T4 Paired Samples T-Test and Independent Samples T-Test - Questions-1

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PUBH5018 Introductory Biostatistics - Tutorial 4 1

Tutorial 4: Paired samples T-tests and Independent samples T-tests

Note: Tutorials require the use of jamovi. All required jamovi datasets (.omv files) are available on
Canvas. Always remember to check datasets for extreme, implausible, or impossible values before
undertaking analyses.
1. Students in Introductory Biostatistics measured their pulse rate while sitting and then
again after exercise. These data are stored in the BIOQPH.omv dataset in the variables
pulse1 (sitting rate) and pulse2 (pulse rate after exercise). This data set is the same data
set you used in previous tutorials, so if you have already performed edits to this dataset
(e.g., applying value labels) you can use your existing data set.

a. Using a paired samples t-test in jamovi, assess whether there is a difference in

pulse rates between measurements obtained while sitting and after exercise.
State your conclusions.
b. Compare the result above to the answer you obtained using a one sample t-test
in Tutorial 3 Question 2. Are the results similar?

2. A double-blind, randomised cross-over trial was conducted examining the effect of two
different doses of caffeine (5mg vs 10mg per kg of body weight) on the endurance
performance of 20 elite cyclists. These data are stored in the caffeine.omv dataset in the
variables dose5mg (minutes to exhaustion on 5mg dose) and dose10mg (minutes to
exhaustion on 10mg dose). Assume for this example that the difference in performance
measure between dosage levels is Normally distributed.
Using jamovi, assess whether there is a difference in endurance performance between the
5mg and 10mg caffeine dosages. Provide an estimate of the mean difference, along with
95% confidence intervals. State your conclusions.

3. In the United States, NIH guidelines recommend only those with a BMI above 35 kg/m2
for bariatric surgery as a treatment for Type II Diabetes. Researchers investigated the
effectiveness of bariatric surgery, compared to the recommended intervention of
Intensive Medical Weight Management (MWM) for Type II Diabetes patients with a BMI
between 30 and 35 kg/m2 (Parikh, Annals of surgery, 2014). One of the primary outcome
measures was change in fasting glucose levels (mg/dl) between baseline and six months
post-intervention. The baseline and post-intervention fasting glucose levels for those
randomised to either the surgery or MWM arm have been recorded in t2D.omv. (It may
be assumed that fasting glucose levels are approximately normally distributed). Use
jamovi to:
a. Calculate the change in fasting glucose levels for each participant
b. Test whether there is any evidence of a difference in the outcome measure
between the MWM and Surgery arms.
c. State your conclusions.

4. Blood products from blood donations are used to produce Factor VIII for the treatment of
haemophilia. The level of Factor VIII is a measure of the usefulness of the products.
Samples were taken from 12 people of blood group O and from 12 people of blood group
A, and assayed. Results are stored in Bloodfactor.omv.

Sydney School of Public Health Semester 1, 2021

PUBH5018 Introductory Biostatistics - Tutorial 4 2

Analyse the data to compare the level of Factor VIII in blood donations from the two blood
groups (it may be assumed that the level of Factor VIII is approximately normally
distributed). Then write a brief report summarising your results and stating your

5. Callendar et al (Brit. Med. J. 1970, 4, 214) carried out a trial in women with menorrhagia.
Sixteen women participated and each received either tranexamic acid tablets or placebo
tablets over an interval of time and then changed to the other for the same length of time.
The results were assessed in part in terms of the menstrual blood loss. The data is stored
in menorrhagia.omv (Assume the distribution of blood loss is normally distributed)

Carry out a hypothesis test to assess the strength of the evidence that tranexamic acid
resulted in a different amount of menstrual blood loss compared to placebo. Write a brief
report on your conclusions.

6. The birth weights of Aboriginal and Non-aboriginal children were recorded in a

retrospective study of pregnancies among residents of Bourke, NSW. The study included
all pregnancies that ended over the period 1983 to 1985 (Harris M, Community Health
Studies, 1988; XII: 182-186). The summary statistics for the two groups were:

Aboriginal Non-Aboriginal
𝑛 93 210
Birth weight (grams) Mean 3079 3433
SD 601 522

Even though we only have the summary statistics, this is all the information that we need
to analyse the data. One option is to perform the calculations by hand, but an easier way
is to use the esci module in jamovi by following these instructions. Begin by opening the
jamovi program. Then, select:

Analyses ► esci ►Means - Estimate Independent Mean Difference

Select “Enter summary data”, which will allow you to enter in the summary values from
the table above (the mean, standard deviation, and sample size for each group) and
perform an independent samples t-test:

Sydney School of Public Health Semester 1, 2021

PUBH5018 Introductory Biostatistics - Tutorial 4 3

Although the output looks slightly different to what is generated from an independent
samples t-test requested from the T-tests menu, all of the same elements should be
present and be fairly easy to interpret.
a. Analyse these data to determine whether the mean birth weight for
Aboriginal babies is different compared to non-Aboriginal babies.
b. Write a brief report summarising your results and state your conclusions

Sydney School of Public Health Semester 1, 2021

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