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This Pega Financial Services xCAR Data Model file is classified as Pegasystems Confid

versioned and may be updated as needed. This file and your use of it is subject to t
( Without limiting the foregoing, by accessing this fi
disclose it or its contents to third parties, create any derivative works from it, or use
purpose that is competitive with Pegasystems’ business. You agree to use this file o
your customer’s license to Pegasystems products or, subject to a nondisclosure agre

In addition to this file, ensure that you have read and understood the Customer
Pega Marketi
Application Data Model Guide for your release on the Customer
Pega Marketing
for Hub
for F
d as Pegasystems Confidential Information. It is
r use of it is subject to the Terms of Use
oing, by accessing this file you agree that you will not
tive works from it, or use it or its contents for any
u agree to use this file only in connection with your or
t to a nondisclosure agreement, to evaluate Pegasystems

rstood the Customer

Pega Marketing
for Financial
for Hub
for Financial
page page
Please read the Disclaimer worksheet and make sure that you understand it.

Name Class Property Type

The class name of the property.
Customer data PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer N/A N/A
Customer accounts PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts Accounts PageList
Behavioral data PegaCDH-Data-FS-BehavioralData BehavioralData Page
Interaction history
Context category Notes

Primary context
Associated Data
Associated Data
See Pega Community article:
Please read the Disclaimer worksheet and make sure that you understand it.

Field (Short Description)

Divide A property that populates into Next-Best-Action
s Designer, and is selectable from a drop-down list in
proper the Engagement policy section or in Prediction Studio.
able in

Customer ID
First name
Last name
Full name
Date of birth

CLV value
CLV designation
Marital status
Primary address line 1
Primary address line 2
Primary city
Primary state or territory
Primary postal code
Primary country
Primary country code
Primary residence ownership status

Primary mobile phone

Primary home phone

Primary work phone

Primary fax

Facebook handle

Google Plus handle

Instagram handle

LinkedIn handle

Skype handle

Twitter handle

Email opt-in

SMS opt-in

Call opt-in
Customer Data

Push notification opt-in

Relationship start date
Relationship length in days
Social security number
Tax identification number
Is customer active
Is prospect
Annual income
Debt-to-income ratio
Credit score
Credit score stale

Credit score last updated time

Total assets
Total liabilities
Net wealth
Resident status
Is in collections
Is in arrears
Is student
Is broken promise

Is in bankruptcy

Is deceased

Is financially vulnerable

Is incarcerated

Is in active duty

Is affected by natural disaster

Count of credit card accounts

Count of deposit accounts

Count of investment accounts

Count of loan accounts
Number of dependents
Organization ID
Organization name
Account balance

Account description
Account number
Account type
Account subtype
Available credit line
Average monthly balance
Average yearly balance
Bonus met
Card number
Eligible for repossession
Credit line
Current value
Cycles past due
Days delinquent
Delinquency amount
Is account active
Is in collections
Is in arrears
Has broken promise
Loan to value ratio
Loan type
Market segment
Maturity date
Number of days past due
Ownership type
Account data

Payment network
Product type

Rate type
Relationship length in days
Account open date
Reward type

Unpaid principal
Year to date in collections
Year to date broken promises
Year to date disputes
Year to date amount disputed

Year to date foreign transaction fees

Year to date amount foreign transaction fees
Year to date in arrears
Year to date amount interest paid
Year to date interest paid

Year to date late payments

Year to date under minimum balance

Year to date over limit

Year to date payments
Web visits last 30 minutes

Web visits last 7 days

Web visits last 30 days

Web visits last 90 days

Cards page visits last 30 minutes

Cards page visits last 7 days

Cards page visits last 30 days

Cards page visits in the last 90 days

Deposit accounts page visits last 30 minutes

Deposit accounts page visits last 7 days

Deposit accounts page visits last 30 days

Deposit accounts page visits last 90 days

Mortgage page visits last 30 minutes

Mortgage page visits last 7 days

Mortgage page visits last 30 days

Mortgage page visits last 90 days

Customer behavioral data

Non-mortgage loans page visits last 30 minutes

Non-mortgage loans page visits last 7 days

Non-mortgage loans page visits last 30 days

Non-mortgage loans page visits last 90 days

Investment page visits last 30 minutes

Custo Investment page visits last 7 days

Investment page visits last 30 days

Investment page visits last 90 days

Help page visits last 30 minutes

Help page visits last 7 days

Help page visits last 30 days

Help page visits last 90 days

Churn page visits last 30 minutes

Churn page visits last 7 days

Churn page visits last 30 days

Churn page visits last 90 days

Searched for location last 30 minutes

Searched for location last 7 days

Searched for location last 30 days

Searched for location last 90 days

ure that you understand it.

Description Example Priority

Short description of the field. Priority 1-3,
1 is
2 is
for first
release, 3
in later

Primary key for the customer class and table. CUST-002 1

Prefix of customer name Mr. 2
Customer first name John 1
Customer last name Doe 1
Customer full name John Doe 1
Suffix of customer name Jr. 1
Date of birth 2/4/1990 2

Customer age. This value is calculated based on customer date of birth. 30 2

Numerical value that represents the customer lifetime value 750 2
Text description of customer lifetime value High 2
Customer gender Male 2
Customer marital status Single 3
Customer primary address line 1 10 Pleasant St. 2
Customer primary address line 2 Unit 2 2
Customer primary address city Pleasantville 2
Customer primary address state MA 2
Customer primary address postal code or zip code 61324 2
Customer primary address country United States 2
Customer primary country code US 1
Customer residential ownership status Rent 3
Customer email 1

Customer primary mobile phone 17815401232 1

Customer home phone number 15332321452 2

Customer primary work phone 15352565634 2

Customer fax number 11245225467 3

Customer Facebook handle John.Doe 3

Customer Google Plus handle 3

Customer Instagram handle Jdoe 3

Customer LinkedIn handle JohnDoe 3

Customer Skype handle John.Doe 3

Customer Twitter handle @JohnDoe 3

Consent to receive promotional emails 1 2

1 2
Consent to receive promotional texts
Consent to receive promotional calls 1 2

Consent to receive promotional push notifications 1 2

Relationship start date 4/3/2005 2
Number of days since the relationship start date 5632 2
Customer social security number 100-33-4244 2
Customer tax identification number 123451024 2
Is customer active flag 1 1
Is prospect flag 0 2
Customer annual income 99000 2
Customer debt-to-income ratio 33% 2
Customer credit score 754 2
Boolean flag to determine if the credit score is usable for marketing and
0 3
decisioning purposes. Usually 3-6 months (configurable).
Last update time of the customer's credit score. This usually is the last 6/6/2020 3
date time when a credit report was pulled on the customer.
Customer total assets 1000300 2
Customer total liabilities 324400 2
Customer net wealth 675900 2
Customer residential (citizenship) status US citizen 3
Is in collections flag 0 2
Is in arrears flag 0 2
Is student flag 0 3
Boolean flag to determine if customer has broken promise to pay
0 3
amount in arrears.
Boolean flag used to determine if a customer fits the special
circumstance bankruptcy. This boolean affects how we handle the 0 3
customer in collections.
Boolean flag used to determine if a customer fits the special
circumstance deceased. This boolean affects how we handle the 0 3
customer in collections.
Boolean flag used to determine if a customer fits the special
circumstance is financially vulnerable. This boolean affects how we 0 3
handle the customer in collections.
Boolean flag used to determine if a customer fits the special
circumstance incarceration. This boolean affects how we handle the 0 3
customer in collections.
Boolean flag used to determine if a customer fits the special
circumstance in active military service. This boolean affects how we 0 3
handle the customer in collections.
Boolean flag used to determine if a customer fits the special
circumstance affected by natural disaster. This boolean affects how we 0 3
handle the customer in collections.
A count of the number of credit card accounts associated with the 2 2

A count of the number of deposit accounts associated with the customer 2 2

A count of the number of investment accounts associated with the 1 2

A count of the number of loan accounts associated with the customer 2 2
Number of dependents 0 3
Organization identifier 2
Organization name 2
Current account balance 2
Account description. This typically holds the long description of the Chase Freedom
account type. Unlimited
Account number 3534 6765 9864 3221 2
Account type Credit card 2
Account subtype Cash back rewards 2
Primary key of the account table ACCT-1231412 2
Account remaining available credit line 7659 2
Account average monthly balance 4523 2
Account average yearly balance 5234 2
Boolean flag to mark if the customer has met the bonus criteria 0 2
Account card number 3534 6765 9864 3221 2
Determines if the account is eligible for repossession 0 2
Account credit line 10000 2
Current value of account 2341 2
Account payment cycles past due 0 2
Number of days delinquent on payment 0 2
Delinquency amount 0 2
Boolean flag to mark if the account is active 1 2
Flag field to determine if account is in collections 0 2
Flag field to determine if account is in arrears 0 2
Flag field to determine if customer has broken promise of payment on
0 2
this account
Loan to value ratio. Used for loan accounts. 2
Loan type. Used for loan accounts. 2
Market segment associated with the account such as commercial or
retail or small/medium business.
Account maturity date. Used for loan and investment accounts. 2
Number of days payment is past due 0 2
Defines the ownership type/relationship on the account such as single or Sole 2
sole, joint, irrevocable trust, etc...
Type of payment network such as Visa or MasterCard or AMEX. Visa 2
Product type; usually maps to the product ID or product name on the PROD-12512 2
customer product catalogue for this account type.
This is the numerical rate on the account. Can be used for interest rate 24.99 2
or mortgage rate. Dependent on type of account.
This is the rate type; dependent on account type. APR 2
Number of days since the account open date 460 2
Account open date 6/1/2019 2
Reward type such as cash back or travel rewards. This is used for credit Cash back 2
Defines the relationship between the customer and the account such as: Primary 2
primary account holder or account beneficiary.
Account status In good standings 2
Total unpaid principal. Used for loan accounts 0 2
Number of times account has been in collections in the past year 0 2
Number of times customer has broken promise to pay on this account
0 2
over the past year.
Number of times disputes have been filed in the past year. 1 2
Total sum of amount of money disputed on this account in the past year. 34.55 2

Total number of times foreign transaction fees have been paid over the
0 2
past year.
Total amount of foreign transaction fees paid over the past year. 0 2
Total number of times account has been in arrears over the past year. 0 2
Total amount of interest paid over the past year 0 2
Total number of times interest has been paid on the account over the
0 2
past year.
Total number of times late payments have been made over the past 0 2
Total number of times account has been under minimum balance over
0 2
the past year.
Total number of times customer has gone over the credit limit on the
0 2
account in the past year.
Total sum of payments made in the past year. 0 2
Total number of unique website visits by this customer in the last 30 2
minutes. 5
Total number of unique website visits by this customer in the last 7 days. 23
Total number of unique website visits by this customer in the last 30 2
days. 53
Total number of unique website visits by this customer in the last 90 2
days. 94
Total number of unique card pages visits by this customer in the last 30 2
minutes. 1
Total number of unique card pages visits by this customer in the last 7 2
days. 5
Total number of unique card pages visits by this customer in the last 30 2
days. 14
Total number of unique card pages visits by this customer in the last 90 2
days. 30
Total number of unique deposit account page visits by this customer in 2
the last 30 minutes. 1
Total number of unique deposit account page visits by this customer in 2
the last 7 days. 8
Total number of unique deposit account page visits by this customer in 2
the last 30 days. 17
Total number of unique deposit account page visits by this customer in 2
the last 90 days. 34
Total number of unique mortgage page visits by this customer in the last 2
30 minutes. 1
Total number of unique mortgage page visits by this customer in the last 2
7 days. 3
Total number of unique mortgage page visits by this customer in the last 2
30 days. 4
Total number of unique mortgage page visits by this customer in the last 2
90 days. 4
Total number of unique non-mortgage loan page visits by this customer 2
in the last 30 minutes. 1
Total number of unique non-mortgage loan page visits by this customer 2
in the last 7 days. 2
Total number of unique non-mortgage loan page visits by this customer 2
in the last 30 days. 7
Total number of unique non-mortgage loan page visits by this customer 2
in the last 90 days. 11
Total number of unique investment & wealth management page visits by 2
this customer in the last 30 minutes. 1
Total number of unique investment & wealth management page visits by 2
this customer in the last 7 days. 5
Total number of unique investment & wealth management page visits by 2
this customer in the last 30 days. 9
Total number of unique investment & wealth management page visits by 2
this customer in the last 90 days. 9
Total number of visits by this customer to pages correlated with getting 2
help in the last 30 minutes.. 0
Total number of visits by this customer to pages correlated with getting 2
help in the last 7 days. 0
Total number of visits by this customer to pages correlated with getting 2
help in the last 30 days. 0
Total number of visits by this customer to pages correlated with getting 2
help in the last 90 days. 3
Total number of visits by this customer to pages correlated with Churn 2
Risk in the last 30 minutes. 0
Total number of visits by this customer to pages correlated with Churn 2
Risk in the last 7 days. 1
Total number of visits by this customer to pages correlated with Churn 2
Risk in the last 30 days. 4
Total number of visits by this customer to pages correlated with Churn 2
Risk in the last 90 days. 6
Number of times a customer has searched for a physical location 2
(branch, ATM, etc) in the last 30 minutes. 0
Number of times a customer has searched for a physical location 2
(branch, ATM, etc) in the last 7 days. 2
Number of times a customer has searched for a physical location 2
(branch, ATM, etc) in the last 30 days. 6
Number of times a customer has searched for a physical location 2
(branch, ATM, etc) in the last 90 days. 18
Eligibility Applicability Suitability Trigger Predictive Ethical
Data used to Data used to Data used to A change Data suitable Data that
determine determine if an determine if an in this to determine Pega
the set of action is action is value customer recommen
criteria by appropriate at deemed determines behavior in ds should
which a this point in time appropriate if a predictive be checked
customer is for this and in the best customer analytics and for human
qualified to customer. For interest of the has machine bias when
participate or example, an customer. For reached a learning. used in
be chosen for action would fail example, spcific predictive
an action. to be applicable although a thershold analytics
For example, if the customer customer may to reasses and
to qualify, already owns a be eligible for a next best marchine
you must be competing or a loan, it may action. learning.
at least 18 more valuable be
years old or offering. inappropriate
19 years old if to market it to
you live in them if they
Boston. are likely to
default on it.

No No No No No Yes
No No No No Yes No
No No No No No No
No No No No No No
No No No No No No
No No No No No No
No No No No No No

Yes No Yes Yes Yes No

No Yes No Yes Yes Yes
No Yes No No Yes Yes
No Yes No No Yes No
Yes No No Yes Yes No
No No No No No No
No No No No Yes No
Yes No No No Yes* No
Yes No No Yes Yes No
Yes No No No Yes Yes
Yes No No Yes Yes No
Yes No No Yes Yes No
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
No No No No Yes* Yes

No No No No Yes* No

No No No No Yes* No

No No No No Yes* No

No No No No Yes* No

Yes Yes No Yes Yes* Yes

Yes Yes No Yes Yes* Yes

Yes Yes No Yes Yes* Yes

Yes Yes No Yes Yes* Yes

Yes Yes No Yes Yes* Yes

Yes Yes No Yes Yes* Yes

No No No No No No

No No No No No No

No No No No No No

No No No No No No
No No No No No* No
Yes Yes Yes No Yes No
No No No No No Yes
No No No No No No
Yes No No Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes No Yes Yes No
Yes Yes No Yes Yes No
Yes Yes No Yes Yes No
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Yes Yes No No Yes No

No No No No No No
Yes Yes No No Yes No
Yes Yes No No Yes No
Yes Yes No No Yes No
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Yes Yes No Yes Yes No
Yes Yes No Yes Yes No
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Yes Yes No Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes* Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes No No

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes* Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes* Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes* Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes* No

Yes No Yes No Yes No

Yes No No No Yes No

Yes No No No Yes No
Yes No Yes No Yes No
No No Yes Yes Yes No
No No No No Yes No
No No No No Yes No
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes* No

No No No No No No
No No No No No No
Yes No No No No No
No No No No No No
No No No No No No
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes* No
Yes No Yes No Yes* No
Yes No Yes No Yes* No
Yes Yes No Yes Yes* No
No No No No No No
Yes No Yes Yes Yes No
Yes Yes Yes No Yes* No
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes* No
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes* No
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes* No
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes* No
Yes No No No Yes* No
Yes No Yes Yes Yes No
Yes No Yes Yes Yes* No
Yes No Yes Yes Yes* No
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes* No
Yes Yes No Yes Yes* No
Yes No No No Yes* No
Yes No No Yes No No
Yes No Yes Yes Yes* No
Yes Yes No No Yes* No
Yes No No No No No
Yes Yes No No Yes* No

No Yes No No No No
No Yes No No No No
Yes No No Yes Yes No
Yes No No No No No
Yes No No No No No

Yes No No No No No
Yes No Yes Yes Yes No
Yes No Yes Yes Yes No
Yes No Yes Yes Yes* No
Yes No Yes Yes Yes No
Yes No Yes Yes Yes No
Yes No Yes Yes Yes No

Yes No No Yes Yes No

Yes No No Yes Yes No
Yes No Yes Yes Yes* No
Yes No No Yes Yes No
Yes No No Yes Yes* No

Yes No Yes Yes Yes* No

Yes No Yes Yes Yes* No

Yes No Yes Yes Yes* No

Yes No No Yes Yes* No
No No No Yes Yes Yes

No No No Yes Yes Yes

No No No Yes Yes Yes

No No No Yes Yes Yes

No No No Yes Yes Yes

No No No Yes Yes Yes

No No No Yes Yes Yes

No No No Yes Yes Yes

No No No Yes Yes Yes

No No No Yes Yes Yes

No No No Yes Yes Yes

No No No Yes Yes Yes

No No No Yes Yes Yes

No No No Yes Yes Yes

No No No Yes Yes Yes

No No No Yes Yes Yes

No No No Yes Yes Yes

No No No Yes Yes Yes

No No No Yes Yes Yes

No No No Yes Yes Yes

No No No Yes Yes Yes

No No No Yes Yes Yes

No No No Yes Yes Yes

No No No Yes Yes Yes

No No No Yes Yes Yes

No No No Yes Yes Yes

No No No Yes Yes Yes

No No No Yes Yes Yes

No No No Yes Yes Yes

No No No Yes Yes Yes

No No No Yes Yes Yes

No No No Yes Yes Yes

No No No Yes Yes Yes

No No No Yes Yes Yes

No No No Yes Yes Yes

No No No Yes Yes Yes

Notes Batch Real-Time
General notes for this specific field. This field This field
should be should be
loaded from loaded in real-
a System of time from
Record into Systems of
the Pega Record using
Customer APIs. The field
Analytical may be
data store. available
This is during ETL
typically Load, but data
done as a should be as
Batch ETL or recent as
Batch file possible.

Yes -
Yes -
Yes -
Yes -
Populate full name through use of first name and last name Yes
We advise to use relative date info such as Age instead for defining
Yes -
engagement policies

Calculated from date of birth Yes -

No Yes
No Yes
Yes -
Yes -
Yes -
Yes -
Use only the first digits as predictors Yes -
Yes -
Yes -
Yes -
Can be derived from country code Yes
Yes -
The email domain can be very predictive, but the total email address
Yes -
should not be used
Whether or not a phone number is known can be a predictor depending
Yes -
on the outcome.
Whether or not a phone number is known can be a predictor depending
Yes -
on the outcome.
Whether or not a phone number is known can be a predictor depending
Yes -
on the outcome.
Whether or not a phone number is known can be a predictor depending
Yes -
on the outcome.
Whether or not a customer handle is known can be predictive but the
Yes -
handle itself is too fine grained to be used
Whether or not a customer handle is known can be predictive but the
Yes -
handle itself is too fine grained to be used
Whether or not a customer handle is known can be predictive but the
Yes -
handle itself is too fine grained to be used
Whether or not a customer handle is known can be predictive but the Yes -
handle itself is too fine grained to be used
Whether or not a customer handle is known can be predictive but the Yes -
handle itself is too fine grained to be used
Whether or not a customer handle is known can be predictive but the Yes -
handle itself is too fine grained to be used
Should be used in OutboundPreferencesExtension strategy rather than on Yes Yes
Should be used in OutboundPreferencesExtension strategy rather than on Yes Yes
Should be used in OutboundPreferencesExtension strategy rather than on Yes Yes
Should be used in OutboundPreferencesExtension strategy rather than on Yes Yes
Logic should use relationship length in days instead Yes -
Calculated from relationship start date Yes -
Yes -
Yes -
Yes -
Yes -
Yes -
Yes -

Yes -
Yes -
Yes -
Total assets - total liabilities Yes -
Yes -
Yes -
Yes -

Predictive usage may be limited to collections use cases due to regulatory

Yes -

Yes -

Predictive usage may be limited to collections use cases due to regulatory

Yes -

Predictive usage may be limited to collections use cases due to regulatory

Yes -

Predictive usage may be limited to collections use cases due to regulatory Yes -

Predictive usage may be limited to collections use cases due to regulatory Yes -

Yes -

Yes -

Yes -
Yes -
Yes -
Yes -
Yes -
Must be aggregated at customer level Yes -

Yes -
Yes -
Yes -
Yes -
Yes -
Yes -
Must be aggregated at customer level Yes -
Must be aggregated at customer level Yes -
Yes -
Yes -
Yes -
Yes -
Must be aggregated at customer level Yes -
Yes -
Yes -
Must be aggregated at customer level Yes -
Yes -
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes -
Yes -
Yes -
Yes -
Yes Yes
Yes -
Yes -
Yes -

Yes -
Yes -
Yes -
Yes -
Yes -

Yes -
Yes -
Yes -
Must be aggregated at customer level Yes -
Yes -
Yes -
Yes -

Yes -
Yes -
Must be aggregated at customer level Yes -
Yes -
Must be aggregated at customer level Yes -

Must be aggregated at customer level Yes -

Must be aggregated at customer level Yes -

Must be aggregated at customer level Yes -

Must be aggregated at customer level Yes -
No Yes

No Yes

No Yes

No Yes

No Yes

No Yes

No Yes

No Yes

No Yes

No Yes

No Yes

No Yes

No Yes

No Yes

No Yes

No Yes

No Yes

No Yes

No Yes

No Yes

No Yes
No Yes

No Yes

No Yes

No Yes

No Yes

No Yes

No Yes

No Yes

No Yes

No Yes

No Yes

No Yes

No Yes

No Yes

No Yes
This value can be
computed by Pega
during ETL or in
Customer does not
need to have this
available in
Systems of Record.


































































Please read the Disclaimer worksheet and make sure that you understand it.
If the Frequency is blank, then the value should get populated based on your regular ETL/Batch import process for syncing y
Target System
Property Name Type Class
Pega property name (logical data The format The Pega class that this property applies to.
model). in which the
values are

CustomerID PegaMKT-Data-Customer
Prefix Text PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer
FirstName Text PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer
LastName Text PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer
FullName PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer
Suffix Text PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer
BirthDate Date PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer

Age PegaMKT-Data-Customer

MKTCLVValue PegaMKT-Data-Customer
CLV PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer
Gender Text PegaMKT-Data-Customer
MaritalStatus Text PegaMKT-Data-Customer
PrimaryAddressLine1 PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer
PrimaryAddressLine2 PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer
PrimaryCity PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer
PrimaryState PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer
PrimaryPostalCode PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer
PrimaryCountry PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer
PrimaryCountryCode PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer
OwnershipStatus PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer
PrimaryEmail Text PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer
PrimaryMobilePhone PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer
PrimaryHomePhone PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer
PrimaryWorkPhone PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer
PrimaryFax Text PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer
Facebook PegaMKT-Data-Customer
GooglePlus PegaMKT-Data-Customer
Instagram PegaMKT-Data-Customer
LinkedIn Text PegaMKT-Data-Customer
Skype Text PegaMKT-Data-Customer
Twitter Text PegaMKT-Data-Customer
HasOptInEmail PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer
HasOptiInSMS PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer
HasOptInCall PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer

HasOptInPushNotification PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer
RelationshipStartDate Date PegaMKT-Data-Customer

RelationshipLengthDays PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer
SSN PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer
TaxIDNumber PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer
IsCustomerActive Text PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer
IsProspect Boolean PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer
AnnualIncome Decimal PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer
DebtToIncomeRatio PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer
CreditScore Integer PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer


IsCreditScoreStale PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer
Date Time

CreditScoreUpdatedTime PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer
TotalAssets Decimal PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer
TotalLiabilities Decimal PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer
NetWealth Decimal PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer
ResidentialStatus PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer
IsInCollections Boolean PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer
IsInArrears Boolean PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer
IsStudent Boolean PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer


HasBrokenPromise PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer


IsBankruptcy PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer


IsDeceased PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer


IsFinanciallyVulnerable PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer


IsIncarcerated PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer

IsActiveMilitaryService PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer


IsInDisasterArea PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer


NumCreditCardAccount PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer


NumDepositAccount PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer


NumInvestmentAccount PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer

NumLoanAccount PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer
NoOfDependents Integer PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer
OrganizationID Text PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer
OrganizationName Text PegaCDH-Data-FS-Customer
AccountBalance Decimal PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts


AccountDescription PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts
AccountNumber Text PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts
AccountType Text PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts
AccountSubType Text PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts
AccountID PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts
CreditLineAvailable PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts
AvgMonthlyBalance PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts
AvgYearlyBalance PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts

HasMetBonus PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts
CardNumber Text PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts
IsEligibleForRepossession PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts
CreditLine Decimal PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts
CurrentValue Decimal PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts
CyclesPastDue PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts
DaysDelinquent PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts
DelinquencyAmount Decimal PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts
IsAccountActive PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts
IsInCollections PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts
IsInArrears PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts


HasBrokenPromise PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts
LoanToValueRatio PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts
LoanType PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts


MarketSegment PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts

MaturityDate PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts
NumDaysPastDue PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts


OwnershipType PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts
PaymentNetwork PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts


ProductType PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts


Rate PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts

RateType PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts
RelationshipLengthDays PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts
AccountOpenDate Date PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts


RewardType PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts


Role PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts
Status Text PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts
UnpaidPrincipal PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts

YTDInCollections PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts


YTDBrokenPromises PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts

YTDDisputes PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts

YTDDisputedAmount PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts

YTDForeignTxnFee PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts

YTDForeignTxnFeeAmount PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts

YTDInArrears PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts
YTDInterestPaid PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts


YTDInterestPaidAmount PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts

YTDLatePayment PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts


YTDUnderMinimumBalance PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts


YTDOverLimit PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts
YTDPaymentAmount PegaCDH-Data-FS-Accounts


NumWebVisits30Mins PegaCDH-Data-FS-BehavioralData


NumWebVisits7Days PegaCDH-Data-FS-BehavioralData


NumWebVisits30Days PegaCDH-Data-FS-BehavioralData


NumWebVisits90Days PegaCDH-Data-FS-BehavioralData

NumCardsVisits30Mins PegaCDH-Data-FS-BehavioralData


NumCardsVisits7Days PegaCDH-Data-FS-BehavioralData


NumCardsVisits30Days PegaCDH-Data-FS-BehavioralData


NumCardsVisits90Days PegaCDH-Data-FS-BehavioralData


NumDepositVisits30Mins PegaCDH-Data-FS-BehavioralData


NumDepositVisits7Days PegaCDH-Data-FS-BehavioralData


NumDepositVisits30Days PegaCDH-Data-FS-BehavioralData


NumDepositVisits90Days PegaCDH-Data-FS-BehavioralData


NumMortgageVisits30Mins PegaCDH-Data-FS-BehavioralData


NumMortgageVisits30Days PegaCDH-Data-FS-BehavioralData


NumMortgageVisits7Days PegaCDH-Data-FS-BehavioralData

NumMortgageVisits90Days PegaCDH-Data-FS-BehavioralData


NumLoansVisits30Mins PegaCDH-Data-FS-BehavioralData


NumLoansVisits30Days PegaCDH-Data-FS-BehavioralData


NumLoansVisits7Days PegaCDH-Data-FS-BehavioralData


NumLoansVisits90Days PegaCDH-Data-FS-BehavioralData


NumInvestmentVisits30Mins PegaCDH-Data-FS-BehavioralData


NumInvestmentVisits30Days PegaCDH-Data-FS-BehavioralData


NumInvestmentVisits7Days PegaCDH-Data-FS-BehavioralData


NumInvestmentVisits90Days PegaCDH-Data-FS-BehavioralData


NumHelpPageVisits30Mins PegaCDH-Data-FS-BehavioralData

NumHelpPageVisits30Days PegaCDH-Data-FS-BehavioralData


NumHelpPageVisits7Days PegaCDH-Data-FS-BehavioralData


NumHelpPageVisits90Days PegaCDH-Data-FS-BehavioralData


NumChurnRiskVisits30Mins PegaCDH-Data-FS-BehavioralData


NumChurnRiskVisits30Days PegaCDH-Data-FS-BehavioralData


NumChurnRiskVisits7Days PegaCDH-Data-FS-BehavioralData


NumChurnRiskVisits90Days PegaCDH-Data-FS-BehavioralData


NumLocationSearch30Mins PegaCDH-Data-FS-BehavioralData


NumLocationSearch30Days PegaCDH-Data-FS-BehavioralData


NumLocationSearch7Days PegaCDH-Data-FS-BehavioralData

NumLocationSearch90Days PegaCDH-Data-FS-BehavioralData
Batch import process for syncing your CDH data with your source data store/data lake

Database Mapping Description System

Table name and column name that property is Short description of the The system in
mapped to. In the format tablename.columnname field. which the variable
is located.

Primary key for the

cdh_fs_customer.CustomerID customer class and table.
cdh_fs_customer.Prefix Prefix of customer name
cdh_fs_customer.FirstName Customer first name
cdh_fs_customer.LastName Customer last name

cdh_fs_customer.FullName Customer full name

cdh_fs_customer.Suffix Suffix of customer name
cdh_fs_customer.BirthDate Date of birth
Customer age. This value is
calculated based on
cdh_fs_customer.Age customer date of birth.
Numerical value that
represents the customer
cdh_fs_customer.MKTCLVValue lifetime value
Text description of
cdh_fs_customer.CLV customer lifetime value
cdh_fs_customer.Gender Customer gender
cdh_fs_customer.MaritalStatus Customer marital status
Customer primary address
cdh_fs_customer.PrimaryAddressLine1 line 1
Customer primary address
cdh_fs_customer.PrimaryAddressLine2 line 2
Customer primary address
cdh_fs_customer.PrimaryCity city
Customer primary address
cdh_fs_customer.PrimaryState state
Customer primary address
cdh_fs_customer.PrimaryPostalCode postal code or zip code
Customer primary address
cdh_fs_customer.PrimaryCountry country
Customer primary country
cdh_fs_customer.PrimaryCountryCode code
Customer residential
cdh_fs_customer.OwnershipStatus ownership status
cdh_fs_customer.PrimaryEmail Customer email
Customer primary mobile
cdh_fs_customer.PrimaryMobilePhone phone
Customer home phone
cdh_fs_customer.PrimaryHomePhone number
Customer primary work
cdh_fs_customer.PrimaryWorkPhone phone
cdh_fs_customer.PrimaryFax Customer fax number

cdh_fs_customer.Facebook Customer Facebook handle

Customer Google Plus
cdh_fs_customer.GooglePlus handle

cdh_fs_customer.Instagram Customer Instagram handle

cdh_fs_customer.LinkedIn Customer LinkedIn handle
cdh_fs_customer.Skype Customer Skype handle
cdh_fs_customer.Twitter Customer Twitter handle
Consent to receive
cdh_fs_customer.HasOptInEmail promotional emails
Consent to receive
cdh_fs_customer.HasOptiInSMS promotional texts
Consent to receive
cdh_fs_customer.HasOptInCall promotional calls
Consent to receive
promotional push
cdh_fs_customer.HasOptInPushNotification notifications
cdh_fs_customer.RelationshipStartDate Relationship start date

Number of days since the

cdh_fs_customer.RelationshipLengthDays relationship start date
Customer social security
cdh_fs_customer.SSN number
Customer tax identification
cdh_fs_customer.TaxIDNumber number
cdh_fs_customer.IsCustomerActive Is customer active flag
cdh_fs_customer.IsProspect Is prospect flag
cdh_fs_customer.AnnualIncome Customer annual income
Customer debt-to-income
cdh_fs_customer.DebtToIncomeRatio ratio
cdh_fs_customer.CreditScore Customer credit score

Boolean flag to determine if

the credit score is usable for
marketing and decisioning
purposes. Usually 3-6
cdh_fs_customer.IsCreditScoreStale months (configurable).
Last update time of the
customer's credit score.
This usually is the last date
time when a credit report
was pulled on the
cdh_fs_customer.CreditScoreUpdatedTime customer.
cdh_fs_customer.TotalAssets Customer total assets
cdh_fs_customer.TotalLiabilities Customer total liabilities
cdh_fs_customer.NetWealth Customer net wealth
Customer residential
cdh_fs_customer.ResidentialStatus (citizenship) status
cdh_fs_customer.IsInCollections Is in collections flag
cdh_fs_customer.IsInArrears Is in arrears flag
cdh_fs_customer.IsStudent Is student flag

Boolean flag to determine if

customer has broken
promise to pay amount in
cdh_fs_customer.HasBrokenPromise arrears.

Boolean flag used to

determine if a customer fits
the special circumstance
bankruptcy. This boolean
affects how we handle the
cdh_fs_customer.IsBankruptcy customer in collections.

Boolean flag used to

determine if a customer fits
the special circumstance
deceased. This boolean
affects how we handle the
cdh_fs_customer.IsDeceased customer in collections.

Boolean flag used to

determine if a customer fits
the special circumstance is
financially vulnerable. This
boolean affects how we
handle the customer in
cdh_fs_customer.IsFinanciallyVulnerable collections.

Boolean flag used to

determine if a customer fits
the special circumstance
incarceration. This boolean
affects how we handle the
cdh_fs_customer.IsIncarcerated customer in collections.
Boolean flag used to
determine if a customer fits
the special circumstance in
active military service. This
boolean affects how we
handle the customer in
cdh_fs_customer.IsActiveMilitaryService collections.

Boolean flag used to

determine if a customer fits
the special circumstance
affected by natural disaster.
This boolean affects how
we handle the customer in
cdh_fs_customer.IsInDisasterArea collections.

A count of the number of

credit card accounts
associated with the
cdh_fs_customer.NumCreditCardAccount customer

A count of the number of

deposit accounts associated
cdh_fs_customer.NumDepositAccount with the customer

A count of the number of

investment accounts
associated with the
cdh_fs_customer.NumInvestmentAccount customer
A count of the number of
loan accounts associated
cdh_fs_customer.NumLoanAccount with the customer
cdh_fs_customer.NoOfDependents Number of dependents
cdh_fs_customer.OrganizationID Organization identifier
cdh_fs_customer.OrganizationName Organization name
cdh_fs_account.AccountBalance Current account balance

Account description. This

typically holds the long
description of the account
cdh_fs_account.AccountDescription type.
cdh_fs_account.AccountNumber Account number
cdh_fs_account.AccountType Account type
cdh_fs_account.AccountSubType Account subtype
Primary key of the account
cdh_fs_account.AccountID table
Account remaining available
cdh_fs_account.CreditLineAvailable credit line
Account average monthly
cdh_fs_account.AvgMonthlyBalance balance
Account average yearly
cdh_fs_account.AvgYearlyBalance balance
Boolean flag to mark if the
customer has met the
cdh_fs_account.HasMetBonus bonus criteria
cdh_fs_account.CardNumber Account card number
Determines if the account is
cdh_fs_account.IsEligibleForRepossession eligible for repossession
cdh_fs_account.CreditLine Account credit line
cdh_fs_account.CurrentValue Current value of account
Account payment cycles
cdh_fs_account.CyclesPastDue past due
Number of days delinquent
cdh_fs_account.DaysDelinquent on payment
cdh_fs_account.DelinquencyAmount Delinquency amount
Boolean flag to mark if the
cdh_fs_account.IsAccountActive account is active
Flag field to determine if
cdh_fs_account.IsInCollections account is in collections
Flag field to determine if
cdh_fs_account.IsInArrears account is in arrears

Flag field to determine if

customer has broken
promise of payment on this
cdh_fs_account.HasBrokenPromise account
Loan to value ratio. Used
cdh_fs_account.LoanToValueRatio for loan accounts.
Loan type. Used for loan
cdh_fs_account.LoanType accounts.

Market segment associated

with the account such as
commercial or retail or
cdh_fs_account.MarketSegment small/medium business.
Account maturity date.
Used for loan and
cdh_fs_account.MaturityDate investment accounts.
Number of days payment is
cdh_fs_account.NumDaysPastDue past due

Defines the ownership

type/relationship on the
account such as single or
sole, joint, irrevocable trust,
cdh_fs_account.OwnershipType etc...
Type of payment network
such as Visa or MasterCard
cdh_fs_account.PaymentNetwork or AMEX.

Product type; usually maps

to the product ID or
product name on the
customer product catalogue
cdh_fs_account.ProductType for this account type.

This is the numerical rate on

the account. Can be used
for interest rate or
mortgage rate. Dependent
cdh_fs_account.Rate on type of account.

This is the rate type;

cdh_fs_account.RateType dependent on account type.
Number of days since the
cdh_fs_account.RelationshipLengthDays account open date
cdh_fs_account.AccountOpenDate Account open date

Reward type such as cash

back or travel rewards. This
cdh_fs_account.RewardType is used for credit accounts.

Defines the relationship

between the customer and
the account such as:
primary account holder or
cdh_fs_account.Role account beneficiary.
cdh_fs_account.Status Account status
Total unpaid principal. Used
cdh_fs_account.UnpaidPrincipal for loan accounts
Number of times account
has been in collections in
cdh_fs_account.YTDInCollections the past year

Number of times customer

has broken promise to pay
on this account over the
cdh_fs_account.YTDBrokenPromises past year.
Number of times disputes
have been filed in the past
cdh_fs_account.YTDDisputes year.
Total sum of amount of
money disputed on this
cdh_fs_account.YTDDisputedAmount account in the past year.
Total number of times
foreign transaction fees
have been paid over the
cdh_fs_account.YTDForeignTxnFee past year.
Total amount of foreign
transaction fees paid over
cdh_fs_account.YTDForeignTxnFeeAmount the past year.
Total number of times
account has been in arrears
cdh_fs_account.YTDInArrears over the past year.
Total amount of interest
cdh_fs_account.YTDInterestPaid paid over the past year

Total number of times

interest has been paid on
the account over the past
cdh_fs_account.YTDInterestPaidAmount year.
Total number of times late
payments have been made
cdh_fs_account.YTDLatePayment over the past year.

Total number of times

account has been under
minimum balance over the
cdh_fs_account.YTDUnderMinimumBalance past year.

Total number of times

customer has gone over the
credit limit on the account
cdh_fs_account.YTDOverLimit in the past year.
Total sum of payments
cdh_fs_account.YTDPaymentAmount made in the past year.

Total number of unique

website visits by this
customer in the last 30
cdh_fs_behavioraldata.NumWebVisits30Mins minutes.

Total number of unique

website visits by this
cdh_fs_behavioraldata.NumWebVisits7Days customer in the last 7 days.

Total number of unique

website visits by this
customer in the last 30
cdh_fs_behavioraldata.NumWebVisits30Days days.

Total number of unique

website visits by this
customer in the last 90
cdh_fs_behavioraldata.NumWebVisits90Days days.
Total number of unique
card pages visits by this
customer in the last 30
cdh_fs_behavioraldata.NumCardsVisits30Mins minutes.

Total number of unique

card pages visits by this
cdh_fs_behavioraldata.NumCardsVisits7Days customer in the last 7 days.

Total number of unique

card pages visits by this
customer in the last 30
cdh_fs_behavioraldata.NumCardsVisits30Days days.

Total number of unique

card pages visits by this
customer in the last 90
cdh_fs_behavioraldata.NumCardsVisits90Days days.

Total number of unique

deposit account page visits
by this customer in the last
cdh_fs_behavioraldata.NumDepositVisits30Mins 30 minutes.

Total number of unique

deposit account page visits
by this customer in the last
cdh_fs_behavioraldata.NumDepositVisits7Days 7 days.

Total number of unique

deposit account page visits
by this customer in the last
cdh_fs_behavioraldata.NumDepositVisits30Days 30 days.

Total number of unique

deposit account page visits
by this customer in the last
cdh_fs_behavioraldata.NumDepositVisits90Days 90 days.

Total number of unique

mortgage page visits by this
customer in the last 30
cdh_fs_behavioraldata.NumMortgageVisits30Mins minutes.

Total number of unique

mortgage page visits by this
cdh_fs_behavioraldata.NumMortgageVisits30Days customer in the last 7 days.

Total number of unique

mortgage page visits by this
customer in the last 30
cdh_fs_behavioraldata.NumMortgageVisits7Days days.
Total number of unique
mortgage page visits by this
customer in the last 90
cdh_fs_behavioraldata.NumMortgageVisits90Days days.

Total number of unique

non-mortgage loan page
visits by this customer in
cdh_fs_behavioraldata.NumLoansVisits30Mins the last 30 minutes.

Total number of unique

non-mortgage loan page
visits by this customer in
cdh_fs_behavioraldata.NumLoansVisits30Days the last 7 days.

Total number of unique

non-mortgage loan page
visits by this customer in
cdh_fs_behavioraldata.NumLoansVisits7Days the last 30 days.

Total number of unique

non-mortgage loan page
visits by this customer in
cdh_fs_behavioraldata.NumLoansVisits90Days the last 90 days.

Total number of unique

investment & wealth
management page visits by
this customer in the last 30
cdh_fs_behavioraldata.NumInvestmentVisits30Mins minutes.

Total number of unique

investment & wealth
management page visits by
this customer in the last 7
cdh_fs_behavioraldata.NumInvestmentVisits30Days days.

Total number of unique

investment & wealth
management page visits by
this customer in the last 30
cdh_fs_behavioraldata.NumInvestmentVisits7Days days.

Total number of unique

investment & wealth
management page visits by
this customer in the last 90
cdh_fs_behavioraldata.NumInvestmentVisits90Days days.

Total number of visits by

this customer to pages
correlated with getting help
cdh_fs_behavioraldata.NumHelpPageVisits30Mins in the last 30 minutes..
Total number of visits by
this customer to pages
correlated with getting help
cdh_fs_behavioraldata.NumHelpPageVisits30Days in the last 7 days.

Total number of visits by

this customer to pages
correlated with getting help
cdh_fs_behavioraldata.NumHelpPageVisits7Days in the last 30 days.

Total number of visits by

this customer to pages
correlated with getting help
cdh_fs_behavioraldata.NumHelpPageVisits90Days in the last 90 days.

Total number of visits by

this customer to pages
correlated with Churn Risk
cdh_fs_behavioraldata.NumChurnRiskVisits30Mins in the last 30 minutes.

Total number of visits by

this customer to pages
correlated with Churn Risk
cdh_fs_behavioraldata.NumChurnRiskVisits30Days in the last 7 days.

Total number of visits by

this customer to pages
correlated with Churn Risk
cdh_fs_behavioraldata.NumChurnRiskVisits7Days in the last 30 days.

Total number of visits by

this customer to pages
correlated with Churn Risk
cdh_fs_behavioraldata.NumChurnRiskVisits90Days in the last 90 days.

Number of times a
customer has searched for a
physical location (branch,
ATM, etc) in the last 30
cdh_fs_behavioraldata.NumLocationSearch30Mins minutes.

Number of times a
customer has searched for a
physical location (branch,
cdh_fs_behavioraldata.NumLocationSearch30Days ATM, etc) in the last 7 days.

Number of times a
customer has searched for a
physical location (branch,
ATM, etc) in the last 30
cdh_fs_behavioraldata.NumLocationSearch7Days days.
Number of times a
customer has searched for a
physical location (branch,
ATM, etc) in the last 90
cdh_fs_behavioraldata.NumLocationSearch90Days days.
Source System
The table in which the variable is located.
Source System
The name of the variable/column that you want to ingest.
Transformation Details
Transformation Batch Load Real-time Push Frequency
The transformation required to Field is not frequently Business critical to How often the field is
convert the variable from its updated or not business be real-time and refreshed from the
original form into that required critical to be real-time can be pushed to source system.
by the Pega Customer Decision and therefore can be CDH as it changes
Hub™. loaded on a fixed in the system of
schedule record

Yes Weekly
Yes Weekly
Yes Weekly
Yes Weekly
Populate from FirstName +
LastName Yes Weekly
Yes Weekly
Yes Weekly

Calculate from Birthdate Yes Weekly

Yes Weekly
Set based on a designated
range for MKTCLVVALUE Yes Weekly
Yes Weekly
Yes Weekly

Yes Weekly

Yes Weekly

Yes Weekly

Yes Weekly

Yes Weekly

Yes Weekly

Yes Weekly

Yes Weekly
Yes Weekly

Yes Weekly

Yes Weekly

Yes Weekly
Yes Weekly

Yes Weekly

Yes Weekly

Yes Weekly
Yes Weekly
Yes Weekly
Yes Weekly

Yes Real-time

Yes Real-time

Yes Real-time

Yes Real-time
Calculated from
RelationshipStartDate using a
data flow Yes Daily

Yes Weekly

Yes Weekly
Yes Daily
Yes Weekly
Yes Weekly

Yes Weekly
Yes Daily

Calculated based on
CreditScoreUpdatedTime Yes Daily
Yes Daily
Yes Weekly
Yes Weekly
Yes Weekly

Yes Weekly
Yes Daily
Yes Daily
Yes Weekly

Yes Weekly

Yes Daily

Yes Daily

Yes Daily

Yes Weekly
Yes Weekly

Yes Weekly

Yes Weekly

Yes Weekly

Yes Weekly

Yes Weekly
Yes Weekly
Yes Weekly
Yes Weekly
Yes Daily

Yes Weekly
Yes Weekly
Yes Weekly
Yes Weekly

Yes Weekly

Yes Daily
Yes Weekly

Yes Weekly

Yes Daily
Yes Weekly

Yes Weekly
Yes Daily
Yes Daily

Yes Weekly

Yes Daily
Yes Daily

Yes Daily

Yes Daily

Yes Daily

Yes Daily

Yes Daily

Yes Weekly

Yes Weekly

Yes Weekly

Yes Daily

Yes Weekly
Yes Weekly

Yes Weekly

Yes Weekly

Yes Weekly
Calculated from
AccountOpenDate Yes Daily
Yes Once

Yes Weekly

Yes Weekly
Yes Weekly

Yes Weekly

Should be passed in as an
aggregate Yes Weekly

Should be passed in as an
aggregate Yes Weekly

Should be passed in as an
aggregate Yes Weekly

Should be passed in as an
aggregate Yes Weekly
Should be passed in as an
aggregate Yes Weekly

Should be passed in as an
aggregate Yes Weekly

Should be passed in as an
aggregate Yes Weekly
Should be passed in as an
aggregate Yes Weekly

Should be passed in as an
aggregate Yes Weekly

Should be passed in as an
aggregate Yes Weekly

Should be passed in as an
aggregate Yes Weekly

Should be passed in as an
aggregate Yes Weekly
Should be passed in as an
aggregate Yes Weekly

Yes Real-time

Yes Real-time

Yes Real-time

Yes Real-time
Yes Real-time

Yes Real-time

Yes Real-time

Yes Real-time

Yes Real-time

Yes Real-time

Yes Real-time

Yes Real-time

Yes Real-time

Yes Real-time

Yes Real-time
Yes Real-time

Yes Real-time

Yes Real-time

Yes Real-time

Yes Real-time

Yes Real-time

Yes Real-time

Yes Real-time

Yes Real-time

Yes Real-time
Yes Real-time

Yes Real-time

Yes Real-time

Yes Real-time

Yes Real-time

Yes Real-time

Yes Real-time

Yes Real-time

Yes Real-time

Yes Real-time
Yes Real-time

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