Seng Obs 7

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Student Teacher Observation

Live observation

Student Teacher: Catherine Seng Observer: S. Swift

Cooperating Teacher: Jesse McDowell School: Hempstead
Date: 4/12/21 Observation#: 7 Class & Grade : 10th
★fantastic +good ✓ witnessed at least 1 - needs work BLANK: not observed
Remember, not all items listed are expected to be covered every class period.
Lesson Design
defines objective
effectively assesses
uses guided practice
makes supplies/handouts readily available
+argumentative paper
+gold and pink sheets, highlighters
*giving out the rubric so they know how they will be evaluated
*learning targets on pink sheet

Classroom Management
greets students as they enter classroom
uses anticipatory set/visual of day’s agenda
effectively gets students’ attention
illustrates interest and enthusiasm
keeps students engaged
is aware of student behavior
is aware of student needs
treats students with respect
creates comfortable environment
maintains order
+phones away request multiple times
+“Boys. Phones away.” When you said this, they actually did put them away for a few seconds.
“Jack. Away. For the rest of class.”
✓you may want to consider separating the two boys in the back, Jack and Josiah
“I am very tired of asking you to put your phones away.”
“Jack, do I need to move you up here?”
“Can I have some eyes up here?”
“Caiden, do you have your computer?”
✓regarding phones, it’s such a struggle--for everyone! I suggest you either truly do something about the
issue with consequences or not address it in a public manner at all after your general comment at the
beginning of class. If you are going to address it, I suggest you apprise the parents/guardians of the

Lesson Presentation
starts lesson promptly
uses appropriate tone
uses appropriate pace
uses appropriate wait time
looks directly at students when talking & listening
refers to previous lesson(s)
presents lesson with familiarity
provides modeling
uses examples and/or analogies
explains lesson/directions clearly
adjusts lesson as necessary
writes clearly on board
uses technology effectively
moves around room to establish proximity
calls on and/or checks in with all students
monitors classroom while helping specific groups/individuals
clearly explains assignments and due dates
sums up lesson before bell

*agenda & whiteboard w/the doc
+handout helper
✓remember to have the students’ voices heard as often as possible, for example with the directions,
*using the whiteboard for the examples
+walking around room as they take out computers

Teacher/Student Interaction
balances teacher vs student talk time
gets students actively involved in the lesson
prompts, probes, redirects
encourages students, validates student responses
designs & monitors student-to-student interaction
uses various types of questioning
“I told my grandma about you guys.” :-)
+calm response to their energetic responses
“Great analogy, Mike.”
“Yes, to get mad dubs.”
“Good question.” “Great question.”
*Calling students by name when they contribute
“Like Adam said earlier…”
“Wrong punctuation makes me angry.” :-)!
+telling them they are doing well, especially with rather dry material
+shift to computer after “spewing out a lot of information”
+students actively involved when asked to pick 3 possible topics

After lunch with sophomores is not an easy situation, and Jack, Josiah, and Joe Joe make this class a
challenge. You demonstrated an inordinate amount of patience and remained kind. However, the other
students actually asked some very good questions, were attentive, and behaved well. You have all my
confidence in your future as a teacher, Catherine!

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