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Title of Activity: Activity No.



NAME: June P. Dalumpines DATE: 03/16/2021

In a form of an essay, present current challenges and opportunities in the integration

of technology in the school setting. 

The benefits are wide for both teachers and students when using technology in
the class. Integrating computer technology into the classroom can serve as a means for
teachers to support and enhance learning, create opportunities to connect with
students, and encourage students to connect with information in new and exciting ways.
Educational technology can be used to design lessons that allow for more thorough
absorption of knowledge and improved learning outcomes. Engage students in Web
quests and other inquiry-based learning that empowers students to research
independently, construct questions, find answers and problem-solve to gain an
understanding of a subject or concept. But we cannot repudiate that there are significant
challenges that hinder us to integrate the technology in our class. One of the challenges
is that the Cost of new technology. Most of the student can’t provide their own
technology or pay another expense. Also keeping up with changes technology is a
constantly evolving industry, and education technology can quickly become obsolete as
new technology is introduced. With supportive guidance, clearly defined objectives, and
attentive instruction on how to use technology effectively and responsibly, students are
equipped with new skills as digital learners that have been linked to both improved
academic performance and increased personal and career success.

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