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Watch the two Bible Project (TBP) videos (“What is the Bible” and “The Story of the


TBP – What is the Bible
TBP – The Story of the Bible

Put yourself in the position of a teacher who is writing a test for a class. 
1. Create one essay question for each video for a test you would give.
The Jewish people believe there is literary works (Jewish Scriptures) through which
God speaks to His people and is formed into the shape that we have them today.
Name the scripture and briefly explain what each section stands for.
It is the Jewish Bible in Hebrew called the Tanakh.
T – stands for Torah, sometimes called the law. It is Israel’s five book foundation
N – stands for Nevi’im. Hebrew word for prophets. This section consists of the
historical books that tell Israel’s story from the prophets’ point of view.
K – stands for Ketuvim. Hebrew word for writings – a diverse collection of poetic
books, wisdom books and more narratives.
The Bible Project: What is the Bible? Video (1:27 – 2:08)

Describe the beginning story of the Bible, focusing specifically on creation, the role of
humanity, the problem that quickly develops in the story.
The bible story begins with God creating and blessing a great piece of real estate: our
very good world. God entrusts it to a creature that reflects His divine image: human
or, in Hebrew, "Adam". God appoints humanity to rule the world as kings and queens
of creation. The question is whether they will trust God's wisdom to discern good and
evil or seize autonomy and redefine good and evil for themselves. But there is another
creature with the humans: a mysterious snake. It is in rebellion against the Creator.
And it dupes the humans to foolishly rebel against God's generosity by eating the
apple from the forbidden tree of ‘knowledge’. As a result, humanity is separated from
its divine source of life and exiled from a garden of blessing to die in a dangerous
wilderness. From there, humanity keeps spreading and redefining good and evil. And
things go downhill fast. They build cities plagued by violence and oppression, all
to the foundation of a city called Babylon where people exalt themselves to the place
of God.
TBP – The Story of the Bible

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