Taller 3-Ing Ambiental-Grupo (B)

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Ing. Alberto Baquero

Vega Asignatura.
Ingeniería Ambiental


Wilmer Duban Tineo Rojas – Cod:

d7303077 Yesid García Rey – Cod:
d7303418 Fernando Hernández Nope –
Cod: d7304029
Mauricio Alfredo Leal Rodríguez – Cod:
d7303764 Jairo Eriberto Gaitán Fiagá – Cod:

Fecha: 24 de Marzo - 2021




1. A conceptual map for surface water pollution (only references in English will be
accepted) carbon tetrachloride

sink in water (they are

denser than water


Pollution by human toluene

TCE Petroleum
activities solvents

WATER metil acetone
pharmaceutical products
methyl ethyl
terc ketone perchlorate salts are
used in rocket fuels
alcohols such
butil An oxygenated
as ethanol as fireworks
gasoline banned in
eter the US explosives
road flares, inflation
2. A conceptual map for soils and groundwater pollution (only references in English will be accepted)

According to the political constitution of Colombia (1991), there is a collective right

to enjoy a healthy environment, and it is the duty of the state to protect the diversity
and integrity of the environment.
Clearly the contamination of the waters (surface and underground) and the soils is
a battle, which every day is put in front of us with a sometimes hopeless victory.
The contamination of surface waters brings with it great and adverse consequences
for the environment.
When the contamination occurs by plastics, many animals can be trapped, others
can ingest them, which in many cases is the cause of their death by suffocation or
poisoning; and sometimes from hunger, since they fill their stomach cavity with these
residues, leaving no space for the real food. For others it can cause negative
consequences in their reproductive and physiological life.
Another implication of environmental contamination in the case of plastic is that
plastic can pass into the food chain, with harmful consequences for many organisms
including us humans.
The plastic that pollutes the water in the environment, can serve as a transport
vehicle for microorganisms that in places distant from their origin become invasive
species, it can also absorb polluting organic compounds and then release them in
other places when conditions change. means, medium.
Since pollution is simply the result of introducing harmful elements and substances
into a natural environment, in such a way that they affect living beings in it and cause
the natural imbalance of life. With the contamination of the water (surface and
underground) and the contamination of the soils, the balance is being affected
locally, regionally and globally; Well, our environment is one, and although it seems
that our planet is very extensive, the truth is that when the degree of contamination
is very high, the impact can be felt on a global scale.
Another major source of damage to the environment due to pollution is solid waste
When solid waste (garbage) is thrown into the water, many of them in their oxidation
process demand large amounts of oxygen (BOD), substantially reducing the amount
of the element in the environment, which directly affects the life of fish and fish. micro
invertebrates. Elements such as phosphorus and nitrogen are responsible for the
deterioration of the quality of the water, this added to the decrease of oxygen in the
water favor the growth of algae (increase of organic matter at the bottom of the water
body), thus changing the conditions of life in lakes, rivers, lagoons, wetlands, etc., to
the point that when the affectation is severe due to the decrease in oxygen and high
dilution of polluting elements, the death of the body of water is caused.
Solid waste (garbage) also affects soils and groundwater.
There are also soil pollutants such as fats and oils, pesticides, herbicides and
fungicides, among others; that these add toxic substances to the soils for organisms
(plants and animals), causing sterilization and desertification of soils.
When solid waste (garbage) is thrown on the ground, it begins its decomposition
process; As a result, they generate pollutant leachates that infiltrate through the soil
layers, being able to reach underground water currents, contaminating them, which
in their outcrop pollute the body of water they reach; or, being dragged from the
surface by water runoff, they reach rivers, lakes, lagoons, the sea, etc. Also causing
environmental pollution.
In such a way that, the contamination of water and soils, implies serious problems
for the environment, and is the cause of various diseases in living beings in addition
to ecological imbalance.
In humans, solid waste (garbage) causes diseases such as: Parasitosis, Amebiasis,
Tapeworms, typhoid fever, fungal diseases.
Also respiratory diseases such as: Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia, Lung cancer,
pulmonary edema among others.

Through water, solid waste can send and cause diseases such as: Cholera, hepatitis
A and hepatitis B, as well as diarrhea, nervous, digestive and kidney disorders.
Another form of environmental pollution is air pollution, and although it is not the
object of study for this workshop, we cannot leave it without mentioning it, since air
is a precursor of life on the globe and the affectation of the air with pollutants is the
cause of large imbalances in the biosphere of our planet. In addition to being the
cause of terrible storms, tornadoes and hurricanes.

 The reduction of solid waste, especially single-use (non-biodegradable) is one of the

most important challenges of this era.

 The conservation of the environment is everyone's responsibility, especially in the

proper use of natural resources.

 The adequate treatment of wastewater is an action of relevant importance in the

protection of the environment, especially the aquatic environment.

 We cannot fail to consider when we speak of pollution, the level of afectación that
this has on the soil and the importance to human health through the resources that
we take aventaje of nature.

 The vast majority of existing natural hazards and natural disasters caused are the
result of high levels of contamination placed on the ground.

 3. Ignorance regarding the effects of pollution on human health can be one of the
most important generation agents, and should be the starting point for the
prevention and mitigation of pollution activities.

 4. Water pollution and soil pollution potentiate damage to the ecosystem due to their
interaction and direct relationship with human activities.

 Soil and groundwater are a fundamental part of the survival of human beings and
of all the species that inhabit this planet; it is in the soil where plants and vegetables
grow, which are not only consumed by human beings but also by other species
maintaining the world's food chain, and where the food necessary for human beings
is also grown. on the other hand, groundwater is of utmost importance because it
contains the largest reserve of drinking water housed in human settlements. that is
why we must join efforts to mitigate to some extent the adverse effects generated
and thus contribute to the care of the environment.

 The regulation of drinking water and basic sanitation services should pay due
attention to compliance by operators with the principles of efficient definition of
rates, relating the system of collection of remuneration rates to industries at the
level of its polluting discharges to the sewer networks.

 The current rates set by the Ministry of the Environment, Housing and Territorial
Development for rates for water use are no more than symbolic. They are far from
being able to fulfill their mission of encouraging efficient use of water and generating
sources of financial resources to support a comprehensive policy for water,
hydrographic basins and, in general, protected areas.

 the territorial planning plans of the municipalities, as territorial planning and

management strategies that can incorporate these economic and financial
instruments as an integral part of the same.

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