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Question 1 ( 1.

0 marks)
What is sky wave propagation?
They type of propagation in which radio waves are transmitted towards the sky and are
reflected by the ionosphere towards the desired location on earth is called sky wave
Question 2 ( 1.0 marks)
Write the following radiations in ascending order with respect to their frequencies:

X-rays, microwaves, UV rays and radio waves.

The given radiations can be arranged in ascending order with respect to their frequencies

Radio waves < Microwaves < UV rays < X-rays

Question 3 ( 1.0 marks)
Magnetic field lines can be entirely confined within the core of a toroid, but not within a
straight solenoid. Why?
Magnetic field lines form closed loops around a current-carrying wire. The geometry of a
straight solenoid is such that magnetic field lines cannot loop around circular wires
without spilling over to the outside of the solenoid. The geometry of a toroid is such that
magnetic field lines can loop around electric wires without spilling over to the outside.
Hence, magnetic field lines can be entirely confined within the core of a toroid, but not
within a straight solenoid.
Question 4 ( 1.0 marks)
You are given following three lenses. Which two lenses will you use as an eyepiece and
as an objective to construct an astronomical telescope?

Lens Power (P) Aperture (A)

L1 3D 8 cm

L2 6D 1 cm

L3 10D 1 cm
For constructing an astronomical telescope, the objective should have the maximum
diameter. Of the three lenses given, L1 has the maximum diameter.

The eyepiece should have the highest power for better magnification. Therefore, we use
lens L3.
Question 5 ( 1.0 marks)
If the angle between the pass axis of polarizer and the analyser is 45º, write the ratio of
the intensities of original light and the transmitted light after passing through the
I = Im cos2 θ


I is the transmitted intensity

Imis the maximum value of the transmitted intensity

θ is the angle between the two polarising directions

Question 6 ( 1.0 marks)

The figure shows a plot of three curves a, b, c, showing the variation of photocurrent vs
collector plate potential for three different intensities I1, I2 and I3 having
frequencies v1, v2 and v3 respectively incident of a photosensitive surface.

Point out the two curves for which the incident radiations have same frequency but
different intensities.

Curves a and b have the same frequency but different intensities.
Question 7 ( 1.0 marks)
What type of wavefront will emerge from a (i) point source, and (ii) distance light
(i) For point source, wavefront will be spherical.
(ii) For a distannt light source, the wavefronts will be plane wavefronts.
Question 8 ( 1.0 marks)
Two nuclei have mass numbers in the ratio 1: 2. What is the ratio of their nuclear
Nuclear density is independent of mass number. Hence, both the atoms have the same
nuclear density.
Question 9 ( 2.0 marks)
A cell of emf ‘E’ and internal resistance ‘r’ is connected across a variable resistor ‘R’.
Plot a graph showing the variation of terminal potential ‘V’ with resistance R. Predict
from the graph the condition under which ‘V’ becomes equal to ‘E’.
V becomes equal to E when no current flows through the circuit.

The condition under which V will be equal to E is when R = ∞

Question 10 ( 2.0 marks)
(i) Can two equi-potential surfaces intersect each other? Give reasons.

(ii) Two charges −q and +q are located at points A (0, 0, −a) and B (0, 0, +a) respectively.
How much work is done in moving a test charge from point P (7, 0, 0) to Q (−3, 0, 0)?
(i) Two equipotential surfaces cannot intersect each other because when they will
intersect, the electric field will have two directions, which is impossible.

(ii) Charge P moves on the perpendicular bisector of the line joining +q and −q. Hence,
this perpendicular bisector is equidistant from both the charges. Thus, the potential will
be same everywhere on this line. Therefore, work done will be zero.
Question 11 ( 2.0 marks)
By what percentage will the transmission ranges of TV tower be affected when the height
of the tower is increased by 21%?

Let the transmission of the tower before transmission be =

Range after increase in height =

Ratio =

Height increase = 21%


Question 12 ( 2.0 marks)

Derive an expression for drift velocity of free electrons in a conductor in terms of
relaxation time.
If there are N electrons and the velocity of the ith electron at a given time is vi where, i =
(1, 2, 3, …N), then

(If there is no external field)

When an external electric field is present, the electrons will be accelerated due to this
field by


− e = Negative charge of the electron

E = External field

m = Mass of an electron

Let vi be the velocity immediately after the last collision after which external field was
experienced by the electron.
If vi is the velocity at any time t, then from the equation V = u + at, we obtain

For all the electrons in the conductor, average value of vi is zero.

The average of vi is vd or drift velocity.

This is the average velocity experienced by an electron in an external electric field.

There is no fixed time after which each collision occurs. Therefore, we take the average
time after which one collision takes place by an electron.

Let this time, also known as relaxation time, beτ. Substituting this in equation (i)


Negative sign shows that electrons drift opposite to the applied field.
Question 13 ( 2.0 marks)
How does a charge q oscillating at certain frequency produce electromagnetic waves?

Sketch a schematic diagram depicting electric and magnetic fields for an electromagnetic
wave propagating along the Z-direction.
An oscillating charge is an example of accelerated charge. We know from Maxwell’s
theory that accelerated charge radiates electromagnetic waves. These electromagnetic
waves are produced because oscillating charge produces oscillating magnetic field, which
in turn produces an oscillating electric field. This process goes on, giving rise to an
electromagnetic wave.
Question 14 ( 2.0 marks)
A charge ‘q’ moving along the X- axis with a velocity is subjected to a uniform
magnetic field B along the Z-axis as it crosses the origin O.

(i) Trace its trajectory.

(ii) Does the charge gain kinetic energy as it enters the magnetic field? Justify your

The direction of magnetic field is along the negative X-direction. Hence, the magnetic
force will act in such a way that this particle describes a circular motion as shown below.

(ii) No, the charge does not gain kinetic energy because the force and velocity are
perpendicular to each other.
Thus, force does not bring out any change in the velocity.
Question 15 ( 2.0 marks)
The following figure shows the input waveforms (A, B) and the output waveform (Y) of
a gate. Identify the gate, write its truth table and draw its logic symbol.

The gate is the NAND gate.

Question 16 ( 2.0 marks)

State Biot-Savart law.

A current I flows in a conductor placed perpendicular to the plane of the paper. Indicate
the direction of the magnetic field due to a small element d at point P situated at
distance from the element as shown in the figure.

Biot-Savart’s law states that the magnitude of the magnetic field dB is proportional to the
current I, the element , and inversely proportional to the square of the distance r.

The direction of magnetic field is along the negative X-direction.

Question 17 ( 2.0 marks)
Why are high frequency carrier waves used for transmission?

What is meant by term ‘modulation’? Draw a block diagram of a simple modulator for
obtaining an AM signal.
For transmitting a signal, the antenna should have a size comparable to the wavelength of

the signal (at least in dimension), where λ is the wavelength.

If the frequency of the signal is small, then its wavelength becomes very large and it is
impractical to make that large antennas for the corresponding large wavelengths. For
higher frequencies, wavelength is smaller, which is the reason why high frequency carrier
waves are used for transmission.


The process of superimposing information contained in a low frequency signal on a high

frequency signal is called modulation.

Question 18 ( 2.0 marks)

A radioactive nucleus ‘A’ undergoes a series of decays according to the following

The mass number and atomic number of A are 180 and 72 respectively. What are these
numbers for A4?
A has mass number as 180 and atomic number 172.

Formation of A1 by α-decay:

Formation of A2 by β decay:
Formation of A4:

In r-decay, mass number and atomic number remain the same.


Mass number of A4 = 172

Atomic number of A4 = 169

Question 19 ( 3.0 marks)
A thin conducting spherical shell of radius R has charge Q spread uniformly over its
surface. Using Gauss’s law, derive an expression for an electric field at a point outside
the shell.

Draw a graph of electric field E(r) with distance r from the centre of the shell for
0 ≤ r ≤ ∞.
According to Gauss law,


q is the point charge

E is electric field due to the point charge

dA is a small area on the Gaussian surface at any distance and

is the proportionality constant

For a spherical shell at distance r from the point charge, the integral is merely the
sum of all differential of dA on the sphere.

Therefore, for a thin conducting spherical shell of radius R and charge Q, spread
uniformly over its surface, the electric field at any point outside the shell is

Where r is the distance of the point from the centre of the shell.

The graph of electric field E(r) with distance r from the centre of the shell for 0 ≤ r ≤ ∞.

Question 20 ( 3.0 marks)

Three identical capacitors C1, C2 and C3 of capacitance 6 μF each are connected to a 12 V
battery as shown.


(i) charge on each capacitor

(ii) equivalent capacitance of the network

(iii) energy stored in the network of capacitors

The 12 V battery is in parallel with C1, C2, and C3. C1 and C2are in series with each other
while C3 is in parallel with the combination formed by C1 and C2.

Total voltage drop across C3 = 12 V

q3 = CV

Where, q = Charge on the capacitor

C1, C2, C3 = 6 μF (Given in the question)

q3 = 6 × 12 = 72 μC

Voltage drop across C1 and C2 combined will be 12 V.

Let the voltage drop at C1 = V1

Let the voltage drop at C2 = V2


V = V1 + V2

As both the capacitors are in series,


q = 36 micro coulombs

Thus, charge on each of C1 and C2 is 36 coulombs.

Question 21 ( 3.0 marks)
(a) The energy levels of an atom are as shown below. Which of them will result in the
transition of a photon of wavelength 275 nm?

(b) Which transition corresponds to emission of radiation of maximum wavelength?

Energy transitions for A,B,C, and D are:

A = 2 eV

B = 4.5 eV

C = 2.5 eV

D = 8 eV


E = Energy transition

λ = Wavelength

h = 6.63 × 10−34 Js

C = 3 × 108 m/s

For B, we have
Thus, B will result in transition of a photon of wavelength of 275 nm.


For maximum wavelength, energy transition should be minimum.

A undergoes minimum energy transition.

A = 2 eV

Thus, photon in A will have the maximum wavelength.

Question 22 ( 3.0 marks)
A proton and an alpha particle are accelerated through the same potential. Which one of
the two has (i) greater value of de Broglie wavelength associated with it, and (ii) less
kinetic energy? Justify your answers.
Kinetic energy gained by the proton = eV

Kinetic energy gained by the alpha particle = 2eV

Let v1 be the velocity of the proton and v2 be the velocity of the alpha particle.

Mass of proton = m

Mass of alpha particle = 4m

Then their kinetic energies are .

Dividing (i) and (ii), we obtain

It shows that velocity of proton is greater than that of the alpha particle

(i) de Broglie wavelength =

de Broglie wavelength of proton

Hence, the de Broglie wavelength of proton will be greater than that of alpha particle.

(ii) For kinetic energy:

K.E. of proton =

K.E. of alpha particle =

By substitution, we obtain

K.E of proton =

As , therefore, K.E of alpha particle will be larger.

Question 23 ( 3.0 marks)
In a single slit diffraction experiment, when tiny circular obstacle is placed in path of
light from a distance source, a bright spot is seen at the centre of the shadow of the
obstacle. Explain why?

State two points of difference between the interference patterns obtained in Young’s
double slit experiment and the diffraction pattern due to a single slit.
A bright spot is observed when a tiny circular object is placed in path of light from a
distant source in a single slit diffraction experiment because light rays flare into the
shadow region of the circular object as they pass the edge of the tiny circular object. The
lights from all the edges of the tiny circular object are in phase with each other. Thus,
they form a bright spot at the centre of the shadow of the the tiny circular object.

The two differences between the interference patterns obtained in Young’s double slit
experiment and the diffraction pattern due to a single slit are as follows:

(i) The fringes in the interference pattern obtained from diffraction are of varying width,
while in case of interference, all are of the same width.

(ii) The bright fringes in the interference pattern obtained from diffraction have a central
maximum followed by fringes of decreasing intensity, whereas in case of interference, all
the bright fringes are of equal width.
Question 24 ( 3.0 marks)
(a) Define self inductance. Write its S.I. units.

(b) Derive an expression for self inductance of a long solenoid of length l, cross-sectional
area A having N number of turns.
(a) The phenomenon in which emf is induced in a single isolated coil due to change of
flux through the coil by means of varying the current through the same coil is called self
inductance. S.I unit of inductance is Henry.

(b) Magnetic field B inside a solenoid carrying a current i is .


Let n be the number of turns per unit length.


N is total number of turns

l is the length of the solenoid


Substituting, we obtain

Substituting the value of B, we obtain

Inductance L of a solenoid is:

Question 25 ( 3.0 marks)

The figure shows experimental set up of a meter bridge. When the two unknown
resistances X and Y are inserted, the null point D is obtained 40 cm from the end A.
When a resistance of 10 Ω is connected in series with X, the null point shifts by 10 cm.
Find the position of the null point when the 10 Ω resistance is instead connected in series
with resistance ‘Y’. Determine the values of the resistances X and Y.
For a metre bridge:

… (1)

Where, it is given that l1 = 40 cm

… (2)
When 10 Ω resistance is added in series to X, null point shifts by 10 cm.

Substituting the value of X from equation (2), we obtain

Substituting the value of Y in equation (3), we obtain

X + 10 = 30

X = 20 Ω

Position of the null point when 10 Ω resistance is put in series with Y,

Question 26 ( 3.0 marks)

Derive the expression for force per unit length between two long straight parallel current
carrying conductors. Hence define one ampere.

Explain the principle and working of a cyclotron with the help of a schematic diagram.
Write the expression for cyclotron frequency.
Two long parallel conductors a and b separated by a distance l and carrying
currents Ia and Ib respectively are shown below.

By Ampere’s circuital law, we have

Conductor b will experience a sideways force because of conductor a. Let this force
be Fba.

By symmetry,

Fba = − Fab

1 ampere is the value of that steady current which when maintained in each of the two
very long, straight, parallel conductors of negligible cross section and placed one metre
apart in vacuum, would produce on each of these conductors a force equal to 2 ×
10−7 Newton per metre of length.

Cyclotron is a machine used to accelerate charged particles or ions to high energies. It
uses both electrical and magnetic fields in combination to increase the speed of the
charged particles.

The particles move in two semi-circular containers D1 and D2, called Dees. Inside the
metal box, the charged particle is shielded from external electric fields.

When the particle moves from one dee to another, electric field is acted on the particle.

The sign of the electric field is changed alternately, in tune with the circular motion of the
particle. Hence, the particle is always accelerated by the electric field. As the energy of
the particle increases, the radius of the circular path increases.

Time taken for a particle for one complete revolution = T

Where is the cyclotron frequency


The above expression is the expression for cyclotron frequency.

The oscillator applies an ac voltage across the Ds and this voltage must have a frequency
equal to that of cyclotron frequency.
Question 27 ( 3.0 marks)
Three light rays red (R), green (G) and blue (B) are incident on a right angled prism ‘abc’
at face ‘ab’. The refractive indices of the material of the prism for red, green and blue
wavelengths are 1.39, 1.44 and 1.47 respectively. Out of the three which colour ray will
emerge out of face ‘ac’? Justify your answer. Trace the path of these rays after passing
through face ‘ab’.


The blue ray will emerge out of the face ‘ac’.

The three light rays will go through ‘ab’ as the three are perpendicular to ‘ab’. However,
when they will hit ‘ac’, they will refract with an angle of incidence of 45°.
Refractive indices for three light rays are given.

Red (R) = 1.39

Green (G) = 1.44

Blue (B) = 1.47

Total internal reflection takes place if the angle of incidence is such that

The refractive indices are from air to prism. To convert them from prism to air, we take
their reciprocal.

For red:

sin r = 0.9828, which is less than 1

Thus, red light will pass through the face ‘ac’.

Similarly, for green:

This is greater than 1. Therefore, it will not pass through, but reflect back in the same

For blue:
Even this will reflect back because of total internal reflection.
Question 28 ( 5.0 marks)
(a) Derive an expression for the average power consumed in a series LCR circuit
connected to a.c. source in which the phase difference between the voltage and the
current in the circuit is Φ.

(b) Define the quality factor in an a.c. circuit. Why should the quality factor have high
value in receiving circuits? Name the factors on which it depends.


(a) Derive the relationship between the peak and the rms value of current in an a.c.

(b) Describe briefly, with the help of labelled diagram, working of a step-up transformer.

A step-up transformer converts a low voltage into high voltage. Does it not violate the
principle of conservation of energy? Explain.
(a) Power in ac circuit

Voltage v in an ac circuit is:

which drives through the circuit a current i

i = im sin (ωt +Φ), where and


Calculating the average power, it is observed that the average of the term
cos (2ωt + Φ) is equal to zero.


Average power,

(b) The ratio is called the quality factor or Q-factor.

The quality factor has high value in receiving circuits in order to get a sharp gain for the
desired channel frequency.

The quality factor depends on the values of the following:

i. Inductance
ii. Resistance
iii. Capacitance


(a) The instantaneous power dissipated in the resistor is

The average value of p over a cycle is:

are constants. Therefore,

By trigonometric identity,
The average value of cos 2 ωt is zero.

We have:


The rms value in the ac power is expressed in the same form as dc power root mean
square or effective current and is denoted by Irms.

Peak current is


In a transformer with Ns secondary turns and Npprimary turns, induced emf or
voltage Es is:
Back emf = Ep =


Es = Vs

Thus, Vs = … (i)

Dividing equations (i) and (ii), we obtain

If the transformer is 100% efficient, then

Thus, combining the above equations,

If Ns > Np, then the transformer is said to be step-up transformer because the voltage is
stepped up in the secondary coil.

No, the transformer does not violate the principal of conservation of energies. This can be
easily observed by the following equation:

Power consumed in both the coils is the same as even if the voltage increases or current
increases, their product at any instant remains the same.
Question 29 ( 5.0 marks)
(i) Draw a circuit diagram to study the input and output characteristics of an n-p-n
transistor in its common emitter configuration. Draw the typical input and output

(ii) Explain, with the help of a circuit diagram, the working of n-p-n transistor as a
common emitter amplifier.


How is a zener diode fabricated so as to make it a special purpose diode? Draw I-V
characteristics of zener diode and explain the significance of breakdown voltage.

Explain briefly, with the help of a circuit diagram, how a p-n junction diode works as a
half wave rectifier.

Zener is fabricated such that both the p-type and the n-type are highly doped. This makes
the depletion region thin. When an electric field is applied, a high electric field appears
across the thin depletion region. When the electric field becomes very high, it knocks off
electrons from the host atoms to create a large number of electrons. This results in a large
value of current inside the circuit.

Zener has a sharp breakdown voltage and this property of zener is used for voltage

An ac current has a positive half cycle and a negative half cycle. A pn junction allows
current to pass only in one direction and that is when it is forward biased.

When a positive half-cycle occurs, the p-side has a lower potential. Therefore, the diode
is now forward biased and therefore conducts and this positive cycle is available for the

When a negative half cycle occurs, the n-side has a higher potential than the p-side.
Hence, the diode is now reverse biased and thus, does not conduct. As a result, this
positive half cycle also does not conduct. Therefore, it does not appear at the load and is

We obtain a waveform, which has only positive half cycles and therefore it is called half-
wave rectifier.
Question 30 ( 5.0 marks)
Trace the rays of light showing the formation of an image due to a point object placed on
the axis of a spherical surface separating the two media of refractive indices n1 and n2.
Establish the relation between the distances of the object, the image and the radius of
curvature from the central point of the spherical surface.

Hence derive the expression of the lens maker’s formula.

Draw the labelled ray diagram for the formation of image by a compound microscope.

Derive the expression for the total magnification of a compound microscope. Explain
why both the objective and the eyepiece of a compound microscope must have short focal

In the given figure, image is I and object is denoted as O.

The centre of curvature is C.

The rays are incident from a medium of refractive index to another of refractive index

We consider NM to be perpendicular to the principal axis.

For ΔNOC, i is the exterior angle.

Therefore, i = ∠NOM + ∠NCM


r = ∠NCM − ∠NIM


According to Snell’s law,

For small angles,

Substituting i and r, we obtain

Where, OM, MI, and MC are the distances

OM = −u

MC = +R

MI = v

Substituting these, we obtain

Applying equation (i) to lens ABCD, we obtain for surface ABC,

For surface ADC, we obtain

For a thin lens,

BI1 = DI1

Adding (ii) and (iii), we obtain

Suppose object is at infinity and DI = f, then

This is known as lens maker’s formula.

Show L in figure

Net magnification (m) =

f0 and fe are in denominator.

This formula contains foand fe in denominator. Therefore, both the objective and the
eyepiece of a compound microscope must have short focal lengths.

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