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A level Pure Maths: Practice Paper C mark scheme

Progression Step
1 Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

States that: M1 2.2a 7th

A(x - 4)(3x +1) + B(3x +1) + C(x - 4)(x - 4) º 18x 2 - 98x + 78 Decompose
fractions into
Further states that: M1 1.1b
partial fractions −
A(3x 2 - 11x - 4) + B(3x +1) + C(x 2 - 8x +16) º 18x 2 - 98x + 78 repeated factors.

Equates the various terms. M1 2.2a

Equating the coefficients of x2: 3A + C =18
Equating the coefficients of x: - 11A + 3B - 8C =- 98
Equating constant terms: - 4 A + B +16C =78

Makes an attempt to manipulate the expressions in order to find M1 1.1b

A, B and C. Obtaining two different equations in the same two
variables would constitute an attempt.

Finds the correct value of any one variable: A1 1.1b

either A = 4, B = −2 or C = 6

Finds the correct value of all three variables: A1 1.1b

A = 4, B = −2, C = 6

(6 marks)

Alternative method
Uses the substitution method, having first obtained this equation:
A(x - 4)(3x +1) + B(3x +1) + C(x - 4)(x - 4) º 18x 2 - 98x + 78
Substitutes x = 4 to obtain 13B = −26
1 169 338 1014
x C C  6
Substitutes 3 to obtain 9 3 169

Equates the coefficients of x2: 3A + C =18

Substitutes the found value of C to obtain 3A = 12

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A level Pure Maths: Practice Paper C mark scheme
Progression Step
2 Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

Differentiates 4x to obtain 4x ln 4 M1 1.1b 7th

dy M1 2.2a
2x  2 y simple functions
Differentiates 2xy to obtain dx defined implicitly.

dy dy 4 x ln 4  2 y A1 1.1b
4 x ln 4  2 x  2y 
Rearranges dx to obtain dx 2x

Makes an attempt to substitute (2, 4) M1 1.1b

States fully correct final answer: 4ln 4  2 A1 1.1b

Accept ln 256  2

(5 marks)


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A level Pure Maths: Practice Paper C mark scheme
Progression Step
3 Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

(a) cos  5 x  2 x   cos5 x cos 2 x  sin 5 x sin 2 x M1 1.1b 6th

Correctly states
Integrate using
Correctly states M1 1.1b trigonometric
cos  5 x  2 x   cos5 x cos  2 x   sin 5 x sin  2 x 

or states
cos  5 x  2 x   cos5 x cos  2 x   sin 5 x sin  2 x 

Adds the two above expressions and states A1 1.1b

cos7 x  cos3 x  2cos5 x cos2 x


(b) 1 M1 2.2a 6th

States that
  cos5 x cos 2 x  dx  2   cos 7 x  cos3x  dx Integrate
functions of the
Makes an attempt to integrate. Changing cos to sin constitutes M1 1.1b form f(ax + b).
an attempt.

1 1 A1 1.1b
sin 7 x  sin 3 x  C
Correctly states the final answer 14 6 o.e.


(6 marks)

(b) Student does not need to state ‘+C’ to be awarded the first method mark. Must be stated in the final answer.

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A level Pure Maths: Practice Paper C mark scheme
Progression Step
4 Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

(a) Makes an attempt to substitute t = 0 into M1 3.1a 6th

 t
T  t   TR   90  TR  e 20 Set up and use
. For example, exponential
or  
T  t   TR   90  TR  e0 T t  TR   90  TR  models of growth
is seen.
and decay.
Concludes that the TR terms will always cancel at t = 0, B1 3.5a
therefore the room temperature does not influence the initial
coffee temperature.


Makes an attempt to substitute TR  20 and t = 10 into

(b) M1 1.1b 6th

t Set up and use
T  t   TR   90  TR  e 20
. For example,
  10 
models of growth
T  10   20   90  20  e 20
and decay.
is seen.

T  10   62.457...C A1 1.1b
Finds . Accept awrt 62.5°.


(4 marks)


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A level Pure Maths: Practice Paper C mark scheme
Progression Step
5 Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

Begins the proof by assuming the opposite is true. B1 3.1 7th

‘Assumption: there exists a number n such that n is odd and Complete proofs
n3 + 1 is also odd.’ using proof by
Defines an odd number. B1 2.2a
‘Let 2k + 1 be an odd number.’

3 M1 1.1b
Successfully calculates (2k +1) +1

( )
(2k +1)3 +1 º 8k 3 +12k 2 + 6k +1 +1 º 8k 3 +12k 2 + 6k + 2

Factors the expression and concludes that this number must be M1 1.1b

8k 3 +12k 2 + 6k + 2 º 2 4k 3 + 6k 2 + 3k +1 )
2 4k 3 + 6k 2 + 3k +1 ) is even.
Makes a valid conclusion. B1 2.4
This contradicts the assumption that there exists a number n
such that n is odd and n3 + 1 is also odd, so if n is odd, then
n3 + 1 is even.

(5 marks)

Alternative method
Assume the opposite is true: there exists a number n such that n is odd and n3 + 1 is also odd. (B1)
If n3 + 1 is odd, then n3 is even. (B1)
So 2 is a factor of n3. (M1)
This implies 2 is a factor of n. (M1)
This contradicts the statement n is odd. (B1)

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A level Pure Maths: Practice Paper C mark scheme
Progression Step
6 Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

2 2 M1 2.2a 6th
Recognises that the identity sin t  cos t  1 can be used to find
the cartesian equation. Convert between
y y2 M1 1.1b equations and
sin t  sin 2 t  cartesian forms
States 2 or 4
1 trigonometry.
cos 2 t 
Also states x 1

y2 1 M1 1.1b
sin 2 t  cos 2 t 
Substitutes 4 and x  1 into sin 2 t  cos 2 t  1
y2 1 y2 x  2
  1 
4 x 1 4 x 1

4x  8 8  4x A1 1.1b
y y ,
Solves to find x  1 , accept 1  x x < 1 or x … 2

(4 marks)


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A level Pure Maths: Practice Paper C mark scheme
Progression Step
7 Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

(a) r 1 M1 2.2a 6th

Understands that for the series to be convergent or states
4 x  1 Understand
geometric series
1 1 1 A1 1.1b and the sum to
x  x
Correctly concludes that 4 . Accept 4 4 infinity.


(b) Understands to use the sum to infinity formula. For example, M1 2.2a 5th
1 Understand sigma
states 1  4x notation.

3 M1 1.1b
4x  
Makes an attempt to solve for x. For example, 4 is seen.

3 A1 1.1b
States 16


(5 marks)


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A level Pure Maths: Practice Paper C mark scheme
Progression Step
8 Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

(a) Finds f (1.9) =- 0.2188... and f (2.0) =(+)0.1606... M1 1.1b 5th

Use a change of
Change of sign and continuous function in the interval A1 2.4 sign to locate
éë1.9, 2.0 ùû  roots.


(b) Makes an attempt to differentiate f(x) M1 2.2a 6th

Solve equations
2 A1 1.1b
Correctly finds f ¢(x) =- 9sin x cos x + sin x approximately
using the Newton-
Raphson method.
Finds f (1.95) =- 0.0348... and f ¢(1.95) =3.8040... M1 1.1b

M1 1.1b
Attempts to find x1
f (x0 ) - 0.0348...
x1 =x0 - Þ x1 =1.95 -
f ¢(x0 ) 3.8040...

A1 1.1b
Finds x1 =1.959


(7 marks)

(a) Minimum required is that answer states there is a sign change in the interval and that this implies a root in
the given interval.

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A level Pure Maths: Practice Paper C mark scheme
Progression Step
9 Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

States  a  b  10 and 7 a  5b  2 M1 2.2a 6th

Solve geometric
Makes an attempt to solve the pair of simultaneous equations. M1 1.1b problems using
Attempt could include making a substitution or multiplying the vectors in 3
first equation by 5 or by 7. dimensions
Finds a = −4 A1 1.1b

Find b = 6 A1 1.1b

States −2abc = −96 M1 2.2a

Finds c = −2 A1 1.1b

(6 marks)


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A level Pure Maths: Practice Paper C mark scheme
Progression Step
10 Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

Begins the proof by assuming the opposite is true. B1 3.1 7th

‘Assumption: there exist positive integer solutions to the Complete proofs
2 2 using proof by
statement x - y =1’ contradiction.
2 2 M1 2.2a
Sets up the proof by factorising x - y and stating
(x - y)(x + y) =1

States that there is only one way to multiply to make 1: M1 1.1b

1´ 1 =1
and concludes this means that:
x - y =1
x + y =1

Solves this pair of simultaneous equations to find the values of M1 1.1b

x and y: x = 1 and y = 0

Makes a valid conclusion. B1 2.4

x = 1, y = 0 are not both positive integers, which is a
contradiction to the opening statement. Therefore there do not
2 2
exist positive integers x and y such that x - y =1

(5 marks)


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A level Pure Maths: Practice Paper C mark scheme
Progression Step
11 Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

Understands the need to complete the square, and makes an M1 2.2a 6th

attempt to do this. For example, 

x  4
is seen. Find the domain
and range of
inverse functions.
g( x)   x  4   9 A1 1.1b
Correctly writes

Demonstrates an understanding of the method for finding the B1 2.2a

x   y  4  9
inverse is to switch the x and y. For example, is

Makes an attempt to rearrange to make y the subject. Attempt M1 1.1b

must include taking the square root.

1 A1 1.1b
Correctly states g ( x)  x  9  4

Correctly states domain is x > −9 and range is y > 4 B1 3.2b

(6 marks)


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A level Pure Maths: Practice Paper C mark scheme
Progression Step
12 Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

States that: M1 2.2a 6th

A(4 - x)(x + 5) + B(x - 3)(x + 5) + C(x - 3)(4 - x) º 4x 2 + x - 23 Decompose

fractions into
Further states that: M1 1.1b
partial fractions −
A(- x 2 - x + 20) + B(x 2 + 2x - 15) + C(- x 2 + 7x - 12) º 4x 2 + x - 23 three linear
Equates the various terms. M1* 2.2a
Equating the coefficients of x2: - A + B - C =4
Equating the coefficients of x: - A + 2B + 7C =1
Equating constant terms: 20 A - 15B - 12C =- 23

Makes an attempt to manipulate the expressions in order to find M1* 1.1b

A, B and C. Obtaining two different equations in the same two
variables would constitute an attempt.

Finds the correct value of any one variable: A1* 1.1b

either A = 2, B = 5 or C = −1

Finds the correct value of all three variables: A1 1.1b

A = 2, B = 5, C = −1

(6 marks)

Alternative method
Uses the substitution method, having first obtained this equation:
A(4 - x)(x + 5) + B(x - 3)(x + 5) + C(x - 3)(4 - x) º 4x 2 + x - 23
Substitutes x = 4 to obtain 9B = 45 (M1)
Substitutes x = 3 to obtain 8A = 16 (M1)
Substitutes x = −5 to obtain −72C = 72 (A1)

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A level Pure Maths: Practice Paper C mark scheme
Progression Step
13 Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

(a) dy M1 1.1b 7th

 3 x 2  12 x  12
Finds dx Use second
derivatives to
d2 y M1 1.1b solve problems of
 6 x  12 concavity,
Finds dx convexity and
points of
d2 y B1 3.2a inflection.
 6 x  12  0
for all 5 „ x „  3 and concludes
States that dx
this implies C is concave over the given interval.


(b) d2 y M1 3.1a 7th

States or implies that a point of inflection occurs when dx Use second
derivatives to
Finds x = −2 A1 1.1b solve problems of
A1 1.1b convexity and
Substitutes x = −2 into y  x  6 x  12 x  6 , obtaining y = 46
3 2
points of


(6 marks)


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A level Pure Maths: Practice Paper C mark scheme
Progression Step
14 Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

sin 4 x  1  cos 4 x 
Makes an attempt to find 
dx M1 2.2a 6th
. Raising the Integrate using
power by 1 would constitute an attempt. the reverse chain
States a fully correct answer M1 2.2a
3 1
 sin 4 x  1  cos 4 x  dx   1  cos 4 x   C


Makes an attempt to substitute the limits M1 ft 1.1b

1   1 

 1  0    1   

16   2  

15 A1 ft 1.1b
Correctly states answer is 256

(4 marks)

Student does not need to state ‘+C’ to be awarded the second method mark.
Award ft marks for a correct answer using an incorrect initial answer.

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A level Pure Maths: Practice Paper C mark scheme
15 Scheme Marks AOs Pearson
Progression Step
and Progress

(a) Makes an attempt to set up a long division. For example, M1 2.2a 7th
Expand rational
2x 2 - x - 1 4x 2 - 4x - 9 functions using
is seen. partial fraction
Long division completed so that a 2 is seen in the quotient and a M1 1.1b
remainder of –2x – 7 is also seen.

2x - x - 1 4x 2 - 4x - 9

4x 2 - 2x - 2
- 2x - 7

States B(x - 1) + C(2x +1) º - 2x - 7 M1 2.2a

Either equates variables or makes a substitution in an effort to M1 2.2a

find B or C.

Finds B =4 A1 1.1b

Finds C =- 3 A1 1.1b


(b) -1 -1 M1 ft 2.2a 6th

Correctly writes 4(2x +1) or 4(1+ 2x) as
  Understand the
( 1)( 2)(2) 2 x 2
4  1  (1)(2 x)   ...  binomial theorem
 2  for rational n.

2 A1 ft 1.1b
Simplifies to obtain 4 - 8x +16x + ...

3 3 M1 ft 2.2a
Correctly writes x  1 as 1  x

-1 M1 ft 2.2a
Correctly writes 3(1- x) as
 (1)(2)(1) 2 ( x ) 2 
3 1  ( 1)(  x )   ... 
 2 

2 A1 ft 1.1b
Simplifies to obtain 3+ 3x + 3x + ...

States the correct final answer: 9 - 5x +19x

2 A1 ft 1.1b


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A level Pure Maths: Practice Paper C mark scheme
(c) 1 B1 3.2b 6th
The expansion is only valid for 2 Understand the
conditions for
validity of the
binomial theorem
for rational n.


(13 marks)

(a) Alternative method.
Writes the RHS as a single fraction.
Obtains 4 x 2  4 x  9  A(2 x  1)( x  1)  B ( x  1)  C (2 x  1)
Substitutes x  1 to obtain C  3
Substitutes x   to obtain B  4
Compares coefficients of x 2 to obtain A  2
(b) Award all 6 marks for a correct answer using their incorrect values of A, B and/or C from part a.

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A level Pure Maths: Practice Paper C mark scheme
Progression Step
16 Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

(a) dh dV dh M1 3.1b 8th

 
States dt dt dV Solve differential
equations in a
Deduces that V  πr h  1600πh M1 3.1b range of contexts.
dV dh 1 M1 1.1b
 1600 
Finds dh and/or dV 1600π
dV M1 3.1b
 4000π  50πh
States dt
dh 1 M1 1.1b
  4000π  50πh  
Makes an attempt to find dt 1600π

dh A1 1.1b
160  400  5h
Shows a clear logical progression to state dt


(b)  1  1 M1 2.2a 8th

  dh   160 dt
Separates the variables  400  5h  Solve differential
equations in a
1 t A1 1.1b range of contexts.
 ln  400  5h   C
Finds 5 160
Uses the fact that t = 0 when h = 50 m to find C M1 1.1b
C   ln  150 
Substitutes h = 60 into the equation M1 3.1b
1 t 1
 ln  400  300    ln  150 
5 160 5
Uses law of logarithms to write M1 2.2a
1 1 t
ln  150   ln  100  
5 5 160
1  150  t
 ln  
5  100  160

3 A1 1.1b
t  32ln  
States correct final answer  2  minutes.

(12 marks)

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A level Pure Maths: Practice Paper C mark scheme

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