Social Science IX Chapter Wise Question Bank

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Kanha Makhan Public School, Vrindavan

Class- IX Subject- Social Science Questions Bank

The French Revolution
Very Short Answer Type Questions (1 Mark)
Q.1 Which incident sparked the French Revolution?
Q.2 Why was Bastille prison attacked?
Q.3 Why was the Bastille hated by all?
Q.4 What did the French Revolution of 1789 stand for?
Q.5 What was the immediate cause of rioting in Paris?
Q.6 Which ruler came to power in French in 1774?
Q.7 What activity of the French monarchy hastened the revolution?
Q.8 How did the American War of Independence add more debt to French?
Q.9 Why did the French government increase the taxes?
Q.10 What was the Old Regime?
Q.11 Which estate paid taxes out of all?
Q.12 How was the society divided before the French Revolution?
Q.13 Who owned the majority of land in 18th century France?
Q.14 What was the most important privilege enjoyed by the first two estates?
Q.15 Which estate enjoyed the feudal privileges? What were the feudal privileges?
Q.16 What were the conditions of eighteenth century French peasants?
Q.17 What was Tithe?
Q.18 Which types of taxes were levied by the states?
Q.19 Why had the peasants and workers had participated in revolts?
Q.20 Which social group emerged in French in the 18th century?
Q.21 Name the Philosophers who put forward the ideas of freedom, equal laws and opportunities for all in
French society.
Q.22 What did John Locke write in his book Two Treaties of Government?
Q.23 Which form of government was proposed by Rousseau?
Q.24 Who wrote The Spirit of Laws?
Q.25 Mention the ideas proposed by Montesquieu in the book The Spirit of the Laws.
Q.26 Where and when did the ideas of division of power within government came into effect?
Q.27 What did become an example for political thinkers in French?
Q.28 Where the ideas of the philosophers discussed intensively in France?
Q.29 Which news enraged the system of privileges in eighteenth century France?
Q.30 What was the Estates General?
Q.31 Why was the meeting of Estate General called in France during Old Regime?
Q.32 What was the representation of the three estates at the Estate General Assembly of 1789?
Q.33 When and where did Louis XVI called the assembly of General Estate?
Q.34 Which principle was followed by Estate General for taking vote?
Q.35 Which proposal of the third estate was refused by King Louis XVI?
Q.36 In which book did Rousseau mention the idea of one person, one vote?
Q.37 What step was taken by the third estate when their demand was refused?
Q.38 Who was Mirabeau?
Q.39 What do you know about Abbe Sieyes?
Q.40 Define Chateaux.
Q.41 What was the decree of the National Assembly of 1789?
Q.42 When did the National Assembly completed the drafting of the constitution?
Q.43 What was the objective of the National Assembly’s draft completed in 1791?
Q.44 What made France a constitutional monarch?
Q.45 Which section of the French society got political right by the constitution of 1791?
Q.46 Which document was in the beginning of the French constitution?
Q.47 Which rights were the natural and inalienable rights according to the French Constitution?
Q.48 What was the significance of natural and unalienable rights?
Q.49 What was the decision taken by National Assembly in April 1792?
Q.50 What was Marseillaise? Who composed it?
Q.51 What were the roles played by people of French when fight took place with Prussia and Austria?
Q.52 Why were the political clubs formed in French?
Q.53 Which was the most successful of the political clubs formed in France? How did it get its name?
Q.54 Who were the members of the Jacobin Club? Name the leader.
Q.55 Who were Sans-culottes?
Q.56 What was the name give to newly-elected assembly of the Jacobins?
Q.57 Explain the term ‘republic’.
Q.58 Define. Treason.
Q.59 Why was Louis XVI sentenced to death?
Q.60 Which period in France was known as Reign of Terror? Why?
Q.61 Against whom the Robespierre followed the policy of severe control and punishment?
Q.62 What was guillotine?
Q.63 Which class came into power after the fall of Jacobin government?
Q.64 To whom the new constitution denied the vote?
Q.65 What was Directory?
Q.66 Why the executive body like Directory was introduced?
Q.67 How did the Napoleon Bonaparte come to power?
Q.68 What was the status of education among women during French revolution?
Q.69 What did the women in France do to discuss and voice their interests?
Q.70 Name an important political club formed by women in France.
Q.71 According to French women, how their interests were presented in new government?
Q.72 When did the new government issued laws to close down the women’s club?
Q.73 When did French women got the political rights?
Q.74 Who wrote the Declaration of the Rights of woman and citizen?
Q.75 What was the most revolutionary reform of the Jacobin regime?
Q.76 List four commodities supplied by the French colonies in the Caribbean.
Q.77 Between which three continents was the slave trade carried out?
Q.78 Name the ports of France from where the slave trade was carried out.
Q.79 Why had the exploitation of slave labour done?
Q.80 Why did the National Assembly did not pass any law regarding exploitation of slave labour?
Q.81 What the freedom mean in view of plantation owners?
Q.82 When did the slavery finally abolished in French colonies?
Q.83 Which law came into effect soon after the incident of Bastille 1789?
Q.84 Which document proclaimed the freedom of speech as natural right?
Q.85 Who crowned himself as Emperor of France?
Q.86 What actions proved Napoleon as modernizer of Europe?
Q.87 How were Napoleon image taken up by the people? What image came later?
Q.88 Where was Napoleon defeated?
Q.89 How did the colonized people created the sovereign nation state?
Q.90 Name the two Indian individuals who responded to the ideas coming from revolutionary France.
Short Answer Type Questions (3 Mark)
Q.91 Describe the events that took place on 14th July 1789 in France.
Q.92 On ascending the throne of France. Louis XVI found the treasury empty. Why was the treasury
Q.93 Describe the divisions of the French society before the French Revolution.
Q.94 Which three causes led to the ‘subsistence crisis’ in France during the Old Regime?
Q.95 Describe the middle class in three points.
Q.96 What was the tennis court oath?
Q.97 Explain the turmoil in France while the National Assembly was busy at Versailles.
Q.98 How did peasants protest against the feudal lords or nobles of France?
Q.99 How was the National Assembly recognized and how did it start exercising its powers?
Q.100 Describe how the new political system of constitutional monarchy worked practice in France.
Q.101 Write a short note on national and inalienable rights.
Q.102 List and explain the successful achievements of the National Assembly from 1789-1791.
Q.103 Write a short note on Marseillaise.
Q.104 Who were Jacobins? What was their role in emergence of France as a Republic?
Who were the Jacobins? Write about it in three points.
Q.105 What do you mean by Directory? Why was it removed from France?
Q.106 Evaluate the role of women in France before the revolution.
Q.107 How did the women suffer in France during the Old Regime?
Q.108 What was the condition of slave trade in the seventeenth century?
Q.109 How did storming of Bastille became the main cause of the French Revolution?
Long Answer Type Questions (5 Mark)
Q.110 Discuss the main causes of the France Revolution.
Q.111 Explain the events/incidents which led to the outbreak of French Revolution.
Q.112 How did philosophers influence the thinking of the people of France?
Q.113 Explain the features of the constitution of France drafted in 1791.
Q.114 Lost down the political symbols of France.
Q.115 Explain the “Reign of Terror” in brief.
Q.116 How did the Revolution affect the everyday life of the French people? Discuss.
Q.117 Write a short note on Napoleon Bonaparte.
Q.118 What was the impact of French Revolution on France?
Map Skills
Q.119 Three items A, B and C are shown on the outline map of France. Identify these items with the help of
following information and write their correct names on the lines marked on the map:
A. A place where fortress-prison was stormed by the people in 1789.
B. A port of France related to slave trade.
C. The National Anthem of France got its name from the name of this place.
D. Center of peasants’ panic movement.

Nazism and the Rise of Hitler

Very Short Answer Type Questions (1 Mark)
Q.1 Who was Helmuth?
Q.2 Who was Helmuth’s father?
Q.3 ‘Nazism was a system.’ Explain.
Q.4 Who was Goebbels? How did Hitler and Goebbels meet their end?
Q.5 Why was International Military Tribunal set up at Nuremberg, at the end of the war?
Q.6 Name the countries which formed the Axis Powers during the Second World War.
Q.7 Explain ‘genocidal war’.
Q.8 How did Nazis kill the innocent people?
Q.9 What was the attitude of the Allied Powers at the Nuremberg Tribunal?
Q.10 Name the countries which formed the Allied powers.
Q.11 What was the result of First World War for Germany?
Q.12 What events made an opportunity for parliamentary parties to recast German polity?
Q.13 What was the nature of the government formed in Germany at Weimar?
Q.14 How were the deputies elected under the Weimar constitution?
Q.15 Why was the Weimar Republic not received well by its own people?
Q.16 Name the peace treaty signed by Germany with the Allies at the end of the First World War.
Q.17 What was the War Guilt clause in the Treaty of Versailles?
Q.18 Who were mockingly called the ‘November criminals’?
Q.19 “The media glorified trench life’. What was the actual truth about trench life?
Q.20 Who founded the Communist Party of Germany?
Q.21 Mention the reason for economic crises in 1923.
Q.22 What steps were taken by the French when Germany refused to pay its gold reserves in 1923?
Q.23 What do you mean by hyperinflation?
Q.24 Why did USA introduce the Dawes Plan?
Q.25 What is Wall Street Exchange?
Q.26 ‘Small businessmen, self-employed and retailers were filled with the fear of proletarianisation’.
Explain ‘proletarianisation’.
Q.27 What is proportional representation?
Q.28 What was Article 48 in the Weimar constitution?
Q.29 Name the party renamed by Hitler.
Q.30 How did Nazism become a mass movement?
Q.31 How did Hitler get the support of the Germans?
Q.32 How was the Hitler projected by the Nazi propaganda?
Q.33 When did President Hindenburg offer Chancellorship to Hitler? How did he use his powers?
Q.34 What was the Fire Decree of 28 February 1933?
Q.35 Who were the arch-enemies of Hitler and the Nazis?
Q.36 What was the Enabling Act (3 March 1933)?
Q.37 What was ‘Gestapo’?
Q.38 Who was given the responsibility of economic recovery by Hitler? What was his aim?
Q.39 What was produced under the project of state-funded work-creation programme?
Q.40 Name the country occupied by Germany under the slogan ‘One people, One Empire and One
Q.41 Why did the England provide an unspoken support to German’s foreign policy?
Q.42 How did the Second World War start?
Q.43 Why did Hitler conquer Eastern Europe?
Q.44 Why was the attack on Soviet Union, a historic blunder?
Q.45 Name the place where Soviet Red Army inflicted a crushing defeat on Germany.
Q.46 Why did USA enter the Second World War?
Q.47 How did the Second World War end?
Q.48 What was Hitler’s worldview?
Q.49 Name two thinkers who influenced the racial ideology of Hitler.
Q.50 Explain ‘Lebensraum’.
Q.51 How did Hitler’s ideology was related to the geopolitical concept of ‘Lebensraum’ or living space?
Q.52 Mention the reasons for Nazi hatred for Jews.
Q.53 What was General Government in Poland?
Q.54 How were the Polish children treated by the Nazis?
Q.55 What was the distinguishing mark which all Jews had to wear from September 1941?
Q.56 From September 1941 all Jews had to wear a yellow Star of David on their breast. Why?
Q.57 What is a ghetto?
Q.58 Name any two ghettos.
Q.59 Which sport, according to Hitler, made children iron-hearted, strong and masculine?
Q.60 What were the Honour crosses awarded to the mothers?
Q.61 What was mass killing? For whom were the words final solution used?
Q.62 What were disinfection areas?
Q.63 What did the term evacuation mean?
Q.64 What was Holocaust?
Q.65 Name the most infamous film about the Jews.
Short Answer Type Questions (3 Mark)
Q.66 State the verdict of the Nuremberg Tribunal. Why did the Allies avoid harsh punishment to
Q.67 “The Treaty of Versailles was humiliating on the Germans.” Give three examples in support of your
Q.68 ‘The Weimar constitution had some inherent defects.’ Explain.
Q.69 State three ways in which Nazi state established total control over its people.
Q.70 How did the Nazi state get the reputation as the most dreaded criminal stare?
Q.71 ‘By the end of 1940, Hitler was at the pinnacle of his power.’ Explain the statement with examples.
Q.72 What was Hitler’s aim in conquering Eastern Europe? What was its result?
Q.73 ‘The Nazis established a racial state, once they come to power.’ Explain.
How the Nazi established a racial sate after coming into power?
Q.74 Mention the communities termed as ‘desirables’ and ‘undesirables’ by the Nazis.
Q.75 Why did Helmuth’s father shoot himself?
Q.76 Define genocidal war. Mention any two methods adopted for extermination of Jews.
Q.77 How was Nazi ideology taught to the youth in Germany? Explain.
Q.78 How did the common people react to Nazism?
Q.79 Who wrote the book ‘Third Reich of Dreams’? What did the author describe in the book?
Q.80 Describe the events which happened in 1945 when Germany surrendered to Allies.
Long Answer Type Questions (5 Mark)
Q.81 What was the impact of First World War on European and German society?
Q.82 What was the economic crisis of 1923? How did it affect Germany?
Q.83 Highlight the five events of 1933 that led to the destruction of democracy in Germany.
Explain any five features of political policy adopted by Hitler after coming to power in 1933.
How was democracy destroyed in Germany?
Q.84 What was the foreign policy of Hitler?
Q.85 How did the Nazis proceed to realize their murderous racial ideology by eliminating the
Q.86 What were the steps taken against the Jews between 1933-1939?
Q.87 Why was Hitler interested in the youth of the country?
Q.88 How were youth organization made responsible for education German youth in the spirtit of National
Q.89 How was Nazi Germany’s Art of Propaganda responsible for establishing total control over its
Q.90 Describe the reaction of masses against Nazi barbarities.
Q.91 Mention five consequences of Nazism in Germany.
Q.92 (a) ‘The Nazi regime used language and media with care, and often to great effect the terms they
coined to describe their various activities are not only deceptive. They are chilling.’ Explain.
(b) Explain Annihilation.
Map Skills
Q.93 Seven features are marked on the outline map of world. Identify these features with the help of
following information and write their correct names.
(a) Axis powers (b) Allied Powers

Forest Society and Colonialism

Very Short Answer Type Questions (1 Mark)
Q.1 How are forests useful to us?
Q.2 Which common features is found in the Amazon forests and the Western Ghats?
Q.3 What is deforestation?
Q.4 Mention the reason for increased landmass under cultivation in India.
Q.5 Why did the British encourage the production of commercial crops in India?
Q.6 What are sleepers?
Q.7 Why did oak forests in England disappear?
Q.8 Why was wood needed for railways?
Q.9 How did the forests around railway tracks start disappearing.
Q.10 Name the plantations for which large areas of India’s natural forest were cleared.
Q.11 Name any two beverage crops.
Q.12 Why did the British feel the locals were destroying forests?
Q.13 Who was Dietrich Brandis?
Q.14 When and where was the imperial Forest Research institute set up?
Q.15 What is scientific forestry?
Q.16 In which three categories forests were divided according to 1878 Act?
Q.17 For what purpose did the people in the forests use bamboo?
Q.18 How did the new forest laws affect the hunter and forest dwellers in 1927?
Q.19 What is Swidden agriculture?
Q.20 By Which local name shifting cultivation is known in Central America?
Q.21 What is another name of Swidden agriculture?
Q.22 Write any two local terms for Swidden agriculture used in India.
Q.23 What were the types of crops grown through shifting cultivation?
Q.24 What did the large animals signify in Britishers’ view?
Q.25 How did some people benefit from the laws of forest department?
Q.26 Who were the Mundurucu peoples of the Brazilian Amazon?
Q.27 Name three pastoralist and nomadic communities of the Madras Presidency.
Q.28 Who were known as criminal tribes?
Q.29 Who were recruited to work on tea plantations in Assam?
Q.30 Name the two leaders of the forest communities who rebelled against the British.
Q.31 Where is Bastar located?
Q.32 Which river flows through Baster region?
Q.33 Name the various communities who live in Bastar.
Q.34 What do you mean by devsari, dand or man?
Q.35 What are forest villages?
Q.36 Where did the reservation first take place in Bastar?
Q.37 Who was Gunda Dhur?
Q.38 How was the message given to the villagers to rebel against the British government?
Q.39 What did the World Bank propose in 1970s?
Q.40 Name the colonial power in Indonesia.
Q.41 Where did the Dutch start forest management?
Q.42 Who were the Kalangs of Java?
Q.43 Why did the Dutch feel the need to enact forest laws in Java?
Q.44 Why were the villagers punished?
Q.45 What was the blandongdiensten system?
Q.46 What was Samin’s challenge?
Q.47 What policy did the Dutch follow during war?
Q.48 Name a few sacred groves.
Short Answer Type Questions (3 Mark)
Q.49 What is deforestation? How did cultivation expand rapidly during the colonial period?
Q.50 Who was appointed as the first Inspector General of Forests in India? Explain any three reforms
introduced by him.
Q.51 What is scientific forestry? How did the forest officials implement it?
Q.52 Why is it necessary to increase area under forests? Give three reasons.
Q.53 Why did the government ban shifting cultivation? What was the result?
Q.54 Why was hunting popular in India and what were its effects?
Q.55 What was the impact of regulation of trade in forest products by the British government in India?
Q.56 Name two communities that live in Bastar. Mention some of the beliefs regarding nature of the
communities of Bastar?
Q.57 Describe the main causes of the revolt of Bastar.
Q.58 Explain the provisions of the Forest Act passed by the Dutch.
Q.59 What new developments have occurred in forestry in Asia and Africa in recent times?
Long Answer Type Questions (5 Mark)
Q.60 How did commercial farming lead to a decline in forest cover during colonial period?
Q.61 Why was Dietrich Brandis invited by the British government? What steps were taken by him to
protect forests?
Q.62 What was the practice of shifting cultivation? Why did European foresters want to unfollow it?
Q.63 ‘The new forest laws changed the lives of forest dwellers. They could not hunt’ How?
Q.64 Describe the life of the tribal people of Bastar.
Q.65 Who were the Kalangs of Java? How did Samins challenge the Dutch?
Map Skills
Q.66 On the given map of Indonesia, locate and label the following items.
Indonesia: Consists of the following islands- Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Kalimantan and West Irian.
Randublatung: A village with teak forest surontiko Samin of the village questioned state ownership
of the forest.
Rembang: A logyard under Dutch colonial control.
Q.67 In the outline map of India, mark and name the following:
1. Western Ghats
2. Madras Presidency:
(i) Where as early as 1830s, 35000 trees were cut.
(ii) Pastoralist and nomadic communities like Korava, Karacha and Yerukula lost their livelihood.
3. Dehradun: Imperial Forest Research Institute was set up at Dehradun in 1906.
4. Nomadic tribes: Baigas in Central India, Banjaras in Madhya Pradesh, Santhals in Assam, Oraosn
in Jharkhand, Gonds in Chhattishgarh.
5. Kanger forest.

India-Size and Location

Very Short Answer Type Questions (1 Mark)
Q.1 In which hemisphere does India lie?
Q.2 What is the latitudinal extent of India?
What are the degrees of the northernmost latitude of India?
Q.3 What is the longitudinal extent of India?
What are the degrees of the easternmost and westernmost longitude of India?
Q.4 Name the parallel of latitude which divides India roughly into two equal halves.
Q.5 Name the two seas located around India.
Q.6 What is the southernmost point of the Union of India?
Q.7 In which year did ‘Indira Point’ submerge under water due to tsunami?
Q.8 What is the total area of the Indian landmass?
Q.9 What is the size of India among the countries of the world?
Q.10 What is the total land frontier of India?
Q.11 Give the total length of the Indian coastline including the Indian islands.
Q.12 In which direction India is bound by young fold mountains?
Q.13 Why is the north-south extent of India larger than east-west extent even though the latitudinal and
longitudinal extent in degrees is of the same value?
Q.14 What is the time lag between Gujarat and Arunachal Pradesh?
Q.15 Why has 82°30’ been selected as the standard meridian of India?
Q.16 Which route connects countries of Europe in the west to the countries of East Asia?
Q.17 In Which year Suez Canal opened?
Q.18 What is the significance of the Suez Canal?
Q.19 What is the total north-south extent of India in km?
Q.20 What is the total east-west extent of India in km?
Q.21 How had India kept her relationship with the world in ancient times?
Q.22 Which ideas of India could reach the world?
Q.23 Which commodities were exported from India?
Q.24 From which regions and style India got influenced in ancient times?
Q.25 Which is the largest and smallest state of India areawise?
Q.26 Name the states of India which do not have an international border or lie on the coast.
Q.27 Name the states of India which have common border with Pakistan.
Q.28 Name the states of India which have common border with China.
Q.29 Name the states of India which have common border with Myanmar.
Q.30 Name the countries which share borders with India.
Q.31 Which two island countries are India’s neighbours?
Q.32 Name the two water bodies which separate India from Sri Lanka.
Q.33 Mention the types of states in India present before 1947.
Q.34 Who ruled the princely states?
Q.35 Name the country that has common land frontier with the states of Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh,
Bihar, West Bengal and Sikkim.
Q.36 Name the states through which the Tropic of Cancer passes.
Q.37 Name the Union Territories of India.
Q.38 With which country Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Rajasthan and Gujarat share international
Q.39 Name the states of India which lie along the eastern coast of India from North to South.
Q.40 Name the two states of India which are parts of India desert.
Short Answer Type Questions (3 Mark)
Q.41 Write the size and extent of India.
Q.42 Explain why 82°30’ E an odd value has been chosen as the standard meridian of India.
Q.43 Why is the difference between the durations of day and night hardly felt at Kanyakumari but not so
in Kashmir?
Q.44 What is a subcontinent? Name the countries that constitute the Indian subcontinent. How is India
different from other countries of Asia?
Q.45 Justify the naming of Indian Ocean after India.
Q.46 What do you know about India and her neighbours?
Q.47 India’s land routes have been important since ancient times. Explain.
Long Answer Type Questions (5 Mark)
Q.48 Why are Ahmedabad and Kolkata able to see the noon seen exactly overhead twice a year but not
Q.49 India occupies an important strategic position in south Asia. Discuss.
Q.50 Describe how the geographical features of India have fostered unity and homogeneity in the Indian
Map Skills
Q.51 Locate and Label the Indian States and Capital on the outline may of India.
Q.52 On the political map given locate and label the following.
(a) Tropic of cancer.
(b) Standard meridian with degrees.
(c) Union Territories-Andaman and Nicobar, Lakshadweep, Chandigarh, Daman and Diu.

Physical Features of India

Very Short Answer Type Questions (1 Mark)
Q.1 Mention one example of hard and soft rock with their use.
Q.2 Give the reasons for variation of soil colour at different places.
Q.3 Name the processes which have created and modified the relief to its present state.
Q.4 What is the Theory of Plate Tectonics?
Q.5 What happens when two tectonic plates collide with each other?
Q.6 Which are the three types of plate boundaries/movements?
Q.7 Mention any six tectonic plates of the earth’s crust.
Q.8 What is the implication of plate movements?
Q.9 Where do most of volcanoes and earthquake happen?
Q.10 Name the oldest part of the Indian landmass.
Q.11 Which areas comprised the Gondwana land?
Q.12 Which two plates collided with each other when Gondwana land split?
Q.13 From which type of boundary were Himalayas formed?
Q.14 Name the geosynclines which formed the mountain system of western Asia and Himalayas.
Q.15 Mention the division of super continent Pangea.
Q.16 What does the geology of the peninsular plateau show?
Q.17 Mention any one features of Northern Plains of India.
Q.18 What is the composition of the peninsular plateau?
Q.19 Name the major physical divisions of India.
Q.20 What is the extent of Himalayas?
Q.21 In which part Huimalayan altitudinal extent is greater?
Q.22 Name the three parallel ranges of the Himalayas.
Q.23 Why is Himadri mountain range named so?
Q.24 Mention a characteristic feature of Himadri.
Q.25 Name the states of India where highest peaks of Himalayas are located.
Q.26 Mention the location of Mussoorie, Nainital and Ranikhet in India.
Q.27 What do you mean by Lesser Himalayas?
Q.28 How do Himachal composed of?
Q.29 Mention the height and width of Himachal.
Q.30 Name the three prominent sub-ranges of the Himachal Himalayas.
Q.31 Name the famous valleys found in the Himachal Himalayas.
Q.32 What is the average height of the Shiwaliks?
Q.33 Why are Shiwaliks more prone to earthquakes and landslides?
Q.34 What do you understand by Duns? Give example.
Q.35 Name the longitudinal divisions of Himalayas:
(a) Between Indus and Satluj rivers.
(b) Between Kali and Tista rivers.
Q.36 Name the two rivers between which Kumaon and Assam Himalayas demarcated.
Q.37 What do you mean by Purvachal?
Q.38 What is the location of the Purvachal?
Q.39 How does the purvachal composed of?
Q.40 Name the hill that make the Purvachal.
Q.41 Which physical feature of India is a flat land comprised of extensive alluvial deposits?
Q.42 Name the major river systems of the Northern plains.
Q.43 Mention the extent of Northern plains of India.
Q.44 Why does Northern plains considered as agriculturally productive part of India?
Q.45 How are riverine islands formed? Give and example.
Q.46 Explain the term distributary.
Q.47 Mention the division of northern plains.
Q.48 Which section of Northern plains are dominated by doabs?
Q.49 Mention the division of Northern plains on the basis of relief features.
Q.50 What do you mean by the term bhabar?
Q.51 What is the name given to the wet and swampy belt of the northern plains?
Q.52 What do we mean by the term bhangar?
Q.53 Write a features of khadar.
Q.54 Give the composition of the peninsular plateau.
Q.55 Give two broad divisions of the peninsular plateau.
Q.56 Name the two mountain ranges by which the Vindhyan ranges is bounded on the south and on the
Q.57 What do you mean by bundelkhand and baghelkhand?
Q.58 Mention the location of Deccan Plateau.
Q.59 Which two well-known rivers originate near the Mahadev hills?
Q.60 List down the extension of Deccan Plateau in northeast.
Q.61 Name the highest peak of the Western Ghats.
Q.62 Which is the highest peak of the Eastern Ghats?
Q.63 Name the hills lies in the southeast of the Eastern Ghats.
Q.64 Mention on distinct feature of Peninsular plateau.
Q.65 How did the black soil form in Deccan Trap?
Q.66 What is the location of Satpura range in comparison with the Aravali?
Q.67 Which is the only largest river in the Indian Desert?
Q.68 Which do you mean by Barchans? Where are they found?
Q.69 List down the location of the western coast.
Q.70 Name the three divisions of the western coastal plains.
Q.71 On which coastal plain does the deltas of the Godavari, Mahandi, Krishna and Kaveri formed?
Q.72 What is the Chilika lake?
Q.73 What was the earlier name of Lakshadweep?
Q.74 Which island in the Lakshadweep islands group has a bird sanctuary?
Q.75 In which habitat the coral polyps flourish?
Q.76 Name the island groups which has an active volcano.
Q.77 Which physical features of India is known as granaries of the world?
Short Answer Type Questions (3 Mark)
Q.78 What are the three types of plate movements on the earth?
Q.79 Give a brief description of the Himalayan mountains.
State any three features of Himalayan mountains.
Q.80 Explain in brief the famous passes of the Himalayas.
Q.81 List some major Mountain Peaks of the Himalayas.
Q.82 Give an account of the four divisions of Himalayas from west to east along with Purvachal hills.
Q.83 Mention divisions of Northern Plains marked by rivers.
Q.84 Write some important features of Ganga Plains.
Q.85 Differentiate between bhabhar and terai.
Q.86 Write the importance of peninsular plateau.
Q.87 Write a short note on the Deccan Trap.
Q.88 Mention the three distinct features of Aravali hills.

Long Answer Type Questions (5 Mark)

Q.89 Describe the three parallel ranges of the Himalayas.
Q.90 Mention the significance of Himalayas.
Q.91 Classify the Northern plains on the basis of the variations in the relief features.
Q.92 Mention the significance of Northern Plains of India.
Q.93 How do the physical division of India complement each other?
Map Skills
Q.94 Locate and label the following on the map of India.
(a) Mountain Ranges: The Karakoram, the Zaskar, the Shiwalik, the Aravali, the Vidhya, the
Satpura, the Western and Eastern Ghats.
(b) Mountain Peaks: L2, Kanchenjunga, Anai Mudi
(c) Plateau: Deccan Plateau, Chota Nagpur Plateau, Malwa Plateau.
(d) Coastal Plains: Konkan, Malabar, Coromandel and Northern Circar.

Very Short Answer Type Questions (1 Mark)
Q.1 What is a river/drainage basin?
Q.2 What is a watershed?
Q.3 Which river has the largest basin in India?
Q.4 In Which two major groups Indian rivers are divided into?
Q.5 What is a perennial river?
Q.6 What is a gorge?
Q.7 What do Himalayan rivers do in their upper course?
Q.8 List the factors on which the drainage patterns depend.
Q.9 How is the dendritic pattern formed by the river?
Q.10 How does a rectangular pattern of drainage develop?
Q.11 How does a radial pattern of drainage develop?
Q.12 Why are peninsular rivers called seasonal?
Q.13 Where do most of the peninsular rivers originate? Where do they flow?
Q.14 Name three main Himalayan river systems.
Q.15 Mention any two features of the Himalayan rivers.
Q.16 What is a river system?
Q.17 Where does the Indus river originate?
Q.18 Name the tributaries which join Indus river in Kashmir.
Q.19 Which are the main tributaries of River Indus?
Q.20 In Which sea River Indus falls into?
Q.21 What is the total length of River Indus?
Q.22 Write the regulations mentioned in Indus Water Treaty of 1930?
Q.23 From which place does the River Ganga originate?
Q.24 Name the main tributaries of River Ganga.
Q.25 From which place does Yamuna river originate?
Q.26 Mention the journey/river drainage of River Yamuna.
Q.27 Which rivers rise from Nepal Himalayas?
Q.28 Mention the distinguished features about the Ghaghara, the Gandak and the Kosi river.
Q.29 Which tributaries join Ganga from peninsular uplands?
Q.30 What is the main features of the tributaries of Ganga joining from the peninsula?
Q.31 What is the Namami Gange Programme?
Q.32 List the twin objectives of Namami Gange Programme.
Q.33 Where is the northernmost point of the Ganga delta?
Q.34 Where did Ganga river named as Meghna?
Q.35 How is Sundarban delta formed?
Q.36 How is the Sundarban delta named?
Q.37 What is the total length of the River Ganga?
Q.38 Which place is located on water divide of river Ganga and river Indus?
Q.39 How does River Ganga forms large meanders?
Q.40 From where does Brahmaputra river originate?
Q.41 From where Brahmaputra river enters India?
Q.42 When did Brahmaputra river known as Dihang?
Q.43 What is Brahmaputra called in Tibet and Bangladesh?
Q.44 Why does River Brahmaputra carry less water and silt in Tibet?
Q.45 Give one feature of River Brahmaputra.
Q.46 Mention the cause behind widespread devastation caused by Brahmaputra river.
Q.47 How is Brahmaputra river different from other north Indian rivers?
Q.48 Name the main water divide in Peninsular India.
Q.49 Name the major peninsular rivers of India.
Q.50 Name the peninsular rivers flowing westwards and also make estuaries.
Q.51 From which place Narmada river rises?
Q.52 Mention some picturesque location of Narmada river when the Narmada river flows through.
Q.53 Name the scheme undertaken by the government of Madhya Pradesh for the Narmada river
conservation mission.
Q.54 In which Indian states Narmada basin formed?
Q.55 Where does the River Tapi rises?
Q.56 Name the Indian states which covers parts of Tapi basin.
Q.57 Why coastal rivers are short in length?
Q.58 Name the major west-flowing rivers of the Western Ghats.
Q.59 Which is the largest Peninsular river?
Q.60 Where does the River Godavari rise?
Q.61 Which drainage basin largest among Peninsular rivers?
Q.62 Name the tributaries of River Godavari.
Q.63 Which river is known as Dakshin Ganga?
Q.64 From where does the Mahanadi river rises?
Q.65 Write the total length of Mahanadi river? Which Indian states have Mahanadi river basin?
Q.66 From which region River Krishna rises?
Q.67 Mention the length of Krishna river. In Which water body it falls into?
Q.68 Name the major tributaries of River Krishna.
Q.69 Which Indian states share the basin of Krishna river?
Q.70 Write the main tributaries of Kaveri river. Also mention its total length.
Q.71 Name the Indian states which have Kaveri basin.
Q.72 Name the second biggest waterfall in India which is made by River Kaveri.
Q.73 Name the biggest waterfall in India.
Q.74 Mention the composition of water on earth’s surface.
Q.75 How are oxbow lakes formed?
Q.76 How lakes become seasonal?
Q.77 What are fresh water lakes?
Q.78 Name some fresh water lakes of India.
Q.79 How are man-made lakes formed?
Q.80 Give the full form of GAP & NRCP
Q.81 When was the Ganga Action Plan launched?
Q.82 Under which plan the Ganga Action Plan was expanded to cover other rivers in 1995?
Q.83 What is the objective of the NRCP?
Short Answer Type Questions (3 Mark)
Q.84 Explain any three features of Peninsular rivers.
Q.85 Why are Peninsular rivers seasonal in nature? State any three reasons.
Q.86 Which two rivers form the largest delta? Write any two features of this delta.
Q.87 Compare a delta and an Estuary.
Q.88 Explain the concept of water divide with special reference for Ganga and Indus river system. Name
the major distributary of river Ganga.
Q.89 Why are most of the Peninsular river draining into the Bay of Bengal? Give two reasons. Name two
rivers draining into the Arabian Sea.
Q.90 Describe three important features of the Tapi basin.
Q.91 Why are the rivers of Western Coast very short?
Q.92 Describe any three important features of the Mahanadi basin.
Q.93 From where does the River Krishna originate? Name its tributaries. Mention the names of the states
covered by it.
Q.94 What is the difference between a Tributary and Distributary?
Q.95 (a) How are the Fresh Water lakes formed in the Himalayas? Give two examples of fresh water lakes
in this region.
(b) How is the Sambhar lake useful?
Long Answer Type Questions (5 Mark)
Q.96 What is a river pattern? Name any four patterns formed by the rivers.
Q.97 Write main features of River Indus under the following headings:
(a) Source (b) Tributaries
(c) Areas drained (d) Extent of Indus Plain
(e) Indus Water Treaty.
Q.98 Give main characteristic features of the Ganga river system.
Q.99 Give characteristic features of the Ganga-Brahmaputra delta.
Q.100 Give the main characteristic features of mighty Brahmaputra river.
Q.101 Enlist the characteristic features of the Godavari basin.
Q.102 What is meant by drainage? Explain any four benefits of rivers.
Q.103 What are the causes of river pollution? How can it be prevented?
Map Skills
Q.104 Some features are marked in the given political map of India. Identify these features with the help of
given information and write their correct names on the lines marked on the map.
Q.105 Some features are marked in the given outline political map of India. Identify these features with the
help of given information with their correct names on the sign marked on the map.

Very Short Answer Type Questions (1 Mark)
Q.1 What is climate?
Q.2 Distinguish between climate and weather.
Q.3 Name the elements of climate and weather.
Q.4 What is the climate of India?
Q.5 What does the word ‘Monsoon’ mean?
Q.6 What is the variation of temperature in summer in India?
Q.7 What is the variation of temperature in winter in India?
Q.8 What is the variation of annual precipitation in India?
Q.9 In which months is the season of rainfall experienced in India?
Q.10 Why do the coastal areas of India experience less contrast in temperature?
Q.11 Why is there decrease in rainfall from east to west in the Northern Plains?
Q.12 What does the term continentality mean?
Q.13 Why does the amount of solar radiation vary with latitude?
Q.14 How does the temperature decrease with altitude?
Q.15 Which two factors affect the wind and pressure system of an area and how?
Q.16 What are ocean currents? Name the two types.
Q.17 How does the relief of an area affect the climate of a place?
Q.18 Which parallel of latitude passes through the centre of India?
Q.19 What is the influence of the division of India by the Tropic of Cancer?
Q.20 What is Coriolis force?
Q.21 What do you know about South-Western Monsoon Winds?
Q.22 What are jet streams?
Q.23 What are sub-topical westerly jet streams?
Q.24 In Which parts of India the sub-tropical westerly jet streams blow?
Q.25 What are tropical easterly jet streams?
Q.26 What are western cyclonic disturbances?
Q.27 Which warm ocean current replaces the Peruvian cold current?
Q.28 On what basis is the year divided into seasons?
Q.29 What does the word ‘Monsoon’ refer to?
Q.30 Where is the monsoonal type of climate found in Asia?
Q.31 Name the two elements which are responsible for the regional variations within the country.
Q.32 What is the temperature in Rajasthan in summer?
Q.33 Where is Drass located? What are the winter temperatures?
Q.34 Why do the houses in Rajasthan have thick walls and flat roofs?
Q.35 Why are houses in Assam built on stills?
Q.36 Why do houses in the Terai region, Goa and Mangalore have sloping roofs?
Q.37 Why is the climate of India known as having a tropical monsoon character?
Q.38 How did the sailors who came to India in historic times, benefit from the monsoon winds?
Q.39 What is the duration of the monsoon?
Q.40 Explain the term ‘burst’ of the monsoon.
Q.41 Name the two branches of the South West Summer Monsoon.
Q.42 What causes the Bay of Bengal branch of the S.W. Summer Monsoons to be deflected towards the
west over the Ganga Plains?
Q.43 Why does the global heat belt shift northwards in the summer season?
Q.44 Name any two states which are affected by the Tropical cyclones.
Q.45 Why do the Monsoon winds change their direction? Give any one reason.
Q.46 Give two examples of pre-monsoon showers.
Q.47 Name the major seasons of India.
Q.48 Name the three basic elements that one learns about white studying the natural environment of any
Q.49 What is the form of precipitation in the upper parts of the Himalayas, Meghalaya and western
Q.50 When and how do the following parts of the country get their rainfall: Tamil Nadu, Northern Plain.
Q.51 What is the duration of the Summer seasons?
Q.52 State the temperature and pressure condition in the Hot Weather seasons.
Q.53 Name the local winds blowing in summer:
Short Answer Type Questions (3 Mark)
Q.54 How do the variations in temperature affect the lives of the people in India?
Q.55 What is the jet stream?
Q.56 What is the ITCZ?
Q.57 Explain the Southern Oscillation.
Q.58 How is the EI Nino phenomenon connected with the Southern Oscillation?
Q.59 What do you understand by the ‘Retreating of the Monsoon’? When does it occur?
Q.60 Describe the main features of the Retreating Monsoon season in India.
Q.61 What are the temperate cyclones? How do they influence the climate of India?
Q.62 Write short notes on the local winds of the Hot/Summer seasons.
Q.63 How are the Trade Winds related to the Monsoon Winds?
Q.64 What is the pattern of annual rainfall distribution in India? Name any two states having heavy
rainfall, two states having moderate rainfall and two having low rainfall.
Q.65 Explain any three factors which affect the mechanism of monsoons.
Long Answer Type Questions (5 Mark)
Station A Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Tem. ℃ 24.5 25.7 27.7 30.4 33.0 32.5 31.0 30.2 29.8 28.0 25.9 24.7
R.E. in cmc 4.6 1.3 1.3 1.8 3.8 4.5 8.7 11.3 11.9 30.6 35.0 13.9
Study the table given above and answer the following questions:
(a) Calculate the average temperature of this place.
(b) Which are the rainiest month and the driest month of this station?
(c) What is the range of temperature of this station?
(d) What type of climate does the place have and why?
Q.67 Explain any five factors that affect the climate of India.
Q.68 Describe the path of the monsoon winds, after it strikes the West Bengal coast.
Q.69 Explain the distribution of rain caused by the Monsoons.
Q.70 Explain the four features of the Monsoon rains.
Q.71 Describe the regional variations in the climatic condition of India with the help of suitable examples.
Q.72 Describe the role of EI Nino and Southern Oscillation to control the climate of India.
Q.73 Why is the distribution of rainfall uneven in India? Mention any five factors?
Q.74 Differentiate between the North-East Monsoons and South-West Monsoons by explaining five
distinctive features of each.
Station A Latitude Altitude
A 12 degree N 909 m
B 26 degree N 160 m
Study the table given above and answer the following questions:
(a) What type of climate does station A have and why?
(b) What type of climate does station B have and why?
Q.76 Development of tropical cyclones is a distinguishing feature of the monsoon. How do tropical
cyclones influence distribution of rainfall in India?
Map Skills
Q.77 On the outline map of India. Locate and label the following cities.
(a) Thiruvananthapuram (b) Chennai (c) Jodhpur
(d) Bengaluru (e) Mumbai (f) Kolkata
(g) Leh (h) Sehillong (i) Delhi
(j) Nagpur
Q.78 Two features are marked on the outline map of India. Identify the features on the basis of
information provided and mark them.
(a) Area receiving rainfall less than 20 cm
(b) Area receiving rainfall more than 400 cm.

Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

Very Short Answer Type Questions (1 Mark)
Q.1 What position does Indian occupy in the world with regards to plant diversity?
Q.2 What position in Asia, does India hold in plant diversity?
Q.3 What is the number of flowering plants in India?
Q.4 What percentage of flowering plants does India contribute to the world’s total?
Q.5 What is Natural Vegetation?
Q.6 Give another name for natural vegetation.
Q.7 Why are cultivated crops, fruits and vegetables not considered as natural vegetation?
Q.8 What is the difference between flora and fauna?
Q.9 Why is there a great diversity in flora and fauna?
Q.10 What is the main occupation of people where land is fertile and level?
Q.11 Which occupation can be carried on in grasslands and woodlands?
Q.12 Why do trees grow faster in summer?
Q.13 Why are the southern slopes of the Himalayas covered with thicker vegetation as compared to
northern slopes?
Q.14 Name the two winds which cause rainfall in the major part of the Indian subcontinent.
Q.15 Why do the windward or western slopes of the Western Ghats have a denser vegetation than the
eastern or leeward slopes?
Q.16 Which areas in India have been untouched by man or have not been modified?
Q.17 According to the Indian State of Forest Report 2011, what is the percentage of forest cover in India.
Q.18 ‘When the vegetation is altered, the animal life also changes’. How?
Q.19 How do the human beings influence the ecology of a region?
Q.20 What is a biome?
Q.21 How are the biomes identified?
Q.22 What is the other name of Tropical Rain Forests?
Q.23 Name two regions, one in the north of the Tropic of Cancer and one in the south of the ‘Tropic of
Cancer, where Tropical Evergreen Forests are found.
Q.24 Name any four commercially important trees of the Evergreen Forests.
Q.25 For what purpose did the people in the forests use bamboo?
Q.26 Name any four common animals found in the ‘Tropical Evergreen Forests.
Q.27 Name the most widespread forests of India. By what other name are they also known as?
Q.28 What are the sub-divisions of the Tropical Deciduous Forests?
Q.29 Why are thorny trees and shrubs found in Gujarat and Rajasthan?
Q.30 When was the Wildlife Protection Act implemented in India?
Q.31 Name the natural habitat of the Indian lion.
Q.32 Name any two bird sanctuaries in India.
Q.33 Name any three common animals each of thorn forests and the mangrove forests found in India.
Q.34 How many species of animals and birds does India have?
Q.35 Name any three animals found in rivers, lakes and the coastal areas of India.
Q.36 Name any three animals which live in the Himalayas due to its cold climate.
Q.37 Differentiate between endemic and exotic plants.
Q.38 How does the vegetation change with the change in the soil?
Q.39 What type of vegetation is supported by the following soils?
Q.40 What are the causes for the variation of sunlight at different places?
Q.41 Which forest is the most widespread forest of India? What is its other name? Give an example of any
two species of trees of these forests.
Q.42 In which regions are the following animals found?
Q.43 Name four bioreserves in India which have been included in the world network of biosphere
Q.44 What are migratory birds?
Short Answer Type Questions (3 Mark)
Q.45 Give reasons why India’s natural vegetation has undergone many changes?
Q.46 Where are mangrove forests found? How are they formed? Which is the most important trees of the
Ganga Delta?
Q.47 Name any three medicinal plants of India and mention for what they are used.
Q.48 ‘Bird life in India is colouful’. Explain.
Q.49 How many national Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries have been set up by the government to take care
of the natural heritage of India? Why have these been established by the government?
Q.50 A great variety of flora is found in India. Give three geographical factors responsible for this
diversification of flora.
Q.51 Distinguish between Thorn Forests and Mangrove Forests.
Q.52 Wrote three measures to conserve Ecosystem.
Q.53 Write the main characteristics of tropical deciduous forests.
Q.54 Explain ‘natural ecosystem’. Why is any attempt to tamper with the ecosystem fraught with grave
Q.55 Describe the major vegetation zones of the Himalayan region.
Q.56 Write three measures to protect wildlife.
Q.57 Describe the vegetation and the wildlife found in the Ganga and Brahmaputra delta.
Q.58 Name two states where thorn forests and scrubs vegetation are found. Which are the common
animals found in these forests? Why is there absence of trees in these forests?
Q.59 Mention the ways in which the desert plants adapt themselves to their surroundings.
Q.60 Which migratory bird visits the Rann of Kachchh in winter? Why? How do we benefit from these
Q.61 Compare the wildlife of the Himalayas and the wetlands of our country.
Q.62 What is the meaning of flora and fauna? How is India rich in its fauna? Explain.
Long Answer Type Questions (5 Mark)
Q.63 Why are the forests important to man? What has been the result of Man’s interference with nature?
Q.64 Complete the following table: Name any two common animals found in these forests.
Q.65 Mention the steps taken by the government to protect the flora and fauna.
Q.66 Describe the features of the Mangrove forests?
Q.67 Give a brief account of the wildlife in India in five points.
Q.68 Distinguish between Tropical Evergreen and Deciduous Forests.
Map Skills
Q.69 On the outline map of India. Identify the type of vegetation.
Q.70 Locate and label the following national parks on the map of India.
(a) Corbett (b) Kaziranga (c) Ranthambor (d) Shivpuri
(e) Kanha (f) Simlipal (g) Manas
Q.71 Locate and label the following bird sanctuaries and wildlife sanctuaries on the given map of India.
(a) Bird Sanctuaries: Bharatpur and Ranganthittu
(b) Wildlife Sanctuaries: Sariska, Mudumalai, Rajaji, Dachigam.

Very Short Answer Type Questions (1 Mark)
Q.1 Why are people considered an important part of society?
Q.2 ‘Population is the pivotal element in social studies’. How?
Q.3 After how many years is the census held?
Q.4 What do you mean by size and distribution of population?
Q.5 Mention the different components of population quality.
Q.6 According to the 2011 census which was the most populous state of India?
Q.7 Name the biggest Indian state in terms of area.
Q.8 How is the density of population calculated?
Q.9 What position does India hold in the world with regard to its population density?
Q.10 What was the population density of India in the year 2011?
Q.11 Give two reasons why the population density is low in some areas.
Q.12 Which Indian regions have moderate population density?
Q.13 Give reasons for moderate population density in peninsular states.
Q.14 Which regions of India have high population density?
Q.15 Identify the three states of the Northern Plains with high population densities.
Q.16 Mention two reasons responsible for the high density of population in the Northern Plains.
Q.17 What was the annual growth rate of India’s population in 2011?
Q.18 What are the process involved in population change?
What are the three process involved in the change of numbers, distribution and composition of the
Q.19 Mention two ways through which population change could be expressed.
Q.20 Which is the major component of population growth in India? Why?
Q.21 Mention two types of migration.
Q.22 What is international migration?
Q.23 Which movement of the people across regions and territories does not change the size of the
Q.24 Which population factor is influenced by internal migration - size or distribution?
Q.25 What is the sex ratio in India according to 2011 census?
Q.26 What is the sex ratio of Kerala, Puducherry, Delhi and Harayan as per 2011 census?
Q.27 What is the pattern of internal migration in India?
Q.28 What do you understand by the term ‘age’ composition’?
Q.29 What benefits have to be provided to children below 15 years?
Q.30 Which age groups are considered ‘non-producers’?
Q.31 In whose favour has the sex ratio been in the country?
Q.32 What do you understand by the term’ literacy’?
Q.33 What is the literacy rate of India as per the 2011 census?
Q.34 Why do difference exists in literary level of males and females in India?
Q.35 Name one social indicator and one economic indicator of population composition.
Q.36 What is occupational structure?
Q.37 Mention the classification of occupations.
Short Answer Type Questions (3 Mark)
Q.38 What are the three major issues inculcate through the census?
Q.39 Define census. What is the importance of the study of population?
Q.40 Describe the distribution of population in India.
Q.41 What were the causes of uneven population in India?
Q.42 How does migration play an important role in population growth? Explain the ‘pull’ and ‘push’
factors of migration.
Q.43 What has been the impact of urbanization in India? Mention three features.
Q.44 Why is ‘Age Composition’ considered as one of the most basic characteristics of population?
Q.45 How are the categories of people according to age composition advantageous to India?
Q.46 Explain any three differences between dependent and productive population.
Q.47 Give reasons for low sex ration in India.
Q.48 “In India, literacy rate among women is still low.” Justify the statement.
Q.49 Who is treated as literacy according to the Census of 2001? Why is literacy an important quality of a
Q.50 Explain the occupational structure of India.
Q.51 What are the advantages of having a healthy population? In spite of the efforts of the government,
the health situation in India is a matter of great concern. Why?
Q.52 Why is too much attention and care required for adolescent population?
Q.53 Explain how the quality of people is more important than quantity of people.
Long Answer Type Questions (5 Mark)
Q.54 Why is population very important in a country?
Why is population a pivotal element in social studies?
Q.55 Define the following terms:
Q.56 What is meant by annual growth rate of population? Why is even low annual growth rate of
population considered not good for India?
Q.57 Describe the classification of occupational structure. How does occupational structure indicate
economic development of a country?
Q.58 What are the factors affecting health status of people of India? What are the improvements made in
the health status of people of India?
Q.59 What are the significant features of NPP 2000? What are the measures taken by the NPP 2000 to
protect adolescent population?
Map Skills
Q.60 Locate and label the following in an outline map of India.
(a) The state having highest and lowest density of population.
(b) The state having highest and lowest sex ratio.
(c) Largest and smallest state according to area.

What is Democracy? Why Democracy?

Very Short Answer Type Questions (1 Mark)
Q.1 How does Abraham Lincoln define democracy?
Q.2 Describe the origin of the word democracy.
Q.3 Give one common feature of democratic governments.
Q.4 What is a referendum?
Q.5 The kings of Nepal and Saudi Arabia are ruling even than they are undemocratic. Why?
Q.6 When did Pervez Musharraf come to power in Pakistan?
Q.7 How did Pervez Musharraf declare himself the ‘Chief Executive’ of the country?
Q.8 What major political incident happened in Pakistan in the year 2002?
Q.9 What do you mean by ‘Legal Framework Order?
Q.10 Which body supervised the civilian cabinet according to Legal Framework Order?
Q.11 What happened after the passage of the Legal Framework Order?
Q.12 Who took the final decisions in Pakistan after the elections?
Q.13 Why is Pakistan not considered a democratic country even after having elections?
Q.14 Give another example where real powers were not exercised by the people’s elected representatives.
Q.15 How do people elect their representatives in China?
Q.16 Which type of party system is there in China?
Q.17 Who appoints the President of China?
Q.18 Which members are allowed to contest the election in China?
Q.19 After how many years does Mexico hold elections for electing the President?
Q.20 What was PRI?
Q.21 Why was every election won by PRI in Mexico?
Q.22 How can we say that people in Mexico did not have any choice in the elections?
Q.23 In which country women do not have the right to vote until 2015?
Who does not have the right to vote in Saudi Arabia?
Q.24 Name the country where the minorities find it difficult to get the right to vote.
Q.25 Which party of Zimbabwe led the struggle for independence?
Q.26 Who was the President of Zimbabwe since independence?
Robert Mugabe is the president of which country?
Q.27 How did the ruling party in Zimbabwe deal with the opposition party?
Q.28 How can you say that media is not independent in Zimbabwe?
Q.29 When was Robert Mugabe forced out of office?
Q.30 What do you derive from a democratic government like the one in Zimbabwe?
Q.31 Which factors, barring at the elections must be considered to assess democracy?
Q.32 What basic rights were given by state to citizen to ensure democracy before elections?
Q.33 Who is responsible to protects the basic rights given by state?
Q.34 To whom is the ruling party accountable?
Q.35 What limits a democratic government’s power to make rules?
Q.36 Which is the most preferred form of government in the world?
Q.37 Point out one non-democratic feature of democracy?
Q.38 In which condition does democracy lead to bad decisions?
Q.39 List the cause for delay in decision-making.
Q.40 In which period did China record its worst famine?
Q.41 Mention the advantage of involving many persons in decision-making.
Q.42 What is the basic sense behind taking a decision in democracy?
Q.43 A democracy enhances the dignity of citizens. How?
Q.44 How does democracy allow us to correct our mistakes?
Q.45 What is a representative democracy?
Q.46 Why is the representative democracy considered the most common form of democracy?
Q.47 What is direct democracy?
Q.48 Which forms of governments do not require all citizens to take part in politics?
Q.49 Mention the constraints of citizens if they have an option to take part in decision-making.
Short Answer Type Questions (3 Mark)
Q.50 What is democracy? Give examples of non-democratic countries?
Q.51 What amendment did General Pervez Musharraf bring in the constitution of Pakistan by issuing a
“Legal Framework Order” in August 2002?
Q.52 Compare the democratic system in China with that in Mexico.
Q.53 Mention three instances which are exceptions of the principle of one person, one vote and one value.
Write any three instances of denial of equal right to vote in the world politics.
Q.54 Explain with an example how popular governments can be undemocratic and popular leader can by
ZANU-PF wins the elections every five years in Zimbabwe. Are the leaders of ZANU-PF close to
the values of democracy? Explain.
Q.55 Mention three essential features of democracy.
Q.56 “China’s famine of 1958-61 was a result of government policies.” Explain.
Q.57 How does democracy improve the quality of decision-making?
Q.58 Democracy provides a method to deal with differences and conflicts. Explain.
Q.59 How does democracy enhance the dignity of the citizens?
Q.60 Why is democracy considered the best form of government?
Q.61 What according to you is the broader meaning of democracy?
What do you understand by the “broader meaning of democracy”? Explain in three points.
Q.62 What is the role of citizens in a democracy?
Long Answer Type Questions (5 Mark)
Q.63 Compare the features of Democratic and non-democratic governments.
Q.64 What steps were taken by Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe to remain in power?
Q.65 Describe the arguments against democracy.

Constitutional Design
Very Short Answer Type Questions (1 Mark)
Q.1 What is known as the supreme law of the country?
Q.2 What does constitution include?
Q.3 Who was Nelson Mandela?
Q.4 Why was Nelson Mandela imprisoned?
Q.5 What does ‘apartheid’ mean?
Q.6 Who were called the blacks in south Africa?
Q.7 Which group of people in South Africa were classified as coloured?
Q.8 For whom was apartheid system particularly oppressive?
Q.9 With what condition blacks were permitted to work in white areas?
Q.10 What does segregation mean in South Africa?
Q.11 What treatment was given to the blacks?
Q.12 Since when the blacks, coloured and the Indians fought against the apartheid system and how?
Q.13 What was African National Congress (ANC)?
Q.14 What was the role of the sensitive Whites in ANC?
Q.15 How white racists continued their apartheid despite protests?
Q.16 How did apartheid end in South Africa?
Q.17 What policies were changed by the white regime in South Africa.
Q.18 What is the appeal made by the blacks to their follow blacks after being democratic?
Q.19 On what basis they wanted to build a new nation?
Q.20 Who formed the constitution of neo-democratic South Africa?
Q.21 When was the constitution of South Africa completed?
Q.22 Mention a distinguished feature of newly formed South African constitution.
Q.23 What was the major challenge prevailing in the South African society after being democratic?
Q.24 What were the safeguards wished by the black majority?
Q.25 What were the fears prevailing among the whites?
Q.26 What compromise was made by white minority in South Africa?
Q.27 What compromise was made by black majority in South Africa?
Q.28 With which rules trust was built between blacks and whites in South Africa?
Q.29 What was the condition of basic rules made by the South Africans?
Q.30 What is the title of the autobiography of Nelson Mandela?
Q.31 How is constitution making not unique to South Africa?
Q.32 Which groups need a constitution?
Q.33 What is a constitution?
Q.34 Why is constitution considered as a supreme law?
Q.35 Who was the Education Minister in the first union cabinet?
Q.36 Who was the Finance Minister in the first union cabinet?
Q.37 What was the state of the princely states when the British left India?
Q.38 Who integrated the Indian princely states? How many princely states were there?
Q.39 What advantages did Indian constitution makers have unlike South Africa?
Q.40 Who firstly drafted the constitution for India?
Q.41 What resolution was made in 1931, Karachi session?
Q.42 What was the benefit of years of thinking and deliberations on the framework of constitution?
Q.43 What was constituent Assembly?
Q.44 How was Constituent Assembly formed?
Q.45 When was the first meeting of constituent Assembly held?
Q.46 How many members did the Constituent Assembly have?
Q.47 When was the constitutional work completed and when did the constitution come into force?
Q.48 Why did the constitution come into effect on 26th January 1950?
Q.49 What does constitution of a country reflect?
Q.50 Why had the countries rewritten their constitution?
Q.51 What is the unusual achievement of our constitution?
Q.52 Which political party dominated the assembly?
Q.53 How did the Constituent Assembly work?
Q.54 What was the first task of Drafting Committee? Who was its chairman?
Q.55 Who was the President of the Constituent Assembly?
Q.56 How many draft amendments were considered?
Q.57 How much time was taken to complete the constitution of India?
Q.58 What is a draft?
Q.59 What is a clause?
Q.60 What are Constituent Assembly Debates?
Q.61 Write the significance of ‘Constituent Assembly Debates’.
Q.62 Name the Indian leader who used to write for the magazine young India in 1931.
Q.63 What features formed the foundation for India’s democracy?
Q.64 What is Preamble?
Q.65 Who inspired different countries of the world to start their constitution with a Preamble?
Q.66 What does ‘sovereign’ mean?
Q.67 What does socialist in a democratic constitution mean?
Q.68 What does democratic mean?
Q.69 What does a republic mean?
Q.70 What does liberty in the Preamble mean?
Q.71 What does equality mean in the constitution?
Q.72 What is constitutional amendment?
Q.73 Why do we need to make amendments to our constitution?
Short Answer Type Questions (3 Mark)
Q.74 What do you known about Nelson Mandela?
Q.75 How did the blacks of South Africa fight against apartheid?
Q.76 Mention any three changes that were brought about in the constitution of South Africa after 1994.
Q.77 How difficult it was for India to frame a constitution for united India after Independence?
Q.78 Which countries constitution features inspired Indian constitution makers?
Q.79 Describe the steps taken to form the Constituent Assembly.
How was the Indian constituent Assembly formed?
Q.80 Give reasons for accepting the constitution which was made by the constituent Assembly more than
50 years ago?
Why is constitution of India acceptable to Indians even today?
Q.81 Write a short note on the Drafting committee.
Q.82 What was the role of Dr BR Ambedkar in making of the constitution?
Q.83 What are constituent Assembly Debates?
Q.84 What is the philosophy of the Indian Constitution?
Q.85 Describe how the Indians constitution has embodied the basic values into institutional arrangements?
Long Answer Type Questions (5 Mark)
Q.86 How was apartheid system practiced in South Africa?
Q.87 Explain how did the white minority and the black majority agree to draw up a common constitution
for South Africa.
Q.88 What is a constitution? Explain the role of the constitution in a country.
Q.89 Why do we need a constitution?
Q.90 “The familiarity with political institutions of the colonial rule helped to develop an agreement over
the institutional design.” Justify the statement.
Q.91 Explain five major factors which contributed to the making of our constitution.
“India emerged as independent country amidst heavy turmoil.” Justify the statement.
Q.92 What was the composition of the Constituent Assembly?
Q.93 Assess the contribution made by Constituent Assembly to form the Indian Constitution.
Q.94 Give a brief description about any five members of the Constituent Assembly.
Q.95 Explain any five major ideals enshrined in the Preamble to the Constitution.
Q.96 Explain the importance of institutional design of the constitution of India.

Electoral Politics
Very Short Answer Type Questions (1 Mark)
Q.1 Which party had been ruling Haryana since 1982?
Q.2 Who was Chaudhary Devilal? Name the party formed by him.
Q.3 Which promises of Devilal draw in election campaign attracted the people?
Q.4 What was the result of the elections in Haryana in 1987?
Q.5 Why did the Chief Minister resign?
Q.6 Why do we have representatives in most democracies?
Q.7 What is election?
Q.8 How can we ensure that elections are held in a democratic manner? Give two conditions.
Q.9 Elections are all about ‘political competition’. Give two reasons.
Q.10 Give one reasons why it is good to have political competition.
Q.11 When does the term of all the elected representatives come to an end?
Q.12 What is a constituency?
Q.13 Into how many constituencies in the country divided for Lok Sabha elections?
Q.14 What are the members of State Assemblies called?
Q.15 How are constituencies divided at the local level?
Q.16 How has the constitution ensured that the weaker sections of society also get representation in the
parliament and state assemblies?
Q.17 Why reserved constituencies were created by the makers of the constitution?
Q.18 How many seats are reserved for SCs and STs in the Lok Sabha?
Q.19 How many seats are reserved for women in local bodies?
Q.20 Seats reservation was later extended to other weaker sections at the district and local level. What are
they called?
Q.21 What is a voters’ list?
Q.22 What is the principle of Universal Adult Franchise?
Q.23 What is the Photo Identify Card System?
Q.24 Anyone who can be a voter can also become a candidate in election, but there is one difference.
What is it?
Q.25 What is a party ticket?
Q.26 How does a person file his/her nomination papers?
Q.27 What are the legal declarations made by every party candidate?
Q.28 Why has personal information of a candidate to be made public?
Q.29 What is the main purpose of election?
Q.30 Why are election campaigns needed?
Q.31 What is the time period of campaigning for elections?
Q.32 How do the candidate attract the public during election?
Q.33 Mention any two slogans given by different parties in various elections.
Q.34 What is a ballot paper?
Q.35 Where is ‘polling booth’ located on election day?
Q.36 What is an electronic voting machine? (EVM).
Q.37 Who is the head of the Election Commission (EC)?
Q.38 Mention one function of the Election Commission?
Q.39 Who appoints the Chief Election Commissioner in India?
Q.40 How is people’s participation in election measured?
Q.41 What is code of conduct?
Q.42 Why do common people in India attach a lot of importance to election?
Q.43 Who vote in larger proportion in India?
Q.44 Are elections in India free and fair?
Q.45 Give any one challenge of Indian Elections.
Q.46 What is meant by booth capturing?
Q.47 Who can be denied the right to vote?
Q.48 What slogan was given by Janata party under the leadership of Jayaprakash Narayan in 1977 Lok
Sabha election?
Q.49 Who used the slogan ‘Protect the Self-Respect of the Telugus’ in Andhra Pradesh Assembly
elections in 1983?
Q.50 What was the slogan of the Left Front in the West Bengal Assembly Elections held in 1977?
Q.51 What is the full form of NOTA?
Q.52 What is the meaning of free and fair elections?
Q.53 When is National Voters’ Day celebrated in India?
Short Answer Type Questions (3 Mark)
Q.54 What do you mean by election? Why is it needed in a Democracy?
Q.55 What choices are given to voters during elections?
Q.56 Enumerate the demerits of an electoral competition?
Q.57 How is electoral competition helpful to political parties and leaders to win elections?
Q.58 What is meant by ‘seat’ in elections? Explain with example.
Q.59 Explain any three conditions which make the election process more democratic.
Q.60 Why were the constitution makers worried about certain weaker sections of the country? What did
they do to bring them in the mainstream?
Q.61 What legal declaration is required to be submitted by each candidate who wishes to contest an
Q.62 How does our election Law regulate campaigns?
Q.63 What is meant by code of conduct? How does it control the activities of parties and candidates?
Q.64 What is an Election Commission? Who appoints the Chief Election Commissioner and how can
he/she be removed?
Q.65 Explain the role of the Election Commission in the election.
Q.66 How can you say that free and fair elections are held in India?
Q.67 How do general elections differ from by-elections?
Q.68 What do you mean by “voters’ list”? What is its significance?
Q.69 What do you know about Voter ID card?
Q.70 How can we check the quality of the election process?
Q.71 How are results declared once the polling is over?
Q.72 What does the turnout figure indicate?
Q.73 Describe the procedure of voting on the polling day.
Q.74 Give three reasons why the system of reserved constituencies was introduced by the constitution
makers in India.
Q.75 How can you say that Election Commission of India is independent and powerful?
Long Answer Type Questions (5 Mark)
Q.76 How are elections held in India?
Q.77 How does a party file a nomination for its candidates?
Q.78 How is campaigning done for elections held in India?
Q.79 How are polls conducted in India?
Q.80 Describe the challenges to free and fair elections in India.
Q.81 List the ways to regulate and ensure free and fair elections.
Q.82 How is the voters’ list prepared?
Q.83 How is people’s participation in elections measured? How can it be said that elections are becoming
popular in India and drawing people’s attention?
Q.84 Describe the wide ranging powers of the Election Commission in India.
Q.85 What are the minimum conditions for a democratic election? Enlist them.
Q.86 What are the main functions of the Election Commission of India?

Working of Institutions
Very Short Answer Type Questions (1 Mark)
Q.1 Mention the institutions which take major decisions and its implementation in a country.
Q.2 What are different terms used for a national government in India?
Q.3 What do you mean by office memorandum?
Q.4 Which ministry comprises the Department of Personnel and Training?
Q.5 Mention one important policy decision issued in the Government of India Order of August 13, 1990.
Q.6 Explain SEBC.
Q.7 Who were eligible for the benefit of job reservation before the order of August 13, 1990?
Q.8 Who is considered as the head of the state and who is head of the government?
Q.9 What major bodies constitute the Parliament?
Q.10 Who was the head of the Second Backward Classes Commission?
Q.11 What was the instruction given to Mandal Commission?
Q.12 Which party promised to implement the Mandal Commission recommendations formally announced
by the government?
Q.13 Give one modification made by the Supreme Court.
Q.14 Mention a responsibility of civil servant.
Q.15 How institution decisions lead to delays and complications?
Q.16 Why do democratic governments stress on institutions?
Q.17 Who has the final authority for making laws in any country?
Which institution can make changes to an existing law of the country.
Q.18 How does the Rajya Sabha seem more powerful than the Lok Sabha?
Q.19 Which house of Parliament is more powerful in reality?
Q.20 Which two houses form the Parliament in our country?
Q.21 What is the length of the term of a government in India?
Q.22 Can the houses be dissolved or are they permanent?
Q.23 How does the Lok Sabha exercise its control over the Council of Ministers?
Q.24 What is an executive?
Q.25 Why are government functionaries called executives?
Q.26 What do you understand by “Political Executive”?
Q.27 Who are called “Permanent Executives”?
Q.28 How is the Prime Minister appointed?
Q.29 To whom the President appoint the Prime Minister in case no single party or alliance gets a majority?
Q.30 How are other ministers appointed?
Q.31 How are ministers chosen by the Prime Minister?
Q.32 What do you mean by the Council of Ministers?
Q.33 Who are Cabinet Ministers?
Q.34 Who are ministers of state with independent charge?
Q.35 Who are the Ministers of State?
Q.36 Every ministry has secretaries. What job do these secretaries perform?
Q.37 Who Chairs the Cabinet meetings? Who is the most powerful within the cabinet?
Q.38 Mention one limitation of the Prime Minister of a coalition government.
Q.39 What is the Presidential form of government? Give an example of one country.
Q.40 Which type of government system is followed in our country?
Q.41 How does the President act as Executive Head?
Q.42 What kind of judiciary do we have in India?
Q.43 What is the composition of the India Judiciary?
Q.44 India has an integrated judiciary. Example.
Q.45 How are the judges of the Supreme Court and the High Court appointed?
Q.46 How can a judge be removed?
Q.47 What is judicial review?
Q.48 How does the judiciary act as guardian of the fundamental rights?
Q.49 Who was elected as the President of India in 2017?
Q.50 Name the Chief Justice of India who administered the oath of the office of the President of India to
Shri Ram Nath Kovind.
Q.51 When and where did the oath ceremony of the office of the President of India took place?
Short Answer Type Questions (3 Mark)
Q.52 Who are the major functionaries in India?
Q.53 Why do we need the political institutions?
Describe the need for political institutions in India.
Q.54 How are some of the delays and complications introduced by democratic institutions very useful?
Q.55 What is the significance of Parliament in a democracy?
Q.56 How is the Lok Sabha more powerful than the Rajya Sabha?
Q.57 Explain the three categories of the Council of Ministers.
Q.58 Who forms the cabinet?
Q.59 Explain the role of the Prime Minister in a coalition government.
Write any three constraints on the power of the Prime Minister of a coalistion government.
Q.60 When and how does the President exercise his discretionary powers?
Q.61 What is the difference between the powers of the president of USA and the President of India?
Q.62 What does the ‘Independence of Judiciary’ mean?
Q.63 What does ‘Integration of judiciary’ mean?
Q.64 What do you understand by Public Interest Litigation?
Long Answer Type Questions (5 Mark)
Q.65 What was the Mandal Commission? Why was it set up? Mention its specific recommendation.
Q.66 Why had the Mandal Commission become a debatable issue in India?
Q.67 How was the dispute of Mandal commission resolved?
Q.68 Describe the powers and functions of the Indian Parliament.
Q.69 Distinguish between the Lok Sabha and the Raja Sabha.
Q.70 What is the difference between Political Executive and Permanent executive?
Q.71 “Prime Minister is the head of the government.” Justify the statement.
Q.72 State the powers of the President.
Q.73 How are the judges of Supreme Court and High Court appointed? How can they be removed?
Q.74 How can you say that the judiciary in India is the most powerful?

Democratic Rights
Very Short Answer Type Questions (1 Mark)
Q.1 What is Guantanamo Bay? What is it known for?
Q.2 Which organization reported about human rights violation in Guantanamo Bay?
Q.3 Mention one charge of human rights violation made by Amnesty International against the USA.
Q.4 Mention one fundamental rights which the Saudi Arabia denies to its citizens.
Q.5 How are the rulers of Saudi Arabia elected?
Q.6 Why did ethnic massacre take place in Kosovo?
Q.7 How was an ethnic massacre in Kosovo put to end?
Q.8 What can be done in a democratic country to avoid the examples of Saudi Arabia, Kosovo and
Guantanamo Bay?
Q.9 What are rights?
Q.10 How can we practice our rights?
Q.11 When do the rights become enforceable?
Q.12 What happen if rights are not written into laws?
Q.13 Give one reason why rights are necessary in a democracy.
Q.14 Why are some rights placed higher than the government? How?
Q.15 What are fundamental rights? How many fundamental rights are granted by our constitution?
Q.16 Name the six fundamental rights provided by the Indian Constitution to Indian citizens.
Q.17 What does ‘rule of law’ mean?
Q.18 Why is the rule of law considered the foundation of any democracy?
Q.19 To which sections of society government of India give reservations?
Q.20 What do you mean by equality?
Q.21 What do you mean by untouchability?
Q.22 What do job reservation mean?
Q.23 What does Right to Freedom mean?
Q.24 Name the freedoms allowed to Indian citizens under the Right to Freedom.
Q.25 What is meant by freedom of speech and expression?
Q.26 How does the government restricted freedom to speech?
Q.27 “Workers in a factory can form a worker’s union.” Which right of freedom is represented by the
Q.28 How to citizens of India exercise freedom to travel to any part of the country?
Q.29 Which fundamental right says that no person can be deprived of his life or personal liberty except
according to procedure established b law?
Q.30 What action is mandatory after arresting or detaining a person?
Q.31 Which three evils have been declared illegal by the constitution?
Q.32 What do you mean by ‘traffic in human beings?
Q.33 What is Begar?
Q.34 What is bonded labour?
Q.35 In what way is child labour prohibited by the Indian constitution?
Q.36 In which industries children prohibited from working?
Q.37 What is a secularism ?
Q.38 What is meant by a ‘secular state’?
Q.39 What does right to freedom of religion mean?
Q.40 Why are there no special guarantees for the majority?
Q.41 The cultural and educational rights of the minorities need special protection. What is the reason
behind it?
Q.42 What does Right to Constitutional Remedies imply?
Q.43 What is writ?
Q.44 What is PIL?
Q.45 In which year the National Human Rights Commission was set up by law?
Q.46 What is the main focus of NHRC?
Q.47 Who appoint the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC)?
Q.48 How many states in our country have State Human Right Commission?
Q.49 Mention certain rights derived from the fundamental rights.
Q.50 Who does the right to education mean?
Q.51 What is RTI?
Q.52 What are Human Rights?
Q.53 What is the International Covenant on economic, social and cultural rights?
How has the International Covenant contributed to the expansion of rights?
Q.54 Mention any one right granted to its people by the constitution of South Africa.
Short Answer Type Questions (3 Mark)
Q.55 How were prisoners tortured by the US Army in Guantanamo Bay prison?
Q.56 Describe the ethnic massacre in Kosovo.
What was the background of the ethnic massacre that took place in Kosovo?
Q.57 Which three qualities are required for calling any claim a right?
Q.58 What are rights? Why are they essential in a democracy? Give two reasons.
Q.59 What are the main features of ‘Right to Equality’?
Q.60 The Government of India has provided reservations for Scheduled Castes. Scheduled Tribes and
Other Backward Classes. Are these reservations against the right to equality? Explain.
Q.61 Why has constitution made untouchability a punishable offence?
Q.62 How can citizen exercise their freedom to hold rallies and demonstrations?
Q.63 What legal procedures have to be followed by a police officer if he arrest or detain any citizen?
Q.64 Explain the three evils declared illegal under the Right against Exploitation.
Q.65 How is the Right to Equality exercised?
Q.66 Mention any three constitutional provisions that make India a secular state.
Q.67 Why have new rights been added to fundamental rights from time to time? Give a few examples.
Q.68 What does the constitution specify about the cultural and educational rights of the minorities?
Q.69 How does PIL work? Mention the importance of PIL.
Q.70 Mention the powers/functions of the NHRC.
Long Answer Type Questions (5 Mark)
Q.71 What type of government does Saudi Arabia have? What are its main features?
Q.72 What are fundamental rights? How many fundamental rights are mentioned in our constitution? Why
are they important?
Q.73 Describe any five Freedom granted to the citizen of India under the Right to Freedom.
What is rights to Freedom? Mention different rights that come under it.
Q.74 Explain briefly the Right to Constitutional remedies. How this right could be enforced?
Q.75 What is the role of International Covenant in the expansion of rights?
Q.76 Explain how the scope of rights has expanded in recent times.

The Story of Village Palampur

Very Short Answer Type Questions (1 Mark)
Q.1 What is the main economic activity in Palampur?
Q.2 What was the status of upper caste families in Palampur?
Q.3 What was the benefit of electricity in Palampur?
Q.4 What facilities are available for education and health in Palampur?
Q.5 Define Production.
Q.6 Farmer’s plough is an example of which factor of production?
Q.7 What do you mean by physical capital?
Q.8 What is the first and foremost requirement for the production of goods and services?
Q.9 What do you mean by working capital?
Which capital is known as working capital?
Q.10 What is human capital?
Q.11 Name the kharif and rabi crops grown in Palampur.
Q.12 What was the main reason for the growth of three different crops in a year?
Q.13 What is the impact of electricity on irrigation?
Q.14 What is multiple cropping?
Q.15 Define yield.
Q.16 How did the Indian farmers benefit from green Revolution?
Q.17 Which modern implements were used by the Indian farmers?
Q.18 What is the impact of Green Revolution on soil and ground water table?
Q.19 Who provides labour for medium and large farmers?
Q.20 Which is the most labour absorbing sector of the economy?
Q.21 How do farm labourers get wages in Palampur?
Q.22 What is the minimum wage per day for a farm labourer set by the government?
Q.23 How much Dala gets as a minimum wage?
Q.24 What do the medium and large farmers do with the surplus from farm production?
Q.25 Name any two non-farm activities in Palampur.
Q.26 In which type of activity is dairy farming included?
Short Answer Type Questions (3 Mark)
Q.27 Highlight the basic constraints in raising production from a farm.
Q.28 Explain the term physical capital. Mention its different types with examples.
Q.29 Give three reasons why small farmers have to arrange capital by borrowing.
Q.30 Distinguish between Kharif and Rabi seasons.
Q.31 State the importance of growing more than on crop on a piece of land.
Q.32 What is Multiple cropping? How does it help in farmer’s prosperity?
Q.33 ‘Modern farming methods require more inputs which are manufactured in industry. Do you agree?
Q.34 What do you mean by Green Revolution? Why was it caused?
Q.35 Land being a natural resource, is necessary to be carefully used. Why?
Q.36 What can be done to increase the non-farm activities in the Indian Villages?
Q.37 Describe three features of small-scale manufacturing as non-farming activity in Palampur.
Long Answer Type Questions (5 Mark)
Q.38 What is the aim of production? State any four requirements for production.
Q.39 What is land? Suggest any three ways to sustain land.
Q.40 How can you say that the distribution of land is unequal in Palampur?
How is land distribution of land among farmers of Palampur
Q.41 Is it true that food grains output in India has increased significantly because of larger area under
cultivation? Explain.
Q.42 Distinguish between traditional farming methods and modern farming methods.
Q.43 What is meant by Green Revolution? Mention some of its features.
Q.44 Explain two merits and three demerits of Green Revolution.
Q.45 Green Revolution is associated with loss of soil fertility. In the light of the statement, mention five
problems caused by modern farming.
Q.46 Name any four non-farm production activities practised in Palampur. Give brief descriptions of any
Mention any four non-farm production activities of village Palampur. Which activity do you feel
most useful for the villagers? Give any two reasons.

People as Resource
Very Short Answer Type Questions (1 Mark)
Q.1 What is people as a resource?
Q.2 When does population becomes human capital?
Q.3 What is the positive side of a large population?
Q.4 What is human capital?
Q.5 How can investment be made in humans?
Q.6 How does the society benefit from investment in humans?
Q.7 How is human capital superior to other resources?
Q.8 Why do educated parents invest heavily in the education of their children?
Q.9 How illiterate parents create a vicious cycle for their children?
Q.10 What are different types of primary activities?
Q.11 What are tertiary activities?
Q.12 A person is making envelopes with the help of paper. In which sector should his activity be
Q.13 What are economic activities?
Q.14 What are non-economic activities?
Q.15 Define market activities.
Q.16 What are non-market activities?
Q.17 In which case women get paid for their work?
Q.18 What are the major determinants of earnings?
Q.19 What is an unorganized sector?
Q.20 What kinds of jobs in the organized sector attract women?
Q.21 Mention two factors on which equality of population depends.
Q.22 Which factor decides the growth rate of a country?
Q.23 How is education useful to an individual?
Q.24 What are Navodaya Vidyalayas?
Q.25 Why have vocational streams been developed?
Q.26 Mention the literacy rates of population in 1951 and 2010-11.
Q.27 What differences have been noted in literacy among different sections of the society and states?
Q.28 Even though primary schools have expanded largely in villages, mention the reasons for their diluted
Q.29 What do you know about Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan?
Q.30 What is the main aim of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan?
Q.31 Why have mid-day meal scheme been launched by the government in the schools?
Q.32 What are the strategies adopted in the 12th plan for education and literacy?
Q.33 Mention two things necessary for good health.
Q.34 What is the aim National Health Policy of India?
Q.35 What is infant mortality rate?
Q.36 What do you mean by birth rate?
Q.37 Define death rate.
Q.38 What are the two indicators for assessing the future of a country?
Q.39 How many medical colleges and dental colleges are in India?
Q.40 What do you mean by the term ‘unemployment’?
Q.41 How does rural areas differ from urban areas in terms of unemployment?
Q.42 What is meant by seasonal unemployment?
Q.43 What is disguised unemployment?
Q.44 What is educated unemployment?
Q.45 Mention two consequences of unemployment.
Q.46 ‘Unemployment rate is low in India.’ Why?
Short Answer Type Questions (3 Mark)
Q.47 Define Human capital and human capital formation. Name any two sources of human capital
Q.48 Mention three sectors of economic activities with examples.
Q.49 Define economic activities. Highlight the two types of economics activities.
What is an economic activity? What are the different types of economic activities?
Q.50 Distinguish between market and non-market activities with three points of distinction.
Q.51 How are the children of educated parents are different from those of uneducated ones?
Q.52 Mention any three features of National Health Policy.
Q.53 What is the healthy status of the population in India?
Q.54 Why is health of people a matter of major concern for the Indian government?
Q.55 “Unemployment leads to law income and low savings and hence low demand low production. This is
the identification of a depressed economy.” Support the statement with three arguments.
Long Answer Type Questions (5 Mark)
Q.56 In what way is human capital superior to other sources like physical capital? How a large population
is turned into a productive asset?
Q.57 Describe the employment scenario in the three sectors of the economy in India in recent years.
Q.58 Analyse the role of education in the formation of human capital formation.
Q.59 Describe five main features of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan.
Q.60 Describe the policy of government on higher education as per 12th Five Year Plan.
Q.61 Why will a firm not like to employ a worker with ill-health? How does it affect the working
Q.62 Describe different types of unemployment found in India.
Q.63 Explain any five effects of unemployment on the overall growth of the economy.
How does unemployment affect the overall growth of an economy?

Poverty as a Challenge
Very Short Answer Type Questions (1 Mark)
Q.1 What kind of people in India are considered poor?
Q.2 What is poverty?
Q.3 Mention any one historical reason for poverty.
Q.4 State two consequences of poverty.
Q.5 What are the factors of human poverty?
Q.6 Why is the concept of poverty being broadened into human poverty?
Q.7 Mention any one common indicator of poverty.
Q.8 How is the analysis of poverty becoming rich in recent years?
Q.9 What is poverty line?
Q.10 When is a person considered poor?
Q.11 Who is an urban poor?
Q.12 Which methods are used to estimate the poverty line in India?
Q.13 How is poverty line estimated periodically? State the organization which is responsible for
estimating poverty.
Q.14 Why is the calorie requirement higher in rural areas?
Q.15 Give the definition of poverty line as defined by the World Bank.
Q.16 Which social groups are vulnerable to poverty?
Q.17 Give any two poorest states in India.
Q.18 Which states of India has seen a significant decline in poverty?
Q.19 Poverty, which was officially non-existent earlier, has resurfaced in which country?
Q.20 What led to the substantial decline in poverty in China?
Q.21 By which year the new sustainable development goals of the United Nations proposes ending all
types of poverty?
Q.22 How is regular growth of population one of the major causes of poverty?
Q.23 The current anti-poverty programme consists of two planks. Name them.
Q.24 Name the scheme which was launched to create self-employment opportunities for the educated
youth in the rural areas.
Q.25 What is the full form of MGREGA?
Q.26 What does PMGY stand for?
Q.27 When was Rural Employment Generation Programme launched?
Q.28 What is India’s most compelling challenge?
Short Answer Type Questions (3 Mark)
Q.29 Explain the colonial rule and income inequalities as causes of poverty.
Q.30 “Poverty is a curse upon humanity.” Explain.
Q.31 “Every fourth person in India is poor.” Substantiate the given statement.
Q.32 Explain any three social indicators through which poverty is looked upon.
Q.33 Define ‘Vulnerability’. How is it determined?
Q.34 Describe how the poverty line is estimated in India.
Q.35 Explain the two methods to estimate poverty line.
Q.36 Analyse the factors responsible for contributing to decline in poverty in Kerala, Andhra Pradesh,
Tamil Nandu and Punjab.
Q.37 “Removal of poverty has been one of the major objective of Indian development strategy.” In the
light of this statement explain the two planks of Indian government on anti-poverty strategy.
Q.38 Why the results of the poverty alleviation programmes have been mixed up?
Long Answer Type Questions (5 Mark)
Q.39 State the dimensions of poverty.
Q.40 Give an account of inter-state disparities in poverty in India.
Q.41 Give one most suitable factor responsible for the reduction of poverty in each of the following cases.
Q.42 Mention any four causes of poverty in India.
Discuss the major reasons of poverty in India.
Q.43 What are the main features of National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005?
Q.44 Elucidate the targeted anti-poverty programmes undertaken by the government.

Food Security in India

Very Short Answer Type Questions (1 Mark)
Q.1 What do you mean by food security?
Q.2 Why is food security needed?
Q.3 Which was the most devastating famine that occurred in India during the 20th Century?
Q.4 Who were the most affected by the famine of Bengal?
Q.5 Which are the food insecure families in the urban area?
Q.6 State the full form of NHFS.
Q.7 What do you mean by hunger?
Q.8 State the dimensions of hunger.
Q.9 What do you mean by chronic hunger?
Q.10 What do you mean by seasonal hunger?
Q.11 Name the new strategy adopted in agriculture in India after independence to achieve self-sufficiency
in food grains.
Q.12 Define Green Revolution.
Q.13 Which states achieved the highest rate of growth in food grains production in 2015-16?
Q.14 What was the total food grain production in India in 2015-16?
Q.15 State the two components of food security system.
Q.16 What do you mean by Buffer Stock?
Define Buffer Stock.
Q.17 What does the Food Corporation of India do?
Q.18 What do you mean by minimum support price?
Q.19 Define issue price.
Q.20 What do you mean by Public Distribution System?
Q.21 What are Fair Price Shops?
Q.22 Which items are commonly sold at Fair Price Shops?
Q.23 Which kind of ration cards are for the poorest of the poor?
Q.24 Name the ration card used for the people living below the poverty line and for all others.
Q.25 When was rationing system introduced in India?
Q.26 Which important food intervention programmes were introduced by the Indian government after
NSSO report?
Q.27 Mention any two programmes initiated by the government having food component in them.
Q.28 What is the National food Security Act 2013?
Q.29 Which is the most important step taken by the government of India to ensure food security?
Q.30 Define subsidy.
Q.31 What is the status of per capita consumption of PDS rice and wheat in rural and urban India since
Q.32 What are cooperative societies?
Q.33 Name the revolution brought about by Amul.
Q.34 Where is the Academy of Development Science located?
Q.35 Which programme is acknowledge as the successful and innovative food security intervention?
Short Answer Type Questions (3 Mark)
Q.36 Explain the major dimensions of food security.
Q.37 How is food security ensured in a country?
Q.38 How is food security affected during a calamity?
Q.39 ‘Food security is essential in India.’ Justify the statement.
Q.40 What is a famine? Who were the most affected by the famine of Bengal?
Q.41 ‘The food insecure people are disproportionately large in some regions of the country.’ Explain.
Q.42 Differentiate between seasonal hunger and chronic hunger.
Q.43 What are the functions of the Food Corporation of India?
Mention the activities of the Food Corporation of India.
Q.44 How does Public Distribution System ensure food security in India? Explain.
Q.45 Examine the activities of ration shops.
Q.46 Explain the role of co-operatives in providing food and related items in different parts of the country.
Long Answer Type Questions (5 Mark)
Q.47 Explain about the people who are food insecure in India.
Q.48 How does social inability to buy food also play a critical role in food insecurity?
Q.49 Explain the impact of the Green Revolution.
Q.50 What has our government done to provide food security to the poor? Discuss two schemes launched
by the government.
Q.51 Why is the buffer stock created by the government?
Q.52 Explain Buffer Stock and activities related to the creation of Buffer Stock.
Q.53 What is the rationing system?

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