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Sa So Heats PEs PREFACE. CHAPTER 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 i L 1 1 u uy 4 u r 1 1 Figures: Tables: CHAPTER 2, 24 22 23 24 23 26 “SMART INSTRUMENTS AND THE HART PROTOCOL. Introduction “Sima Configurators. Digital communication. Reading the measured variable by digital communication. ‘Adkltional information, ‘Mulidrop communication. ‘The HART protocol Universal commands, ‘Common practice commands, Device-specific eommands. Output devices. HART products, Device Deserption Language. Fieldbus, The HART Communication Foundation. Suramar. A Smart system. “Multidrop communication, The HART signal ‘The HART message structure, A Fieldbus syste with hierarchical structre. Universal commands. ‘Some eommon-practice commands, Examples of device-pecfic commands, Some available HART products, [Major features of field devices using HART. THE PHYSICAL SIGNAL Introduction, requency-shift keying. Signal levels, ‘The connection loop. Activesource devices, Multidop operation, 27 Device characteristics. Figures: 3-1 Character format 28 Signal attenuation and distortion ~the 65 ys limit. 3:2 The HART message strctre. 29° Cabling 3. Short frame address structure. 2.10 Grounding. 3-4 Long fame address structure 211 Powersupply 3-5 A shor fame format transaction. 2.12 Analogue signal bandwidth, 6 Along frame forma transaction. 213 Output devices, 214 Other devies. Tables: 3-1 Summary of ming rules. 2.15. Ineinsi safety barriers | 3-2 Start characters 2.6 Voltage-mode HART. 217 RS-485 HART 218 Sommary. (CHAPTER 4. COMMANDS, DATA AND STATUS, Figures: 2-1 The two-wire current loop. | 4.1 Introduction, 2:2 The cureat loop for an active-source field device. 42° Commands 2.3 A ewo-wire mutideop lop. 43 Universal commands. 2-4 Mined two-wite and active-source devices, 44 Commen-practice commands 45 Device-speific commands Tables: 2.1 HART signal levels. | 46 Commands #0 and #11 22 Impedance specifications. 4.7 Commands #1, #2 andi, 23 Cable parameters 48° Command #6 2-4 Some typical cables. 49° Commands 12 to #19. 2-5 Maximum length for typical 1 mn cables 410 Daa 2-6 Powersupply specifications 4:11 Enumerated items. 4.12 Multivariable transmitters 4:13 Command summary ue CHAPTER 3. TRANSACTION PROCEDURE, CODING AND MESSAGE 414 Status, 415 Summary, 3. Inroduction Tables: 4-1 Universal commands (summary), 3.2 Masterslave operation f 42 Common-pratice commands (summary) 33. Multimaster operation 43, Fnumerated variables, 34 Transaction procedure 4-4 Universal commands in HART Revision 5 33 Burstmode, 4-5 Universal commands in HART Revisions 2,3 and 4. 3.6 Character coding. 46 Common-practice commands 37 Message format 47 Response codes, 3.8 Long and shor frame formats 4-8 Command response classification. 39 Preamble 49 Multipe-meaning command response codes. 3:10 Start characte. 410 Field device status, 311 Address, 3.2 Command, 3.13 Byte count 34 Status, B15 Data 316 Checksum. 3.17 Example transactions, 3.18 Summary, (CHAPTER 5. DEVICE DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE. | PREFACE, 51 rodution aeneasaniaeens | ‘The HART® protocol has become ade facto standard protocol for communication with Smart field reting a Device Destin. Transducer’. The HART specication defines the phycial om of eamicton tea $3 Uagubaie been | procedures mess atta, dat emma sade raheem a 56 Dinvinwtion of Device Desens | feed o define device specie commande whcrcapnroenne 53 Summary. ‘Th HART protcat was original developed by Rosemount Inc. However, encourage th wie of digital communicating Held devices, Resmi has pase al ghs nthe pee ee bee $1 Fragment of Device Destin, Communication Founditon, an the HART potacal is fely wale for shone ce ate 32. Enis inthe standard dctonty increasing number of supplier offer roduts gts proto. cs 5-3 Generation and use ofa Device Description, Figures This booklet introduces the HART protocol, and gives some tec S-1 Principal DDL object types. implementation (Revision 5.3). We hope it wil help youto understand the features and benefits of 5-2 Principal DDL datatypes the HART protocol, how it works and what tcan do. Itmay also help you understand the comple specification documentation, by providing an alternative lessformal treatment. But it casnet he ‘euarded asa replacement for the complete HART specification ~ifyou are designing a HART, Tables: GLossary, ‘compatible instrument or host system, you will need the complete specification, This booklet does ‘not cove all the details of HART, nor wll it necessarily be kept up-to-date. Under no crcurstences FURTHER INFORMATION, should it be taken as definitive. INDEX. ‘he booklet is designed to be read sequently, with new topic being introduced a they are needed, sometimes at a simple level in one pace, the with more deal leer. To make it ensier o wee tg reference, it has shor sections, each ona specific topic. The index atthe end of the booklot el, ‘irect you to one or more sections dealing with any listed subject. ptr | provides an overview of smart” instrumentation and the HART protocol. Chapter 2

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