Detailed Lesson Values Clarification: I-Objectives

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Detailed Lesson

Values Clarification
At the end of the lesson the student must be able to:
 Determining what those personal values are and how they affect personal decision
 Appreciate the importance of values and apply what are the proper values.

II-Subject Matter and References

A. Topic: Values Clarification
B. Reference:

III- Materials
 Pictures
 Laptop

A. Preparation

Good Morning Class

My Name is Teacher June P. Dalumpines, but you can call me Teacher June.
Who am I again?

Let us pray first.

Everybody, close our eyes and bow our heads.

Dear God,
Thank you for looking after our virtual class.
Thank you that you love each and everyone of us here.

Help us to learn in our topics and share together.

So that the wonderful world you have made.
Becomes more beautiful everyday.

You may now take your seat.

May I know who are the absent for today?

B. Motivation
1. Look At the Pictures

What do you see in the pictures?

Filipino Values

Thank you!

2. Ask:

What is values?

Values  are individual beliefs that motivate people to act one way or another. They serve
as a guide for human behavior. Generally, people are predisposed to adopt
the values that they are raised with. People also tend to believe that those values are
“right” because they are the values of their particular culture.

C. Lesson Proper


What is Values Clarification?

A method whereby a person can discover his or her own values by assessing, exploring,
and determining what those personal values are and how they affect personal decision

What is the goal of Values Clarification?

The goal of "values clarification" is for you to become fully conscious of their influence,
and to explore and honestly acknowledge what you truly value at this time in your life.

Values Clarification is a difficult task.

 Values Clarification is a difficult task

 Choice - right to exercise one's freedoms in any manner.
 Value - Worth in usefulness or importance to the possessor.
 Action - something done
Values are better than rules

The organization promotes values to guide people. Doing this saves time because
organizations need not write rules, and need not refer to rule books or organization

Values serve as outline goals

An explicit set of values shall form the foundation of any organization because they

Values send a message

A good value teaches and guides the members of the organization. A symbolic act affirms
the value over and over.

Values shape an organization

Values manifest itself in various ways. It thrusts members to produce quality good
products. Values can shape and animate an organization.

D. Activity
Please watch this video

E. Generalization
I know that you’ve learn a lot from our discussion, Any volunteer who can give the 5

Values Clarification is a difficult task.

Values are better than rules.
Values serve as outline goals.
Values send a message.
Values shape an organization.

Thank you very much for your answer.

It is very important for every student or a person to discover his or her own values
through assessing, exploring and determining what personal values and how they affect
personal decision making

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