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Teacher Observation Notes (Danielson Framework)

Educator Name: Katelyn O’Brien Subject(s): Grade 8 Science Grade Level(s): 8th Grade
Evaluator Name: Jacqueline Hawkins Date: 9/24/20 and 10/1/20 Time: 4th period and 1st

Domain 2: The Classroom Environment Observations

Component 2a: Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport (Standard 6)
Elements of Focus:
9/24/20- Students readily participated by unmuting to answer
questions and read for the class.
- Students asked questions when they could not figure
things out. Katelyn tried to help them.
Observed Teacher interaction with students - Other students offered suggestions to help a student who
was having technology issues.
10/1/20- Students asked Ms. O’Brien questions about
- Students offered help and tips for struggling students.
Observed Student interaction with other students

Component 2b: Establishing a Culture for Learning (Standard 6)

Elements of Focus: 9/24/20- Katelyn reviewed content from Wednesday’s
Asynchronous lesson that was needed to understand Thursday’s
- Katelyn explained what was expected of student work
with electronic glossaries.
- Students did their best as they wanted to have nice
pictures. They asked questions when the technology was
giving them problems in completing the task.
10/1/20- Katelyn reviewed the periodic table as it was being used
in the lesson to calculate neutrons.
- Student tasks were fully explained, she shared her screen
to show students where to find information and
explained the completion.


Teacher Observation Notes (Danielson Framework)
- Katelyn re-explained herself several times to a student
who joined late and then had trouble understanding what
the task is.
Observed Importance of content
Observed Expectations for learning and achievement
Observed Student pride in work

Component 2c: Managing Classroom Procedures (Standard 6)

Elements of Focus: Katelyn did not have smaller instructional groups as this is
difficult to manage virtually.
Katelyn transitioned her lessons from a warm-up discussion
(9/24) to the lesson, then to the assignment.

Katelyn managed the materials as she used appropriate tools to

have students create an electronic glossary, complete discussion
post check-points in the lesson (10/1).
Not Observed Management of instructional groups
Katelyn’s (9/24) video opens with her finishing up attendance.
Katelyn monitored (10/1) students posting in the discussion area
for quality in posts as well as completion.
Observed Management of transitions
Observed Management of materials and supplies
Observed Performance of non-instructional duties
Not Observed Supervision of volunteers and paraprofessionals

Component 2d: Managing Student Behavior (Standard 6)

Elements of Focus: Katelyn gave the expectations of activities as she transitioned
from each one. At times she referred them to the textbook,
discussion posts, and assignments. She is attentive to students in
the meet, noting the late-comers without drawing attention to
them in a negative way. She answered questions of students who
seemed as though they likely weren’t paying attention. She was
patient and calm in her demeanor.
Observed Expectations


Teacher Observation Notes (Alaska Standards)
Observed Monitoring of student behavior
Observed Response to student misbehavior

Component 2e: Organizing Physical Space (Standard 6)

Elements of Focus: Katelyn’s virtual classroom is very accessible to synchronous and
asynchronous learners. She has her folders maintained with
complete lessons, lesson instructions that include the objectives
and standards of the lesson, and quick links to frequently used
Observed Safety and accessibility At this time there is no need for physical space arrangements.
Not Observed Arrangement of furniture and use of physical resources

Domain 3: Instruction Observations

Katelyn explained the goals/objectives of the lessons. She gave
detailed verbal instructions, as well as visual instructions by
Component 3a: Communicating with Students (Standard 2) sharing her screen with students. Katelyn had presentations
created in advance for content being taught to students. Katelyn
explained verbally as well as had written slides and instructions.
Elements of Focus:
Observed Expectations for learning
Observed Directions and procedures
Observed Explanations of content
Observed Use of oral and written language

9/24/20 Katelyn gave varying levels of questions from the

Wednesday lesson both orally and through a discussion post
warm up. Katelyn encouraged students to unmute to volunteer
their responses. She also asked some to read slides to get them
Component 3b: Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques (Standard 6)
used to talking in her class. She asked them for “thumbs
up/down” responses to indicate if they understood. She also
utilized follow-up questions about content to make inferences of
future learning.
Elements of Focus: 10/1/20 Katelyn asked questions, and with few volunteers, she
appropriately praised the few volunteers to positively encourage


Teacher Observation Notes (Danielson Framework)
this behavior in her class. She also allowed students to make use
of the chat feature in Google Meet to participate.
Observed Quality of questions
Observed Discussion techniques
Observed Student participation

Component 3c: Engaging Students in Learning (Standard 6)

Elements of Focus: Katelyn has several activities and assignments focused around the
objectives in the lessons. She used a variety of materials:
textbook, Google Slides, and Schoology features.
She timed activities well to fit in the 40 minute class periods
Observed Activities and assignments
Not Observed Grouping of students
Observed Instructional materials and resources
Observed Structure and pacing

9/24/20 Katelyn gave the assessment criteria for the virtual

Component 3d: Using Assessment in Instruction (Standard 5)
Katelyn monitored discussion posts to formatively evaluate the
understanding of students.
Elements of Focus:
She provided feedback to the class about the posts and asked for
Observed Assessment criteria
student sharing (9/24/20).
Observed Monitoring of student learning
Observed Feedback to students She provided feedback about the quality in the posts (10/1/20).
Observed Student self-assessment and monitoring of progress

10/1/20- Katelyn adjusted her lesson on 10/1/20, not having a

Component 3e: Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness (Standard 2) discussion post warm-up as a student logged in early to ask
questions about the electronic glossary.
Elements of Focus: 9/24/20- Katelyn responded to students having issues with the
electronic textbook and right clicking on a chrome book. Katelyn


Teacher Observation Notes (Alaska Standards)
was persistent in trying to find solutions to their problems.
Katelyn followed up with me after classes to find out why she
may be having the issue with the online text.

10/1/20- Katelyn patiently responded to a student who joined

Observed Lesson adjustment late and could not figure out what he was doing. She guided him
multiple times to get him on task.
Observed Response to students
Observed Persistence


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