Assignment 1 Solution

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Assignment # 1

Q 1. A particle moving in the xy plane undergoes a displacement given by 𝛥𝒓 = (2𝒊 + 3𝒋) 𝑚 as a

constant force F = (5i + 2j) N acts on the particle.

a) Calculate the magnitude of the force and displacement of particle.

b) Calculate the work done by F on the particle.


Q 2. The potential energy associated with the force between two neutral atoms in a molecule can be
modeled by the Lennard-Jones potential energy function:
𝜎 12 𝜎 6
𝑈(𝑥) = 4𝜀 [( ) − ( ) ]
𝑥 𝑥
Where x is the separation of atoms. The function U(x) contains two parameters σ and ε that are
determined from experiments. Sample values for the interaction between two atoms in a molecule are σ
= 0.263 nm and ε = 1.51 x 10-22 J. Use a spread sheet to graph this function and find the most likely distance
between the two atoms.
Q 3. Consider the launching mechanism of a popgun consist of a spring of unknown spring constant.
When the spring is compressed 0.12 m, the gun when fired vertically is able to launch a 35 g projectile to
a maximum height of 20 m above the position of the projectile as it leaves the spring

a) Neglecting all resistive forces, determine the spring constant

b) Find the speed of projectile as it moves through the equilibrium position of the spring.

Q 4. A 6 kg block initially at rest is pulled to the right along a horizontal surface by a constant horizontal
force of 12 N.

a) Find the speed of the block after it has moved 3 m if the surfaces in contact have a coefficient of
kinetic friction 0.15.


The block is pulled by a force and the surface is rough, so the block and the surface are modeled as a
nonisolated system with a nonconservative force acting.
b) Suppose the force F is applied at an angle θ. At what angle should the force be applied to achieve
the largest possible speed after the block has moved 3 m to the right?

You might guess that θ= 0 would give the largest speed because the force would have the largest
component possible in the direction parallel to the surface. Think about F S applied at an arbitrary
nonzero angle, however. Although the horizontal component of the force would be reduced, the
vertical component of the force would reduce the normal force, in turn reducing the force of friction,
which suggests that the speed could be maximized by pulling at an angle other than θ= 0.
Q 5. An elevator car has a mass of 1600 kg and is carrying passengers having a combined mass of 200
kg. A constant friction force of 4000 N retards its motion

a) How much power must a motor deliver to lift the elevator car and its passengers at a constant
speed of 3 m/sec2

b) What power must the motor deliver at the instant the speed of elevator is v if the motor is
designed to provide the elevator car with an upward acceleration of 1 m/sec2

Q 6. A star rotates with a period of 30 days about an axis through its center. After the star undergoes
a supernova explosion, the stellar core, which had a radius of 1.0 x 104 km, collapse into a neutron star of
radius 3.0 km. Determine the period of rotation of the neutron star.
Q 7. a) Show that the center of mass of a rod of mass m and length l lies midway between its ends,
assuming the rod has a uniform mass per unit length.
b. Suppose the rod is non-uniform such that its mass per unit length varies linearly with x according
to the expression λ= αx, Where α is a constant. Find the x coordinate of the center of mass as
fraction of l.

Q 8. The wall of a house, 7 m wide and 6 m high is made from 0.3 m thick brick with k = 0.6
W/mK. The surface temperature on the inside of the wall is 16 °C and that of outside is 6 °C. Find the
heat flux through the wall and the total heat lost through it.

Q 9. A metal sign of triangular shape has to be hang from a single vertical wire. The bottom of
the sign is parallel to the ground. At what distance from the left end of the sign should be attached to
support the wire.

Q 10. A rocket moving in space, far from all other objects, has speed of 3 x 103 m/sec relative to the
earth. Its engines are turned on, and fuel is ejected in a direction opposite to the rocket’s motion at the
speed of 5 x 103 m/sec relative to the rocket.

a) What is the speed of rocket relative to the earth once the rocket’s mass is reduce to half its mass
before ignition?
b) What is the thrust of the rocket if it burns fuel at the rate of 50 kg /sec?


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