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Budget report dialog

of a company

Good morning Sr
Enamorado, today at
our meeting we are
going to plan the sales
budget report of our
company. See you at
2:00 pm
Mr. Enamorado: Sr Arce: The
How is the sales first thing we
budget report must do is to
prepared? know that it is
a sales budget
Sr Arce: A sales budget is
the first input that the
company needs to estimate
income, expenses, costs and
in general all the elements
that make up the financial
statements of the company.
Sr Enamorado: So
this document is vital Sr Arce: Yes, the price also
as it will guide our influences, since it is the
company to make essence of the commercial
accurate decisions transactions of the
about marketing company.
strategies and sales
The buyers, the seller and
the competition in the price
also influence.
Sr. Enamorado: So, we
need to analyze the Sr. Arce: We must make the
proposals of other budget in account to expenses
competitors, we must also such as posters, sale price per
ask ourselves whether the box, individual.
price chosen by the clients We must also keep a financial
will pay for it or not. statement such as balance
sheet, income statement and
statement of cash flow.
Sr. Enamorado: So, what I Sr. Arce: Yes, we must also
understand the objective of look at the fact that
the financial statements is to shareholders, administrators,
provide information about the business partners, creditors,
current financial position of a tax authorities and financial
company, the performance analysts and the public have a
and the changes they have. lot to do with our budget.
Sr. Enamorado: Yes, thank
you for all the information, we Sr. Arce: Since we finished
can now make our report and analyzing how the sales
present it. budget is made, now we can
discuss it with the other
Thanks for coming to the
members of the company
meeting, see you later.

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