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Open Access Research

Paediatric early warning systems

for detecting and responding
to clinical deterioration in children:
a systematic review
Veronica Lambert,1 Anne Matthews,1 Rachel MacDonell,2 John Fitzsimons3

To cite: Lambert V, ABSTRACT

Matthews A, MacDonell R, Strengths and limitations of this study
Objective: To systematically review the available
et al. Paediatric early warning
evidence on paediatric early warning systems (PEWS) ▪ This review systematically and collectively
systems for detecting and
for use in acute paediatric healthcare settings for the synthesises the available evidence on the mul-
to clinical deterioration in detection of, and timely response to, clinical tiple components of paediatric early warning
children: a systematic review. deterioration in children. systems (PEWS).
BMJ Open 2017;7:e014497. Method: The electronic databases PubMed, MEDLINE, ▪ The review highlights that PEWS should be
doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016- CINAHL, EMBASE and Cochrane were searched embraced as a part of a larger multifaceted
014497 systematically from inception up to August 2016. safety framework.
Eligible studies had to refer to PEWS, inclusive of rapid ▪ Future research needs to investigate PEWS as a
▸ Prepublication history and response systems and teams. Outcomes had to be complex multifaceted sociotechnical system
additional material is specific to the identification of and/or response to embedded in a wider safety culture.
available. To view please visit clinical deterioration in children (including neonates) in ▪ Owing to heterogeneous research designs,
the journal ( paediatric hospital settings (including emergency assessing quality across eligible studies was
10.1136/bmjopen-2016- departments). 2 review authors independently limited.
014497). completed the screening and selection process, the ▪ While no strong evidence underpinning any one
quality appraisal of the retrieved evidence and data PEWS was available, emerging work should con-
extraction; with a third reviewer resolving any tribute to this evidence base.
Received 28 September 2016
discrepancies, as required. Results were narratively
Revised 18 January 2017
Accepted 2 February 2017
Results: From a total screening of 2742 papers, 90
papers, of varied designs, were identified as eligible for BACKGROUND
inclusion in the review. Findings revealed that PEWS It is known that children who die or deterior-
are extensively used internationally in paediatric ate unexpectedly in the hospital setting will
inpatient hospital settings. However, robust empirical often have observable features in the period
evidence on which PEWS is most effective was limited. before the seriousness of their condition is
The studies examined did however highlight some recognised. A seminal study of paediatric
evidence of positive directional trends in improving
mortality in the UK estimated that approxi-
clinical and process-based outcomes for clinically
mately one in five children who die in hos-
deteriorating children. Favourable outcomes were also
identified for enhanced multidisciplinary team work, pital have avoidable factors leading to death
communication and confidence in recognising, and up to half of children have potentially
1 reporting and making decisions about child clinical avoidable factors.1 The report concluded
School of Nursing and
Human Sciences, Dublin City deterioration. that ‘there should be ways of telling if some-
University, Dublin, Ireland Conclusions: Despite many studies reporting on the thing is wrong with a child as early as pos-
HSE Clinical Programmes, complexity and multifaceted nature of PEWS, no sible, for example, an early warning scoring
Office of Nursing & evidence was sourced which examined PEWS as a system’.1 Other studies have examined the
Midwifery Services complex healthcare intervention. Future research needs signs ( physiological and behavioural) of
Directorate, Health Service to investigate PEWS as a complex multifaceted
deterioration that may be present in the
sociotechnical system that is embedded in a wider period preceding a cardiopulmonary
Our Lady of Lourdes
safety culture influenced by many organisational and
Hospital Drogheda & Quality arrest,2 3 and the fact that these features are
human factors. PEWS should be embraced as a part of
Improvement Division Health often not recognised or acted on in a timely
Service Executive a larger multifaceted safety framework that will develop
and grow over time with strong governance and fashion by hospital staff.4 5 Recent years have
Correspondence to leadership, targeted training, ongoing support and also witnessed an increased risk of paediatric
Dr Veronica Lambert; continuous improvement. cardiopulmonary arrest, and its associated mortality, in acute healthcare settings largely

Lambert V, et al. BMJ Open 2017;7:e014497. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-014497 1

Open Access

as a consequence of increased acuity of care and higher for this: variation in age-specific thresholds for normal
dependency on technology.2 Although the percentage and abnormal physiology; children’s inability or diffi-
of paediatric cardiopulmonary arrests for inpatient culty in articulating how or what they feel; children’s
admissions has been reported as low (eg, 0.7–3%),6 7 physiological compensatory mechanisms; staff training
survival to discharge for children that experience inhos- issues and the need for more focused attention on
pital cardiopulmonary arrest is poor (11–37%).3 6 respiratory deterioration.10 Finally, although many paedi-
Early warning scores are generally defined as bedside atric early warning systems (PEWS) have been developed
‘track and trigger’ tools to help alert staff to clinically and tested, uncertainty remains as to which system, or
deteriorating children by periodic observation of physio- system feature, is most useful for paediatric patients.
logical parameters, generation of a numeric score and Even the concept of PEWS as a system (ie, the applica-
predetermined criteria for escalating urgent assistance tion of all four components in parallel as described
with a clear framework for communication. In using above) is poorly developed.
these physiological track and trigger systems, the goal is The aim of this review was to systematically identify
to ensure timely recognition of patients with potential or and synthesise available evidence on PEWS in acute
established critical illness and to ensure a timely and paediatric healthcare settings for the detection of, and
appropriate response from skilled staff. Critical to early timely response to, clinical deterioration in children.
warning scores are four integrated components which The review questions were set by the Irish Department
work together to provide a comprehensive safety system of Health who commissioned this review:
for clinically deteriorating patients and those that are 1. What is the available evidence on the effectiveness of
most likely to identify and manage patients at highest different PEW detection systems?
risk for cardiac or respiratory arrest; (1) the afferent 2. What evidence exists on the effectiveness of PEW
component which detects clinical deterioration and trig- response mechanisms, and what interventions are
gers an appropriate response; (2) the efferent compo- used?
nent which consists of the personnel and resources 3. What evidence exists on PEWS implementation strat-
providing the response (eg, medical emergency team egies/interventions?
(MET)); (3) the process improvement component con-
taining elements such as auditing/monitoring/evalu-
ation to enhance patient care and safety and (4) the METHODS
governance/administrative component focusing on the Design
organisational leadership, safety culture, education and This review was conducted and reported in accordance
processes required to implement and sustain the with the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination guidance
system.8 This highlights the need to view early warning for undertaking systematic reviews in healthcare,11 the
tools as more than just a ‘score’, rather, they are part of National Clinical Effectiveness Committee Guideline
a multifaceted ‘system’ approach based on the imple- Development Manual12 and the Preferred Reporting in
mentation of several complementary safety interventions Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA)
to improve child patient safety and clinical outcomes. criteria.13
In Ireland, a 2013 patient safety review by the Health
Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) into the Data sources and search strategy
unexpected death of a young woman in a maternity The following electronic databases PubMed, MEDLINE,
setting identified several care failures.9 These included a CINAHL, EMBASE and Cochrane (inclusive of Cochrane
lack of provision of basic fundamental care, failure to Database of Systematic Review; Database of Abstracts of
recognise risk of clinical deterioration, failure to act or Review Effects and CENTRAL—Cochrane Central
escalate concerns about deterioration to appropriately Register of Controlled Trials) were systematically searched
qualified clinicians and lack of detail in medical record from database inception up to August 2016 using various
documentation about clinical status and potential risk of combinations of controlled vocabulary (eg, MeSH) and
clinical deterioration. This led to a request from the free text words guided by our PICOS parameters (see
Minister for Health that the Department of Health’s online supplementary appendix 1). The search was
National Clinical Effectiveness Committee commission limited by language (English). For unpublished research
and quality assure a number of National Clinical reports, grey literature databases, trial registers and
Guidelines; including early warning scores for adult, national/international professional organisations and
maternity and paediatric healthcare settings. association websites were searched. To retrieve evidence-
For paediatrics, this request presented several design based clinical guidelines, electronic guideline clearing-
challenges, including the need for an observation tool houses were searched, scoping searches of Google and
that would work in all paediatric care settings (second- Bing were performed and a consultation process was con-
ary and specialist care) and a requirement to align with ducted with key paediatric experts and paediatric hospi-
the Adult and Maternity scores. Additionally, the applica- tals internationally. Additional literature was sourced by
tion of early warning scores to paediatric patients is contacting reference study authors and experts in the
more complex than in adults. There are several reasons field and scanning bibliographies of all included papers.

2 Lambert V, et al. BMJ Open 2017;7:e014497. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-014497

Open Access

Screening and selection process was sourced and assessed. For studies deemed to meet
Eligible papers had to refer to PEWS, inclusive of rapid the inclusion criteria, full texts of the studies were
response systems (RRS) and rapid response teams obtained. Full-text papers were independently assessed
(RRT). Outcomes had to be specific to the identification by two reviewers against the inclusion criteria before a
of and/or response to clinical deterioration in child final decision regarding inclusion/exclusion was con-
patients (including neonates) in paediatric hospital set- firmed. Any discrepancies were resolved by discussion
tings (including emergency departments). No study and consensus with a third reviewer. Reasons for exclud-
design restrictions were applied. We excluded papers ing studies from the review were noted (see figure 1).
that focused on paediatric community health settings;
PEWS specific to intrahospital and/or interhospital Appraisal of the level of evidence
transfer and/or transportation of critically ill children; In an attempt to conduct a comprehensive review, all
trigger tools for identification of adverse events and/or studies which met the inclusion criteria were included
harm caused by medical interventions; severity of illness regardless of quality. Two reviewers appraised and classi-
scales and patient classification systems specifically for fied the level of evidence of the included studies in
identifying illness acuity and mortality (except in cases accordance with the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines
where such studies included PEWS as comparative inter- Network (SIGN) criteria for assessment of studies based
ventions) and studies which included child and adult on the type of study design. Assessing comparative
populations when child-specific data could not be exclu- quality across eligible studies proved difficult due to the
sively extracted. heterogeneous nature of the research methodologies
For stage 1 screening, two reviewers independently employed; including disparate research designs, differ-
assessed each title and abstract retrieved from the elec- ent ranges for collecting data over time periods (from
tronic searches for relevance. Any discrepancies were months to years), localised small case and comparative
resolved by discussion and consensus with a third group selections, and diverse clinical contexts ranging
reviewer. If no abstract was available, the full-text paper from general medical and surgical units to specialised

Figure 1 Flow chart of search

strategy output and screening

Lambert V, et al. BMJ Open 2017;7:e014497. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-014497 3

Open Access

settings such as oncology, cardiac, endocrine and feasibility and reliability testing study, one cost-analysis
rehabilitation units. exercise, one protocol and one course evaluation survey.
Of the 90 included papers, 45 focused on PEW detec-
Data extraction and synthesis tion systems,2 3 6 7 10 14–53 29 examined PEW response
Two reviewers independently extracted and managed mechanisms8 54–81 and 16 reported on PEW implemen-
data from the included studies. Any discrepancies were tation strategies82–97 (see online supplementary
resolved through consultation with a third reviewer. A appendix 2 for a summary of these studies including the
data extraction table was developed to retrieve informa- level of evidence and rationale for judgement).
tion pertaining to each study setting, aim, design,
sample, intervention and main outcomes/findings. In Review question 1: What is the available evidence on the
line with the review research questions, the studies were effectiveness of different PEW detection systems?
segregrated by PEW detection systems, response Thirty-eight primary studies reported on ori-
mechanisms and implementation processes. All data ginal3 10 23 25 27 31 35 39 44 46 (see online supplementary
were narratively synthesised as it was not possible to appendix 3) and/or adopted/modified2 6 14–21 24 26 28–
30 33–38 40–43 47 48 50–53
conduct a meta-analysis and/or a metasynthesis because PEW detection systems for use in
of the heterogeneity of evidence retrieved including paediatric inpatient settings. Twenty-three of these 38
non-comparative research designs and diversity of studies reported on the effectiveness of PEW detection
systems, approaches and methods adopted in developing systems using the performance criteria of sensitivity, spe-
and implementing PEWS in paediatric contexts. cificity, receiver operating characteristic curve, positive
predictive value and/or negative predictive
value.2 3 6 10 14 15 18 20 21 23 25–27 29–31 33 37 39 40 48 50 53
RESULTS Diversity in PEW physiological (and other) parameters
Overall search and selection results and differences in age-dependent vital sign reference
A total of 2742 papers were identified as potentially eli- ranges made it difficult to compare and contrast per-
gible for inclusion in the review. Following first screening formance criteria. To enable some comparisons to be
of titles and abstracts, 2616 papers were excluded made, further studies were excluded if they; were from
because they were adult-focused, discussion papers, com- specialist units if only one study was published, only
mentaries, conference abstracts and/or duplicate papers. reported on inter-rater and intrarater agreement, had
Full texts of the remaining 126 papers were obtained. On <100 cases and did not report data on sensitivity and
second screening of these 126 full-text papers, a further specificity. Figure 2 shows the diagnostic predictive
57 papers were excluded because they were adult- accuracy of PEW detection systems from 11
focused, both child and adult-focused in which it was not studies.6 10 14 18 20 21 25 26 30 40 50 This illustrates that the
possible to segregate child and adult data, not specifically effectiveness of PEW detection systems demonstrated
focused on the outcome of clinical deterioration, wrong wide-ranging sensitivity and specificity largely as a conse-
setting (ie, not inpatient), concentrated on clinical quence of different settings adopting and self-regulating
deterioration at point of transportation, examined illness varying end point or surrogate markers for clinical
severity or acuity or were discussion papers, commentar- deterioration (ie, cardiopulmonary arrest, PICU admis-
ies or conference abstracts. This left 69 papers that met sion, mortality and interventions) and different stan-
the inclusion criteria. An additional 21 papers were dards for cut-off/threshold scores.
sourced through secondary citations, personal communi-
cations with reference authors/experts in the field and Review question 2: What evidence exists on the
web-resources. Subsequently, 90 papers fulfilled the eligi- effectiveness of PEW response mechanisms, and what
bility criteria. Figure 1, an adapted PRISMA flow chart, interventions are used?
visually displays the search and selection process. Table 1 provides an overview of the evidence on PEW
response interventions. Across 18 primary studies, the
Characteristics of included studies main PEW response intervention in use was health
The studies emanated from the USA (n=46), the UK professional-activated RRS incorporating paediatric RRTs
(n=19), Canada (n=10), Canada and the UK (n=1), or METs.54–56 60 61 64–68 70 73–76 78 79 81 Where reported,
Australia (n=5), the Netherlands (n=2), Ireland (n=2), RRS were available to be activated by any staff member
Norway (n=1), Pakistan (n=1), Sweden (n=1), Thailand 24 hours/day, 7 days a week. The staffing composition of
(n=1) and South America (n=1). The majority of the the majority of RRT/METs included a critical care
studies were observational in design, and included 13 nurse, a physician and a respiratory therapist. The most
cohort studies, 11 case–control, 8 before and after and 6 common RRT/MET activation criteria were cardiovascu-
cross-sectional surveys. There were eight review papers lar, respiratory and neurological status, alongside staff
and three interrupted time series quasi-experimental and family concern. Studies examining the effectiveness
studies. The remainder were chart/database reviews of RRSs reported on a number of clinical and process
(n=23), quality improvement initiatives (n=9), qualitative outcome data, for example, cardio/respiratory arrest
studies (n=4) or case reports (n=1). There was one (CPA) rates, mortality rates unplanned PICU transfers/

4 Lambert V, et al. BMJ Open 2017;7:e014497. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-014497

Open Access

Figure 2 Diagnostic predictive

accuracy of paediatric early
warning detection systems.

admissions interventions required (ie, intubation, mech- number of qualitative and quality improvement studies
anical ventilation, inotropes) and MET/code blue activa- highlighted the importance of creating an empowering
tions. Collectively, findings revealed mixed evidence on culture that fosters trusting relationships, opens commu-
the effectiveness of RRSs. For instance, although four nication and supportive teamwork.83 85 87 90 96 Working
studies reported a significant reduction in CPA rates and through real-life cases and using a multiprofessional
five studies found a significant reduction in mortality, approach to PEWS education/training were positively
there were an equal number of studies reporting non- evaluated for improving doctor–nurse communication,
significant findings. enhanced team-work and better use of the SBAR
Five papers reported on quality improvement initia- (Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendations)
tives for families to activate the RRS.59 62 63 69 71 communication technique.97 Significant improvements
Findings revealed that families infrequently activate the were also found in documented vital signs, communica-
RRS, but when they do, the reason is largely as a conse- tion episodes and intern hand-offs after ABC-SBAR
quence of communication failures rather than critical (communication technique) training.92 93 The integra-
care deterioration. While physicians value family input tion of situation awareness interventions into EWS was
and depend on families to explain their child’s baseline also recommended to recognise experienced clinicians
condition and identify subtle changes in their child, phy- tacit knowledge (ie, watcher/clinician gut feeling) and
sicians are apprehensive towards family-activated RRS the incorporation of structures, such as huddles, to pro-
because of potential misuse of resources, undermining actively identify risk and communicate concerns at
of the clinician–family therapeutic relationship, bedside, unit and organisational level.85 86
increased family anxiety/burden and a need to provide No published evidence for the resource implications
knowledge/training to families. of complete PEWS (detection, response and implemen-
tation) was found. Bonafide et al84 prepared the cost of a
Review question 3: What evidence exists on PEWS MET component of PEWS and found three clinical
implementation strategies/interventions? deterioration events would offset MET costs (compared
Table 2 provides an overview of evidence from 16 studies with pre-MET). After this, any clinical deterioration
reporting on PEW implementation strategies/interven- events averted (by MET) would represent cost savings.
tions. The evidence was diverse in approach, ranging These findings relate to one element of PEWS and may
from the adoption of social marketing principles to not translate directly to PEW scoring systems or
quality/performance improvement initiatives to chart additional safety structures that enhance PEWS
reviews, qualitative studies and pre–post implementation implementation.
surveys. Comparative evaluations were therefore difficult
and no conclusions were drawn on an optimal imple-
mentation strategy to influence change in clinical/ DISCUSSION
process outcomes (or indeed what the best clinical/ This review systematically examined and synthesised evi-
process outcomes are to measure). Despite the limited dence on PEWS as a comprehensive system comprised
evidence, valuable insights were gleaned into cultural, of detection, response and implementation components.
sociotechnical, education/training and organisational For all three review questions, no conclusive answers on
issues impacting, either positively or negatively, on the the effectiveness and impact of PEWS on clinical prac-
effective implementation of PEWS. For example, a tice were identified. The review revealed the absence of

Lambert V, et al. BMJ Open 2017;7:e014497. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-014497 5


Open Access
Table 1 Overview of evidence on paediatric early warning response mechanisms
Level of Type of
evidence study Intervention Availability Composition Activation criteria Outcomes Effectiveness References
73 74
2+well-conducted Cohort Paediatric RRT 24 hours/ 4 team members Cardiovascular, Clinical Significant reduction
cohort study (n=2) (n=1) 7 days a week incl. PICU respiratory and Cardiopulmonary in hospital mortality
(n=2) Paediatric MET (n=11) respiratory therapist, neurological arrest (n=2) rates (n=2)
(n=1) Not reported critical care nurse, changes, staff Unplanned transfer Significant reduction
Weekly insitu (n=6) PICU physician and concern/worry (n=1) to PICU (n=1) in code rates (n=1)
simulation team Activation by hospital manager Not reported (n=1) Mortality rates (n=1)
training (n=1) any staff (n=1) Process
member Not reported (n=1) MET/code blue
(n=10) activations (n=1)
54 55 60
2- high risk of Interrupted RRS incl. MET Not reported 2 members incl. Haemodynamic Clinical Reduction in cardiac
64–68 81
non-causal time series and EWS (n=2) (n=7) PICU respiratory changes (n=1) Unplanned transfer and/or respiratory
relationships/high (n=2) Paediatric RRT Activation by therapist and critical Cardiovascular, to PICU (n=6) arrests but not
risk of Cohort (n=2) parent/family care nurse (n=1) respiratory and Mortality rates (n=5) significant (n=4)
confounding or (n=4) RR calls (n=1) member 3 team members neurological Cardiac and/or Reduction in death
bias (n=9) Before and Paediatric MET (n=10) (+PICU physician or changes (n=6), Staff respiratory arrest rates but not
after (n=3) (n=1) Not reported paediatric resident) concern/worry (n=5) (CPA) (n=5) significant (n=2)
RRS using (n=11) (n=5) Parent/family Interventions No difference in CPA
Lambert V, et al. BMJ Open 2017;7:e014497. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-014497

physician led RSS includes 4 members concern (n=4) required (n=3) and/or mortality (n=1)
MET (n=3) follow-up (+paediatric critical Other—seizures Process No difference in
Follow-up 2 programme for care resident) (n=1) (n=2), lethargy MET/code blue mortality rates (n=2)
MET visits all patients 9 members (n=1) activations (n=7) Statistically
within 48 hours after PICU (+pharmacist, Not reported (n=2) Time from ICU significant more
post PICU discharge assistant residents, transfer to life activations during
discharge (n=1) (n=1) intern, security saving interventions day time (n=1)
officer, chaplin) (n=2) Mortality rate
(n=1) Time to transfer to significantly higher
Not reported (n=1) ICU (n=1) for children
Time of RR calls transferred to PICU
(n=2) from acute care
Disposition of wards than other
patient after RR call PICU admissions
(n=1) (n=1)
MET assessment
(activations and
planned and
unplanned visits)
Lambert V, et al. BMJ Open 2017;7:e014497. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-014497

Table 1 Continued
Level of Type of
evidence study Intervention Availability Composition Activation criteria Outcomes Effectiveness References
56 61 70 75
3 non-analytic Chart review Paediatric RRT 1 member—PICU Cardiovascular Clinical Significant reduction
76 78 79
case review (n=4) (n=2) physician (n=1) changes (n=4) Unplanned transfer in CPA (n=3)
(n=7) Database Paediatric MET 3 members incl. Respiratory and to PICU (n=5) Significant reduction
review (n=2) (n=3) PICU respiratory neurological Cardiac and/or in mortality rates
Case Paediatric RRS therapist, critical changes (n=6), Staff respiratory arrest (n=3)
examples (n=1) care nurse and concern/worry (n=6) (n=4) Reduction in
(n=1) Paediatric Early senior paediatric Parent/family Mortality rates (n=2) mortality rates but
Response resident (n=1) concern (n=5) Interventions not significant (n=1)
Team (PERT) 4–5 members Other—pain, required (n=2) Risk of cardiac arrest
(n=1) (varied+charge agitation, seizures Cardiac arrest (n=1) and mortality
Emergency nurse, manager, (n=1) Process decreased but not
Response pharmacist) (n=5) Not reported (n=1) MET/code blue significant (n=1)
Team (ERT) activations (n=7) No change in
(n=1) Time from ICU number of code blue
transfer to life calls (n=1)
saving interventions No change in
(n=1) mortality (n=1)
Time of RR calls Trend towards
(n=3) decreased frequency
of PICU transfers
admissions to PICU
increased but not
significant (n=1)
significant more
activations during
day time (n=1)

Open Access

Open Access
Table 2 Overview of evidence on paediatric early warning implementation strategies/interventions
Level of Implementation
evidence Type of study Intervention strategy Outcomes Effectiveness References
84 86 92 93
2- high risk of Time series MET team (n=1) Checklist-based form Costs and benefits 3 clinical deterioration events would offset
confounding to (n=1) Situation awareness followed flow of situation of operating MET costs of MET (n=1)
bias or high risk Cohort (n=1) intervention (n=1) awareness algorithm; (n=1) Rate of UNSAFE transfers significantly
of non-causal Before and after Education programme completed by charge Rate of UNSAFE reduced (n=1)
relationships (n=2) (n=2) nurse (n=1) (unrecognised Significant improvement in paediatric
(n=4) Didactic education situation awareness intern hand-offs (n=1)
session (45 min) and failure events) (n=1) Reduction in unplanned admission to
participation in 2 Paediatric interns PHDU (not significant) (n=1)
video-recorded mock patient hand-offs Significant improvement in vital sign
patient hand-off (n=1) (n=1) documentation (n=1)
Multifaceted e-learning Unplanned Significant improvement in number of
package and 3-hour admission to PHDU documented communication episodes
face-to-face low-fidelity (n=1) (n=1)
simulation package Vital sign
(n=1) documentation (n=1)
Communication and
medical review (n=1)
87 88 94
3 non-analytic Chart review Cardiopulmonary Piloted intervention Cost of CPR (n=1) Short-term costs of CPR events more
case review (n=2) resuscitation attempts through multiphases Number of days expensive than adults; post PICU
Lambert V, et al. BMJ Open 2017;7:e014497. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-014497

(n=3) Cost analysis (n=1) (n=2) between CPA (n=1) admission costs higher than arrest/event
exercise (n=1) PEWS scoring system Unplanned CICU cases (n=1)
and watchful eye transfers (n=1) Increase in number of days between CPA
action algorithm (n=1) (n=1)
CHEWS and Reduction in unplanned CICU transfers
escalation of care (n=1)
algorithm (n=1)
83 85 89–91
4 expert opinion Qualitative study PEWS and escalation Social marketing (n=2) How EWS supports EWS alerts clinicians to concerning vital
(n=9) (n=3) algorithm (n=1) Multisite and clinician sign changes; prompts critical thinking
Quality RRS/MET programme multidisciplinary decision-making about possible deterioration; provides
improvement (n=4) improvement (n=1) less-experienced nurses with age-based
initiative (n=4) RRS incl. calling collaborative (n=2) Achievement and vital sign reference ranges and empowers
Course criteria, EWS and Comprehensive maintenance nurses to escalate care and communicate
evaluation MET (n=1) paediatric change situation awareness concerns (n=1)
survey (n=1) Foundation changes, package (n=1) (n=1) A number of social, technological and
Cross-sectional eg, ISBAR, midlevel Plan-Do-Check-Act Cardiopulmonary organisational factors were identified as
survey (n=1) changes, eg, RRT and (n=1) arrest rates/code influencing the achievement of situation
advanced changes, Multiphased pilots (n=2) blue events (n=4) awareness categorised under the 3
eg, FARRT (n=1) Roll out cycles/phases PICU mortality (n=1) themes of team based care, availability of
Education course across different units RRS activations standardised data, and standardised
(n=1) (n=3) (n=2) processes and procedures (n=1)
Lambert V, et al. BMJ Open 2017;7:e014497. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-014497

Table 2 Continued
Level of Implementation
evidence Type of study Intervention strategy Outcomes Effectiveness References
Introduced on limited Improvement in No reduction, or no significant reduction,
basis then expanded to patient safety culture in code rates (n=2)
full 24/7 service roll out (n=1) Significant reductions in code blue events
(n=2) Benefits of MET and PICU mortality (n=1)
Multiprofessional 1 day (n=1) Reduction in CPA organisationally (n=1)
face-to-face education Values/attitudes Reduction in RRS activations (n=1)
programme (n=1) placed on MET by Patient safety culture scores improved
clinicians (n=1) (only statistically significant improvement
Barriers to activating was seen in “non-punitive response to
MET (n=2) error” (n=1)
Most useful aspects MET benefits included education provided
of education course on hospital floors; satisfaction of service
(n=1) users incl. patients, nurses and
physicians; empowerment of bedside staff
Clinicians valued RRS; enhanced patient
safety and improved relationships among
clinicians in general care and ICU areas;
reported on barriers that shaped decision
to activate MET (n=1)
Most useful aspects of education course
were, discussion/review of real-life cases;
learning to use SBAR which improved
communication between clinicians and
team working; multiprofessional approach
which improved understanding among
each professional group when dealing
with deterioration cases (n=1)

Open Access
Open Access

a standard PEW scoring system across paediatric clinical deterioration. Further evidence is also needed on
inpatient settings internationally, limited standardisation family-activated response mechanisms to demonstrate
of outcomes to enable comparison of published PEWS improved patient outcomes.
studies and uncertainty regarding PEWS education and Despite many anecdotal accounts emphasising the
implementation processes at different institutions. This importance of the process of PEWS implementation, a
highlights the need for more organised multisite coord- dearth of published literature was sourced in this area.
ination and study around PEW scoring, systems usage, The review did identify, however, the need for cogni-
implementation and outcome measures. While the sance to be given to the multifaceted nature of PEWS
review revealed mixed outcomes, it is promising to see (ie, communication, multidisciplinary team-work and
evidence suggesting positive directional trends in clinical education, parent involvement), including the health-
outcomes, for example, reduced cardiopulmonary care cultural context in which PEWS would be imple-
arrests, earlier intervention and transition to PICU with mented. There is a need to move beyond reactive
accompanying potential improvements in patient safety responses to include proactive assessment of children at
culture through enhanced multidisciplinary communica- risk of clinical deterioration (eg, concepts such as the
tion and team-work, for example. watcher, huddles, roving teams).85 86 98 Healthcare pro-
The review draws attention to the fact that multiple fessionals can benefit from improved situational aware-
distinct PEWS scoring systems are in use internationally, ness to proactively assess all relevant context around the
yet empirical evidence on which system is most effective child, family, tasks required, staff/team and
is limited. Perhaps this is due to the heterogeneity in environment.99 100
how the detection tools were developed, modified and Despite its limitations, this review contributes import-
investigated across included studies. Diversity in the com- ant learning because no evidence was sourced that col-
position of PEW detection systems (ie, physiological lectively examined the multiple components of PEWS as
parameters, reference range values, trigger threshold a complex healthcare intervention in a single study.
points and clinical deterioration outcome markers) Rather, the evidence examined PEWS in a piece-meal
makes it difficult to compare and contrast performance manner, focusing on one particular aspect (eg, detec-
criteria. It was rare, however, for any PEW detection tion, response or implementation) each time. The find-
system to have a high specificity and sensitivity. While ings support Chapman et al’s22 recently updated
some systems showed promising performance criteria, review which revealed low evidence to support paediatric
many were unable to be fully validated due to low sensi- track and trigger system (PTTS) implementation as a
tivity. Many contexts chose simplicity and clinical utility single intervention. There was, however, some moderate
as a priority in deciding which PEW detection system to evidence to support the delivery of PTTS as part of a
implement. The variety of PEW parameters used by package of interventions or ‘care bundles’. Chapman
local units is perhaps reflective of the desire to have et al22 contended that this may be reflective of the com-
locally derived systems.45 This presents difficulty for plexities of healthcare delivery. The multiple challenges
development of a national, and/or international, stand- inherent in the delivery of effective high-quality safe
ard to guide clinical practice. Challenges exist in stan- healthcare are increasingly recognised with the call for
dardising a common scoring tool and in establishing a more proactive defence layers that focus on system,
common language among healthcare professionals for rather than human, resilience.100 One avenue to poten-
recognising and responding to clinically deteriorating tially assist with addressing the complexity of PEWS, and
children. Indeed, the majority of PEW detection systems advancing this field of knowledge, is the integration of
were evaluated at one point in time, and in single-site quality improvement, science and human factors. This is
paediatric hospital settings, limiting the transferability of important because human factors are not independent
results. One multicentre case–control study40 was identi- issues that can be tackled in isolation or on a piece-meal
fied which validated the Canadian Bedside PEWS across basis but need to be integrated into the life cycle of the
inpatient units in four children’s hospitals. Results are systems development.100 This could potentially lead to
eagerly awaited from the first multicentre cluster rando- improvements in better outcomes and experiences for
mised controlled trial evaluating the impact of Bedside children and their families and also better system per-
PEWS across 22 hospitals internationally.42 formance (ie, care) and professional development (ie,
The review identified that the main PEW response learning).101
intervention in use internationally was health
professional-activated RRSs, incorporating RRTs and Strengths and limitations
METs. It was difficult to make comparisons, however, This manuscript systematically collated and synthesised
because of variations in how RRT/METs were operationa- evidence on the multiple components (detection,
lised in terms of team membership, activation criteria and response and implementation) of PEWS collectively in
determination of effectiveness. With limited uniformity on one review. While a comprehensive search strategy was
how clinical and process outcomes were defined and mea- employed, and the recommended practices for the
sured across studies, uncertainty remains around the conduct and reporting of systematic reviews were
impact of RRS on the timely intervention for children with adhered to, it is possible that some relevant papers may

10 Lambert V, et al. BMJ Open 2017;7:e014497. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-014497

Open Access

have been missed. Additionally, with the exclusion of ingredients’ of PEWS interventions are in contributing
non-English papers, there is the potential risk of publica- to the detection and/or timely identification of, and
tion bias. Although beyond the scope of this review, response to, deterioration in improving clinical out-
there is potentially other literature likely to be of rele- comes for children in inpatient hospital settings.
vance to informing the effectiveness of PEWS; most spe-
cifically to examine sociocontextual factors (eg, situation Acknowledgements This work originated from a Department of Health
awareness and human factor) that may, or may not, work commissioned review lead by the corresponding author in 2014. In August
as active ingredients in the successful implementation of 2016, the authors revised and updated this review. The authors are grateful to
the other project team members (Marie T O’Shea, Catherine Walshe, Melissa
PEWS. There is some work emerging in this area.102
Corbally, Donal O’Mathuna, Anthony Staines, Caroline O’Connor) for their help
in the original review process. The authors would also like to acknowledge
Recommendations for clinical practice members of our national paediatric expert advisory group for the original
Clinicians working in inpatient paediatric units, and review, including Cormac Breatnach, Sharon Condon, Orla Franklin, Amanda
Halpin, Una McAree and Ann Moran.
management at unit and organisational levels, need to
recognise that the early detection of a deteriorating Contributors VL was the lead investigator for the original and revised review.
child is much more than identifying and responding to VL and AM designed the review protocol, developed and ran the updated
search searches, selected and appraised the papers, extracted data and
a score. Instead, through creation of a common lan- drafted the initial manuscript. RM and JF commented on the protocol,
guage, PEWS should stimulate a heightened sense of searches, evidence appraisal and revised the manuscript for important
situation awareness and open communication among intellectual content. All authors approved the final manuscript.
clinicians about children at risk of clinical deterioration, Funding This work was supported by the Irish Department of Health and
thereby supporting, not replacing, clinical judgement. overseen by the National Clinical Effectiveness Committee and Health Service
PEWS should be embraced as a part of a larger multifa- Executive PEWS Guideline Development Group.
ceted safety framework that will develop and grow over Competing interests None declared.
time with strong governance and leadership, targeted
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
training, ongoing support and continuous improvement.
Data sharing statement No additional data are available.

Directions for future research Open Access This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with
the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license,
Future research needs to investigate PEWS as a complex
which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-
multifaceted sociotechnical system that is embedded in a commercially, and license their derivative works on different terms, provided
wider safety culture influenced by many organisational the original work is properly cited and the use is non-commercial. See: http://
and human factors such as, but not limited to, clinician
knowledge, experience and confidence; effective multi-
disciplinary communication and team-work; family
engagement; situation awareness; decision-making; unit
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