Learning Guide 1 Área: Grade 10th Teacher: First Period Date: Student: Objetivo General Del Área

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Learning Guide 1

Área : English

Grade 10th 2

Teacher : Jorge I. Moná Ramírez

First Period

Date : February the 1st of 2021

Student: joiner stiven murillo aguilar

Objetivo General del Área : Desarrollar las habilidades de la lengua extranjera, haciendo énfasis en la comprensión y
producción de textos en contextos comunicativos.

Derecho Básico de Aprendizaje : Distingue información general y específica en textos de opinión y discusiones orales y
escritos sobre temas conocidos. Para esto, responde a las preguntas ¿de qué trata el texto? y ¿cuál es el enunciado más
importante que el autor hace acerca del tema?

Contents: Sharing anecdotes using the past perfect Phrasal verbs :find out , pull ver, come up with, break down , figure
out, set off
Situation that had happened Situation in the past
Lou had tried to get a visa a couple of times she didn't get a visa to canada
pat tolo us that she had accidentally entered canada nome of us had seen the welcome sing
i looked for my passport in my bag I had left my passport at home

3. Past Perfect Tense: Observa el video y anota la fórmula con un ejemplo para el pasado perfecto afirmativo,
el pasado perfecto negativo y el pasado perfecto interrogativo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvhb40-

pasado perfecto afirmativo pasado perfecto negativo pasado perfecto interrogativo

He had worked had not worked I had not gone

She had worked You had not worked You had not gone
It had worked He had not worked He had not gone
We had worked She had not worked She had not gone
4. Observa el video y escribe los pares de eventos mencionados indicando cual fue primero y cuál fue segundo.

Which event happened first? We need the past perfect

1) mary had found a job in parís

2) peter had moved to parís

He failed his test because he hadn´t studied.

1) I had played all night and I did not study

2) I had missed the exam for not having studied

She had not seen snow until she visited canada

1) there was no snow in his country and he wanted to visit another country

2) traveled to Canada because there was if there was snow

When he arrived, the train left

When he arrived, the train had left

7.Write your school anecdote o family anecdote. /Escribe una anécdota de tu colegio o de tu familia. Algo que
estaba pasando cuando ocurrió otra cosa, algo que ya habías hecho antes de otro evento en el pasado.

Puedes empezar con la expresión I remember …,


I remember I started my programming work with a friend, we started with a simple operation
that was to start with a javasscript database and we continued but a code from my friend
broke the chain of binary codes but we found a way to fix the programming code and then we
got lost, after taking a look at the programming code we realized that each one had made a
different one and after a while we thought about how we were going to do it again in such a
short time.

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