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UNIANOVA cunostinte BY statut_marital copii /METHOD=SSTYPE(3)

/EMMEANS=TABLES(copii) /EMMEANS=TABLES(statut_marital*copii)
/DESIGN=statut_marital copii statut_marital*copii.

Univariate Analysis of Variance

[DataSet1] C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My


Between-Subjects Factors

Value Label N

marital status 1 necasatorit 20

2 casatorit 18

3 divortat 11

are copii? 0 Nu 23

1 Da 26

Descriptive Statistics

Dependent Variable:cunostinte

marital status copii? Mean Std. Deviation N

necasatorit Nu 29.75 2.221 20

Total 29.75 2.221 20

casatorit Nu 38.00 . 1

Da 34.18 3.504 17

Total 34.39 3.517 18

divortat Nu 36.50 3.536 2

Da 29.67 4.213 9

Total 30.91 4.805 11

Total Nu 30.70 3.336 23

Da 32.62 4.281 26
Total 31.71 3.948 49

Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variancesa

Dependent Variable:cunostinte

F df1 df2 Sig.

1.350 4 44 .267

Tests the null hypothesis that the error variance of

the dependent variable is equal across groups.

a. Design: Intercept + statut_marital + copii +

statut_marital * copii

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable:cunostinte

Type III Sum of

Source Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Corrected Model 303.279a 4 75.820 7.502 .000

Intercept 25269.796 1 25269.796 2500.156 .000

statut_marital 134.030 2 67.015 6.630 .003

copii 68.008 1 68.008 6.729 .013

statut_marital * copii 5.425 1 5.425 .537 .468

Error 444.721 44 10.107

Total 50032.000 49

Corrected Total 748.000 48

a. R Squared = .405 (Adjusted R Squared = .351)

Estimated Marginal Means

1. marital status

Dependent Variable:cunostinte

95% Confidence Interval

marital status Mean Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound

necasatorit 29.750a .711 28.317 31.183

casatorit 36.088 1.636 32.792 39.385

divortat 33.083 1.243 30.579 35.588

a. Based on modified population marginal mean.

2. are copii?

Dependent Variable:cunostinte

95% Confidence Interval

copii? Mean Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound

Nu 34.750 1.319 32.091 37.409

Da 31.922a .655 30.601 33.242

a. Based on modified population marginal mean.

3. marital status * are copii?

Dependent Variable:cunostinte

95% Confidence Interval

marital status copii? Mean Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound

necasatorit Nu 29.750 .711 28.317 31.183

Da .a . . .

casatorit Nu 38.000 3.179 31.593 44.407

Da 34.176 .771 32.622 35.730

divortat Nu 36.500 2.248 31.969 41.031

Da 29.667 1.060 27.531 31.802

a. This level combination of factors is not observed, thus the corresponding

population marginal mean is not estimable.

UNIANOVA cunostinte BY statut_marital copii WITH ore_studiu

WITH(ore_studiu=MEAN) /EMMEANS=TABLES(copii) WITH(ore_studiu=MEAN)
/EMMEANS=TABLES(statut_marital*copii) WITH(ore_studiu=MEAN)
statut_marital copii statut_marital*copii.

Univariate Analysis of Variance

[DataSet1] C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My

Between-Subjects Factors

Value Label N

marital status 1 necasatorit 20

2 casatorit 18

3 divortat 11

are copii? 0 Nu 23

1 Da 26

Descriptive Statistics

Dependent Variable:cunostinte

marital status copii? Mean Std. Deviation N

necasatorit Nu 29.75 2.221 20

Total 29.75 2.221 20

casatorit Nu 38.00 . 1

Da 34.18 3.504 17

Total 34.39 3.517 18

divortat Nu 36.50 3.536 2

Da 29.67 4.213 9

Total 30.91 4.805 11

Total Nu 30.70 3.336 23

Da 32.62 4.281 26

Total 31.71 3.948 49

Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variancesa

Dependent Variable:cunostinte

F df1 df2 Sig.

1.381 4 44 .256
Tests the null hypothesis that the error variance of
the dependent variable is equal across groups.

a. Design: Intercept + ore_studiu + statut_marital

+ copii + statut_marital * copii

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable:cunostinte

Type III Sum of

Source Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Corrected Model 304.312a 5 60.862 5.898 .000

Intercept 7504.505 1 7504.505 727.298 .000

ore_studiu 1.032 1 1.032 .100 .753

statut_marital 133.993 2 66.996 6.493 .003

copii 68.012 1 68.012 6.591 .014

statut_marital * copii 5.343 1 5.343 .518 .476

Error 443.688 43 10.318

Total 50032.000 49

Corrected Total 748.000 48

a. R Squared = .407 (Adjusted R Squared = .338)

Estimated Marginal Means

1. marital status

Dependent Variable:cunostinte

95% Confidence Interval

marital status Mean Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound

necasatorit 2.984E1 .772 28.283 31.395

casatorit 36.121a 1.656 32.781 39.460

divortat 33.045a 1.262 30.501 35.589

a. Covariates appearing in the model are evaluated at the following values:

ore studiu/saptamina = 15.84.

b. Based on modified population marginal mean.

2. are copii?

Dependent Variable:cunostinte

95% Confidence Interval

copii? Mean Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound

Nu 34.832a 1.358 32.093 37.571

Da 3.184E1 .715 30.395 33.278

a. Covariates appearing in the model are evaluated at the following

values: ore studiu/saptamina = 15.84.

b. Based on modified population marginal mean.

3. marital status * are copii?

Dependent Variable:cunostinte

95% Confidence Interval

marital status copii? Mean Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound

necasatorit Nu 29.839a .772 28.283 31.395

Da .a,b . . .

casatorit Nu 38.120a 3.235 31.597 44.643

Da 34.121a .798 32.511 35.731

divortat Nu 36.538a 2.275 31.951 41.125

Da 29.551a 1.131 27.271 31.832

a. Covariates appearing in the model are evaluated at the following values: ore
studiu/saptamina = 15.84.

b. This level combination of factors is not observed, thus the corresponding

population marginal mean is not estimable.

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