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Inquiry-based Lesson Plan

Driving Question:
How can understanding chemistry, help you understand the world around you?
 Essential HS.P1U3.4 Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about
the use of chemistry related technologies have had positive and negative
ethical, social, economic, and/or political implications.
 Plus HS+C.P1U3.8 Engage in argument from evidence regarding the ethical,
social, economic, and/or political benefits and liabilities of fission, fusion,
and radioactive decay
Objective: Students will choose an area they would like to further research on
how chemistry effects their area of interest?
Engage: This is the Entry Event in which you will peak student interest and introduce the Driving Question
and/or scenario surrounding Driving Question. The focus is to uncover students prior knowledge concerning
the driving question within this section

Students will watch a video that highlight different areas that chemistry play major roles. Student will take
notes of 3 or more specific points that caught their attention. Once the video is over the instructor will relay
the driving question and the class will have an open discussion on what they saw and why it interested them.
Explore: Provide an activity that will encourage your students to actively use content material you have
provided in helping them construct their initial answer to the driving question posed within the "Engage"

Instructor will provide an area of interest list that has resources listed for each topic. Students will be placed
in a group of four and be assigned one of the areas of interest. Each member will do their own research to
share in group discussion.

Explain: Provide the activity that will encourage your students to share their initial discovery/possible
solutions with others concerning the driving question posed within the "Engage" section of lesson.

In their group students will talk about their area of interest and explain what information they found and why
this information may be important to them and post on a jam board.

Elaborate: Provide students the opportunity to take information that was gathered within the "Explore" and
"Explain" and apply to their original thinking to create new thinking or possible need to know questions.  This
is your opportunity to ask "what if" type questions to get students to expand thinking and consider other
content that you may provide.

Students will engage in a “speed dating” type activity that will allow students to share with each other the
information they obtained about their area of interest. This will happen multiple times till all groups have
heard about all assigned topics. After the activity is completed. Students will have the remaining time in class
to ask questions from the class and instructor to further their understanding.

Evaluate: Provide opportunity for students to demonstrate the desired evidence of mastery for the lesson's
stated objective.  Remember this objective is specific to the day's lesson and not the project as a whole.
Provide opportunity for students to summarize their learning surrounding the driving question posed within the
"Engage" section.

Class will be given a sheet where students will choose their final topic and explain why this interest them that
will need to be submitted by the start of the next class.

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