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7th Grade: PBA Research and Writing Rubric 2019- 2020 SY

Criteria Dormant Awakening Awakened Developed

Content and Analysis: ➢ Demonstrates lack of ➢ Demonstrates little or ➢ Demonstrates a clear ➢ Demonstrates
comprehension of the general understanding and concrete compelling/insightful
task and purpose of the task and purpose comprehension of the analysis of the task and

the extent to which task and purpose purpose

➢ Does not use facts, ➢ Uses few,
the project conveys details, or examples to inappropriate or ➢ Uses multiple ➢ Uses multiple relevant,
complex ideas and support ideas irrelevant descriptions, descriptions, facts, well-chosen
information clearly facts, details, or details, and examples descriptions, facts,
➢ Lacks a central theme examples to support that support ideas details, and examples
and accurately in
and clear point of view ideas to support claims,
order to support ➢ Includes an findings, arguments, or
claims in an analysis ➢ 15 points ➢ Does not present a introduction section an answer to a driving
of topics or clearly stated theme, highlighting the question
and point of view is purpose or theme
texts vague connected to prompt ➢ Includes a
➢ 20 points ➢ 25 points introduction section
highlighting of
purpose or theme that
is creative, compelling,
and clearly written
➢ 30 points

Command of ➢ Provides no evidence ➢ Demonstrates an ➢ Comprehensively ➢ Insightful and

Evidence: or evidence that is attempt to use develops topic of the compelling evidence is
completely irrelevant evidence, but only to project with several used throughout to
develop ideas with pieces of relevant develop topic using
➢ Information, ideas, minimal, occasional evidence precise and relevant
the extent to which findings, and/or evidence which is facts, definitions,
the project presents arguments lack logical generally invalid or ➢ Information, ideas, details, quotations, or
evidence from the line of reasoning and irrelevant findings, and/or other information as
sequence of arguments presented
provided texts to evidence
information ➢ Information, ideas, with a clear and logical
support analysis and
findings, and/or line of reasoning and ➢ Line of reasoning and
reflection ➢ Does not address arguments presented in sequence of sequence of
alternative or opposing a way that is information information is logical,
perspectives inconsistent or vague; convincing, and
reasoning and/or ➢ Comprehensively effective
➢ 15 points addresses alternative or
sequence of
information is opposing perspectives ➢ Insightfully and
presented in a with logical and clear completely addresses
disconnected or analysis and relevant alternative or opposing
disjointed manner evidence perspectives with
compelling analysis
➢ Attempts to address 25 points and evidence
alternative or opposing
perspectives, but not ➢ 30 points
clearly, completely
and/or unsupported by
analysis and evidence

➢ 20 points

Coherence, ➢ Does not provide an ➢ Includes vague or ➢ Has a clear and ➢ Has a
Organization, and introduction or incomplete comprehensive compelling/insightful

Style: concluding statement introduction and introduction and introduction and

or section conclusion, lack clarity conclusion conclusion
or relevance
➢ Uses language that is ➢ Consistently maintains ➢ Establishes and
the extent to which predominantly ➢ Inconsistent formal a formal style, with maintains a formal
the project logically incoherent or copied style, using language consistent use of style using precise
directly from source that is imprecise or language and domain- language and domain-
organizes complex
inappropriate for the specific vocabulary specific vocabulary
ideas, concepts, and ➢ Exhibit no evidence of task
information using organization ➢ Exhibits consistent ➢ Exhibits consistent
formal style and ➢ Exhibit little attempt at attempt at organization, with use
5 point organization, or organization, with of appropriate
precise language
attempts to organize consistent use of transitions to create
are irrelevant to task transitions compelling, unified
and cohesive whole
➢ 7 points ➢ 10 points
➢ 15 points

Control of ➢ Response to the ➢ Response to the ➢ Response to the ➢ Response to the

Conventions: prompt does not prompt demonstrates prompt demonstrates prompt demonstrates
demonstrate command limited command of appropriate command strong command of the
of the conventions of the conventions of of the conventions of conventions of
standard English at the standard English at an standard English at an standard English at an
the extent to which appropriate level of appropriate level of appropriate level of appropriate level of
the project complexity. Frequent complexity. There may complexity. There may complexity. There may
demonstrates and varied errors in be some errors in be few errors in be little to no errors in
mechanics, grammar, mechanics, grammar, mechanics, grammar, mechanics, grammar,
command of the
and usage impede usage, spelling or usage, spelling or usage, spelling or
conventions of understanding. punctuation noticeable punctuation that do punctuation.
standard English that often impede not impede
grammar usage, ➢ The writing style is not understanding. understanding; ➢ The writing style is
effective for the meaning is generally compelling and
purpose. ➢ The writing style is clear. insightful.
punctuation, and appropriate for
spelling. 2 point purpose. ➢ The writing style is ➢ 10 points
interesting and
5 points engaging.

7 points

Preparedness: ➢ Lacks interpretation of ➢ Some interpretation of ➢ Clear interpretation of ➢ Insightful

evidence and evidence and evidence and interpretation of
arguments arguments arguments evidence and
arguments with
➢ Analysis is incomplete ➢ Analysis is inadequate ➢ Analysis is complete detailed analysis of
or illogical, and or vague; conclusions – and concrete; various arguments in
conclusions are if present - do not conclusions are logical moral, legal, economic,
missing or unrelated to reflect justifications for and address and scientific domains
justifications for and and against legal justifications for and ➢ Analysis is compelling,
against legal chattel chattel slavery in every against legal chattel conclusions are
slavery area slavery in every area insightful and address
the justifications for
2 point ➢ 5 points 7 points
and against legal
chattel slavery in every

➢ 10 points

Sources and Citations ➢ Does not use any ➢ Some sources are cited ➢ Most sources are cited ➢ All sources are cited
sources accurately, but fails to accurately, and accurately, and
adequately connect to adequately connects to insightfully connects
➢ Contains no citations or support the analysis or supports the analysis to or supports the
presented presented analysis presented
➢ 1 points
➢ Contains ➢ Contains appropriate ➢ Contains information
inappropriate or and complete citation from multiple
incomplete citation form perspectives and
form multiple sources that
➢ 4 points supports research,
➢ 3 points theories, and/or

➢ 5 points
TOTAL 40 60 85 100
Myriah: 45 points

See document for notes.

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