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Introduction to

Narratives in
Narratives in Photography
Intro Photography
Grades 9-12
Ms. Pickrell
Composition Review

Which of these compositions are more successful?

Why is one composition more successful than the other? List the reasons in
bullet points below.

Which composition is more successful & why? List the reasons for your choice in
bullet points below.

Which composition is more successful in your opinion and why? Give your reasons
for your preference below.
Storytelling in Illustration

Where do you think that the boy is in the beginning of the comic? Why?

What do his clothes tell you about his plans?

What is the tiger hanging from? Why do you think that?

Is the tiger hanging because he wants to? Aside from the dialogue, what tells you
that he didn’t tie himself up?
Highlight or circle the areas of the image that you used to draw your conclusions.
Storytelling in Illustration

Where are the boy and the tiger? Less specifically than in bed— what room do you
think they are in and why?

What time of day is it and how do you know?

What do you think that the boy is trying to do? Why? What in the picture (aside
from the dialogue) tells you what the boy is trying to do?

Highlight/circle the areas of the picture you referenced to answer the questions.
Photography & Storytelling Survey

● Is there any relationship between

photography & storytelling?
○ Why or why not?
● Can you use photography to tell a story?
● Are photo narratives a part of everyday

Complete the survey in the link. Record your answers here so you can compare how
your view might change by the end of the unit!
Photo Narratives in Movies & TV

What do you think the narrative is in this movie based on the photos?

What about the photos makes you think that?

Are there certain aspects of the composition or distinct elements that support
your interpretation?
Narratives in Formal Photography

Cindy Sherman

Untitled Film Still #3

Where do we think this woman is? What suggests that?

What does her clothing suggest about her?

What do we think the woman is doing?

Does anything seem unusual about the way she is standing?

Cindy Sherman

Untitled Film Still #5

Where do we think this woman is?

What does it look like the woman is holding?

What does her expression suggest about what she is doing?

Cindy Sherman

Untitled Film Still #50

What does this woman’s environment suggest about her?

Her clothing stands out— why might she be wearing such dark, distinct

What is she holding in her hand?

Class Analysis: What the World Eats — Peter Menzel


What do we think about the group in this photo? Do they look comfortable?

What can we infer about them by what they eat?

Do we have a guess where they are from?


What do we think about the split group?

What can we tell about the family by the food we can see?

Does anything in the photo tell you where they may be from?
Beijing, China

What do we think about the way this family portrays themselves compared to
the others?

Do they look more affectionate towards one another, or just more comfortable
with being themselves in front of a camera?

What do we see in this photo that we did not necessarily see in the others?
What does that tell us about where this family is?
Breidjing Camp, Chad (Refugee Camp)

What can we tell about this family?

Their photo is outdoors— do we think that is significant?

What can we infer about them from their food?

United States (North Carolina)

What can we tell about this family?

How is this family different from the others?

Where would we guess this family is from based on what they eat?
Class Analysis: The Great Depression — Dorothea Lange

Fill out your discussion web while we are working through this essay— it will serve as
an example for the caption assignment!

What do we assume these men do for a living?

Do all of them seem to have the same profession?

Why might this mix of men be together in one place?

What kind of impression do we get of these men?

What do we think the man on the left is doing?

What is he holding in his hand?

Where is he, and why is he facing backwards?

Why can’t we see his face?

What can we figure out about the woman on the right?

Can we see where she is, can we tell what she does for a living?

What does the expression on her face convey?

What do we think of the children in the photo?

Do either of these seem to have a link to the first photo?

What can we tell about the woman on the left?

Do we know where she is, what she’s doing?

What can we guess about her given her apparent age and the time?

What can we tell about the woman on the right?

Where do we think she is?

What does her expression tell us?

What do we think she is holding in her hand?

Do any of these have links to the prior photos?

Where do we think these two are?

What do we think their relationship is? Is that based on the past photos, or is there
something in this photo that suggests their relationship?

What is different about this mother and daughter?

Are there any links between this and the other photos in the series?

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