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APG Ad Hoc Group on the FATF Strategic Review

12 December 2019

Bangladesh Chair

1000 - Thursday, 12 December 2019 Dhaka
1500 – Thursday, 12 December 2019 Sydney;
Others TBC

1) Welcome and Outline of the Role of the APG Ad Hoc Group

2) Outline of FATF’s progress with the Strategic Review, including Project Teams

3) Preliminary discussion of priority issues for APG members

a) Tour de table

4) Processes for APG members to contribute issues, ideas to the review

a) Collection of priority issues – further refinements of the request for issues

5) Ad Hoc Group work plan

a) Developing an Ad Hoc Group work plan
i) Focus, frequency and timing of APG Ad Hoc Group meetings
ii) APG Governance Committee confirmation of Ad Hoc Group’s work plan
b) Ad Hoc Group’s collection and consideration of issues raised

6) Next Steps

7) Next Ad Hoc Group Meeting

a) Late January 2020

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