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My daily routine

I wake up at 9:30 I take a bath and drink two big glasses of water, I don't usually eat breakfast,
when I finish I start studying from college until noon, in the afternoon I have a super light lunch
and then I wash the tiles, when I finish I always try to read a little, after that I help my brothers
with their homework and I sleep a little, at 3:00 I wake up and practice English until the time
classes start. In the evenings after school I take a bath, continue doing my university homework
and a little later I talk a little with my friends.

My favorite place in my house is the bedroom. That's where I keep all my things, there's my bed
to sleep in and my sisters' bed and my bookshelf where I keep all my books. In my bedroom I
always have the windows closed and it's dark, it doesn't usually cool down even if they are open,
but it keeps the privacy from the neighbors outside.

My favorite exercise is running, I usually do it when I have time in the mornings, 3 times a week, I
used to do it at night but because of covid I had to change my schedule, I do it in the streets of the
route from my house to the Colon Lighthouse, I usually go alone or with my neighbor.

My favorite place is Guibia on George Washington avenue at the corner with Gomez.

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