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Music Class 

and Rules
Dear Students:
I will give you my all. Do not disrespect my dedication to you as a teacher by giving
nothing in return. Please follow the next rules and procedures:

1. Respect your classmates and teachers.

2. Be polite and helpful.
3. Be in class on time.
4. Is not allowed to use cellphones in class.
5. Follow directions the first time they are given.
6. Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak.
7. Keep the classroom clean and do not eat in it.
8. Treat instruments with care.
9. Come to class prepared with materials & positive attitude.
10. ¡Participate, Participate, Participate!
11. Unless directed, musical instruments are off limits.
12. Excessive talking interrupts the class, and will not be tolerated.
13. On class assignments, do not sit idle if the teacher is busy with
another student.
14. Try again on your own or quietly ask a neighbor for help.
15. Respond in a positive manner to another student’s request for
help or to his/her work.

You have the responsibility for making good choices about the way you use
your time in music class. Those choices will result in either positive or
negative consequences.

Zero tolerance for disrespecting teacher, classmates or equipment.

¡Thank you for your cooperation making Music Class

a learning and fun experience for all students!

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