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As a new interpreter, I am all too aware of the struggles and challenges faced by many

recent ITP graduates in navigating the “school-to-work gap”. A positive mentoring relationship
provides one way to bridge this gap. My approach to mentoring is a collaborative and holistic
one, focusing on the development of the whole person and in “meeting people where they’re at”.
Creating a safe, non-judgmental environment where resources, honesty, and feedback are freely
exchanged allows mentees to problem-solve and come to conclusions on their own through
self-analysis and reflection. Mentees can expect from me: shared ethical values, focused and
uninterrupted dedicated time, approachability, patience, honesty, advice, active-listening, care,
confidentiality, promptness, openness, and non-judgment.
Before entering into a mentoring relationship, a meeting will be scheduled for
introductions, goal setting, defining roles and responsibilities, and discussing shared values.
Together, we will explore strengths and personality assessment tools and goals-defining
resources. A shared understanding of the other’s character traits, before establishing a
mentorship, fosters trust and relationship-building and develops a relationship founded on mutual
respect, allowing us the ability for better communication and interactions. Before diving in,
understanding more about a mentee’s personality and learning style gives me a better idea of
how my strengths can help them meet their goals. After identifying mentee goals and
motivations, goals will be set and a timeline established, with an emphasis on the mentee's
feelings of ownership of goals and projects.
During this meeting, a goal of mine is for mentees to feel comfortable by defining my
role and answering questions they might have about the process. Some of my roles and
responsibilities include motivating, confidence-building, stimulating creativity, acknowledging
contributions, and navigating the path towards work and independence. Resources and activities
to further understand each participant’s roles and responsibilities will be provided. Together we
will define expectations, discuss roles/responsibilities, and establish ground rules. This is a time
for creating a safe space for making expectations explicit and negotiating ways each participant’s
can be met.
Preferences for feedback, accountability measures, and other objectives will be
negotiated and a defining agreement will be made. This agreement is a collaboration, and a safe
space, where all parties agree to respect one another's opinions while contributing points-of-view,
personal experiences, and strategies for success. The goal is to optimize our time together by
assessing and evaluating areas for growth. Discussions of current and future aims take place so
that our goals align with continual progress. Together we will participate in activities centered
around professional and personal development. The objective of this agreement is to structure
our partnership in a way that is mutually beneficial for all involved.
During mentorship, mentees can expect regular check-ins, feedback, evaluations,
understanding assessments, and effective communication. We will work together to understand
what a mentee already knows, is capable of, and what they can do to further consider what they
can do to further advance and succeed. I will provide constructive and timely feedback, engage
in active listening, and accommodate individual styles of communication.
Each mentorship is tailored to suit the unique needs and meet the goals of the individual.
I address equity and inclusion by acknowledging and accounting for how my background might
differ from others, and by reflecting on, and accounting for, the biases and assumptions I might
bring to a mentoring relationship. This partnership is meant to be respectful and mutually
beneficial. Regardless of experience, we all have valuable knowledge, experiences, and insights
to share.

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