to the low permeability of the Table 4 describes the 20 triaxial shear tests
membrane (10ÿ11 m/s) and of the soil, a period performed under controlled suctions and constant
is necessary to bring the system to equilibrium by cell pressures. Initial and ®nal values of void ratio
and degree of saturation are given, as well as dry
weights of the samples. The degrees of saturation
Step loading
are calculated by combining water exchange
Continuous loading
measurements and sample volume change measure-
Model ments. Five cell pressures (50, 100, 200, 400 and
600 kPa) and four suction values (200, 400, 800
and 1500 kPa) were generally applied. The lowest
suction value (200 kPa) was chosen as similar to
the initial suction produced by the compaction
Suction s: kpa

1000 process. The three higher values of applied suction

therefore correspond to a drying process.
Stress±strain curves at ó3 = 50 kPa under various
suctions (from 200 to 1500 kPa) are presented in
500 Fig. 8(a). With increasing suction, the shape of the
curves gradually changes, and the initial moduli
and maximum deviatoric stresses increase. For
suctions above 400 kPa, an increasingly pro-
nounced maximum is observed at a reducing level
0 200 400 600
of strain, illustrating an increasing brittleness of
Isotropic stress p: kPa
the sample with suction. Visual observations
Fig. 7. Experimental determination of the LC yield showed that peaks corresponded to the develop-
curve for step and continuous loading ments of shear planes, corresponding to failure by

Table 4. Constant ó3 shear tests

After consolidation After shearing

ó3 : kPa s: kPa Dry weight: e Sr : % e Sr : %

0 143´4 0´694 98 0´683 100
200 144´7 0´621 77 0´605 79
50 400 145´4 0´623 74 0´614 75
800 145´3 0´619 68 0´613 67
1500 144´4 0´620 62 0´620 56
0 144´1 0´711 96 0´685 100
200 145´4 0´613   
100 400 145´1 0´610   
800 146´7 0´600   
1500 144´2 0´612 64 0´595 64
200 143´4 0´599 77 0´553 79
400 144´7 0´577 74 0´539 77
200 800 143´5 0´599 70 0´577 70
1500 143´3 0´621 64 0´594 64
200 144´8 0´600 80 0´498 92
400 144´0 0´570 82 0´493 84
400 800 144´6 0´607 67 0´530 74
1500 143´8 0´619 66 0´557 69
200 145´5 0´569 84 0´468 98
600 400 144´4 0´563 79 0´476 85
 No volume or water exchange measurements.

strain localization. At strains larger than 8% a axial strain. This shows the decreasing brittleness
residual state seems to be reached, with a constant with increasing stress. Dilation occurs only for
value of q reasonably independent of the suction. s = 1500 kPa, at a similar strain to qmax . At this
As before, the volume change curves (Fig. 8(b)) suction, the magnitude of the initial contraction
are affected by the lack of data during nights. For seems unexpectedly large compared with other
suctions larger than 200 kPa, contraction followed suction values. This is probably related to the high
by dilation is observed: the higher the suction, the initial void ratio (Table 4). Except for s = 200 kPa,
larger is the dilatancy. Of course, volume change where the volume continuously decreases, the
curves are valid only before any peak in the critical state seems to be reached at larger strains.
deviator stress curve. All curves are well ordered Under ó3 = 400 and 600 kPa (Fig. 11 for
and evolve regularly with increasing suction. At a 400 kPa; the two tests at 600 kPa are not shown),
constant total con®ning stress, the effect of the there are no peaks in the deviator stress curves and
suction is opposite to that of con®ning stress, since dilatancy completely disappears. The deviatoric
an increasing suction favours dilatancy. The critical stresses and initial moduli increase with suction
state appears only for the as-compacted suction whereas contraction decreases, as previously. Sta-
(s = 200 kPa), for which volume change and bilization of stress±strain and volume change
deviator stress are approximately constant for curves is no longer observed.
strains larger than 5%. The effect of the cell pressure at a constant
For a higher cell pressure (ó3 = 100 kPa, Fig. 9), suction is illustrated in Fig. 12, where all test
peaks are less pronounced and appear only above results at s = 200 kPa are plotted together. As
s = 800 kPa at larger axial strains, illustrating a usual, the maximum deviatoric stress and initial
lower brittleness. Increases of initial moduli and moduli increase with the cell pressure. However,
maximum deviatoric stresses with suction are again the initial modulus increase with stress is less
observed. Only one volume change curve is evident than with suction (Figs 8±11). This is due
available in this case; at s = 1500 kPa the change to the stress and suction history of the samples: in
from contraction to dilation behaviour occurs the small strain zone where this modulus is
slightly before the peak, as previously. determined (åa , 1%), the applied stresses have
For ó3 = 200 kPa (Fig. 10), a peak deviator not exceeded the maximum stresses supported
stress is observed only for s = 1500 kPa, at 10% during compaction, which occurred with a vertical
800 1000


Deviator stress q: kPa

Deviator stress q: kPa




s = 200 kPa s = 200 kPa

s = 400 kPa 200 s = 400 kPa
s = 800 kPa s = 800 kPa
s = 1500 kPa s = 1500 kPa

0 0

(a) (a)

−0.5 0.00

0.0 0.50
Volumetric strain: %

Volumetric strain: %

0.5 1.00

1.0 1.50

1.5 2.00
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
Axial strain: % Axial strain: %
(b) (b)

Fig. 8. Stress±strain and volume change curves at Fig. 9. Stress±strain and volume change curves at
ó3 = 50 kPa and various controlled suctions ó3 = 100 kPa and various controlled suctions

stress of approximately 850 kPa. Conversely, for all show the change from brittle behaviour (ó3 =
samples, the suction values are higher than or 50 kPa) to ductile behaviour, with no more peak
equal to the initial suction value (200 kPa). The (ó3 = 400 kPa).
®rst application of a suction greater than pre-
viously experienced by the sample has a distinct
effect on the initial modulus. Radial stress path tests
All volume change curves in Fig. 12 show an The tests at constant values of ç were
increase of compressive behaviour with stress. performed on a standard triaxial press at a constant
Again one can observe the form of volumetric rate of axial strain (2 mm/min). The cell pressure
behaviour usually associated with normally con- was applied through a servo-operated pneumatic
solidated soils for ó3 > 200 kPa, whereas the valve controlled by a computer. According to the
ó3 = 50 kPa sample apparently reaches the critical increase of axial stress measured by the load cell,
state for a strain higher than 3%. the computer increased the cell pressure in order to
For a higher suction (s = 1500 kPa, Fig. 13), the maintain constant the value of ç. This control and
observation concerning the slight in¯uence of the logging system worked well for low strain rates,
cell pressure on the initial modulus is still valid. and when the soil stiffness was not too large. The
Volume change curves also show a progressive tests were stopped at a cell pressure corresponding
evolution from dilating to compressive behaviour to the maximum available pressure provided by the
with increasing stress. Stress±strain curves clearly air compressor, i.e. 600 kPa. This system is much
1500 1500

Deviator stress q: kPa

Deviator stress q: kPa

1000 1000


500 500
s = 200 kPa s = 200 kPa
s = 400 kPa s = 400 kPa
s = 800 kPa s = 800 kPa
s = 1500 kPa s = 1500 kPa

0 0


0.00 0.00

Volumetric strain: %

Volumetric strain: %


1.50 4.00


3.00 8.00
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 20

Axial strain: % Axial strain: %

(b) (b)

Fig. 10. Stress±strain and volume change curves at Fig. 11. Stress±strain and volume change curves at
ó3 = 200 kPa and various controlled suctions ó3 = 400 kPa and various controlled suctions

less expensive than a complete stress path con- one at 200 kPa. However, this is slightly mislead-
trolled press. With this system the test duration is ing: at a suction of 1500 kPa, a given axial strain
completely unknown, since it depends on both the corresponds to a higher applied stress than at a
imposed strain rate and the stiffness of the sample. suction of 200 kPa, because of the higher sample
Two stress ratios were considered (Table 5): two stiffness. The åv ±log p plot in Fig. 15 shows the
tests were performed at ç = 0´5 (s = 200 and same trend as the constant ó3 tests, i.e. a larger
1500 kPa) and four tests at ç = 1 (s = 200, 400, compressibility for a smaller suction.
800 and 1500 kPa).
Results for ç = 0´5 are presented in Fig. 14. It is
observed that the deviatoric stress continuously YIELD BEHAVIOUR
increases with strain, with no maximum. This is In elasto-plastic theory, the yield curve in a q, p
normal since no failure can be attained with such a plane is the limit of the zone where the soil
low stress ratio. As in the case of constant ó3 tests, behaves elastically, i.e. in a fully reversible way.
the sample at s = 1500 kPa is stiffer than the one This is best identi®ed by cyclic loading tests. For
at s = 200 kPa. Volume change curves exhibit a soils, full reversibility is observed only for strains
general compressive behaviour. For the same small smaller than 0´01%. However, it is common
axial strain (åa , 0´85%), greater compression has practice to assume, for ®ne-grained saturated soils
occurred for the sample at 1500 kPa than for the submitted to an isotropic loading, that volume
1500 1500
σ3 = 50 kPa
σ3 = 100 kPa
σ3 = 200 kPa
σ3 = 400 kPa

Deviator stress q: kPa

Deviator stress q: kPa

σ3 = 600 kPa
1000 1000

500 500
σ3 = 50 kPa
σ3 = 100 kPa
σ3 = 200 kPa
σ3 = 400 kPa

0 0

(a) (a)

0.00 −1.00

Volumetric strain: %

Volumetric strain: %


4.00 2.00


7.00 4.00
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20

Axial strain: % Axial strain: %

(b) (b)

Fig. 12. Effect of con®ning pressure on the stress± Fig. 13. Effect of con®ning pressure on the stress±
strain and volume change curves for constant suction strain and volume change curves for constant suction
(s = 200 kPa) (s = 1500 kPa)

Table 5. Constant ç tests

ç s: kPa ómax : kPa Dry weight: g Before loading After loading

e Sr : % e Sr : %
0´5 200 772 142´6 0´652 74 0´584 82
1500 772 142´6 0´645 58 0´609 61
200 772 143´9 0´642 76 0´576 83
1 400 772 143´9 0´636 70 0´558 77
800 772 143´8 0´634 65 0´584 70
1500 772 144´0 0´630 59 0´583 62
 Maximum compaction stress.
500 0

400 1
Deviator stress q: kPa

Volumetric strain: %


s = 200 kPa
s = 1500 kPa 4
s = 200 kPa
0 s = 1500 kPa
1 10 100 1000
Mean net stress p: kPa
Fig. 15. Volume change as a function of mean net
stress p for tests at ç = 0´5
segments. In some conditions, a well-de®ned peak
was also observed. Yield points were easily de®ned
Volumetric strain: %

2.00 either at the peak or by extrapolating the two

segments on the experimental stress±strain curve.
The pre-yield behaviour of natural soft clays is
3.00 rather stiff, and linear elasticity is generally a
reasonable approximation in the small strain range.
Stress increments after yielding produce larger
4.00 strains and pore water pressures. The independence
of the yield curve from the stress path has been
demonstrated, and it appeared satisfactory to
determine the yield point either in the q±åa
0 1 2 3
diagram for the yield points located over the K0
Axial strain: % line or in the p±åv diagram for points under the
(b) K0 line. The use of an energy dissipation criterion
allows the in¯uence of stress path to be overcome
Fig. 14. Stress±strain and volume change curves at (Tavenas, Des Rosiers, Leroueil, La Rochelle &
ç = 0´5 and two controlled suctions Roy, 1979). All these features are related to the
geological history of the soft clays, and to a slight
changes are reasonably reversible in the over- overconsolidation due to a variety of processes
consolidated zone, which is considered as an such as erosional off-loading, cementation and pore
elastic zone. This leads to larger elastic strains, water chemistry changes (Graham et al., 1983).
and this criterion may be called a pseudo-elastic The case of laboratory statically compacted soils
volumetric criterion, as suggested by Biarez & is of course different, due to a much denser initial
Hicher (1994). state. However, some overconsolidation effects
Within the general framework of the critical should be encountered due to the previous appli-
state concept (Roscoe, Scho®eld & Wroth, 1958; cation of the compaction stress.
Roscoe & Burland, 1968), various authors have As shown above, no obvious bilinear shape has
studied the behaviour of natural soft clays been observed on the deviator stress±axial strain
(Mitchell, 1970; Wong & Mitchell, 1975; Tavenas curves, and when a maximum deviator stress value
& Leroueil, 1979(a) and (b); Leroueil, Tavenas & was observed on the stress±strain curves the peak
Le Bihan, 1983; Graham, Noonan & Lew, 1983; was not very sharp. However, if the results of
Magnan, Shahanguian & Josseaume, 1982; Moulin, constant ó3 shear tests are plotted in a v±log p
1989; Oka, Leroueil & Tavenas, 1989). In these diagram (see Fig. 16, where tests of Fig. 10 have
soils, it has often been observed on various stress been used, with ó3 = 200 kPa and s = 200, 400,
paths (constant ó3 or ç) that stress±strain curves 800 and 1500 kPa), two approximately straight line
could be approximated by two straight line segments are observed, and it is possible to
1.65 for s = 1500 kPa. This provided the value of a yield
strain on the stress±strain curve, which was used for
other suctions.
For constant ç tests, the previous volumetric
criterion is not as well adapted, as shown by the
1.60 regular curvature of the curves in Fig. 15 (ç = 0´5),
Specific volume v

and another criterion has been adopted. A frequent

assumption made in elasto-plastic modelling of soil
behaviour (Roscoe et al., 1958; Roscoe & Burland,
1968; Wong & Mitchell, 1975; Nova & Wood,
1.55 1979; Poorooshasb & Pietruzczak, 1985) is that the
direction of the plastic strain increment depends
only on the stress ratio ç. This has been con®rmed
s = 200 kPa
s = 400 kPa
s = 800 kPa
by experimental data (Lanier, Di Prisco & Nova,
s = 1500 kPa 1991). A possible method for deriving the plastic
1.50 strain from the total strain is to consider the p9±åv
100 200 300 400 500 700 or the q±ås diagram (Graham et al., 1983;
Mean stress p: kPa Josseaume & Azizi, 1991); in this method, the
elastic part is estimated according to the elastic
Fig. 16. Determination of the yield points in triaxial
tests at ó3 = 200 kPa
modulus and subtracted from the total strain.
Another commonly used and simpler method is
to neglect the elastic strain, which is generally
much smaller than the plastic strain (Wong &
determine a yield point by extrapolating the two Mitchell, 1975). For simplicity, the latter method is
segments. Yielding is less obvious than in natural used here.
soft soils, since no sudden collapse of any brittle Figure 17 shows the variation in the direction of
and loose microstructure occurs. In reality, yielding the plastic strain increment dåv /dås as a function
is progressive, and strictly speaking it is still going of p, for ç = 0´5 and s = 1500 kPa. For clarity, a
on at the stress values deduced by bilinear reduced number (1/10) of experimental points is
extrapolation. represented. After a large decrease and an oscilla-
Furthermore, some typical features of unsatu- tion a plateau is observed, corresponding to a
rated soil behaviour are observed on these curves: constant direction of the plastic strain increment.
before yielding, the slope of the segments is The point indicated by the arrow has been chosen
slightly suction-dependent, whereas slopes after as the yield point for constant ç tests. The
yielding are clearly suction-dependentÐthe larger oscillation stage may be interpreted as due to the
the suction, the ¯atter is the slope. As for volume modi®cation of the soil microstructure created
changes under isotropic loading, the yield stress during compaction and suction application so as
regularly increases consistently with suction. to adapt to the stress path followed (Gens, 1982).
If yield points calculated from the v±log p Yield points identi®ed in this way are more
curves are plotted the q±åa stress±strain curves uncertain than those identi®ed in constant ó3 tests,
(Fig. 10), one observes for the ó3 = 200 kPa tests where yield was more apparent.
quite a good correspondence in terms of axial
strains, since all yield points are located at
åa = 2%. This point separates two zones
(a) for smaller strains, curves are approximately
linear with a high modulus, and probably small
irreversible strains (in this domain, elastic 10
behaviour seems to be a good approximation) 8
(b) for larger strains, the behaviour of the soil may
be considered as elasto-plastic with strain
dεpv /dεps

hardening. 4
This shows a good consistency between shearing 2
and volume change properties, and con®rms the
validity of the yield criterion. The same observa- 0
tions were made for other ó3 values, even at 50 kPa, 200 400 600 800 1000
where the yield stress values were close together, Mean stress p: kPa
and included values between p = 107 and 143 kPa. Fig. 17. Determination of the yield point in triaxial
At ó3 = 100 kPa, volume change was measured only tests at ç = 0´5, s = 1500 kPa

Yield surface independent of the suction. Since tests at ó3 =

Four yield curves are plotted in Fig. 18, for 50 kPa showed only slight suction dependency of
suction values of 200, 400, 800 and 1500 kPa, with the yield stresses, the yield curves get closer one
the results of constant ó3 and constant ç tests. The to another in this area.
yield curves are well de®ned in the zone of higher As a ®rst attempt, and since no K0 tests under
ç values, mainly by constant ó3 tests. There is constant suction were performed, the inclination of
good agreement between constant ó3 and constant the curves has been compared with a K0w line,
ç tests in this zone. More data are necessary for a which was determined by running constant water
proper determination of the curves below the K0 content (varying suction) oedometer tests with
direction, at all suction values. A good determina- lateral stress measurements (Beros, 1990). The
tion is also provided by the isotropic compression inclined axis of the yield curves seems to be
tests (ç = 0), as seen above. Results at ç = 0´5 do reasonably symmetric about the K0w line for all
not ®t well with other data. This could be due to suction values. In fact, since the angle of
the adoption of a different yield criterion, as inclination is apparently not suction-dependent, a
mentioned above. The determination of the yield constant water content test should be appropriate
curves in this area would require further investiga- for K0 determination.
tion. This is why curves are represented by broken The inclination of the yield curves indicates a
lines in this zone, extrapolated from both high and clear anisotropy of the compacted soil, which may
null ç tests. Since yielding has been observed be related to the stress state supported during
during isotropic loading tests up to con®ning compaction. In other words, the microstructure of
stresses ranging from 280 to 435 kPa (Table 3), the soil changed during compaction in order to
results of shearing tests at ó3 = 400 and 600 kPa provide the greatest possible resistance to the
have not been plotted. They correspond to hard- applied stresses. This is similar to the effect of
ening and expansion of the yield curve during sedimentation on natural soft soils.
consolidation prior to shearing, and are considered The stress state during compaction can be
below. plotted, taking a K0w value of 0´45 and a vertical
The general shape of the yield curves is similar compaction stress between 800 and 900 kPa giving
to that of natural soils, i.e. near-elliptical and p < 540 kPa, q < 470 kPa). The point lies between
inclined. The effect of a suction equal to or greater the s = 200 kPa and s = 400 kPa yield curves in
than the as-compacted value (200 kPa up to Fig. 18, whereas the suction after compaction was
1500 kPa) is very clear: it induces an expansion about 200 kPa. As observed above, the inclined
of the yield curve which exhibits a suction- shape of the curves explains why the yield stress
hardening effect, as proposed by Alonso et al. values under isotropic loading (Fig. 18) are smaller
(1990). This effect can be compared with the (280±435 kPa) than the applied mean stress during
stress-hardening effect observed on natural soils compaction. When suction is applied, the expan-
sampled at various depths (Graham et al., 1983). sion of the yield curve occurs without any rotation
The angle of inclination of the yield curves is of the axis, showing apparently an isotropic effect
of the suction during hardening.
The shape and evolution of the yield curves
1000 allow an interpretation of the respective effects of
suction and con®ning stress on the constant ó3
s = 1500 kPa
stress±strain curves. In Fig. 8, the increase of the
800 brittleness of the sample with suction at ó3 =
50 kPa is related to an increase of the distance
between the ó3 value and the intersection of the
Deviator stress q: kPa

s = 800 kPa

600 s = 400 kPa yield curve with the p-axis ( p0 (s) = 280±435 kPa),
determined by isotropic loading. Since this point
s = 200 kPa moves towards the right with increasing suction,
400 due to suction hardening, the pseudo-overconsoli-
dation ratio increases, thus increasing brittleness.
Moreover, the decrease of brittleness with increas-
200 ing stress under constant suction observed in
Fig. 13 (s = 1500 kPa) is a common feature of
K0w soil behaviour, compatible with the shape of the
0 s = 1500 kPa yield curve, which crosses the p-axis
0 200 400 600 800 1000 at 435 kPa. The increasing con®ning stress (from
Mean stress p: kPa 50 to 400 kPa) induces a decrease of the apparent
Fig. 18. Experimental determination of yield curves at overconsolidation ratio, and normally consolidated
various suctions behaviour is expected for ó3 = 400 kPa.
Another consequence of Fig. 18 concerns the 14
slight con®ning stress dependency of the initial 12 s = 200 kPa
s = 400 kPa
slopes of both stress±strain and volume change 10
s = 800 kPa
curves in Fig. 12 (s = 200 kPa) and 13 (s =

dεpv /dεps
8 s = 1500 kPa
1500 kPa), for smaller strains. When shear starts, 6
the stress path starts in the elastic zone, where 4
both bulk and shear moduli are independent of the 2
con®ning stress, until the maximum supported state 0
of stress has been attained. This is in good 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
agreement with the properties of overconsolidated Mean stress p: kPa
Conversely, there is an obvious suction depen- Fig. 20. Determination of the direction of the plastic
dency of the initial moduli (Figs 8±11), even in the strain increment at various suctions (ç = 1)
elastic zone. This is probably because the applied
suctions are equal to or greater than the as- In a similar way, the results of shear tests under
compacted suction, and have never been supported constant cell pressure can be presented in a dåpv /
before by the sample. So suction hardening affects dåps ±q/p diagram (Fig. 21). The curves can be
these elastic moduli, which depend on the size of separated into two segments, with small slopes for
the elastic domain. This point should be considered low q/p values and larger slopes for higher q/p
further in the modelling of unsaturated soils. A values. It has also been found that the q/p values
three-dimensional view of the yield surface in the at intersections correspond to the yield points
q±p±s space is shown in Fig. 19. determined previously according to the volumetric
criterion, and this could be another yield criterion.
In the plastic zone, the slopes are independent of
PLASTIC FLOW the suction, and a linear and non-suction-dependent
Plastic ¯ow has been examined by studying the relationship between dåpv /dåps and ç can be derived,
direction of the plastic strain increment dåpv /dåps in similar to that of the Nova & Wood (1979) model
the various tests. Fig. 20 is obtained from tests for sands. In order to determine the orientation of
with ç = 1 at various suctions, by plotting the ratio the plastic strain increment vector at yield, the
dåv /dås as a function of the mean net stress p, in values of dåpv /dåps were taken from the intersection
the same way as in Fig. 17 for the yield points of Fig. 21.
determination. In Fig. 20, all curves tend towards
the same ®nal value of 1 at higher stresses. Two 1.5 s = 200 kPa
conclusions may be drawn from this: ®rst, the ratio s = 400 kPa
dåpv /dåps and hence the ¯ow rule seems to be s = 800 kPa
independent of the suction; second, the ®nal value 1.0
dεpv /dεpv

s = 1500 kPa
of dåpv /dåps is equal to that of 1/ç = 1 in the present
case. Although fewer data are available for q/ p = 0.5
0´5, Fig. 17 exhibits the same trend.

q 0.0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

σ3 = 50 kPa
σ3 = 100 kPa

s = 800 kPa 2.0 σ3 = 200 kPa

σ3 = 400 kPa
dεpv /dεps

s = 400 kPa 1.0


p0(0) = 240 kPa 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
s = 200 kPa LC p
s = 1500 kPa
s Fig. 21. Changes in the direction of the plastic strain
increment as a function of ç: (a) for various suctions
Fig. 19. Three-dimensional view of the yield surface in (ó3 = 200 kPa); (b) for various con®ning stresses
q±p±s space (s = 1500 kPa)

In Figs 22±25 the plastic strain increment to the initial application of con®ning pressures
vectors identi®ed from the different stress paths (400 and 600 kPa) which are larger than the
are shown, together with the yield curves, for the isotropic yield stress values (close to 300 kPa).
four values of suction. In no case is the normality The points at the con®ning pressure values on the
condition satis®ed. The observation deduced from p-axis also belong to the yield curves, which have
Fig. 20 (i.e. dåpv /dåps = 1/ç at yield) seems valid for been extrapolated in the low ç zone. In this case,
either radial or constant ó3 paths, since all vectors the plastic strain vectors seem to be no longer in a
are approximately radial. However, this is demon- radial direction, unlike those situated on the initial
strated only for higher values of ç, and must be yield curves, before any stress hardening. As
checked further for lower values. Also, the shown in Fig. 21, the dåpv /dåps ratio is decreasing
observed anomalies at low stress levels need after yield, involving a further development of
further checking. dilatant behaviour with stress hardening, illustrated
In the case of Figs 22 and 23 (s = 200 and by a counterclockwise rotation of the plastic strain
400 kPa), a stress hardening effect is observed due increment vector as observed in Figs 22 and 23.

1000 1000

800 800
Deviator stress q: kPa

Deviator stress q: kPa

K0w K0w

600 600

400 400

200 200

0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Mean stress p: kPa Mean stress p: kPa

Fig. 22. Yield curve at s = 200 kPa and plastic strain Fig. 24. Yield curve at s = 800 kPa and plastic strain
increment directions increment directions

1000 1000

800 800
Deviator stress q: kPa
Deviator stress q: kPa


600 600

400 400

200 200

0 0

0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Mean stress p: kPa Mean stress p: kPa

Fig. 23. Yield curve at s = 400 kPa and plastic strain Fig. 25. Yield curve at s = 1500 kPa and plastic strain
increment directions increment directions
In this respect, an important point concerns the 800 kPa have been used, giving p0 (0) = 240 kPa,
respective mobilization of the yield curve either by pc = 155 kPa. The corresponding LC curve is
stress or by suction hardening, because this plotted and compared with experimental data in
conditions the plastic ¯ow. As seen above, the Fig. 7.
initial yield curves are de®ned by the compaction A value of k = 0´012 is taken, according to
process and the application of suction. When one results in Fig. 6. The shear modulus G is deduced
of these curves is reached for the ®rst time from
following a given stress path, the plastic ¯ow
direction appears approximately radial, whatever dås e ˆ dq=3G (3)
the suction value. In contrast, if the yield curve is According to the triaxial shear tests results,
displaced by stress hardening this radial condition G values lie between 15 and 20 MPa. For
no longer holds. simplicity, the variations of G with suction are not
considered here, and a constant value of 17 MPa is


The aim of the present section is to propose a Yield curve
model for the behaviour of the Jossigny compacted A simple method for modelling the yield curve
silt within the elasto-plastic framework of the LC is to consider, as a ®rst approximation, an ellipse
model, taking account of the various detailed inclined along the K0 line. This method has been
experimental observations in the present study. used for natural soft soils by Leroueil, Magnan &
These details mainly concern the exact shape of Tavenas (1985).
the yield curves of compacted soils at a constant The general mathematical expression of an
suction, their change with increasing suction ellipse inclined at an angle è to the p-axis in a
(suction hardening), and the exact nature of the q±p diagram is
non-associated plastic ¯ow rule.
f ˆ b2 (p cos è ‡ q sin è ÿ c)2

Parameters of the LC model ‡ a2 ( ÿ p sin è ‡ q cos è)2 ÿ a2 b2 ˆ 0 (4)

As far as volumetric behaviour under isotropic
loading is concerned, our experimental results have It requires four parameters a, b, c and è, where a
shown that the standard LC model of Alonso et al. and b are the major and minor axis of the ellipse
(1990) is adequate. In the LC model, the ë(s) respectively and c and è de®ne its position and
parameter is expressed as a function of ë(0), and inclination. Within the framework considered, a
of two parameters â and r, according to different set of parameters is used as shown in
Fig. 26. The chosen parameters are p0 (s), pk (s),
ë(s) ˆ ë(0)[(1 ÿ r) exp ( ÿ âs) ‡ r] (1)
Three isotropic compression tests are necessary
for determining ë(0), â and r. Since no zero q
suction isotropic compression test has been per-
formed, ë(0) is determined indirectly. The tests at
s = 200, 400 and 800 kPa have been chosen, and a
good correspondence has been observed for the K0w
calculated ë(1500) value. Numerical values are
ë(0) = 0´203, â = 0´003 kPaÿ1 , r = 0´45.
p0 (s) is the yield point under an isotropic
loading at suction s. Its variation with suction is
demonstrated experimentally in Fig. 6 and Table 3,
and subsequently plotted to form the LC curve of
Fig. 7. The de®nition of the LC curve depends on
two parameters p0 (0) and pc , which are respec-
tively the yield pressure at zero suction (de®ning
the current location of the yield curve) and a
reference stress (a soil constant). The LC equa- θ
tion is ps P0(s) pk p

p0 (s)=pc ˆ (p0 (0)=pc ) (2)

For these two values, tests at s = 200 and Fig. 26. Elliptical yield curve model

ps (s) and è: p0 (s) is de®ned above; the other preconsolidation effects are the most important.
parameters are de®ned as follows. These points show the need for further research on
analytical expressions for the yield curves, since
(a) pk (s) is the projection on the p-axis of the
obviously the ellipse is not the ideal geometrical
intersection between the K0 line and the
shape to ®t with the present experimental data.
ellipse. Experimental results in Fig. 18 show
that the ratio pk / p0 is approximately suction-
independent, leading to
Flow rule
pk ˆ M k p0 , 18 < M k < 21 (5) According to experimental results in Fig. 21, the
Nova±Wood relation for sand, introducing para-
Although the results in Fig. 18 are for suction meters m and çr
hardening, equation (5) agrees well with
experimental observations on the strain hard- dåps ì
ˆ (10)
ening of natural soft clays obtained by various dåpv çr ÿ ç
(b) ps (s) is the other intersection between the 1000
ellipse and the p-axis, for p , 0. Its experi-
mental determination is dif®cult and requires
some extension tests. In the LC model, a linear 800
variation with suction ( ps = ks) is assumed,
which seems reasonably consistent with the
s = 1500 kPa
s = 800 kPa
linear variation of the cohesion with suction
q: kPa

that can be deduced from triaxial tests (Cui, s = 400 kPa
1993). These results suggest k = 0´013. s = 200 kPa

(c) è is the inclination angle of the ellipse with 400

the p-axis.
The relations between the two sets of parameters 200
are as follows
2p0 pk cos2 è ‡ [(p0 =ps ) ÿ 1]pk 2
aˆ (6) 0
2p0 cos3 è ‡ 2[(p0 =ps ) ÿ 1]pk cos è
[(p0 =ps ) ÿ 1]pk 2 0 200 400 600 800 1000
cˆ (7) −200
2p0 cos3 è ‡ 2[(p0 =ps ) ÿ 1]pk cos è p: kPa
ctgè[p0 ps sin 2è ‡ c sin è(p0 ÿ ps )]
b2 ˆ (8)
2c ÿ (p0 ÿ ps ) cos è 1000

p0 , ps and pk depend on the suction, whereas è is a

constant that can easily be related to K0 by 800

3(1 ÿ K 0 ) s = 1500 kPa

tan è ˆ (9)
1 ‡ 2K 0 600
s = 800 kPa
q: kPa

As mentioned above, K0 = 0´45 according to Beros s = 400 kPa

(1990). s = 200 kPa
Comparisons between theoretical and experi- 400
mental yield curves show that it was dif®cult to
obtain a satisfactory ®t at all suctions, mainly
because the Mk parameter is not completely 200
suction-independent. Fig. 27 shows experimental
and theoretical yield curves for two values of Mk
(1´85 and 2´1). The yield curves at s = 1500 kPa 0

are the least satisfactory, since points at ó3 greater

than 200 kPa and at ç = 1 are located well above −200 0 200 400 600 800 1000
the ellipses. The ®rst value of Mk gives satisfac- p: kPa
tory results for s = 200±800 kPa, whereas the (b)
second value is better for s = 400±1500 kPa.
Another problem concerns the yield points at Fig. 27. Theoretical yield curves and experimental
lower con®ning stresses (mainly 50 kPa), for which yield points: (a) for Mk = 1´85; (b) for Mk = 2´1
is satisfactory for compacted soils. (21/m) is the 1000
slope of the linear relation between dåpv /dåps and ç s = 800 kPa
(Fig. 21), which is suction-independent. The value
of m deduced from the present results is 0´75. 800

çr is the value of ç when dåpv /dåps = 0. s = 400 kPa

Deviator stress q: kPa

Theoretically, this corresponds to the critical state. 600
In the case of the ó3 = 200 kPa tests of Figs 10
and 21(a), this state is reached for s = 400 and
800 kPa. Figs 13 and 21(b) (all tests at s = 1500 400
kPa) show the various trends observed. For lower
con®ning stresses (50 and 100 kPa), where the
behaviour is similar to that of overconsolidated 200
soils, a dilating phase has been observed, followed
by a peak and the formation of a shearing plane.
In this case çr corresponds to the transition from
contractant to dilatant behaviour. For ó3 = 400 kPa, 0 5 10 15
where constant increasing deviatoric stress and
decreasing volumetric change were observed up to 0.00
a 15% strain, dåpv /dåps = 0 was never attained.
Strictly speaking, çr is not a new parameter.
Since yielding, de®ned by a p0 (s) value given by a
volumetric criterion, corresponds to the intersection
between the two straight-line segments, çr can be
Volumetric strain: %

geometrically derived if the value of m is known.
çr is suction- and stress-dependent, as seen in Fig. 1.50
21. Equation (10) also shows that the plastic
potential is hyperbolic.
2.00 s = 800 kPa

Numerical simulation 2.50

Two shear tests under ó3 = 200 kPa, s = 400 and s = 400 kPa
800 kPa were simulated. The comparison is shown 3.00
in Fig. 28. The good correspondence of volume 0 5 10 15
change curves is related to the choice of an Axial strain: %
adequate plastic potential. Yielding is very sudden
on the predicted deviator stress±axial strain curves. Fig. 28. Theoretical and experimental stress±strain
This is typical of any single yield surface isotropic curves (ó3 = 200 kPa, s = 400 and 800 kPa)
hardening model that predicts sudden yield of
overconsolidated soils, as opposed to normally the p0 (s) parameter with increasing suction. This
consolidated soils, where plasticity is involved allows a proper determination of the LC curve.
from the beginning of the test and where no From a practical point of view, the limitations of
angular point is observed (Potts, 1985). Further oedometer-type step loading for unsaturated soils
re®nement is necessary here in order to provide a have been experimentally demonstrated.
smoother transition at yield, considering for Suctions larger than the initial as-compacted
instance generalized elasto-plastic models. The suction give rise to expansions of the yield curves
effect of the suction is correctly reproduced. in the q±p space, corresponding to suction hard-
ening. As for natural soft soils, the shape of the
yield curves is nearly elliptical and inclined about
CONCLUSION the K0w line. This is related to the anisotropic state
The experimental programme run with the of stress applied during the compaction process.
osmotically controlled triaxial apparatus provided Yield is less apparent than for natural soft soils,
some new information on the behaviour of unsat- due to effects of higher density and less micro-
urated compacted soils. The following conclusions structure. However, some bilinear extrapolation
are drawn. techniques for the identi®cation of yielding appear
As far as volume changes are concerned, the satisfactory for isotropic loading and constant ó3
main features of the LC model have been tests. For constant ç tests, changes of the direction
con®rmed: the ë(s) parameter decreases with of the plastic strain increment can be used to
increasing suction, and the preconsolidation effect identify yielding. Some strain hardening effects
due to suction is con®rmed, with an increase of were also demonstrated. These yield curves have

been modelled with inclined ellipses, whose size Delage, P. & Suraj de Silva, G. P. R. (1992). Negative
increases with suction according to the proposed pore pressure and compacted soils. Raul Marsal
LC suction hardening formulation. Volume, pp. 219±232. Mexico: Mexican Society of
Study of the plastic ¯ow has clearly demon- Soil Mechanics.
Delage, P., Suraj de Silva, G. P. R. & De Laure, E.
strated that the ¯ow rule is non-associated. When (1987). Un nouvel appareil triaxial pour les sols non
only suction hardening has extended the yield satureÂs. Proc. 9th Eur. Conf. Soil Mech., Dublin 1,
curve, the direction of the plastic strain increment 26±28.
is approximately radial. When hardening has Delage, P., Suraj de Silva, G. P. R. & Vicol, T. (1992).
occurred by the application of net stress, this no Suction controlled testing of non saturated soils with
longer holds, due to dilatancy effects. A hyperbolic an osmotic consolidometer. 7th Int. Conf. Expansive
formulation of the ¯ow rule, similar to that Soils, Dallas, 206±211.
deduced from sand behaviour, appears satisfactory Escario, V. (1969). Swelling of soils in contact with water
for predicting volume changes during shear. at a negative pressure. Proceedings of International
Conference on Expansive Soils, Texas AM, College
An improved prediction of stress±strain curves Station, pp. 207±217.
requires a generalized elasto-plastic model that can Escario, V. (1980). Suction controlled penetration and
reproduce a gradual transition at yield between shear tests. Proc. 4th Int. Conf. Expansive Soils,
elastic and plastic behaviour. Further interesting Denver 2, 781±797.
aspects of the induced anisotropy remain to be Escario, V. & Saez, J. (1986). The shear strength of partly
elucidated. saturated soils. GeÂotechnique 36, No. 3, 453±456.
Fredlund, D. G. & Morgenstern, N. R. (1976). Constitu-
tive relation for volume change in unsaturated soils.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Can. Geotech. J. 13, 261±276.
Gens, A. (1982). Stress±strain and strength character-
Part of this research was supported by the istics of a low plasticity clay. PhD Thesis, Imperial
GRECO GeÂomateÂriaux (CNRS). The authors are College, London.
grateful to Professors E. Alonso, A. Gens and A. Gibson, R. E. & Henkel, D. J. (1954). In¯uence of
Josa (Universitat PoliteÁcnica de Catalunya, Barce- duration of tests at constant rate of strain on
lona) and to Dr S. Wheeler (University of measured drained strength. GeÂotechnique 4, No. 1,
Glasgow) for helpful discussions. 6±15.
Graham, J., Noonan, M. L. & Lew, K. V. (1983). Yield
states and stress±strain relationships in a natural
plastic clay. Can. Geotech. J. 20, 502±516.
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