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Course: Multimedia Writing

Prof/ Kim Fox

Assignment: Audio Transcription

Hello, Nourhan. How are you?

Hello Fatma? I'm fine. Thank you. What about you?


Fine, please introduce yourself?

Sure. My name is Nourhan Salah, I'm 26 years old. I've been graduated from MSA University
major of advertising and public relations. Also, I'm a master's student at AUC University in the
program of the JRMC. And currently, I'm working as a chief executive officer in a Saudi Arabian
company, and also a married woman with two daughters.

Great! What’s the name of your daughters and their age?

My bigger daughter is called Masa and she's four years and a half. And my youngest daughter is
called Carla and she is three years old.

Usually students complain about their assignments and heavy works, how can you balance
between your career study and motherhood? As I'm thinking, this is not an easy job.

Actually, it's not an easy job at all. But honestly speaking, I'm a kind of person that have the
talent and the time management so far, since I was in high school. And I just like to have
everything in my life balance. And this has been applied when I had my daughters as well. I just
organize my day, as I work in the morning or early or in the school. And then when I come back
home, I just play with them from two to three hours, in order to give them some attention and
joyful and just feel that they have receiving the motherhood feeling and feel that I'm a part of
their day and so on. And when I put them on bed and proceed towards my masters and
assignments and sessions and studying, and every other thing that relates to my personal
procedures in my day.

Do you think raising children while studying and working harm your career?

Definitely yes, to some extent, it's not harming or ruin at all. But it can harm or make me feel
that I'm facing obstacles in some point of my rode, to achieve my career as I want to achieve it.
Actually, I'm not facing only one problem, but maybe several problems. Given that my
managerial position as a CEO, I should give more time and attention to my work. And
sometime, I had to attend extra time at the office in order to set meeting with the employees or
to have an online conference with a client. But I can do that every time that I need to do that.
Because I have my kids, that should find me at home when they when they come back to the
home, for instance. And they should receive some care as I told you before, and they should
receive also some attention from me. And this situation, I can apply it to my Masters as well. So
I'm not find. I'm not finding all the problems in my career, in my working, but also in my
academic career. Because I just have some assignments, some projects that I have to do, I have
mid- term exams, I have many things to do towards my master's actually, but I can't do or exert
my great efforts towards it, I used for instance to do when I was in college as an undergraduate
student, because I have kids now. So yes, I just feel that i i i have shortage in something,
because I have my kids, but all in all, God saved them for me, of course.

So, at the end of the road, I just feel that in some point, my talent in the Time management is
not solving all my problems that I may facing and because of my kids, because in every category
of my life, like the work and the Masters for instance, should have a large amount of time in
order to achieve a thing in it. But actually, I cannot do that I cannot exert my great efforts in
each category of them. I just splitting and dividing my efforts into the three categories. So yes, I
just feel that having kids in my current stage while I was working, and I'm doing my master's
degree, can harm or can affect the outcome of what I want to achieve a little bit?

Yeah, I agree with you Nourhan have, but God bless them.

Depending on your experience, how does working affect Kids?

Do you want to remove this part or we will? No, no, we'll go and proceed towards this. Okay.
No problem. Actually, please just repeat the question.

Depending on your experience, how does working affect kids?

Actually working definitely affects my kids a lot. Because if I didn't get if I didn't give them
enough attention, I looked after their needs, and met them, they will highly be affected in a
psychological ones.


Do you feel sometimes you have to quit your job to spend more time with your children?

Oh, my God. Yes, I do. And mainly, I'm thinking of that several times during the day. The one
that each day, I'm thinking of that several time, but from the other side, I cannot withdraw the
idea that I can get rid of my dream and my life as a human, not as a mother. Yeah.
Oh, my God. Yes, I do. And mainly, I'm thinking of that several times during the day. The one
that each day, I'm thinking of that several times, but from the other side, I cannot withdraw the
idea that I can get rid of my dream and my life as a human, not as a mother.


What are the factors that help you to be a supermom besides being student and worker?

The magical factor that I use actually, is the time management as I have discussed to you earlier
in an earlier answer to your question, that by managing my time, and dividing my priorities,
along the day I can I can handle each and everything that I'm doing in terms of my work and in
terms of my it's and hopefully way and without affecting the psychological feelings and worries
my Masters as well. Yes, I can say that I'm not giving my exerted efforts to each and everything
in towards these categories, but at least I'm giving my best, but with the help and with the
existence of my talents in the time management so this is the only factor for me that I believe
that it helped me a lot in having my life as a working mother and a student, a Master student it
is not any ordinary or normal student, but Master which is a very important stage in any
person that looks for a strong and well-structured academic career in the future.


Some people say working mothers raise more independent kids, are you agree or disagree and

Sorry, can you repeat the question please?


Some people say working mothers raise more independent kids. Are you agree or disagree and

Okay. Yes, I agree. I agree. I strongly agree. I’m not only just agree, because I believe that as
being working and as having other priorities, beside to the priority of the fact that I have kids, it
prevents me I can say 100% to become a protective parent, because before I started working,
after I just laid in my first kid Masa, I wasn't working and I could say that I was very, very, very
sensitive towards her, I just can say that when she was crying, I was crying because she was
crying, you know. So, the fact that became working is such a sensitive thing and giving an
excessive love to my daughter, because this will consequently make me raise an overprotective
children that that will not be independent, and they will not be having a strong characters and
be an active members in the society but on the contrary, they will face many problems. So I
think that the work and the the the the many categories, or the many priorities that I have
built, and building a separate community and life for me, far away from being a mother helped
me a lot to fall in this problem or default and this disaster because it's really considered a
disaster. If you are not working, if you are not doing anything in your life, except for raising your
kids, you will find yourself that you are interfering in every each and everything that they are
doing in their life does this will in highly ruin their life, So yes, I think that being a working mom,
prevent me to be an overprotective parent and help to raise up an independent children which
will be a very, very active members in the society when they grow up.

Okay, thank you Nourhan. Thank you for joining us.

bye bye bye bye

What are the factors that help you to be a supermom? Besides being a student worker?

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