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100% flexibility for your

international career

Bachelor's, Master's and MBA programmes

IUBH is a state-recognized and accredited private univer-
sity with more than 650 employees, and professors, and
Welcome to IUBH more than 30,000 students. We have been successfully of-

fering bachelor's and master's degrees at the highest level
for more than twenty years.

Our distance learning approach uses an innovative way for

you to experience quality orientated degrees, with the flexi-
bility that comes with online education. You will experience
the thrill of on campus learning, while in the comfort of
studying in your own place, at your own time. This guaran-
tees you maximum flexibility. We not only want to offer you
the most flexible, but also the highest quality in distance
learning. We are very proud that IUBH is one of the leading
universities in Germany with five or more premium seals.


2000 21
More than

campus locaitons in Germany

exam centers
and Austria

More than

study models: Distance learning,
Dual study, face-to-face study,
­extra- occupational study,
training programmes

More than

From more than

110 more than

Bachelor, Master and MBA


professors, lecturers,

Bad Honnef

Kick-start your career

Bachelor (B.Sc.)
Almost all economic processes are closely linked to IT systems. As a result of the
ongoing global digitisation, the demand for IT specialists with top business man-
agement skills is constantly rising. Opportunities are continually opening up for
roles in software development, business analysis, process management, IT consult-
ing and more—requiring professionals with both technical and business knowledge
to fill them. The IUBH Bachelor in Business and IT prepares you with contents spe-
cifically for such roles. During your studies you will acquire IT expertise, such as in
requirements engineering or in the field of data modelling and database systems,
and comprehensive business management knowledge. You'll get to know all key as-
pects of business and master the ability to recognise technological potential and to
use it optimally for any company's success. Your bachelor's degree in Business and
IT will provide you with interdisciplinary know-how, turning you into a highly em-
ployable candidate on the job market after graduation.

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)

IT Service Management, Business Intelligence, IT Security, Mobile Software Engineer-
ing, and more.

Study model and accreditation

Online studies
German accredited institution, recognised by ZFU (German Central Office for Dis-
tance Learning)

Study start and duration

Official start date: March 1st, 2021. Afterwards: Anytime
Duration: 18, 24, 36 months

starting from 73 Euros per month

Curriculum (180 ECTS full-time) Career perspectives
Title Semester ECTS Why choose a B.Sc. in
Business and IT?

Introduction to Computer Science
As a business information scientist, a di-
verse field of work awaits you: from the
Business 101 5 ECTS programmer to CIO—anything is possi-
Introduction to Academic Work 5 ECTS ble. These days, nothing works without
Mathematics I 5 ECTS IT creating huge social significance for
Principles of Management 5 ECTS this professional field: Almost every val-
Object-oriented Programming with Java 5 ECTS ue-added process is already depend-

Collaborative Work
2 5 ECTS
ent on IT. When IT does not work, neither
companies nor public Institutions can
Intercultural and Ethical Decision Making 5 ECTS operate. Therefore, the career prospects
Data structure and Java class library 5 ECTS in this industry are huge. And not just for
Statistics – Probability and Descriptive Statistics 5 ECTS nerds and programmers! The targeted or-
Database Modelling and Database Systems 5 ECTS ganization and management of IT is an
Web Application Development 5 ECTS important field. A special focus right now

Corporate Finance and Investment

3 5 ECTS
is on the interface from IT to users. Busi-
ness Information Systems Specialists
Organizational Behavior 5 ECTS can be seen as interpreters and media-
Requirements Engineering 5 ECTS tors between users and IT, with the tar-
Management Accounting 5 ECTS get that "both worlds" understand each
Programming Information Systems with Java EE 5 ECTS other and can work together towards a
Software Quality Assurance 5 ECTS common goal.

Digital Business Models

4 5 ECTS Set your personal focus
Introduction to Process Management 5 ECTS During your studies, you can choose from
Fundamentals of IT and ERP Systems 5 ECTS several specialisations, including:
IT Project Management 5 ECTS
Project Software Engineering 5 ECTS IT Service Management
International Marketing 5 ECTS The aim of this specialisation is to pres-

IT Law
5 5 ECTS
ent you the most common activities for
ITIL Governance and ITIL operational pro-
Seminar: Software Engineering 5 ECTS cesses and to find concrete solutions.
Data Analytics and Big Data 5 ECTS You'll learn the structures and main el-
Purchasing, Procurement, and Distribution 5 ECTS ements of an IT Infrastructure Library
Electives A 10 ECTS (ITIL) as well as activities in the service li-

Electives B & C
6 20 ECTS
fecycle and in implementation of IT out-
sourcing. Courses in this specialisation:
Bachelor Thesis & Colloquium 10 ECTS • IT Service Management
• Project IT Service Management

Mobile Software Engineering

Here, you'll learn how to create your own
For Electives A, B, and C, choose one • Big Data and Cloud Technologies mobile software systems to solve chal-
module from the following: • IT Security lenges in different software platforms.
• Mobile Software Engineering • Logic and Artificial Intelligence You'll target application development for
• IT-Service Management • Data Engineer Android with a hands-on approach and
• Business Intelligence • Applied Sales understand optional integration of cam-
• Foundations of Programming with • Supply Chain Management era, photo and video features as well as
Python • Smart Services cross platform development. Courses in
• Java and Web Development • Smart Factory this specialisation:
• Mobile Software Engineering I
• Mobile Software Engineering II
Bachelor (B.A.)
If you're someone with an innovative spirit and the motivation to push forward your
own ideas, our Bachelor's degree in Entrepreneurship is right for you. Whether you
want to realise your visions in your own start-up or be the change maker in a large
corporation, this programme gives you the business management basics, methods
and applications, and necessary entrepreneurial mind set to disrupt and innovate
with instinct. In the first semester, you'll start right away on entrepreneurial projects
with practical relevance that will run throughout your studies. You will be prepared
to develop business ideas independently and to implement them successfully with
enthusiasm, confidence, and sustainable thinking.

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

You have the option to specialise in a certain focus area for up to 30 ECTS

Study model
Online studies

Study start and duration

Official start date: August 18th, 2021. Afterwards: Anytime
180 ECTS: 36, 48, or 72 months

starting from 73 Euros per month

Curriculum (60 ECTS full-time) Career perspectives
Title Semester ECTS Why choose a B.A. in

International Marketing
Our Bachelor of Arts in Entrepreneur-
ship provides you with theoretical basics
Introduction to Academic Work 5 ECTS and a high level of applied knowledge
Introduction to User Research 5 ECTS for business and start-ups. Thanks to the
Project: Development of Business Ideas 5 ECTS pronounced practical relevance, you will
Applied Sales I 5 ECTS be able to develop innovative business
International Contract Management 5 ECTS ideas after graduation, whether in new

Startup Financing
2 5 ECTS
or existing companies. You might decide
to build your own start-up or you could
Accounting and Balancing 5 ECTS start as a Product Owner or Product Man-
Agile Project Management 5 ECTS agers in a company, actively driving mar-
Applied Sales II 5 ECTS ket launches and implementation of new
Collaborative Work 5 ECTS products or business models. Another
Project: Prototyping and Validation 5 ECTS exciting career option: Become an Inno-
of a Business Idea vation Manager for internal innovation

Management Accounting
3 5 ECTS
projects or cooperation projects with
start-ups and help shape digital and cul-
Managerial Economics 5 ECTS tural change within companies.
Pricing 5 ECTS
Decision Management 5 ECTS Set your personal focus
Intercultural and Ethical Decision-Making 5 ECTS During your studies, you can choose from
Project: Entrepreneurship 5 ECTS several specialisations, including:

Market Research
4 5 ECTS Digital Entrepreneurship
Fundamentals of Product Management 5 ECTS In this module, you'll gain an overview
International Brand Management 5 ECTS of different types, objectives, and eval-
Personnel Psychology 5 ECTS uations in the user-centred design pro-
Agile Management 5 ECTS cess. In addition to theoretical content
Project: Business Model Development 5 ECTS on user testing, you will also acquire

Project: Minimum Viable Product

5 5 ECTS
practical skills in statistical comput-
ing and learn more on the possibilities
Seminar in Current Topics in Digitalisation 5 ECTS and objectives of UX prototyping. You'll
Online-Marketing 5 ECTS be introduced to different prototyp-
Organizational Behaviour 5 ECTS ing techniques and common tools and
Electives A 10 ECTS learn about special features of proto-

Electives B & C
6 20 ECTS
typing of service design processes.

Bachelor Thesis & Colloquium 10 ECTS Sustainable Entrepreneurship

This module shows you how ethical
principles can be applied to economic
activity and how the actions of individ-
uals and companies relate to social and
ethical responsibility. In this module,
you’ll explore social justice and sustain-
ability—two of the most important as-
pects of business ethics. You’ll dive in-
to operational concepts of sustainability
and quality management from the per-
spective of personal, corporate, and so-
cial responsibility.

Bachelor (B.Sc.)
Data Scientist has been famously described as the sexiest job of the 21st century.
Why? On the one hand side, the field offers a diverse mix of capabilities, skills and
corresponding opportunities for specialization that never gets boring. On the other
hand, data science, i.e. the generation of insights and value from raw data is the ful-
crum of truly digital businesses across all sectors. Here, data informs not only the
optimization of existing processes. Even more importantly, it is the key enabler of
entirely new business models.

Our international bachelor programme is an ideal opportunity to acquire the rele-

vant skill-set, getting a headstart on your competition. Our graduates are going to
take implementing roles in the current data revolution.

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)

• Data Engineer
• Data Analyst
• AI Specialist

Study model
100% online including a virtual campus with digital course material

Study start and duration

Start: Anytime (no fixed start date or enrolment deadlines)
Duration: 36 or 72 months

starting from 73 Euros per month*
*Part-time model, including scholarship. Additional fees may apply.

Curriculum (180 ECTS full-time) Career perspectives
Title Semester ECTS Why choose a B.Sc. in Data Science?
Since the term Data Scientist has been
180 ECTS model
Introduction to Data Science
coined, the labour market demand of
that profession has by far outweighed
Introduction to Academic Work 5 ECTS the supply. Our Bachelor programme
Introduction to Programming with Python 5 ECTS opens the door for your career in this
Mathematics Fundamentals - Calculus 5 ECTS sector. After your graduation, you take
Collborative Work 5 ECTS care of the data pipelines of your enter-
Statistics - Probability & Descriptive Statistics 5 ECTS prise and employ technical expertise in

Object oriented and functional

2 5 ECTS
relevant Cloud and Big Data technologies
together with current operational meth-
programming with Python odologies in order to reliably ensure ac-
Mathematics Fundamentals - Linear Algebra 5 ECTS cess to data for all business functions.
Intercultural Decision Making 5 ECTS
Statistics - Inferential Statistics 5 ECTS Set your personal focus
Database Modeling and Database Sytems 5 ECTS During your studies, you can choose from
Project: Build a Data Mart in SQL 5 ECTS several specialisations, including:

Business Intelligence
3 5 ECTS Data Engineer
Project: Business Intelligence 5 ECTS The reliable provisioning of timely and
Machine Learning - Supervised Learning 5 ECTS accurate data in the right format for an-
Machine Learning - Unsupervised Learning and 5 ECTS alytical processing is the foundation
Feature Engineering that any data analysis relies upon. Da-
Data Science Software Engineering 5 ECTS ta engineers tackle this problem by
Project: From Model to Production 5 ECTS transferring principles from DevOps to

Agile Project Management

4 5 ECTS
the world of data processing. This spe-
cialization will equip you with the right
Big Data Technologies 5 ECTS know-how and technical proficiency to
Data Quality and Data Wrangling 5 ECTS fulfill this role.
Explorative Data Analysis and Visualisation 5 ECTS
Cloud Computing 5 ECTS Data Analyst
Seminar: Ethical Considerations in Data Science 5 ECTS The field of analytical methods is incred-

Time Series Analysis

5 5 ECTS
ibly rich and variegated. Consequent-
ly, this specialization both deepens and
Neural Nets and Deep Learning 5 ECTS widens your understanding of the ana-
Electives A (choose 1 out of 3) 10 ECTS lytical landscape and the application of
Data Engineer • Data Analyst • AI Specialist advanced analytics in business contexts.
Electives B (choose 1 module out of 7) 10 ECTS This ideally prepares you for a role as an
Intern. Marketing and Branding • Applied Sales • analytic specialist.
Supply Chain Management • Financial Services
Management • Automation and Robotics Smart AI Specialist
Factory • Autonomous Driving Machine learning techniques – in particu-
lar from the field of deep learning – are
Electives C (choose 1 module out of 11)
6 10 ECTS currently being explored in the automati-
Data Engineer • Data Analyst • AI Specialist • zation of cognitive tasks like vision, natu-
Intern. Marketing and Branding • Applied Sales • ral language processing and control. This
Supply Chain Management • Financial Services specialization addresses these applica-
Management • Automation and Robotics • Smart tion areas, providing you the relevant
Factory • Autonomouse Driving • knowledge to work in these important ar-
Foreign Languages eas of technological progress.
Introduction to Data Protection & Cyber Security 5 ECTS
Model Engineering 5 ECTS
Bachelor Thesis & Colloquium 10 ECTS
Bachelor (B.Sc.)
Computer Science is a subject that is fast changing, yet always has its finger on to-
day's pulse. As such, digital development and other IT fields like big data define the
future of our society. For years, there's been a high and long-unmet demand for ex-
perts in this field. Whether in IT or another user-central industry: The Bachelor in
Computer Science provides you with all the knowledge and skills to have a success-
ful entry into the Computer Science job market.

A particular focus of this English-speaking Bachelor in Computer Science is Soft-

ware Engineering, which is currently, practically speaking, the most important sub-
field. Building on a wide foundational knowledge, this focus is complemented by
courses in IT Security, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. As well as this, you'll
sharpen your professional profile through additional competencies in data security,
project management and IT law.

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)

• Big Data & Cloud Technologies • Business Intelligence
• Software Engineering with Python • Mobile Software Engineering
• IT Project & Architecture Management

Study model
100% online including a virtual campus with digital course material

Study start and duration

Start: earliest start date: December 1st, 2020, afterwards any time (minimum number
of participants required)

starting from 73 Euros per month*
*Part-time model, including scholarship. Additional fees may apply.

Curriculum (180 ECTS full-time) Career perspectives
Title Semester ECTS Why choose a B.Sc. in Computer
180 ECTS model
Introduction to Computer Science
The demand for IT experts is very high
worldwide. Currently, software engineers
Introduction to Academic Work 5 ECTS and IT consultants are much sought af-
Mathematics I 5 ECTS ter, in both national and international
Object-oriented Programming with Java 5 ECTS job markets. In addition to this, there is
Data structures and Java class library 5 ECTS a strong demand for specialists in IT Se-
Intercultural and EthicalDecision-Making 5 ECTS curity, Data Science and Artificial Intelli-

Mathematics II
2 5 ECTS
gence. As a graduate of the Bachelor in
Computer Science, you will be a valuable
Web Application Development 5 ECTS asset in almost all fields.
Collaborative Work 5 ECTS
Statistics - Probability and Descriptive Statistics 5 ECTS
Computer Architecture and Operating Systems 5 ECTS
Project: Java and Web Development 5 ECTS

Database Modeling and Database Systems

3 5 ECTS
Project: Build a Data Mart in SQL 5 ECTS
Requirements Engineering 5 ECTS
Computer Networks and Distributed Systems 5 ECTS
Algorithms, Data Structures and 5 ECTS
Programming Languages
IT Service Management 5 ECTS

Project: IT Service Management

4 5 ECTS
Theoretical Computer Science 5 ECTS
and Mathematical Logic
Introduction to Programming with Python 5 ECTS
Software Quality Assurance 5 ECTS
Specification 5 ECTS
Project: Software Engineering

Seminar: Current Topics in Computer Science

5 5 ECTS
Introduction to Data Protection and IT Security 5 ECTS
Cryptography 5 ECTS
Electives A (choose 2 modules out of 5): 10 ECTS
Mobile Software Engineering • Big Data and Cloud
technologies • Business Intelligence
• Software Engineering with Python • IT
Project and Architecture Management

Electives B (choose 2 modules out of 5):

6 10 ECTS
Mobile Software Engineering • Big Data and Cloud
technologies • Business Intelligence
• Software Engineering with Python • IT Project and
Architecture Management
Agile Project Management Model Engineering 5 ECTS
Computer Science and Society 5 ECTS
Bachelor Thesis 10 ECTS
Bachelor (B.A.)
Megatrends such as globalization, digitalization, cultural and social change have a
lasting impact on companies. In view of this change, experts are needed who have
sound business management expertise and understand how the economy in gen-
eral and companies in particular function. Our Bachelor of Business Administration
is characterized by a basic education in English with a current focus and selective
opportunities for specialization. You will first acquire a broad basic knowledge of
management and accounting-oriented business administration before specialising
in the varied elective course, depending on your interests. Your extensive knowl-
edge opens up job prospects in a wide range of industries and companies around
the world – so nothing stands in the way of your international career.

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

In the distance learning programme Business Administration you have the possibil-
ity to choose specialisations to the extent of 30 ECTS and thus specialise in attrac-
tive functions and industries.

Study model
100% online including a virtual campus with digital course material

Study start and duration

Start: Anytime (no fixed start date or enrolment deadlines)
Duration: optionally 6, 8 or 12 semesters

starting from 73 Euros per month*
*Part-time model, including scholarship. Additional fees may apply.

Curriculum (180 ECTS full-time) Career perspectives
Title Semester ECTS Why choose a B.A. in
Business Administration?
Academic Integrity and Writing for Business 1 5 ECTS After completing your Bachelor's corre-
Business 101 5 ECTS spondence course in Business Admin-
Managerial Economics 5 ECTS istration, you can take on demanding
Introduction to Academic Work 5 ECTS specialist and management positions in
Principles of Management 5 ECTS companies all over the world. Your ex-
Global Corporations and Globalization 5 ECTS pert knowledge can be applied to vari-

Business Mathematics
2 5 ECTS
ous fields of work - depending on your
main interests, you will work in account-
Organisational Behavior 5 ECTS ing, marketing, sales, human resources or
Management Accounting 5 ECTS administration.
Supply Chain Management I 5 ECTS
International Marketing  5 ECTS Set your personal focus
Statistics – Probability and ­Descriptive Statistics 5 ECTS During your studies, you can choose

Corporate Finance and Investment

3 5 ECTS
from several specialisations, including:

Entrepreneurship and Innovation 5 ECTS Managing People and Fundamentals of

International HR Management 5 ECTS Business
Service Operations Management 5 ECTS This specialization introduces you to
Collaborative Work 5 ECTS the topic of the new working world and
Intercultural and Ethical ­Decision-Making 5 ECTS structure. Megatrends are highlighted

Digital Business Models

4 5 ECTS
as major factors influencing human re-
sources management and organization,
Sustainability 5 ECTS and agile organizational structures with
International Accounting 5 ECTS their effects on leadership, human re-
Research Methods 5 ECTS sources management and employees
Corporate Governance and Strategy 5 ECTS are discussed. You will also receive an
Leadership 4.0 5 ECTS introduction to economic psychology

International Brand Management

5 5 ECTS
and its influencing factors.

Seminar: Current Issues in I­nternational ­Management 5 ECTS Applied Sales

Supply Chain Management II 5 ECTS This specialisation systematically pre-
Agile Project Management 5 ECTS pares you for sales-oriented thinking
Electives A (choose 1 module out of 5) 10 ECTS and acting in the company. The inter-
Managing People and Fundamentals of Business action of strategy, marketing, sales and
Psychology • Applied Sales • Financial Services after-sales services is a central success
Management • ­Business Intelligence • Online and factor for sales-oriented companies.
Social Media Marketing The module provides you with rele-

Electives B (choose 1 module out of 4)

6 10 ECTS
vant know-how for sales and negotia-
tion talks, sheds light on various sales
Fundamentals of Operations Research • Smart systems and familiarizes you with sell-
Factory • Introduction to Data Science and ing by telephone as well as digital sales
­Programming with Python • IT Service Management channels on the Internet.
Electives C (choose 1 module out of 10) 10 ECTS
Managing People and Fundamentals of Business
Psychology • Applied Sales • Financial Services
Management • Business Intelligence • Online and
Social Media Marketing • Fundamentals of Opera-
tions Research • Smart Factory • Introduction to Data
Science and Programming with Python • IT Service
Management • Foreign Language (It/Fr/De/Esp/Tu)
Bachelor Thesis 10 ECTS

Bachelor (B.Eng.)
Mobility, healthcare, agriculture, and more—supply chains across the globe are be-
coming more and more dependent on robotic technology. Robots are creating fast-
er, more efficient ways to design, construct, monitor, inspect, and transport with pre-
cision and agility. They may be programmed to take on many roles, yet industries
still rely on talented professionals to design, test, and build robotic technology and
ensure safety and reliability. Robotics is a huge and rapidly growing market, with
vast career potential for those with the right expertise. Through a mix of theoreti-
cal principles and practical projects, you will acquire all the necessary skills to build
a career as a robotics specialist in this bachelor’s programme. The study contents
deliver relevant technical skills, hands-on experience, and contextual knowledge of
the latest technology and industry trends. As a result, you gain a solid foundation
in the fundamentals of robotics and expert insights into the Internet of Things (IoT)
and automation.

Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)

Introduction to Cognitive Robotics, Industrial Robotics, Automation Technology,
Service Robotics

Study model and accreditation

Online studies
German accredited institution

Study start and duration

Official start date: March 1st, 2021. Afterwards: Anytime
Duration: 18, 24, 36 months

starting from 73 Euros per month

Curriculum (60 ECTS full-time) Career perspectives
Title Semester ECTS Why choose a B.Eng. in Robotics?
With a Bachelor of Robotics, you’ll be
180 ECTS model
Introduction to Robotics
a technical professional with robotics
expertise and the necessary overview
Introduction to Academic Work 5 ECTS of relevant concepts such as cyber se-
Mathematics: Linear Algebra 5 ECTS curity, Smart Factory or the Internet of
Scientific and technical fundamentals 5 ECTS Things (IoT). You'll possess key knowl-
Smart Factory I 5 ECTS edge of artificial intelligence (AI), anal-
Technical Drawing 5 ECTS ysis of Big Data and the use of simula-

Production Engineering
2 5 ECTS
tion software and hardware platforms.
These qualifications offer you bril-
Collaborative Work 5 ECTS liant career prospects in automation
Mathematics: Analysis 5 ECTS technology, aerospace, chemical and
Mechanics – Statics 5 ECTS pharmaceutical industries, automo-
Electrical Engineering 5 ECTS tive, mechanical and plant engineering,
Project: Design with CAD 5 ECTS logistics, and more. You could, for ex-

Sensor Technology
3 5 ECTS
ample, work as an automation or con-
trol technician, mechatronics engineer
Signals and Systems 5 ECTS or software developer for robotic sys-
Requirements Engineering 5 ECTS tems. You might even become a spe-
Mechanics – Kinematics and Dynamics 5 ECTS cialist for system integration as a Pro-
Intercultural and Ethical Decision-Making 5 ECTS duction Engineer, lead projects and
Introduction to Programming with Python 5 ECTS products as an R&D Engineer or en-

Mechatronic Systems
4 5 ECTS
ter project management in an exciting
Control Systems Engineering 5 ECTS
Project: Modelling, Simulation and Control of Robots 5 ECTS Set your personal focus
Introduction to the Internet of Things 5 ECTS During your studies, you can choose from
Embedded Systems 5 ECTS several specialisations, including:
Project: Robotics 5 ECTS

Seminar: Human-Robot Interaction

5 5 ECTS
Industrial Robotics and
Automation Technology
Project: Applied Robotics with Robotic Platforms 5 ECTS Typical handling devices such as indus-
Seminar: Robots and Society 5 ECTS trial robots are program-controlled. In
Safety of Industrial Plants and Machines 5 ECTS this module you will first gain an over-
Electives A (choose 1 module out of 4) 10 ECTS view of the standards of conventional
Introduction to Cognitive Robotics • Industrial handling technology. You’ll then deep-
­Robotics and Automation • Service Robotics en your knowledge in the field of flexi-

Electives B & C (choose 2 module out of 15)

6 20 ECTS
ble handling technology, especially with
characteristic placement applications,
AI Specialist • Applied Sales • Autonomous Driving grippers, manipulators and end effec-
• Data Science and Deep Learning • Foreign tor technology. Automation technology
Language • Industrial Robotics and Automation • will be a key focus in your degree. Mod-
International Marketing and Branding • Introduction ern automation systems are character-
to Cognitive Robotics • IT project and architecture ized by the combination many different
management • IT Security • Mobile Software Engi- devices such as actuators, sensors, and
neering • Programming of Robotic Systems • Python machines that must be able to perform
for Software Engineering • Service Robotics • Supply coordinated actions and exchange data
Chain Management with each other. You’ll get to know these
Bachelor Thesis & Colloquium 10 ECTS processes as well as learn about current
challenges and trends, and the commu-
nication technologies to build effective
industrial automation networks.
Bachelor (B.A.)
Industrial engineering has entered a revolutionary new phase with smart technolo-
gies increasingly used in manufacturing plants and supply chains across the globe.
The demand for qualified engineers who are specialised in “Industry 4.0” and re-
lated fields is enormous. The IUBH Bachelor in Industrial Engineering and Manage-
ment prepares you with a combination of relevant business studies, expert knowl-
edge of industrial engineering, and IT expertise that will allow you to understand
and optimise processes for industrial companies everywhere. You’ll get to know
features and applications for smart devices, smart technologies, and smart mobili-
ty—understanding how to use them create, innovate, and disrupt certain industries.
You’ll become experienced with digital twins and similar technologies and be able
to apply theoretical knowledge with the help of experimental kits and digital mod-
elling in our virtual environment. After graduating, you’ll enter positions at the heart
of digitisation and at the interface of many different industries.

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

Smart Devices, Smart Factory, Smart Mobility, Smart Services, and more

Study model
Online studies
German accredited institution, recognised by ZFU (German Central Office for Dis-
tance Learning)

Study start and duration

Official start date: March 1st, 2021. Afterwards: Anytime
Duration: 18, 24, 36 months

starting from 73 Euros per month

Curriculum (60 ECTS full-time) Career perspectives
Title Semester ECTS Why choose a B.Eng. in
Industrial Engineering and

Mathematics I
­Management ?
We attach great importance to our stu-
Business 101 5 ECTS dents receiving not only theoretical
Introduction to Academic Work 5 ECTS learning but also very practical training.
Collaborative Work 5 ECTS Therefore, at the beginning of the course,
Introduction to the Internet of Things 5 ECTS each student receives a practical start-
Scientific and technical fundamentals 5 ECTS er kit consisting of an Arduino microcon-

Mathematics II
2 5 ECTS
troller and accessories such as sensors
and LEDs. Together with a series of use-
Statistics – Probability and Descriptive Statistics 5 ECTS ful software for the creation of 3D mod-
Managerial Economics 5 ECTS els or for simulation of robot controllers,
Electrical Engineering 5 ECTS these can be used for learning content or
Production Engineering 5 ECTS for individual practice of practical tasks.
Object-oriented Programming with Java 5 ECTS After their studies, our graduates of-

Management Accounting
3 5 ECTS
ten work in manufacturing companies at
the interface between business manage-
International Marketing 5 ECTS ment and technical functions. They are
Automation and Robotics 5 ECTS cross-industry and confronted daily by
Software Engineering Principles 5 ECTS a large variety of different technologies.
Corporate Finance and Investment 5 ECTS They are able to recognise potential for
Supply Chain Management I 5 ECTS digitalisation in areas like production or

Entrepreneurship and Innovation

4 5 ECTS
logistics or develop solutions for the au-
tomotive industry such as autonomous
Project: Design Thinking 5 ECTS driving cars. Excellent industrial engi-
Data Analytics and Big Data 5 ECTS neers trained in the latest concepts and
Introduction to Data Protection and IT Security 5 ECTS techniques is a prerequisite for Germany
Agile Project Management 5 ECTS to retain its position as the global lead-
Intercultural and Ethical Decision-Making 5 ECTS er in the digitalisation of engineering and

Product Development in Industry 4.0

5 5 ECTS

Project: Smart Product Solutions 5 ECTS Set your personal focus

Electives A & B 20 ECTS During your studies, you can choose from

Electives C
6 10 ECTS
several specialisations, including:

Digital Business Models 5 ECTS Digital Entrepreneurship

Principles of Management 5 ECTS Be familiarized with the features and
Bachelor Thesis & Colloquium 10 ECTS applications of Smart Devices, and new
possibilities within the context of In-
dustry 4.0. You will get to know current
trends in microsystems technology and
technology that is changing processes
in production. Besides learning typical
technological features, you’ll come to
understand the various interfaces that
enable a Smart Device to interact with
its environment as well as the concept
of ubiquitous computing. Courses in this
• Smart Devices I
• Smart Devices II

Give your career a new direction


Master (M.Sc.)
Have you got a Bachelor's in IT (or a related discipline)? – Congrats! You've chosen
a field that's fast changing, has its finger on today's pulse, and that has become
the pacemaker for the digital society of the future. In IUBH's Master in Comput-
er Science, you continue your journey with a focus on data science, cyber securi-
ty and artificial intelligence. Due to the unmet demand for experts on these top-
ics, you'll become a sought-after specialist who can operate in almost any sector.
Your Master's degree in Computer Science will give you all the skills you need to
get started in the international job market.

Master of Science (M. Sc.)

• UI/UX Expert
• IT Governance and Service Management
• Blockchain and Quantum Computing
• Advanced Cyber Security and Cryptology

Study model
Online or on campus or mixed

Study start and duration

Start: Online: Anytime (no fixed start date or enrolment deadlines)
On Campus: October/ April
Duration: Different time models available: Full-time (2 years) or Part-Time (4 years)

Online: starting from 95 Euros per month*
On Campus: starting from 6,298 Euros per semester**

*Part-time model, including scholarship. Additional fees may apply.

**Full-time model only, payable per semester. Additional fees may applly.

Curriculum (120 ECTS full-time) Career perspectives

Title Semester ECTS Why choose an MA in Computer

The Master programme in Computer
1 Science combines central topics of
Programming with Python 5 ECTS computer science with data science
Software Engineering: Software Process 5 ECTS and artificial intelligence: disciplines of
Advanced Mathematics 5 ECTS increasing importance in the profes-
Advanced Statistics 5 ECTS sional world. What's more, you have the
Data Science 5 ECTS opportunity to gain key skills in cyber
Project: Software Engineering 5 ECTS security. With these skills, you'll be pre-

2 pared for a promising professional future

in these fields – not just in Germany, but
Alogrithmics 5 ECTS worldwide.
Cyber Security and Data Protection 5 ECTS
Seminar: Computer Science and Society 5 ECTS
Artificial Intelligence 5 ECTS
Big Data Technologies 5 ECTS
Project: Computer Science Project 5 ECTS
Seminar: Current Topics in Computer Science 5 ECTS
Networks and Distributed Systems 5 ECTS
Elective A (choose 1 module out of 4) 10 ECTS
Advanced Cyber Security and Cryptology •
Blockchain and Quantum Computing •
IT Governance and Service Management •
UI/UX Expert
Elective B (choose 1 module out of 5) 10 ECTS
Data Engineer • Business Analyst • Technical
Project Lead • Machine Learning and Deep
Learning • Use Case Identification and
­Evaluation for Analytical Applications

Master Thesis 30 ECTS

Master (M.Sc.)

IT is an area of expertise that is undergoing constant change, as evidenced by cur-
rent trends such as Big Data, globalisation and digitalisation. As a result, there has
been a very high and unmet demand for IT specialists for years, as many studies
show. There are bottlenecks above all in the area of cyber security. Here, current
challenges must be addressed and security approaches must be reconsidered.

In the master's degree course Computer Science in Cyber Security you will receive,
in addition to basic knowledge in algorithms and data protection, in-depth knowl-
edge in area of IT security. In addition, methodological, personal and social skills
are trained and further developed.

Master of Science (M.Sc.)

Study model
Online or on Campus or mixedl

Study start and duration

Start: Online: Anytime (no fixed start date or enrolment deadlines)
On Campus: October/ April
Duration: standard period of study: 12 months; different time models possible

Online: starting from 110 Euros per month*
On Campus: starting from 7,095 Euros per semester**

*Part-time model, including scholarship. Additional fees may apply

**Full-time model only, payable per semester. Additional fees may apply..

Curriculum (60 ECTS full-time) Career perspectives

Title Semester ECTS Why choose an M.Sc. in Computer

Science in Cyber Security?
60 ECTS model
1 It is no myth that cyber threats are in-
Algorithmics 5 ECTS creasing, becoming more complex and
Cyber Security and Data Protection 5 ECTS increasingly difficult to fend off. That's
Seminar: Advanced Cyber Security 5 ECTS why we need experts who can help in-
Cryptology 5 ECTS dustry and government agencies with
Blockchain 5 ECTS IT security issues – now and in the fu-
Seminar: Computer Science and Society 5 ECTS ture. The industry clearly offers posi-

Quantum Computing
2 5 ECTS
tions with prospects. For outsiders, the
tasks in the field of cyber security still
IT Project Management 5 ECTS seem very mysterious, as they immedi-
ately think of IT nerds programming in
Master Thesis & Colloquium 20 ECTS the back room. But that has little to do
with reality, because today's activities
are much more diverse. For example,
graduates can take on tasks in software
development, where cyber security is
becoming increasingly important. They
also have an influence on the design of
IT security in IT infrastructures, take on
responsibility or act as consultants.

Master (M.Sc.)
Data is becoming the most important asset of data-driven enterprises and plays a
pivotal role in tackling the challenges of tomorrow. From the optimisation of exist-
ing production lines to the creation of new business models, data-driven decisions
are at the center of digital businesses.

Innovation springs from bright minds - our international Master programme puts
you into the driver seat of your future career in Data Science. Graduates from our
courses go to become technical gurus, team-leaders of successful data-science
teams or value-driven masterminds who turn data into action.

Master of Science (M.Sc.)

Specialisations • Data Engineer

• Data Science Specialist • Business Analyst
• Technical Project Lead

Study model
100% online including a virtual campus with digital course material

Study start and duration

Start: Anytime (no fixed start date or enrolment deadlines)
Duration 60 ECTS: 12 or 24 months
Duration 120 ECTS: 24 or 48 months

60 ECTS: starting from 110 Euros per month*
120 ECTS: starting from 95 Euros per month*
*Part-time model, including scholarship. Additional fees may apply..

Curriculum (60 ECTS full-time)

Data Science: Data Science

A programme that fits your desires:

Next to a 120 ECTS version of our programme you also have Title Semester ECTS
the possibility to enrol in our 60 ECTS version. The 60 ECTS
Data Science Master programme gives you the possibility to 1
achieve your Master degree after just one year. Furthermore, Advanced Statistics 5 ECTS
you can choose according to your personal interests and Use Case and Evaluation 5 ECTS
sharpen your professional profile. In your second semester, Seminar: Current Topics in Data Science 5 ECTS
you have the possibility to choose between three different Machine Learning 5 ECTS
elective modules: Deep Learning 5 ECTS
Case Study: Model Engineering 5 ECTS
• Big Data and Software Engineering 2
• Smart Manufacturing Methods and Indutsrial Automation Electives (choose 1 module out of 4) 10 ECTS
• Applied Autonomous Vehicles Data Science Specialist • Technical
Project Lead • Data Engineer • Business
Depending on your choice, your programme will deepen your Analyst
knowledge in this specific field of study. Master Thesis & Colloquium 20 ECTS
Curriculum (120 ECTS full-time)

120 ECTS model

Data Science 5 ECTS Depending on your choice, your programme will deepen your
Advanced Mathematics 5 ECTS knowledge in this specific field of study.
Seminar: Data Science and Society 5 ECTS Within our 120 ECTS, version you'll have the possibility to
Advanced Statistics 5 ECTS choose among different electives in the second and third se-
Use Case and Evaluation 5 ECTS mester. This version takes at least two years to finish and fits
Project: Data Science Use Case 5 ECTS everyone, who wants to gain an even more comprehensive

Programming with Python

2 5 ECTS
knowledge in the field of Data Science. In your second semes-
ter, you can choose between
Machine Learning 5 ECTS
Deep Learning 5 ECTS • Data Science Specialist
Big Data Technologies 5 ECTS • Technical Project Lead
Electives A (choose 1 out of 4) 10 ECTS • Data Engineer
Data Science Specialist • Technical • Business Analyst
Project Lead • Data Engineer •
Business Analyst The electives of your third semester offer you even more pos-

Cyber Security and Data Protection

3 sibilities to choose among management, engineering or AI
5 ECTS related fields of study.
Model Engineering 5 ECTS
Software Engineering for 5 ECTS
data intensive sciences
Electives B 10 ECTS
(choose 1 module out of 9)
Management • Sales, Pricing and
Brand Management • Consumer
Behaviour and Research • Corporate
Finance • Innovate and Change
• Cognitive Computing • Applied
Autonomous Driving • Self Learning
Systems • Industrial Automation and
Internet of Things
Seminar: Current Topics in 5 ECTS
Data Science

Master Thesis & Colloquium

4 30 ECTS

Career perspectives
Why choose an M.Sc. in Data Science? focusing on design aspects, communication technologies
The Master in Data Science opens the door for your career and data storage and processing aspects unique to IoT.
in data-driven businesses. After your graduation, you are
typically responsible for all aspects of transforming data into Technical Project Lead
value, from designing the technical infrastructure to building Leading data science teams requires not only skills in deep
advanced machine and deep learning models, as well as learning and other cutting edge techniques, but also detailed
improving data quality and evaluating the performance of know-how to plan and manage projects. This specialisation
the predictions. It can also be your responsibility to help equips you with necessary knowledge on how to plan data
companies and teams to achieve their goals in becoming science projects, identify and prioritise work-packages and
a predictive enterprise. In this case, you are responsible engage with all stakeholders of the project.
to identify potential use-cases, perform the initial project
planning and define the relevant measures and metrics to Data Engineer
define success. Accessing and processing data is the foundation upon which
advanced machine and deep learning models are built. This
Set your personal focus specialisation focuses on technological deep- dives around
During your studies, you can choose from several specialisations, building data processing architectures at scale, designing
including: micro-service and database topologies as well as building
cloud services.
Data Science Specialist
This course gives you an in-depth overview of various Business Analyst
manufacturing methods, rapid prototyping and tooling, 3D Many companies have a rich data heritage which is an ideal
printing as well as cyber-physical systems. The latter bridges starting ground for data science projects. This specialisation
the gap between physical production plants and data- bridges the gap between Business Intelligence and Data
driven control and optimisation techniques. The course also Science and discusses data warehouses, ETL processes and
gives a thorough introduction to the Internet of Things (IoT) various data models such as the OLAP cube.
Master (M.Sc.)
Intelligent assistants, autonomous robots, self-driving cars – almost daily we can
read about new spectacular successes about artificial intelligence based systems
achieving what was considered impossible just a few years ago.

Innovation springs from bright minds - our international Master programme in Arti-
ficial Intelligence prepares you for an exciting career making the future happen now.
Graduates from our courses go to become AI Specialists building the next genera-
tion of intelligent systems, team-leaders of successful AI project teams or AI design-
ers working on the interplay of human and artificial intelligence.

Master of Science (M.Sc.)

Specialisations • AI Specialist
• Human - Machine Interaction Specialist • Data Engineer
• Technical Project Lead

Study model
100% online including a virtual campus with digital course material

Study start and duration

Start: Anytime (no fixed start date or enrolment deadlines)
Duration 60 ECTS: 12 or 24 months
Duration 120 ECTS: 24 or 48 months

60 ECTS: starting from 110 Euros per month*
120 ECTS: starting from 95 Euros per month*
*Part-time model, including scholarship. Additional fees may apply.

Curriculum (60 ECTS full-time)

Artificial Intelligence:
A programme that fits your desires: Artificial Intelligence

Next to a 120 ECTS version of our programme you also have Title Semester ECTS
the possibility to enrol in our 60 ECTS version. The 60 ECTS
Artificial Intelligence Master programme gives you the pos-
sibility to achieve your Master degree after just one year. Machine Learning
1 5 ECTS
Furthermore, you can choose according to your personal in- Deep Learning 5 ECTS
terests and sharpen your professional profile. In your second Use Case and Evaluation 5 ECTS
semester, you have the possibility to choose between three Reinforcement Learning 5 ECTS
different elective modules: Seminar: Current Topics in AI 5 ECTS
Project: AI Use Case 5 ECTS
• Computer Vision and NLP
• Advanced Robotics 4.0
• Applied Autonomous Driving Electives A 10 ECTS
(choose 1 module out of 8)
Depending on your choice, your programme will deepen your UI/UX Expert • Technical Project
knowledge in this specific field of study. Lead • AI Specialist • Data Engineer

Master Thesis & Colloquium 20 ECTS

Curriculum (120 ECTS full-time)

Artficial Intelligence 5 ECTS Within our 120 ECTS, version you'll have the possibility to
Advanced Mathematics 5 ECTS choose among different electives in the second and third se-
Use Case and Evaluation 5 ECTS mester. This version takes at least two years to finish and fits
Seminar: AI and Society 5 ECTS everyone, who wants to gain an even more comprehensive
Advanced Statistics 5 ECTS knowledge in the field of Artificial Intelligence. In your second
Project: AI Use Case 5 ECTS semester, you can choose between
Programming with Python 5 ECTS • Human – Machine
Machine Learning 5 ECTS • Interaction Specialist
Deep Learning 5 ECTS • Technical Project Lead
NLP and Computer Vision 5 ECTS • AI Specialist
Electives A (choose 1 out of 4) 10 ECTS • Data Engineer
UI/UX Expert • Technical Project Lead • Business Analyst
• AI Specialist • Data Engineer
3 The electives of your third semester offer you even more pos-
Inference and Causality 5 ECTS sibilities to choose among management, engineering or Data
Reinforcement Learning 5 ECTS Science related fields of study.
Software Engineering for data 5 ECTS
intensive sciences
Electives B 10 ECTS
(choose one module out of 8):
Management • Sales, Pricing and 5 ECTS
Brand Management • Consumer
Behaviour and Research • Corporate 30 ECTS
Finance • Innovate and Change•
Advanced Robotics 4.0 • Applied
­Autonomous Driving • DevOps for
Data Applications
Seminar: Current Topics in AI
Master Thesis & Colloquium
Career perspectives
Why choose an M.Sc. in AI? Technical Project Lead
Artificial Intelligence is currently one of the hottest topics in Leading data science teams requires not only skills in deep
the tech sphere - from start-ups to global industry players. learning but detailed know-how to plan and manage pro-
The Master in Artificial Intelligence opens the door for your jects. This specialisation equips you with detailed knowledge
career in building the next generation of intelligent systems. on how to plan data science projects, identify and prioritise
After your graduation, you can be responsible for designing work-packages and engage with all stakeholders of the pro-
and developing AI- based systems such as intelligent assis- ject.
tant systems, automated decision systems or work at the in-
tersection of human and artificial intelligence. AI Specialist
Like humans, AI systems learn about the environment by
Set your personal focus combining a wide range of inputs. Speech and vision are two
During your studies, you can choose from several speciali- of the most fundamental and pivotal. As AI Specialist you
sations, including: will combine state-of-the-art language processing and com-
puter vision techniques. In-depth lectures and a real-world
Human - Machine Interaction Specialist project will prepare you optimally for your future career.
The future workplace will combine human and artificial in-
telligence. As a Human - Machine Interaction Specialist you AI Data Engineer
will work at the intersection where humans and machines Accessing and processing data is the foundation upon which
come together. You will design the interfaces of AI systems advanced AI systems are built. This specialisation focuses on
bridging the gap between natural and machine communi- technological deep- dives around building data processing
cation. architectures at scale, designing micro-service and database
topologies as well as building cloud services.
Master (M.A.)
Management today must be flexible, future-oriented and progressive, because in-
ternational developments and industry-specific trends will change the manage-
ment of tomorrow. Our Master Management reacts to this change and trains your
business management skills to prepare you in the best possible way for your future
role as a manager.

You do not need any previous knowledge of business administration and can focus
on a specialist area from the fields of International Marketing, Finance & Account-
ing, IT Management, Engineering Management, Big Data Management or Leadership.

Master of Arts (M.A.)

Study model
Online or on Campus or mixed

Study start and duration

Start: Online: any time (minimum number of participants required)
On Campus: October/ April
Duration: standard period of study: 12 months; different time models possible

Online: starting from 110 Euros per month* (scholarships available)
On Campus: starting from 7,095 Euros per semester**

*Part-time model, including scholarship. Additional fees may apply.

**Full-time model only, payable per semester. Additional fees may apply.

Curriculum (60 ECTS full-time)

Title Semester ECTS

Managing in a Global Economy 5 ECTS
Strategic Management 5 ECTS
Electives A (choose 1 out of 6) 10 ECTS
Sales, Pricing and Brand Management •
­Corporate Finance and Investment •
IT Project and Architecture Management •
­Manufacturing Methods Industry 4.0
and ­Internet of Things • Data Science and
Analytics • Leadership and Change
Advanced Research Methods 5 ECTS
Operations and Information Management 5 ECTS

Electives B (choose 1 out of 6) 10 ECTS
Consumer Behaviour and Research •
­Accounting • IT Governance and Service
­Management • ­Product Development and
Design Thinking • Big Data • Leadership and
Corporate Governance
Seminar: Managing People 5 ECTS
and Organizations
Master Thesis & Colloquium 15 ECTS

Career perspectives
Why choose an M.A. in Management? Engineering Management
Whether in a medium-sized company or in a multinational In Engineering Management, you will deal with the areas of
corporation abroad –the Master Management prepares you business administration, management and leadership in sci-
optimally for your future task as a manager in your field of ex- entifically and practically oriented modules. You will gain im-
pertise, regardless of whether you come from an engineering portant management know-how and your analytical thinking
or a technical background, Science or Humanities. Depend- will be trained. You are familiar with the "Internet of Things"
ing on your chosen specialisation, you can start your career and are able to differentiate between the different fields
in International Marketing, Engineering Management, IT Man- of activity. You will develop a sound understanding of both
agement, Finance or Big Data. As a Business Intelligence Con- general and engineering-related tasks in project manage-
sultant, for example, data is your profession. You evaluate this ment and learn the basic concepts and processes of prod-
data in order to support the management in important deci- uct development.
sions in an advisory capacity. Or as a Compliance Officer you
are responsible for the development of organisational struc- Big Data Management
tures in companies. As an IT Consultant, you will advise com- In almost every industry today, data plays a decisive role
panies and organisations on demanding IT projects. in determining the success of a company. It is not only a
Your career opportunities after graduation are varied and question of the amount of data collected, but above all of
exciting. preparing it analytically and exploiting it profitably. As a Big

Data Manager, you will coordinate corresponding projects
and work at the interface between top management, data
engineers and data analysts.

Finance & Accounting

You will acquire comprehensive knowledge in order to move
confidently on the international capital market and devel-
op skills with regard to the preparation and implementation
of financial policy decisions. In addition, you will learn how
to deal with financing options on international capital mar-
kets as well as accounting according to international stand-
ards. You will also acquire detailed specialist knowledge in
the areas of investment analysis and portfolio management.

You will learn to analyse management events and behaviour
in business practice in an application and problem-solving
oriented manner. You will acquire management tools for mo-
tivating employees and for creating a trusting working and
management relationship and you will know the central de-
sign factors for building a successful management culture.
You learn to understand and create good and harmonious
leadership relationships with your employees through the
active use of different leadership styles. Because this is the
only way to manage organizations in a goal-oriented way.

International Marketing
They deal with consumer behaviour in international mar-
kets and address the topics of brand management, pricing
and distribution from a strategic and operational perspec-
tive. They discuss current topics from the industry and apply
the concepts learned to questions from marketing practice
in the context of case studies and group work.

IT Management
You will deal with the development and management of IT
infrastructure, the concepts of international project man-
agement and the implementation of IT services for inter-
nal stakeholders and customers. In addition, you will learn
the basics of software engineering to ensure the sustainable
planning of individual software systems in the company. In
addition, you will deepen your knowledge of the framework
conditions of IT compliance, deal with data protection re-
quirements and evaluate information security risks.
Master Management (M.A.)
Whether in traditional retail or online shops, in financial services, aviation, tourism
or telecommunications: in almost every industry, data plays a decisive role in deter-
mining the success of a company today. It's not just a question of the amount of da-
ta collected, but above all of preparing it analytically and exploiting it profitably. As
a Big Data Manager, it is your goal to generate the greatest possible strategic benefit
from data. To achieve this, you coordinate corresponding projects and work at the in-
terface between top management, data engineers and data analysts. You are famil-
iar with the principles of information management, understand artificial intelligence
methods and have a feel for new technologies and their advantages for the business
environment. At the same time, you will use your know-how to critically examine cur-
rent trends in the field of big data, to distinguish pure hypes from feasible solutions
and to make appropriate recommendations to the management. Choose the course
of study that best suits your needs and career goals - we offer two different master's
programs with a focus on Big Data Management:

Master of Arts (M.A.)

Study model
Online or on Campus or mixed.

Study start and duration

Start: Online: any time (no fixed start date or enrolment deadlines)
On Campus: October/ April
Duration: standard period of study: 12 months; different time models possible

Online: starting from 110 Euros per month*
On Campus: starting frrom 7,095 Euros per semester**

*Part-time model, including scholarship. Additional fees may apply.

**Full-time model only, payable per semester. Additional fees may apply..

Curriculum (60 ECTS full-time)

Title Semester ECTS

Managing in a Global Economy 5 ECTS
Strategic Management 5 ECTS
Data Science and Analytics 10 ECTS
Advanced Research Methods 5 ECTS
Operations and Information Management 5 ECTS

Big Data 10 ECTS
Seminar: Managing People 5 ECTS
and Organizations
Master Thesis & Colloquium 15 ECTS

Career perspectives
Why choose Big Data Management?
Large and fast-growing companies invest considerably in the As the responsible project manager in Data Management, you
development of data management systems and structures. A will occupy a central interface function between manage-
wide range of opportunities are available to qualified special- ment and technical implementation. You will develop specif-
ists. Project managers in the field of Big Data Management ic solutions for your company on the basis of customer, mar-
have excellent career prospects in almost all future-orient- ket and competitor data, while always keeping an eye on the
ed industries, including the entire IT, media and online sector, latest developments, for example in the field of artificial in-
in the automotive or financial services industry as well as in telligence. Your career opportunities after graduation are var-
marketing and sales. ied and exciting.

Master Management (M.A.)
Do you hold a Bachelor's degree in Engineering, and would like to both expand
your technical expertise and supplement it with a management skillset? Then our
Master's degree in Engineering Management is the programme for you. Through
it, you will learn to become an expert at the interface between management and
engineering, optimally prepared to take on high-level responsibilities wherever
comprehensive, interdisciplinary knowledge in the field of technology and busi-
ness are required.

Master of Arts (M.A.)

Study model
Online or on Campus or mixed.

Study start and duration

Start: Online: any time (no fixed start date or enrolment deadlines)
On Campus: October/ April
Duration: Standard period of study is 12 months; different time models possible

Online: starting from 110 Euros per month*
On Campus: starting from 7,095 Euros per semester**

*Part-time model, including scholarship. Additional fees may apply.

**Full-time model only, payable per semester. Additional fees may apply..

Curriculum and Course Contents (60 ECTS)

Managing in a Global Economy

Strategic Management
1 5 ECTS
Manufacturing Methods Industry 4.0 10 ECTS
and Internet of Things
Advanced Research Methods 5 ECTS
Operations and Information Management 5 ECTS

Product Development and Design Thinking 10 ECTS
Seminar: Managing People and Organizations 5 ECTS
Master Thesis & Colloquium 15 ECTS

Career perspectives
Why choose a Master in Engineering Management?
In Engineering Management, you will deal with the areas of The M.A. Engineering Management at IUBH is designed to
business administration, management and leadership in train you in strategic decision-making and engineering
scientifically and practically oriented modules. You will ac- processes, giving you the know-how you need to take on
quire important management know-how and your analytical high-level management responsibilities in an international
thinking will be trained. You are familiar with the "Internet environment:
of Things" and are able to distinguish between the different
areas of activity. You will develop a sound understanding of • You will acquire a firm foundation in management theo-
both general and engineering-related tasks in project man- ry, with a focus on leadership, quality and process under-
agement and become familiar with the basic concepts and standing.
processes of product development. • You will receive all business training relevant to the areas
of finance and project management.
• You will expand your business knowledge from an engi-
neering-related perspective, particularly in the areas of
process orientation, production management, company
organisation and the integration of online methods and
• You will develop a versatile skillset in team leadership and

Master Management (M.A.)
In the Finance & Accounting department you will acquire comprehensive knowl-
edge in order to move confidently on the international capital markets. You will
develop skills with regard to the preparation and implementation of financial pol-
icy decisions, learn how to deal with financing options on the international capital
markets and how to prepare accounts in accordance with international standards
know and acquire detailed specialist knowledge in the areas of investment analy-
sis and portfolio management in order to be able to implement financial Optimize
the performance of companies.

Master of Arts (M.A.)

Study model
Online or on Campus or mixed.

Study start and duration

Start: Online: any time (no fixed start date or enrolment deadlines)
On Campus: October/ April
Duration: Standard period of study is 12 months; different time models possible

Online: starting from 110 Euros per month*
On Campus: starting from 7,095 Euros per semester. **

*Part-time model, scholarship included. Additional fees may apply.

**Full-time model only, payable per semester. Additional fees may apply.

Curriculum and Course Contents (60 ECTS)
Title Semester ECTS

Managing in a Global Economy 5 ECTS
Strategic Management 5 ECTS
Corporate Finance & Investment 10 ECTS
Advanced Research Methods 5 ECTS
Operations and Information 5 ECTS

Advanced Management 10 ECTS
Accounting and Control
Seminar: Managing People and 5 ECTS
Master Thesis & Colloquium 15 ECTS

Career perspectives
Why choose a Master in Finance & Accounting?
You develop valuable skills in the preparation and imple- In the 2-semester International Finance & Accounting pro-
mentation of financial policy decisions. You will receive gramme, the focus is on in-depth knowledge of finance &
sound training in dealing with financing options on interna- accounting management. If you study Finance & Accounting
tional capital markets and in accounting according to inter- as the main focus of the Master's programme Internation-
national standards. You will acquire detailed knowledge in al Management (4 semesters), you will deepen your knowl-
the areas of investment analysis and portfolio management edge in the field of General Management in addition to spe-
in order to optimize the financial performance of companies. cialist skills.

Master Management (M.A.)
Logistics manager in Singapore, financial consultant in New York or marketing ex-
pert in Düsseldorf? The world is open to you after your studies. In the Master's
programme in International Management you will be prepared for all challenges:
You will also learn business management expertise such as leadership and inter-
cultural skills. And all this in an international team of students and with profes-
sors, who have practical experience in come.

Master of Arts (M.A.)

Study model
Online or on Campus or mixed

Study start and duration

Start: Online: any time (no fixed start date or enrolment deadlines)
On Campus: October/ April
Duration: Standard period of study is 12 months; different time models possible

Online: starting from 110 Euros per month*
On Campus: starting from 7,095 Euros per semester**

*Part-time model, including scholarship. Additional fees may apply.

**Full-time only, payable per semester. Additional fees may apply.

Curriculum and Course Contents (60 ECTS)
Title Semester ECTS

Managing in a Global Economy 5 ECTS
Strategic Management 5 ECTS
Sales, Pricing and Brand Management 10 ECTS
Advanced Research Methods 5 ECTS
Operations and Information 5 ECTS

Consumer Behaviour Research 10 ECTS
Seminar: Managing People and 5 ECTS
Master Thesis & Colloquium 15 ECTS

Career perspectives
Why choose a Master Management
in International Marketing?
You will deepen your specialist knowledge of marketing and During your studies, you will intensively study consumer be-
sales-related issues - with a focus on international business haviour in international markets and work on topics such as
management. Using practice-oriented concepts, you will brand management, pricing and sales from a strategic and
deal with planning, implementation and control as well as operational perspective. You'll discuss current topics in mar-
international market entry and market development strate- keting practices and marketing research and use case stud-
gies. Your methodical skills and soft skills such as communi- ies and group work to apply the concepts you have learned
cation or intercultural competence will be trained. to issues in practical marketing.

Master of Arts (M.A.)
Demand is increasing for managers to be able to not just successfully operate in
their home market, but also in the ever more globalised economy. Expansion into
international markets presents companies with a number of challenges which re-
quire understanding, adaptation, and market-specific business best practices. This
is exactly where the IUBH Master of Arts in International Management comes in.
This consecutive, distance learning programme offers you well-rounded and, at the
same time, specialised knowledge in the field of international management and
qualifies you to take on responsibility in a variety of areas in internationally oper-
ating companies.

Master of Arts (M.A.)

You have the option to specialise in a certain focus area for up to 20 ECTS

Study model

Study start and duration

Official start date: August 16th, 2021. Afterwards: Anytime
60 ECTS: 12, 24, or 36 months
120 ECTS: 24, 36, or 48 months

starting from 95 Euros per month

Curriculum (60 or 120 ECTS full-time) Career perspectives
Title Semester ECTS Why choose a M.A. in
International Management ?
60 ECTS model
Managing Across Borders
Graduates of the M.A. International
Management programme have a wide
Advanced Research Methods 5 ECTS range of opportunities, whether in
Intercultural Management 5 ECTS large multinational corporations, in-
Strategic Management 5 ECTS ternationally active SMEs or fast-grow-
Leadership 5 ECTS ing start-ups. You may find a career in
Business Ethics and Corporate Governance 5 ECTS international supply chain manage-

Seminar: Current Issues in

2 5 ECTS
ment, key accounts and sales manage-
ment, HR management, finance and
International Management controlling, business development, or
Electives A 10 ECTS IT and project management. The de-
Master Thesis & Colloquium 15 ECTS gree offers students a great chance to
specialise in one of these areas, too,
allowing you to select an elective that
speaks to your interests. The compul-
sory modules of this programme in the
120 ECTS model
Managing Across Borders
first two semesters deliver fundamen-
tal knowledge for business worldwide
Advanced Research Methods 5 ECTS such as international marketing, glob-
Intercultural Management 5 ECTS al accounting, HR Management across
Performance Measurement 5 ECTS borders and international corporate
Applied Statistics 5 ECTS governance.
Business Ethics and Corporate Governance 5 ECTS

2 5 ECTS
International Marketing 5 ECTS
Negotiation 5 ECTS
International Financial Management 5 ECTS
International Financial Accounting 5 ECTS
Seminar: International Human 5 ECTS
Resource Management

Strategic Management
3 5 ECTS
Seminar: Current Issues in 5 ECTS
International Management
Electives A & B 20 ECTS

Master Thesis & Colloquium

4 30 ECTS

Master Management (M.A.)

Information technology pervades all areas of society: from political systems to the
economy, science and culture, to the private individual. A decline or even an end
to this development is neither foreseeable nor rationally justifiable. For this rea-
son, the demand for computer scientists and information technology specialists in
industry is constantly growing. There is a need for specialists who are able to as-
sess the application of IT in the wider context of operational and strategic options,
identify risks and counteract their consequences. Their knowledge can be seen as
an important asset of a company, as they play a decisive role in the further devel-
opment of a progressive and competitive company. In the distance learning pro-
gramme IT Management, the ability to criticise when dealing with course-specific
content is a central component.

Master of Arts (M.A.)

Study model
Online or on Campus or mixed

Study start and duration

Start: Online: any time (no fixed start date or enrolment deadlines)
On Campus: October/ April
Duration: Standard period of study is 12 months; different time models possible

Online: starting from 110 Euros per month*
On Campus: starting from 7,095 Euros per semester**

*Part-time model, including scholarship. Additional fees may apply.

**Full-time model only, payable per semestr. Additional fees may apply.

Curriculum and Course Contents (60 ECTS)
Title Semester ECTS

Managing in a Global Economy 5 ECTS
Strategic Management 5 ECTS
IT Project and Architecture Management 10 ECTS
Advanced Research Methods 5 ECTS
Operations and Information Management 5 ECTS

IT Governance and Service Management

2 10 ECTS
Seminar: Managing People and O
­ rganizations 5 ECTS
Master Thesis & Colloquium 15 ECTS

Career perspectives
Why choose a Master Management in IT-Management?
After your master's degree in IT Management, you will have With a Master in Information Technology Management,
the opportunity to work in many industries. Typical areas of you can demonstrate to potential employers that you have
employment range from IT project management to IT con- the analytical, methodological, communicative and social
sulting, IT service organization to representing the IT organ- competencies to shape their IT environment and manage
ization in management committees. An analysis of the re- resources effectively. You will be a top candidate for a career in
quirements also shows three dominant fields of activity: IT an industry that is booming. You might deal with information
project management, IT organization and IT management. management internally in a company’s IT department or
Subsequently, many job opportunities open up, for example carry out data center management in world-wide operating
as IT consultant, IT project manager or IT security manager. enterprise. The entrepreneurial and management skills
gained will provide you with great prospects in a wide range
of careers, such as technology management, IT consulting,
change or project management and business analysis.

Master Management (M.A.)
The Master Leadership Management opens up many opportunities for you by pre-
paring you in both scientifically and practically oriented modules from the fields
of business administration, management and leadership for a career in internati-
onal business environment. After graduation, you will be able to initiate and con-
trol change processes in the company and use your management and leadership
skills in a targeted manner.

Master of Arts (M.A.)

Study model
100% online including a virtual campus with digital course material

Study start and duration

Start: earliest start date: December 1st, 2020, afterwards any time (minimum
number of participants required)
Duration: Standard period of study is 12 months; different time models possible

starting from 110 Euros per month*

*Part-time model, including scholarship. Additional fees may apply

Curriculum and Course Contents (60 ECTS)
Title Semester ECTS

Managing in a Global Economy 5 ECTS
Strategic Management 5 ECTS
Leadership and Change 10 ECTS
Advanced Research Methods 5 ECTS
Operations and Information 5 ECTS

Leadership and Corporate 10 ECTS
Seminar: Managing People 5 ECTS
and Organizations
Master Thesis & Colloquium 15 ECTS

Career perspectives
Why choose a Master Management in Leadership
You will learn to analyse the management process and be- Our online master's programme in leadership and manage-
haviour in business practice in an application and prob- ment is ideal for forming the future of specialists and exec-
lem-solving oriented manner. You will acquire management utives in business. IUBH optimally prepares you for a career
tools for motivating employees and for creating a trusting managing people, resources, processes, or entire organiza-
working and management relationship and you will know tions—talents that are in-demand by companies of all kinds
the central design factors for building a successful manage- in many regions. You could start out as a Change Manager or
ment culture. You learn to understand and shape good and Project Manager, or lead companies with expert advice as a
harmonious leadership relationships with your employees Consultant.
through the active use of different leadership styles. This
is the only way to manage organizations in a goal-orient-
ed manner.

Master of Arts (M.A.)
Managers in marketing and sales are faced with an increasingly complex and in-
teractive range of tasks. Your future fields of employment after graduating with
this master's degree are initial management positions in the areas of marketing
and/or sales—in agencies, in small and medium sized enterprises, large interna-
tional corporations, or NGOs.

Master of Arts (M.A.)

Communication & Branding, Online & Social Media, Sales, and more

Study model

Study start and duration

Official start date: 1 April 2021. Afterwards: Anytime*
Duration: 12, 18, or 24 months (60 ECTS); 24, 36, or 48 months (120 ECTS)

From 110 Euros per month (60 ECTS)
From 95 Euros per month (120 ECTS)

*This programme is still in the process of accreditation and recognition. We expect approval from the relevant ministry by
the programme’s official start date. So far, all IUBH programmes have been accredited and approved successfully and on

Curriculum (60 or 120 ECTS full-time) Career perspectives
Title Semester ECTS Why choose a M.A. in
International Management ?
60 ECTS model
International Marketing
Managers in Marketing and Sales are
faced with an increasingly complex
Advanced Research Methods 5 ECTS and dynamic range of tasks. Their work
International Consumer Behaviour 5 ECTS largely determines the success or fail-
Applied Marketing Research 5 ECTS ure of a company. The areas of respon-
Online and Social Media Marketing 5 ECTS sibility of our graduates are very di-
Seminar: Current Issues in Marketing 5 ECTS verse: As marketing managers they

Digital Business Models

2 5 ECTS
develop national or international
brand and product strategies, plan and
Electives A (choose 1 module out of 7) 10 ECTS implement target group-specific prod-
E-Commerce • Sales Management • Strategic uct and marketing concepts, or design
­Marketing and Branding • Communication and Public successful sales processes and tools—
Relations • UI/UX Expert • Business Analyst • Product whether in agencies, in large or medi-
Development and Design Thinking um-sized companies or NGOs.
Master Thesis & Colloquium 15 ECTS Since virtually every company sells
products or services, the career pros-
pects are excellent. Experts with sound
marketing and sales knowledge are
sought after almost everywhere.

120 ECTS model

International Marketing
Set your personal focus
During your studies, you can choose
Advanced Research Methods 5 ECTS from several specialisations, including:
International Consumer Behaviour 5 ECTS
Applied Statistics 5 ECTS Sales
Applied Marketing Research 5 ECTS With electives such as "E-Commerce"
Online and Social Media Marketing 5 ECTS and "Sales Management", you will learn

Seminar: Marketing Responsibility

2 5 ECTS
instruments and methods for successful
sales. After completing the course, you
Strategic Management 5 ECTS will know how modern sales works and
Advanced Marketing Controlling 5 ECTS be familiar with sales systems, new cus-
Digital Business Models 5 ECTS tomer acquisitions, and sales channels.
Digital Analytics and Strategies 5 ECTS You also come to master the fundamen-
Seminar: Current Issues in Marketing 5 ECTS tals of sales policy and be able to apply

Marketing Project
3 5 ECTS
these to different sales channels.

Leadership 5 ECTS Online and Social Media

Electives A & B (choose 2 modules out of 7) 20 ECTS Deal with the strategic positioning of
E-Commerce • Sales Management • Strategic companies online and on social me-
­Marketing and Branding • Communication and Public dia, optimise their online presence, and
Relations • UI/UX Expert • Business Analyst • Product learn to measure success with relevant
Development and Design Thinking key figures: In this module and with spe-

Master Thesis & Colloquium

4 30 ECTS
cialisations like "E-Commerce", you will
learn about e-commerce concepts, dif-
ferent forms of marketing, and ways to
distribute products and services on the
internet. You will explore tools for social
media marketing and relevant chan-
nels in order to use them successfully
in future communication measures and
MBA 60 ECTS or 90 ECTS
The online MBA programme provides an international orientation with a fo-
cus on intercultural and general management competences - the perfect start-
ing-point for a successful career as a leader. The programme prepares you for de-
manding r­ esponsibilities in middle to upper management, in many industries. This
­programme offers business and non-business graduates, such as engineers, n ­ atural
sciences and humanities graduates, the opportunity to extend their managerial
skills and focuses on updating and increasing their general managerial ­knowledge.
By the way: In the MBA distance learning ranking 2017 of our study
course was the winner with the highest grade of 1.3.

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

In the 90 ECTS option you have the opportunity to specialise with added 20 ECTS
to specialise in attractive roles and industries: Big Data Management, Engineering,
IT Management, Finance & Accounting or Marketing

Study model
Online or on Campus or mixed.

Study start and duration

Start: Online: Anytime (no fixed start date or enrolment deadlines)
On Campus: October/ April
Duration 60 ECTS: 1 or 2 years - Duration 90 ECTS: 18 or 36 months

60 ECTS: Online: starting from 110 Euros per month*; on Campus: starting from 7,095
Euros per semester**
90 ECTS: Online: starting from 107 Euros per month* ; on Campus: starting from 7,063
Euros per semester**

*Part-time model, including scholarship. Additional fees may apply.

**Full-time model only, payable per semester. Additional fees may apply..

Curriculum (60 or 90 ECTS full-time) Career perspectives

Title Semester ECTS Why choose an MBA in

International Business?

60 ECTS model
The Master of Business Administration
qualifies you for a full scope of pro-
Leadership 5 ECTS fessional opportunities with interna-
Innovation and Entrepreneurship 5 ECTS tional and transnational corporations.
International Marketing 5 ECTS ­Graduates can work in export compa-
Performance Measurement 5 ECTS nies, the public sector, i­nternational
Financial Management 5 ECTS banks and companies with s­ ubsidiaries
Managerial Economics 5 ECTS abroad. Most employers offer a­ ttractive
salary packages. The r­esponsibilities
2 assigned to a professional ­ include
Strategic Management 5 ECTS leading projects related to interna-
Change Management 5 ECTS tional business. In the economic sec-
Managing in a Global Economy 5 ECTS tor there is an enormous spectrum of
Capstone Project 15 ECTS career o
­ pportunities for management
­graduates with various specialisations.

Consultancy is another remunerative

career for international business pro-
fessionals. An international business
consultant is responsible for ­ various
aspects of business development and
90 ECTS model
1 market information for international
Leadership 5 ECTS companies. Graduates of our MBA pro-
Innovation and Entrepreneurship 5 ECTS gramme can start as country m ­ anagers
International Marketing 5 ECTS representing a company in a for-
Performance Measurement 5 ECTS eign country. A country manager's job
Financial Management 5 ECTS ­involves working to manage operations,
Managerial Economics 5 ECTS develop business and increase the
­profitability of a company in a ­specific
2 region or country.
Strategic Management 5 ECTS
Change Management 5 ECTS
Managing in a Global Economy 5 ECTS

2 elective courses of 10 ECTS each 20 ECTS
(see course contents pages 8–17)

Capstone Project 25 ECTS

Whether it's classic trade or online shopping, in financial services, aviation, travel and
­tourism or in telecommunications: in almost every industry it's data that determines the
success of a business. It's not just about large quantities of gathered data. Instead, it's
about processing this data and utilising it in a profitable way. As well as expert know-how,
the MBA will help you gain in-depth knowledge in the field of General Management with
a specialisation in Big Data Management.

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

In the 90 ECTS programme you have the opportunity to specialise with added 20
ECTS to specialise in attractive roles and industries.

Study model
Online or on Campus or mixed.

Study start and duration

Start: Anytime (no fixed start date or enrolment deadlines)
Duration: 18 or 36 months

Online: starting from 107 Euros per month*
On Campus: starting from 7,063 Euros per semester**

*Part-time model, including scholarship. Additional fees may apply..

**Full-time model only, payable per semester. Additional fees may apply.

Curriculum (90 ECTS full-time) Career perspectives

Title Semester ECTS Why choose an MBA in Big Data

Large and fast growing companies are
1 ­investing substantially in the implemen-
Leadership 5 ECTS tation of data management systems and
Innovation and Entrepreneurship 5 ECTS structures. As a result, qualified ­experts
International Marketing 5 ECTS in the area have plenty of opportuni-
Performance Measurement 5 ECTS ties. Project managers specializing in
Financial Management 5 ECTS the area of big data have excellent ca-
Managerial Economics 5 ECTS reer ­opportunities in almost all forward-­

2 looking ­sectors, especially in the IT, media,

and digital sectors, in the automotive and
Strategic Management 5 ECTS finance industries, as well as in ­marketing
Change Management 5 ECTS and sales. Your role as the ­responsible
Managing in a Global Economy 5 ECTS big data project m ­ anager is an important
2+3 connector between m ­ anagement and
technical support. You prepare tailored
Electives (choose 2 modules out of 6) 20 ECTS solutions for your company based on
Introduction to the analysis of data • Statis- customer, market, and/or competitor in-
tical bases • Data Mining • Big Data Methods formation, and always h ­ ave an eye on the
and Technologies • Legal Aspects of Data latest developments, for example within
Analysis • Application of big data in the 25 ECTS the area of ­artificial ­intelligence.
­industry/further areas of application
3 Course objectives
Capstone Project
• You can distinguish between infor-
mation and data and understand
the meaning of these terms for
• After the programme, you can d ­ erive
the Big Data problem, especially in
connection with the Internet of Things,
and d ­ escribe it using examples.
• You understand the basics of the
­statistics, which are necessary for the
analysis of large data stocks.
• You understand further legal frame­
work for the application of ­data anal-
ysis in Germany and internationally.
• You know selected methods and
­technologies that are used in big data
context and can apply them to ­simple

Engineers are required to display a large number of qualities such as precision, ef-
ficiency and reliability. In engineering management, you will learn how to manage
these ­talented individuals while, in parallel, develop and improve market strategies,
brand management and profitability. Within our MBA programme with specialisation
in ­Engineering Management you will learn to distinguish between several aspects of
the internet of things, including consumer, business, social and environmental issues.

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

In the 90 ECTS programme you have the opportunity to specialise with added 20
ECTS to specialise in attractive roles and industries.

Study model
Online or on Campus or mixed.

Study start and duration

Start: Online: Anytime (no fixed start date or enrolment deadlines)
On Campus: October/ April
Duration: 18 or 36 months

Online: starting from 107 Euros per month*
On Campus: starting from 7,063 Euros per semester

*Part-time model, including scholarship. Additional fees may apply..

**Full-time model only, payable per semester. Additional fees may apply.

Curriculum (90 ECTS full-time) Career perspectives

Title Semester ECTS Why choose an MBA in

Engineering Management?
1 The basic qualification as an engi-
neer opens the door to high-­ level
Leadership 5 ECTS discussions
­ with engineers-the
Innovation and Entrepreneurship 5 ECTS ­additional ­qualification as a manag-
International Marketing 5 ECTS er of engineers adds the perspective
Performance Measurement 5 ECTS of ­leadership and contributes to a new
Financial Management 5 ECTS level of success ­
­ through engineering.
Managerial Economics 5 ECTS You will learn to distinguish between
­several ­aspects of the internet of things,
2 including ­ consumer, ­ business, social
Strategic Management 5 ECTS and environmental issues.
Change Management 5 ECTS
Managing in a Global Economy 5 ECTS
Course objectives
2+3 • You will develop an understand-
2 elective courses of 10 ECTS each 20 ECTS ing of the different ­ perspectives
(see course contents below) on the internet of things as well as
of ­ communication technology and
3 ­standards it is built upon.
Capstone Project 25 ECTS • You will acquire an understanding of
the key skills in p
­ roduct development
and will be able to evaluate differ-
ent digital product development tech-
niques and tools.
• You will evaluate and identify ap-
propriate methods a ­ccording to
Course contents given ­
­ manufacturing tasks, includ-
ing ­ modern processes towards rapid
• Internet of Things ­manufacturing and tooling.
• Product Development • You will apply and reflect human-­
• Manufactoring Methods centered design principles to quickly
• Industry 4.0 develop and test prototypes.
• Design Thinking • You will gain insights into various
current issues in ­
­ engineering man-
agement like, e.g. self-driving cars and
­cyber-physical production systems.

Which projects are worth investing in? What is the actual value of a company? What
instruments are available to measure the value of a company and assess ­financial
markets? How can one ensure an optimal balance between the competing goals
of liquidity, safety, yield, and growth? Our MBA programme with specialization in
Finance & Accounting offers answers to these and other complex questions on
the topic of financing and investing. Upon completion of this programme, you will
have a deep understanding of the capital structures of a corporation and have an
awareness of important considerations when investing and undertaking necessary

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

In the 90 ECTS programme you have the opportunity to specialise with added
20 ECTS to specialise in attractive roles and industries.

Study model
Online or on Campus or mixed.

Study start and duration

Start: Online: Anytime (no fixed start date or enrolment deadlines)
On Campus: October/ April
Duration: 18 or 36 months

Online: starting from 107 Euros per month*
On Campus: starting from 7,063 Euros per semester**

*Part-time model, including scholarship. Additional fees may apply..

**Full-time model only, payable per semester. Additional fees may apply.

Curriculum (90 ECTS full-time) Career perspectives

Title Semester ECTS Why choose an MBA in

Finance & Accounting?
In this course, you will obtain a ­broad
1 understanding of the core components
Leadership 5 ECTS of corporate finance. You will ­learn the
Innovation and Entrepreneurship 5 ECTS ­financial and mathematical ­basics of
International Marketing 5 ECTS investing in ventures and managing
Performance Measurement 5 ECTS on-going financing. You will be ­able
Financial Management 5 ECTS to ­utilize several financial and math-
Managerial Economics 5 ECTS ematical methods for obtaining da-
ta critical for informed decision-mak-
2 ing. Upon completion of this course,
Strategic Management 5 ECTS you will have a deep understanding of
Change Management 5 ECTS the capital structures of a corporation,
Managing in a Global Economy 5 ECTS and have an awareness of important
­considerations when investing and un-
2+3 dertaking necessary financing. Finally,
2 elective courses of 10 ECTS each 20 ECTS you will be able to utilize conventional
(see course contents below) methods of corporate assessment and
understand the fundamentals of merg-
3 ers and acquisitions.­
Capstone Project 25 ECTS

Course objectives
• You can model financial models as an
essential tool of ­corporate finance, an-
alyse them and interpret them with
­regard to important financial key
Course contents ­performance indicators.
• You can carry out business appraisals
• Portfolio and capital market theory and analysis using standard ­market procedures and
• Financing types, capital structure, and capital budgeting critically scrutinize the results.
• Company valuation procedures • You know important milestones in
• Acquisitions, corporate control and governance the implementation of corporate
• Finance planning ­transactions – such as the financial
• Financing decisions and issuing securities due diligence.
• Dividend policy and capital structure • You can analyse and evaluate the
• Debt financing and leasing strategic economic­o ­bjectives of
• Options and futures companies in relation to corporate
• Takeovers, corporate control, and governance ­transactions.
• Solved and unsolved issues and the future of finance • You can determine the applicable cost
of capital.

Information is the most important capital for businesses. But who decides what
­information is valuable? How do you get the best out of this information? And which
technology can be useful? These are the questions answered by the IT Management
specialists. In our IT Management MBA, you will learn about the development and
management of IT infrastructures, international project management concepts and
the implementation of IT services for internal stakeholders and clients. You will al-
so learn the basics of software engineering and investigate topics such as IT compli-
ance, data protection and information security. In addition to expert know-how, you
will deepen your knowledge in the area of general management.

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

In the 90 ECTS programme you have the opportunity to specialise with added 20
ECTS to specialise in attractive roles and industries.

Study model
Online or on Campus or mixed.

Study start and duration

Start: Online: Anytime (no fixed start date or enrolment deadlines)
On Campus: October/ April
Duration: 18 or 36 months

Online: starting from 107 Euros per month*
On Campus: starting from 7,063 Euros per semester**

*Part-time model, including scholarship. Additional fees may apply..

**Full-time model only, payable per semester. Additional fees may apply.

Curriculum (90 ECTS full-time) Career perspectives

Title Semester ECTS Why choose an MBA in

IT Management?
These days, with information systems in-
1 dispensable in every aspect of ­industry
Leadership 5 ECTS and business, there is ­ increasing de-
Innovation and Entrepreneurship 5 ECTS mand for well-trained IT managers
International Marketing 5 ECTS equipped for leadership roles in the
Performance Measurement 5 ECTS global marketplace. With their in-depth
Financial Management 5 ECTS entrepreneurial and management skills,
Managerial Economics 5 ECTS IT management postgraduates have ex-
cellent prospects in a wide range of ca-
2 reers, such as technology management,
Strategic Management 5 ECTS IT consulting, change or project man-
Change Management 5 ECTS agement and business analysis.
Managing in a Global Economy 5 ECTS

2+3 Course objectives

2 elective courses of 10 ECTS each 20 ECTS • You can describe the structure of
(see course contents below) computer systems and communica-

3 tion networks.
• You can differentiate the phases of a
Capstone Project 25 ECTS SW life cycle.
• You can separate roles and phases in
the software process.
• You are familiar with various process
models of SW d ­ evelopment.
• You know typical challenges and risks
of industrial SW d ­ evelopment.
Course contents • You know enterprise-modelling
­models relevant to IT s­ upport.
• Principles and tasks in IT project management • You know techniques for identifying
• Software lifecycle and documenting IT r­ equirements.
• Phases in the software process and role participations • You can select suitable tech-
• Procedures in software development niques and methods of e ­ ngineering
• Agile management and communication techniques ­requirements.
• Basics of IT service management
• IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL)
• IT outsourcing
• IT architecture management
• IT Application Portfolio Management
• Organizational structure of IT and architecture governance

You will head international marketing and advertizing campaigns and work with
partners, colleagues and agencies across the globe. An MBA in Marketing will open
the door for a career as a marketing manager for a global company. This MBA pro-
gramme expands your knowledge of marketing specifically in the areas of interna-
tional branding and marketing of products and services. Among other things, you
will learn how to implement systematic relationship marketing (Customer Relation-
ship Marketing) and increase customer life time value through an understanding
and knowledge of long-term customer loyalty.

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

In the 90 ECTS programme you have the opportunity to specialise with added 20
ECTS to specialise in attractive roles and industries.

Study model
Online or on Campus or mixed.

Study start and duration

Start: Online: Anytime (no fixed start date or enrolment deadlines)
On Campus: October/ April
Duration: 3, 4 or 6 semesters

Online: starting from 107 Euros per month*
On Campus: starting from 7,063 Euros per semester**

*Part-time model, including scholarship. Additional fees may apply..

**Full-time model only, payable per semester. Additional fees may apply.

Curriculum (90 ECTS full-time) Career perspectives

Title Semester ECTS Why choose an MBA in

As a marketing expert, you can ­analyse
1 brand values and ­determine the ­factors
Leadership 5 ECTS that drive the increase or loss of a
Innovation and Entrepreneurship 5 ECTS consumer-based brand. Through the
International Marketing 5 ECTS ­development and ­implementation
Performance Measurement 5 ECTS of targeted marketing strategies, you
Financial Management 5 ECTS enliven the day-to-day business in
Managerial Economics 5 ECTS the business-to-business or busi-
ness-to-costumer area. You position
2 brands in the market, ­ recognize and
Strategic Management 5 ECTS ­eliminate possible crises, integrate cus-
Change Management 5 ECTS tomer relationship concepts, ­ organize
Managing in a Global Economy 5 ECTS social media ­ activities and ­recognize
employees as the key to success. In par-
2+3 ticular, ­maintaining customer relation-
2 elective courses of 10 ECTS each 20 ECTS ships and customer ­satisfaction is your
(see course contents below) central ­focus in the company.

Capstone Project 25 ECTS Course objectives
• You know and understand the most
important challenges for internation-
al brands.
• You are able to recognize the current
strategy of a brand.
• You can analyze the brand value of a
Course contents brand.
• You know the factors that can lead
• Construction and control of brands to an increase or loss of consumer-­
• Brand value and brand management based brand values.
• Management of brands over time • You can develop sound ideas for
• International brand management ­future options of a brand strategy.
• Crisis management at brands
• Customer Relationship Marketing (CRM)
• CRM systems and IT-supported brand management

How to study online at IUBH
Admission requirements Bachelor

Higher Secondary School Leaving Certificate with scores in

the top 30% of your academic year.
Proof of English skills:

• TOEFL (min. 80 points) or

• IELTS (min. Level 6) or
• Duolingo English test (min. 51%) or
• Cambridge Certificate (min. B grade overall) or
• Equivalent proof

The proof must be provided before the start of the study and
must not be older than two years. If English is your native
language or you graduated from an English-speaking school/
university, you do not have to prove your English skills.

Admission requirements Master & MBA

Preliminary studies
Completed undergraduate study from a public or officially re-
cognized university/higher education institution in a relevant
field; Degree certification of at least "Befriedigend" [lower se-
cond equivalent].

• With 240 ECTS from first degree: direct enrolment possible
• With 210 ECTS from first degree: pass an aptitude test (TASC)
• With 180 ECTS from first degree: pass an aptitude test (TASC)
• Only for M.A. Data Science and M.A. Artificial Intelligence:
With its focus on Completion of the courses "Advanced Mathematics" and
­leadership and ­current "Programming with Python" or proof of comparable previous
business affairs, the knowledge.
master´s ­programme
provides me with the right tools to 60 ECTS MBA:
design my personal career strategy so • With 210 ECTS from first degree: direct enrolment possible
that I can leverage my position on the • With 180 ECTS from first degree: pass an aptitude test (TASC)
global job m ­ arket and enhance my
chances for success. I feel confident 90 ECTS MBA:
about my skills and my ability to find • With 180 ECTS from first degree
a promising job after graduation, • Final grade: Minimum grade point average of 3.0 according to
either in Germany or abroad. The the German grading system
Career S ­ ervice Department has been
of ­great help to me in this respect." 120 ECTS MA:
• With 180 ECTS from first degree: direct enrolment possible
Yuki Yamamoto
Master´s student IUBH
Work experience
60 ECTS and 120 ECTS MA (except M.Sc. Computer Science)
• At least 1 year of professional working experience after your first university ­level
1. Register online
degree(this must be acquired after completion of the undergraduate studies; in-
ternships, traineeships or working student activities are excluded)

60 & 90 ECTS MBA:

• At least 1 year of relevant work experience before the study programme (this must 2. Choose a course in
be acquired after completion of the undergraduate studies; internships, trainee- "Online Campus"

ships or working student activities are excluded)

• 2 years by the end of the study programme

3. Study materials received as a

Language skills download
• Proof of English Skills:
• TOEFL (min. 80 points) or
• IELTS (min. Level 6) or
• Duolingo English test (min. 51%) or 4. Continuous support with study
scripts in self-study
• Cambridge Certificate (min. B grade overall) or
• Equivalent proof.
The proof must be provided before the start of the study and must not be older
than two years. If English is your native language or you graduated from an Eng- 5. Participate in online tutorials
lish-speaking school/university, you do not have to prove your English skills.

Aptitude Test TASC 6. Exam preparation by

• knowledge tests and
The TASC examination is used to determine wether you have the knowledge and skills • exams directly online
necessary to successfully pursue our degree programme to which you are a ­ pplying.
Preparatory study materials are available on our mycampus learning p ­ latform to
all candidates who will be taking the test. The materials include further literature 7. Complete thesis
­references and detailed instructions that make it possible to work, for the most part,
independently in preparation for taking the test.

8. Graduation with

Do you have any questions about studying at IUBH?

We are here to help start your journey.
phone +49 30.311987.20
The best choice for your career


01 Employability in Europe
• Post-Study work in the European Union
• EU Blue Card possible with a semester on campus

02 Maximum flexibility
• Mobile learning
• No fixed examination phases & online exams
• Numerous specialisations
• Flexible time models - study start anytime possible

03 Effective learning
• Practical content
• Individual and group coaching

04 Highest quality
• 5 premium seals
• Top rating in CHE university ranking
• Top Business School 2018
• Permanent quality management
• 5-Star QS rating

01 Employability in
Students looking to work in Germany, can chose to do their last semester in Germany is suffering
­Germany. If they opt for this route, they are able to apply for the post-study a ­ dearth of university
work visa required to stay in Germany to search for work.* ­graduate professionals
in key disciplines, such
This VISA is usually granted for 18 months after successfully graduating with a as engineering. Demographic changes
­degree. This option is especially for students who work in fields where there is a mean that Germany's continued strong
shortage of qualified specialists in Germany. If you are qualified in IT development, growth will depend on skilled workers
engineering, big data or one of the many areas with a skill shortage in Germany, you with a migrant background. Against this
can take advantage of the post study work visa.** backdrop, Germany has created its ver-
sion of the Green Card designed to ease
Post-Study work in the European Union immigration for qualified workers and
Skilled professionals are in very high demand, which creates enormous career make Germany more attractive to highly
­opportunities for you: Eager to attract immigrants to the country to offset a ­shortage trained foreign graduates. We hope
of skilled labour due to demographic changes, the German government has in- young talent from abroad will take ad-
troduced the EU Blue Card. It is targeted at well educated immigrants: It grants vantage of this opportunity to study and
the right to work and live in Germany*. Thanks to the introduction of the EU Blue begin their career in Germany!"
Card in ­Germany, the permanent immigration of highly educated skilled employ-
ees is made very easy. EU Blue Card holders are entitled to work in 26 Frank Jürgen Weise
­Schengen countries and are eligible to apply for permanent resident Former CEO Federal
­status in Germany. As early as two years after receiving your German Employment Agency
or EU Blue Card residence permit, you can apply for a permanent
­residence permit – that is, a residence permit without a time limit.



* Final decision on the post study visa is with the ministry and cannot be guaranteed by IUBH.
** Extra costs may incur for campus studies in the last semester.

02 Mobile learning
No fixed
examination phases
Online course materials
Significant online learning materials and high quality study scripts give you Online exams
detailed insight, and summaries, of the essential learning content. Prior to Take exams whenever you are ­ready:
your examination, this online material will ensure you are prepared and have weekdays and holidays, any time of
enough knowledge to pass the online exams. day or night. Our online exams give
you this flexibility. They meet the same
Online-Campus myCampus demands and standards of ­ validity
Not only can you assess your learning content on our online campus via your lap- and security as a written exam at one
top or desktop, but you can also download content at any time on mobile devices of our testing centres. All you need is
­like smartphones or tablets. Our Scripts that are available for download as PDFs, a PC/laptop with webcam and an in-
in addition to our vodcasts, podcasts and e-books, make this possible. Our Vod- ternet connection. A supervisor has
casts are short 15-minute Video lectures in which your lecturers discuss the main a live connection to your webcam
topics of the individual courses. and ­computer screen to guarantee a
smooth process and protect against
Video-based online tutorials fraud.
A central component of our teaching concept is our online tutorial. These are
video-based live events in which a tutor makes a presentation in a virtual On-site exams
­classroom. The course content is presented in the same way as if it were a In addition to online exams, you have
­physical classroom, and the tutor is available for queries via chat. Furthermo- the option of taking your exams abroad
re­, it is possible to make audio or visual contributions to the discussion. All of at over 130 Goethe Institutes worldwide.
these presentations are available to download later for review.

Community Groups Numerous

With our online community groups, you can talk and exchange ideas with other specialisations
fellow students. You already can join existing groups or create your own. We
also have facebook groups that can be used for similar exercises. Not only in terms of time but also
content, you can study your needs
Brainy flashcards adjust. You choose several speciali-
With the index card app BRAINYOO, are provided with different learning ­methods. sations from a large number of func-
This includes a long-term memory mode and a test mode, which makes learning tional areas, industries or foreign
more diverse and fun. Furthermore, with the app, you can continue learning this way ­languages.
without an internet connection.

Flexible time models
Enrol at any time 4-week trial free
Our distance learning programs have no fixed deadlines or To make sure our online learning programme is the right
application dates. You can start your studies when you feel one for you, you can test it out for the first four weeks af-
ready. ter ­enrolment free of charge and without obligation. During
these four weeks, you can take regular courses, order lecture
Full-time or part-time notes, contact your advisor and even take exams. If within
You can do the online bachelor's degree programme as a these four weeks you realise that the programme is not the
full-time or part-time student. The content is identical. In right one for you, you can withdraw from the contract at any
the part-time option, you have a lighter workload. As a full- time and without stating reasons. You have no costs or other
time student you take 30 ECTS credits worth of course work disadvantages.
per semester (this equates to approximately 900 working
hours), as a part-time student a reduced amount. Part-time Free extension
study is a particularly good option for those who already Independent of the time model you choose, you have the
have a demanding workload or want to reduce the amount option to extend your study time by 12 months free of ­charge.
of monthly fees. A switch from part-time to full-time (and After the period of study has expired, you still have access to
vice versa) is possible at any time, but subject to a notice all the course content, advising and services of our program-
period of three months. me. You do not have to pay anything for this.

03 Practical content
In your studies, you not only learn theoretical knowledge but also take part in
­extensive practice components included in the online programme. Due to the prac-
ticality of these components, you can implement what you have learned ­directly in
your company from day one. In addition, our lecturers have many years of profes-
sional experience in the business sector and teach you using examples and tech-
niques such as case studies, analysing realistic scenarios and discussing current
business events.

Targeted coachings for your academic success

Distance learning, job, and private obligations: To master this balancing act suc-
cessfully, we offer you three different coaching formats: group, individual and ca-
reer coaching. While you work together with the coach and other students on gen-
eral topics such as time management, work-life balance, motivation, etc. in our
group coaching, you can individually select your key priorities in the individual
coaching format. In our career coaching we take a look at your application doc-
uments in two 45-minute sessions and develop your personal career strategy to-
gether with you.

Quality is important to us
Highest quality
The quality of our programmes, delivered by IUBH University of Applied Sciences, is
very important to us. For this reason, we not only i­ntroduced internal quality assur-
ance procedures, but also subject our programmes to numerous external accredita-
tions and certificates.

QS STAR REPORT IUBH achieved 99 out of 100 points and a 5-star rating for online
learning in our QS Stars Report. We're the first German Universi-
ty to receive such ranking.

TOP BUSINESS In 2018, IUBH has been awarded the title "Top Business School"
in the Focus Money DEUTSCHLAND TEST of educational provid-

SCHOOL 2018 ers. The award confirms the high level of student satisfaction
with our university's services. A total of 116 providers from eight
categories were put to the test.

TOP RATINGS IN The CHE University Ranking is one of the best-known study
­rankings in Germany. The IUBH achieved the following results:

SCIENTIFIC CHE • Top rating in the area "overall study"

• Top rating in the field of "practical relevance

GERMAN COUNCIL The German Council of Science and Humanities (Wissen­

OF SCIENCE schaftsrat) provides advice to the German Government on the

structure and development of higher education and research.

AND HUMANITIES The council has granted us institutional accreditation for 10

­years, the longest possible period. This is the best evaluation
the council can award, and signifies that we meet established
academic and scientific standards.

TOP RATINGS ON Our students gave us excellent reviews on "FernstudiumCheck.

de", a leading portal for reviews of distance learning colleges

EXTERNAL PORTALS as one of the top institutes in the category "most p

­ opular" on-
line ­studies. From, a comparison site for
­distance learning courses in Germany, we received an award for
"Top distance schools in 2017".

INNOVATION & From autumn 2016 IUBH is the only university worldwide to re-
ceive recognition for online exams - anywhere, anytime, imme-

EXCELLENCE AWARD diately and with a live invigilator. For this innovation we were
in the leader board of the IT Innovation Award of German SMEs.

TEDQUAL In 2010, the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNW-

TO) awarded us the TedQual Certificate. It thus confirmed the

BY UNWTO ­internationally recognised teaching standards of our tourism

programmes. The IUBH was awarded this certificate as the first,
and so far only, university in Germany.

GERMAN All current study programmes of IUBH are accredited and

ACCREDITATION bear the seal of the German Accreditation Council. This

certifies that the programmes are structured in such a way

COUNCIL as to meet all formal requirements and that the necessary

­resources are available in the form of qualified staff and
sufficient equipment. Five of our degree programmes were
awarded the FIBAA premium seal. This award certifies the
extraordinary quality of these programmes. It also makes the
IUBH one of the leading universities in Germany with five or
more premium seals.

SME IUBH is the only university in the world to offer online

examinations that can be taken anywhere, at any time, without

INITIATIVE prior registration and with live supervision. For this innovation,
the university was included in the top-best list of the IT-
Innovation Award for medium-sized German enterprises (SME).

IUBH regularly receives top grades in university rankings (selection):

Our partners, memberships and sponsors (selection):

IUBH Internationale Hochschule GmbH
IUBH University of Applied Sciences
Juri-Gagarin-Ring 152
D-99084 Erfurt

In legal matters relating to higher education the Ministry of Culture and Science of Thuringia is responsible for
IUBH University of Applied Sciences at all study locations. Sponsor of IUBH is Career Partner GmbH, München.

Visit us:

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