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Inglés para Ingenieros I – English for Engineers I - Universidad de Antioquia - Programa de Educación Virtual —Ude@—
Módulo 3. Comprensión de lectura

Módulo 3
Comprensión de lectura 77

La comprensión de lectura, al igual que la comprensión auditiva necesita
mucha práctica, por lo que es necesario recurrir a estrategias para facilitar
el proceso de comprensión en un idioma extranjero, donde existe no
solamente el problema de vocabulario desconocido, sino también los
estilos de los escritores. La lectura y la escritura son procesos que se
comple- mentan; por lo tanto, muchas estrategias de lectura podrán
aplicarse al proceso de escritura.

Proporcionar al estudiante una serie de ejercicios para que utilice las
técnicas de lectura aprendidas en los módulos y capítulos anteriores.


Inglés para Ingenieros I – English for Engineers I - Universidad de Antioquia - Programa de Educación Virtual —Ude@—
Capítulo 3. Compras y ventas

Read the following paragraphs and answer the questions based on them.

▪ Paragraph 1
There is a library in Medellin which offers several services. This important
78 library has several sections: city room, a space designed for exhibitions;
children room: a space for children whe- re they can find dictionaries, stories,
literature, videos, games, leisure activities, and experi- ments; cinemateca: this is a
place for movies and lectures; technical area: devoted to new technical
material: books, magazines, CD, DVD; journals section: in this place, you can find
important newspapers, encyclopedias, Atlas, booklets, etc.; digital art
gallery where visitors can find digital art samples; Internet, audio and video rooms:
rooms for Internet users. Files can be download and users can save them in
their own CD or USB. There are some other rooms you can discover when
you visit this place.

a. When you visit this library and you want to download a file, which room do you look
for? R// In this case I am looking for an internet room, an audio and video room.

b. When you visit this library and you want to read a book for children,
which room do you look for? R// I look in the children's area

c. When you visit this library and you want to consult technical material,
which room do you look for? R// I am looking for the technical area

d. When you visit this library and you want to read a newspaper, which
room do you visit? R// In this case I visit the magazine section

e. When you visit this library and you want to find a game, which room do you visit?
R// I visit the children's section

▪ Paragraph 2
Sales have a magic attraction. On sales, people like to visit the stores. They want to find good
items at good prices. However, some times, people buy items they do not
need because they are at a good price, and when they return home, they
realize they paid for something they do not need. Isn’t it a magic strategy for

a. When you want to buy an item at a low price, what do you do?
R// I make sure that I will need it so as not to spend money on something

b. Are some people happy with the items they buy on sales?
R// Yes, because they get them with a much lower price than the established

Inglés para Ingenieros I – English for Engineers I - Universidad de Antioquia - Programa de Educación Virtual —Ude@—
c. Do some people buy the items they need when they buy on sales?
R// Not because always unnecessary technological items

Inglés para Ingenieros I – English for Engineers I - Universidad de Antioquia - Programa de Educación Virtual —Ude@—

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