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Course: STAT-212

Term: 182
Homework # 3
Material: Chapter 12
Due Date: Sunday, 17-February-2019

Q1: The operations manager of a company that manufactures tire wants to determine whether
there are any differences in the quality of workmanship among the three daily shifts. He
randomly selects 496 tires and carefully inspects them. Each tire is either classified as perfect,
satisfactory, or defective, and the shift that produced it is also recorded. The two categorical
variables of interest are: shift and condition of the tire produced. The data can be summarized
by the accompanying two-way table.

Perfect Satisfactory Defective

Shift 1 106 124 1
Shift 2 67 85 1
Shift 3 37 72 3

Do these data provide sufficient evidence at the 5% significance level to infer that there are
differences in quality among the three shifts?

Q2: A cigarette manufacturer wishes to test the claim that the variance of nicotine content of
its cigarettes is less than 0.0644. Nicotine content is measured in milligrams and is assumed
normally distributed. A sample of 20 cigarettes has a mean of 1.00 milligram with a standard
deviation 0.17. At 0.05 level of significance, is there enough evidence to reject the
manufacturer’s claim?

Q3: 1319 schoolchildren were questioned on the prevalence of symptoms of severe cold at the
age of 12 and again at the age of 14 years. At age 12, 356 (27%) children were reported to have
severe colds in the past 12 months compared to 468 (35.5%) at age 14.

Severe colds at age Severe colds at age 14 Total

12 Yes No
Yes 212 144 356
No 256 707 963
Total 468 851 1319

Was there a significant increase of the prevalence of severe cold?

Q4: The sharing of patient records is a controversial issue in health care. A survey of 500
respondents asked whether they objected to their records being shared by insurance companies,
by pharmacies, and by medical researchers. The results are summarized on the following table:

Object to Record
Sharing Insurance Medical
Companies Researchers
Yes 401 295 355
No 90 205 165

a) Test that the proportion of patients who object to their records being shared is same for
insurance companies, pharmacies and medical researchers.
b) If applicable, apply Marascuilo procedure to identify which pair(s) of proportions are
significantly different.

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