Mercury: The Symbol of Mercury

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The symbol of Mercury consists of three parts: a circle, a semicircle on top and a cross
underneath. The semicircle represents the human mind above the divine spirit (circle) and
matter (cross).


- It is the closest planet to the Sun, and does not move more than 28º away from it (as seen from
Earth). It is the smallest planet in terms of size and mass. It always shows the same face to the Sun
(just like the Moon does to the Earth) One side is in perpetual daylight and the other side is in
darkness. Therefore it is simultaneously the hottest and coldest planet.
- Average daily movement: 1º 19 min.
- Cycle around the zodiac: one year (average) 357 to 407 days.
- Retrogradation: occurs approximately three times per year (every four months) and it spends
approximately three weeks retrograde.
- It can travel through a sign in less than 14 days, but because it cannot move more than 28° away
from the Sun, it becomes stationary and goes retrograde when it reaches its maximum distance
ahead of the Sun. Then it becomes stationary again when it reaches its maximum distance behind
the Sun.


1- Vibrational quality
It is a very lively, mobile, youthful, flexible, dynamic energy. A characteristic of Mercury is that it
simultaneously separates and brings together. It is an energy that acts as a bridge, connects, moves
around everywhere looking for connections and constantly exchanging information. This vibrational
quality involves versatility, movement, adaptability, speed. Another of Mercury's qualities is that it
has no clear gender or that it is decidedly androgynous, because it has a bit of both, which is what
allows it to be a bridge between both genders.

2- Energetic modality
The energetic modality is centrifugal. With it being the fastest planet to orbit the Sun we can give it
this modality of going outwards.

3- Function within a system

Mercury communicates, connects, circulates information. In a system there is always a relationship
between the different parts, they are always going to relate to one another, come together. And in
these relationships there is a kind of exchange, of coming and going, some sort of bridge. So
Mercury is the one that communicates, that brings about exchange between the different parts and


1- Archetype
In Greek mythology we have Hermes, son of Zeus and the nymph Maia (Mercury in Roman
mythology). He is the god of journeys, messengers, trade, merchants, words, and thieves. Mercury is
an intermediary through which information comes and goes and it has the peculiarity that
something is always lost in this exchange. The intermediary takes something. Something similar also
happens in a translation. the translator is always left with "something" from the text that is
translated, something is lost in the act of translation.

As we can see, Hermes is an intelligent, quick, skilled, astute character. Another role he had was to
lead the souls to Hades' underworld (Hades is the god of the underworld).

In Egyptian mythology this mercurial figure is represented by the god Thoth. He was the scribe of the
gods, he invented writing and was the patron of arts and sciences. As the god of writing, he was the
inventor of all words and spoken language.

There is something very characteristic of the energy of Mercury and that is that it is always a bridge
between things, it is a link between things. At this deepest level of Mercury would be the figure of
Hermes Trismegistus, a figure from hermetic philosophy whose phrase "as above, so below" speaks
precisely of the correspondence between different levels of reality, from the most abstract to the
most dense and concrete.

2- Personal psychological function/ What it represents in the natal chart

Mercury in the natal chart symbolises how our mind function: how we think, how we associate, how
we relate to what is different.

The whole learning process is linked to Mercury: our ability to find information, to experiment, to
open up to new knowledge, to learn.

It also has to do with how we communicate, how we exchange information with others. Mercury
tells us about our ability to interpret everything that passes through our brains. The ability to
analyse, summarise, classify, our ability for logic, for discernment.

This mercurial function is also related to our ability to play, to explore, for versatility, movement and
manual skills of all kinds.

The field of commerce is also related to Mercury: how we exchange, trade. This function always has
to do with a coming and going: of things. of words, of ideas.

In all these function we can see the Mercury that is most associated with Gemini: that connects,
brings and takes, exchanges. And the Mercury that is more associated with Virgo seeks the
underlying logic in a system, it classifies, summarises, discriminates.
In summary, Mercury will tell of all these abilities to process information, ideas, concepts. And also
how we exchange, trade, and how we relate to others.

Mercury allows us to come out of ourselves and connect with other ways of seeing things, with
other information. This enables relationships with others and helps us to not stay closed up in our
own way of seeing the world.

Mercury will also tell us about the relationships we do not choose: cousins, siblings, neighbours, etc.


Mercury’s sign: indicates how our mind functions: how we think, learn, take in experiences. For
example, Mercury in Cancer will tell us of a rather empathetic, intuitive and not very objective
mind. On the other hand, Mercury in Virgo will be a logical, coherent, analytical mind.

Also, the sign that Mercury is in reveals how we communicate and exchange information. For
example, Mercury in Scorpio communicates in an intense, deep, sometimes hurtful, manner.
Mercury in Aries will be more direct when communicating, sometimes a bit awkward. Mercury in
Capricorn will have a practical, concrete mind, focused on the goals that they want to achieve.
Mercury’s house: indicates the area of our life where we are restless and eager for knowledge,
where we can develop our intellect, our ability to communicate, etc. This is where we are
destined to play, explore new things, exchange information. For example, Mercury in House IX:
can be concerned with the meaning of life, travelling, etc. Mercury in House VI can think a lot
about healthy routines, health, etc.

The house Mercury is in also shows us the area of experience in which you can learn to develop
this function of communication, of relationship. For example, if Mercury is in House VII, you will
have communication challenges with business and romantic partners and this will be the best area
to get to know your mercurial function in depth.

Mercury’s aspects: will nuance the way in which Mercury is expressed in a very concrete manner.
This is because Mercury is very easily influenced by the nature of the planets that aspect it. For
example, Mars in aspect with Mercury makes a person speak and think fast. Neptune in aspect
with Mercury can indicate an intuitive mind. Uranus in aspect with Mercury can give creative,
ingenious way of thinking, that works through insight.

3- Verbs for Mercury

To connect, experience, learn, socialise, rationalise, study, exchange, diversify, discriminate, analyse,
play, explore, communicate, combine, trade, relate, sell, buy, reason, express, educate, divide.


1. People
Siblings, cousins, neighbours, children, young people, cadets, classmates, craftsmen, students,
thieves. Everyone we associate with on a daily basis (green grocers, bakers, etc.).

2. Work activities, professions, trades

Journalist, translator, interpreter, writer, teacher (of a skill), speaker, merchant, craftsman,
secretary, travelling salesman, medical visitor, librarian, bicycle dealer, linguist, messenger, delivery
person, bookseller, intellectual activities, postal workers, doorman, correspondent, commentator,
taxi driver, editor, manager, receptionist, network marketing.

3. Objects / Situations / Correspondences

Telephone, writing, computers, internet, social networks, books, correspondence, school supplies,
letters, messages.
Metal: Mercury
Stones: grey agate, tiger's eye, carnelian
Colour: orange and multicolour

Age of Mercury: The influence of this planet is felt very strongly from the ages of 4 to 14. During this
time, a child improves in their speaking, understanding, reasoning. It is a stage of life in which a lot of
information is received, new words, new connections are learnt, etc. It is interesting that this stage
coincides with the period of mandatory education in the majority of countries. And it obvious how
easy it is for a person to learn: languages, skills and everything that can be learnt. During the age of
Mercury, information is retained, you learn to classify, memorise, discriminate, etc. The mind is very

The day of the week ruled by Mercury: Wednesday

4. Living beings
Parrots, monkeys

5. The body
a. Anatomical and physiological correspondences:
- Impulse transmission.
- The nervous system as a transmitter of information (rapid response, concrete thought, speech,
- The respiratory system: especially the smallest parts: the bronchi, bronchioles and pulmonary
- The lungs
- Fine motor skills (especially in the hands): writing, blinking, drawing, etc.
- Arm, shoulder, elbow and hand joints
- Discrimination of food in the intestines.

b. Pathological correspondences:
- Bronchitis
- Hyperkinesia, tics, emphysema, distractedness.
- Logorrhoea (tendency to excessive talking).
- Attention deficit. Learning difficulties.
- Fractures in small joints

c. Therapeutic correspondences
The metal that corresponds to Mercury and that is used homoeopathically to correct the imbalances
related to the planet is: MERCURIUS (Mercury).

Domicile  Gemini / Virgo
Exaltation  Virgo
Detriment   Sagittarius / Pisces
Fall  Pisces

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