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Lesson Plan Format for Literary Appreciation

I. Objectives
II. Subject Matter
III. Procedure
A. Pre-Reading
1. Schema activation (Experience Based)
2. Dev. concept and voc.
3. Author’s background
4. Motive 2
B. During Reading
1. Teacher reads the entire literary work orally & students listen/read silently.
2. Teacher reads orally line by line, the teacher guide the students to follow.
3. Students read orally by themselves line by line.
4. Students (in subgroups) read by stanza.
5. Students read orally the entire literary work with the correct pronunciation,
phrasing, and expression.
C. Post Reading
1. Intellectual discussion - GPU (6 Dimension) includes motive question and
question about lesson learned.
2. Aesthetic discussion
a. No. of stanzas
b. No. of lines in each stanza
c. Which words rhyme in the 1st and 2nd stanzas? And so forth.
d. Are these direct quotations? Which ones?
3. Engagement Activities
a. Cued Retelling
b. Poster Making
c. Slogan Writing
d. Jingle Making
4. Reading - Writing Link – see p. 50 of module
IV. Evaluation

Should be congruent to Objectives

V. Assignment

Offshoot of the day’s lesson

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