Carta Cotaminacion Bogota

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Bogotá- Colombia March 04, 2021

Subject: Pollution in our capital

By means of this letter, I sent a greeting and hug I, an environmental engineering student from CEAD-
GIRARDOT, I write to all the industries of our capital, Bogotá DC for the production of CO2, since
today it is our first most polluted city, due to All those industries that want and unintentionally harm our
environment, I would like you to read something and little of what I want to express to our
environmental problems.
Bogotá has more than 23,000 cancer-causing buses, and they are importing more.
The articulated buses used in Bogotá are trucks with trailers that crash twice more than the non-
articulated ones; and if they are bi-articulated, even worse. Every articulation emits more carcinogenic
particles from the tire rubber.
Although many still do not believe that pollution is a major problem in Colombia, will they take charge
and make the right decision regardless of popular opinion and political parties? If we don't make a
positive move now, it may be too late. Studies show the many potential problems that could harm
Colombians. If renewable energy is not developed. Renewable or alternative energy sources may be
the answer.

The benefits of using renewable energy include: few or no global warming emissions, improved public
health and environmental quality, a vast and inexhaustible energy supply, jobs and other economic
benefits, stable energy prices, and a more reliable and reliable energy system. resistant".
In conclusion, I firmly believe that they must take control of environmental problems related to
pollution. If Colombia can have its status as a world power, it is necessary to prevent the economic
and health problems caused by pollution and protect our future generations.

Alejandra López cardenas
Environmental engineer

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