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Week 1 Discussion: The Role of Government in the U.S.

Health Care System

Dayna Canzone

Walden University

NURS-6050N-17, Policy & Advocacy November 20, 2018

Healthcare in the United States as a right or privilege

In an ideal world, healthcare would be a guaranteed right provided to all citizens.

Individuals would not have to choose between paying for their healthcare needs and putting food

on the table for their family. People should not have to question if they could afford to go to the

doctor when they were sick, or if they can pay to pick up their medications at the pharmacy

without fear of extensive costs. Healthcare has become a privilege for those who can afford to

obtain and use it. Many people go without healthcare coverage or services because they are not

financially capable of maintaining the expense.

I feel that recent modifications to insurance costs have allowed people to obtain insurance

when they may not have been able to otherwise. There are several populations that are unable to

obtain health coverage, and their vulnerability places them at greater risk for illness. Kovner

(2011) shared that the term “vulnerable populations” is an umbrella term for all of the

individuals who, due to a wide variety of factors, are at a greater risk for poor health status and

health care access. There are several barriers that hold people back from fully utilizing services

that could prevent illness and promote health. Although more people may have access to health

insurance policy, many will still avoid obtaining and using their insurance due to unaffordable

insurance plan costs and deductibles and also a lack of knowledge of the services that are

available. I personally feel that healthcare should be a right that all people are granted. Although
it may take quite some time, I hope that can instill the appropriate changes in our future to make

this a reality.

Governmental Role in Health Care

Although many barriers are still found standing in the way of obtaining and utilizing

healthcare services, many of these healthcare problems can improve with government

involvement. Without guidelines from the government, it would be difficult to implement some

of the necessary changes and government programs that can help those in need. With

improvements from government funded programs, we are now able to provide more affordable

healthcare plans than in the past. People are being educated on the services that are available and

they are learning about the health risks that can be avoided. Preventative care and increased

education are areas where the government can step in to promote societal health.

Health Care Delivery Impacted. I feel that one of the greatest barriers in healthcare

delivery are the economic factors that negatively impact the healthcare that providers are

delivering. Although many people are able to selectively purchase a healthcare plan that is

suitable for their needs, many people are not as fortunate. There are numerous social and

economic factors that are getting in the way of their health. Many vulnerable populations around

the country are not able to afford a health plan for their family. Limited access to healthcare is

creating increased health issues and a decrease in health overall. Rigby (2009) shared that the

current focus of health informatics to look solely at health service delivery is to deepen the

insularity and fragmentation that is the enemy of person-centred holistic care. We need to focus

on the entire person that is being cared for and not just the delivery of their care.

Article Stance. Although the question of privilege or right exists when it comes to

healthcare for all, it is important to look at the care that individuals are receiving. “Finding
better, lower cost ways to deliver better health, rather than just healthcare, is critical to the future

of our country and the sustainability of our health delivery system” (“Ballad Health Joins,”

2018). We need to focus on the care that is being provided and not just the healthcare that people

are being offered. Providing quality care should remain the focus in healthcare. Cost and

compensation for services are extremely important driving points when it comes to healthcare,

but we need to make sure that the care provided is actually improving the health of the

individuals in our society.


Ballad health joins 16 other leading health systems in national project to transform care for

vulnerable populations. (2018, Aug 22). NASDAQ OMX's News Release Distribution Channel

Retrieved from

Kovner, A. R., & Knickman, J. R. (Eds.). (2011). Health care delivery in the United States (10th

ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing.

Rigby, M., Hill, P., Koch, S., & Kärki, J. (2009). Social care informatics - the missing partner in

ehealth. Studies In Health Technology And Informatics, 150, 277–281. Retrieved from


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