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How to Save a WinQSB project in to Excel.

This only works one way from WinQSB to Excel; there are two alternate methods for
this. There is another technique for Excel to WinQSB.

This is the first alternative method for bringing WinQSB into Excel. These procedures
are with the Input from WinQSB, but it works for any Text File.

Step 1. Create your data input table in WinQSB.

Step 2. Go to the “File” drop down menu and go down to “Save Problem As”
{See Picture Below}

Step 3. A pop up screen will appear with “Save Problem in Matrix (Spreadsheet) Form”
in the title bar. Go to the drop down option list where it states “Save file as type:”
and select “Text Files(*.TXT)”
{See Picture Below}

By: Peter A. Lee
Step 4. Give it a file name and a location to save it to. The name should be including the
“.txt” at the end of the file name.
{See Picture Below}

Step 5. Click the “OK” button in the upper right corner. This will save the text file to that
Step 6. Open up a new Excel spreadsheet.
Step 7. Go to the “File” drop down menu and go to “Open…”
{See Picture Below}

By: Peter A. Lee
Step 8. A pop up window will appear with “Open” in the title bar. Go to the location
where you saved the Text File. Go to the “Files of Type:” drop down option list and
scroll down and select “Text Files”.
{See Picture Below}

Step 9. Your file should show up in the big central area of the pop up window.
{See Picture Below}

By: Peter A. Lee
Step 10. Click on you file and then click on the “Open” button. Another pop up
screen will open replacing the first with “Text Import Wizard – Step 1 of 3” in the
title bar.
{See Picture Below}

Step 11. Click on the “Next >” button. This will bring you to Step 2 of 3.
{See Picture Below}

By: Peter A. Lee
Step 12. You will see your text file in the bottom viewing area with several vertical
lines on it. They should line up with the columns of the Matrix Form from WinQSB.
There will be one line for every column less one; 5 columns = 4 lines.
{See Picture Below}

Step 13. Click the “Finish” button.

{See Picture Below}

By: Peter A. Lee
Step 14. The computer will process for a second and then a new instance of Excel
will appear. This is your Text File in Excel, it is still a Text File
{See Picture Below}

Step 15. The width of the columns is a bit off and needs to be realigned. First select
all of the columns containing your Input Data from WinQSB.
{See Picture Below}

By: Peter A. Lee
Step 16. Double click the left mouse button on one of the column lines between
any two columns. For example between Column A and Column B. The Columns will
auto resize to the contents of the cells highlighted to the widest of each column.
{See Picture Below}

Step 17. If you recall from earlier, you are still just looking at a your Text File in
Excel, now you need to save it as an Excel workbook. First go to the “File” drop
down menu and go to “Save As…”.
{See Picture Below}

By: Peter A. Lee
Step 18. A pop up window will appear with “Save As” in the title bar. Click on the
drop down option list to select a different file type next to where it states “Save as
type” and select “Microsoft Office Excel Workbook”.
{See Picture Below}

Please proceed to the next page to continue the instructions.

By: Peter A. Lee
Step 19. Once you have changed the file type, if you have any file of a different
type in the folder you are viewing they will disappear because they are of a different
file type. If you wish to save in a different location, proceed to do so, when ready
click the “Save” button to save the Excel File.
{See Picture Below}

Step 20. Congratulations, you have just saved a WinQSB file as an Excel File.
{See Picture Below}

By: Peter A. Lee
This is the second alternative method for bringing WinQSB into Excel. These procedures
are with the Output from WinQSB, but it works for any Text File.

Please proceed to the next page to begin the instructions.

Step 1. First, you want to have “Solved the Problem” using WinQSB and are at the
“Combined Report” screen of WinQSB. Go to the “File” drop down menu and go to
“Save As”.
{See Picture Below}

Step 2. A pop up window will appear with “Save As” in the title bar. WinQSB will
automatically save as a Text File and all you have to do is change the name of the file
to suit your needs. You may have to change the location to save the file.
{See Picture Below}

Step 3. Go to the location where you saved your file.

{See Picture Below}

Step 4. Double click on it with the left mouse button to open the Text File.

By: Peter A. Lee
Step 5. Once it is open, press the following button combination to select all of the text
“Ctrl + A” or otherwise highlight all of the text contained in the file.
{See Picture Below}

Step 6. Once all of the text is highlighted, press the following button combination to copy
all of the selected text “Ctrl + C” or otherwise copy the selection.
Step 7. Open a new Excel workbook or spreadsheet in an existing workbook. Either way,
it must be blank.
{See Picture Below}

Please proceed to the next page to continue the instructions.

By: Peter A. Lee
Step 8. Click on the cell A1, it is the default cell if you just opened the workbook and
should already be selected. Press the following button combination to paste the text
that was copied earlier “Ctrl + V” or otherwise paste the selection onto the
spreadsheet. The text will be highlighted once completed, and all of the columns
should be aligned correctly. If not aligned correctly, try the other method.
{See Picture Below}

Step 9. As seen in the previous picture, there are some curious happenings in the cells;
this is ok, as it will be assessed in the following Steps. Whatever you do, do not go
through the auto size yet; there are other actions that need to happen.
Step 10. First off, if you have anything that in the Output was a –M, it will cause an
error in Excel. You will see in the cell “#NAME?”, if you click on the cell the
formula is “=-M” and Excel does not know how to handle this. There is a trick.
{See Picture Below}

By: Peter A. Lee
Step 11. First what you want to do is to click in the formula bar. Next highlight the
equals sign. Now press the Apostrophe key. Press the Enter key. The cell should now
have –M in it.
{See Picture Below}

If there are multiple –M’s in the Output, this method is very time consuming, so an
alternate method is to, before clicking anything, perform a Replace All.
Step 12. Click on the “Edit” drop down menu and go to “Replace… Ctrl+H” or
press the button combination “Ctrl + H” to do the same task.
{See Picture Below}

Please proceed to the next page to continue the instructions.

By: Peter A. Lee
Step 13. A pop up window will appear with “Find and Replace” in the title bar.
There will be two tabs, one that is “Find” and the other that is “Replace”, the
“Replace” tab should already be active. There are two boxes on this tab, the top box is
“Find what:”, this is where you put a single equals sign, or what you want to find. The
bottom box is “Replace with:”, this is where you put a single apostrophe sign, or what
you want to replace.
{See Picture Below}

Step 14. Click the “Replace All” button.

{See Picture Below}

Step 15. A pop up window will appear telling you how many replacements Excel
has made. Click the “OK” button or press the “Enter” key to close the top pop up.
{See Picture Below}

By: Peter A. Lee
Step 16. Click the “Close” button to close the “Find and Replace” pop up window.
{See Picture Below}

Step 17. Check over your handy work to make sure the changes worked.
Step 18. Now that all of the –M’s have been fixed, you need to resize all of the
columns to fit the contents of the cells. Repeat Step 15 and Step 16 from the previous
procedures. Doing so will yield one very wide A column and the remaining columns
that are proper. You will want to perform a Merge and Center. Start by highlighting
cells A1 to D1.
{See Picture Below}

Step 19. Click the “Merge and Center” button on the formatting tool bar. You may
have to find it.
{See Picture Below}

By: Peter A. Lee
Step 20. Once the cells merge, again repeat Step 16 from the previous procedures
but only for the A column. Now your A1 cell is four columns wide.
{See Picture Below}

Step 21. Save this file as you would any other Excel file.
Step 22. Congratulations, you have just saved a WinQSB file as an Excel File.

By: Peter A. Lee

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