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Research Supervisor SUBMITTED BY
Amity School of Hospitality A50328916016

I MONU (enrollment no. A50328916016) a student of

BHM(8th sem) of amity school of amity school of
hospitality hereby declare that the project work entitled
submitted to AMITY UNIVERSITY HARYANA is original
work done by me.
This report has been done in the partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the degree of bachelors of hotel
management (BHM). This report has not been previously
submitted in any form to any examination /institute/
university or any.

The information which I include here is true and in

original as per my best knowledge and research, with
taking possible reference if any.
Date : 16 April 2020 MONU RATHI

Any accomplishment needs the haste of the many people

and this work is not any totally different. During
preparation of this report, I owe my sincere thanks to my
professor who helped and supported me during
preparation of this project report. it gives me immense
pleasure to express my deep regards and sincere of
Amity school of Hospitality) for his guidance throughout
the project.

Also I am thankful to Amity school of Hospitality for

providing opportunity in this program
To Explore The Effects Of Social Media On 5 Star
Hotels In The Terms Of Sales Marketing Promotions.
Through Research & People’s Survey BRIEF:
In The Last Decade, Social Media Has Been Regarded
As One Of The Essential Marketing Channels Which
Helps Businesses To Spread Widely Their
Information And Product Advertisement. Since Then,
Around 81 Percent Of All Businesses Over The World
Have Turned To Invest In Social Media Analytics Tool
As Well As Data Scientists To Reveal The Fact About
What Customers Are Thinking. At Present, Social
Media Has Been Used In Many Types Of Businesses
Such As Food & Beverage, Fashion And Tourism
Industry Which Is One Of The Biggest Market In The
World. Hotel Industry Can Use Social Media To
Engage Customers And Clients In Dialogue And
Recognize Their Needs. Through These Networking
Sites, Hotel Industry Can Interact With Consumers
Before, During, And After The Vacation Experience.
Social Media Is Relatively New And The Advantages
Are Abundance Such As It Is Affordable, It Is Viral And
Has The Potential To Spread Brand Awareness
Quickly And Far And It Is Said To Be Able To Develop
Link Baits, Attention And Massive Amounts Of
Traffic. The Purpose Of This Study Was To Investigate
Benefit Factors Of Member Participation And The
Relationships Between Community Participation And
Brand Commitment In Hotel Online
Communities. The Study Contributes To The
Understanding Of Consumer Behavior In Social
Media. From The Practical Perspective, The Study
Suggests Some Strategies To Effectively Design Hotel
Face Book Fan Pages, Which Can Strengthen The
Relationships With Current Consumers And Attract
Potential Consumers.
Social Media Marketing (SMM) may be described as
the act of using social networks, online communities,
blogs or any other Internet form of media for
marketing like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn and
YouTube. The goal of social media marketing is to
gain brand awareness and interaction with the
customers to talk about a specific business (Csutoras,
2008). Social Media Marketing concepts and
techniques basically consist of:
1. Increase brand awareness of services,
2. Increase sales,
3. Educate and inform customers,
4. Improve customer service, 5. Monitor brand
Social marketing provides visibility and awareness
for the brand; this is the awareness that is essential
to convert potential customers to loyal customers
eventually. The secret is to create a thematic content
that can lead to an effective marketing campaign.
This move will generate brand awareness and the
brand will be top of mind with the consumers if they
decide to buy the product or services. For example,
on 25th February 2010, Sony reported that Sony
Vaio's Twitter account had achieved over £1 million
in sales. Therefore Sony sees Twitter as a viable sales
platform (Wares, 2010). Another success story
through the use of Twitter is by the third-largest
maker of PC, Dell, which reported that its
promotions on Twitter have helped generate more
than $6.5 million in orders for PCs, accessories and
software (Guglielmo, 2009). While traditional media
keeps customers informed, social media goes a step
further by keeping the customers stimulated and
involved. When a company gets their customers
involved and engaged, it leads to lasting working
relationships with organizations. The level of
customer support increases with the use of social
media since it is personal and interactive. In the
event of an unfortunate situation, social media may
serve as a catalyst to turn this situation into an
opportunity for a company to extend their services
and go the extra mile to reverse the negative feeling.
Reputation management is a construe component of
online activity for organizations with plenty of
internet users, especially their customers. Whereas
some organizations utilising the internet are
cautious to project themselves in a way that suits
specific audiences, other internet users embrace a
more open approach. For instance, a report by
Deloitte, titled ‘Hospitality 2015’ states that social
media and new technology trends are playing the
key role over the next five years towards the growth
in the hospitality industry. With millions of
consumers having internet access around the globe,
these numbers are expected to increase by 50% in
year 2015 (Deloitte, 2010). Nevertheless, the growth
of social media can be positive for consumers but it
can be bad news or an opportunity for hotel
The question that arises in many hospitality
businesses is why Facebook marketing?
Facebook, another source of social media, is a
fantastic avenue to stay visible and successful
by making a face or a presence for the
organization online. Facebook is one of the
social network on earth and almost reaching the
500 million active users mark, yet it.

As the Internet continues to grow and advance,
YouTube is one of many social media tools that
hotels or a business can explore and maximise
the potential of it. YouTube is a video
broadcasting channel, where millions of videos
being hosted and viewed by 400 million people
worldwide who are actively seeking information
(Shipley, 2010). A hotel can use YouTube to
promote and communicate with the audience to
the business, thus attracting new customers by
producing high-definition video or HD video and
uploading them on YouTube. These videos could
be an event about the company or an
introduction or demonstration of a new product
launched. Once videos are uploaded, it will
reach the masses and ultimately the intention of
using YouTube is to draw people to the hotel or
a business.
7 Ways Hotels Can Benefits From Social

It is a fact of the online world that people with

different interests and opinions will organize

themselves among communities, though there are
some online media websites like Facebook who
seem to cater to everyone, most Online networks
have a very specific “type” of user, thus it is very
important to understand which media outlets reflect
your hotel’s target market the best.
As an example, hotels looking to tap the
professional/business travelers markets, should opt
for a strong presence on Twitter, a platform which is
filled with professionals and tech savvy individuals.
Along the same lines, LinkedIn would also be a good
social media outlet to focus on when searching for
the business travelers, as this site is used by millions
of professionals world wide.
By being active on these social media sites properties
can create a following and put themselves in a good
position to be found by new potential customers. We
shall never forget how important the old “word to
mouth” factor is for a hotel’s reputation and
business, and in this modern world, social media is
steadily becoming the main channel we use to

2.Social media for hotels – Reaching new

A strong presence within social networks allows hotels to
constantly update their upcoming events, promotions,
amenities and services to a wide range of potential
customers without spending huge amounts of time and
money in advertisement, and don’t forget, people are
online all the time! Even though world wide reach of social
media sites is not as prevalent as the US, these numbers
still account for billions of dollars of potential bookings
waiting to happen.
All it takes to maintain and manage a good following
online is to keep to the basics: Upload relevant and quality
content while making sure you update this content
regularly. As long as there is a good flow of content coming
from your hotel across relevant social media outlets and
your website, its just a matter of time until more and more
new potential customers stumble upon it in the web (and
share it with their friends!). Learn how to make a great
Facebook Fan Page and why you should use Twitter.

New Digital Marketing Professional Bootcamp

marketing for the digital age
In case you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed by the
possibilities (and lack of ideas) here’s an article which
shows some of the most successful social media
campaigns done by organizations inside the travel
industry. It’s amazing to see how a little creativity and
effort can have such a large impact across the virtual
world (and revenues!).

3. Social media for hotels – Focused

Marketing and Advertisement:

How exactly are trends changing in the travel industry as

technology and the internet take over our reality? It is a
fact that travelers world wide, both leisure and business
travelers, are choosing to make their own arrangements
through online travel agents and directly through hotel
Luckily, social media sites make it extra easy for you to
reach your target market, now a days you can target huge
groups of people (as many as you like really, as long as you
have the money of-course) based on their age, income
group, interests, geographic location, circles of friends and
many, many other factors. It then becomes easy to create
taylor made marketing campaigns, for example, hotels
that specialize in family vacations can send ads to people
that they know have children and the means to pay for the
hotel’s products.
On top of allowing for a specific targeting of people, social
media marketing also means a reduction of advertisement
costs. Through the great analytic tools offered by social
media sites, we can see which particular campaigns were
more popular than others, who they were popular with,
who shared which content with how many other people,
and tons of other very powerful insights that give
marketers a lot of fire power. With more and more people
looking to make their own travel arrangements, this
means a wealth of potential customers ready to take a
look at what your hotel has to offer. Here’s a more
extensive post about the specific features of
advertisement tools on social media.
4. Social media for hotels – Connecting
with the customer:

The stronger the emotional connection a customer

develops with your hotel/brand, the more chances there
are of that customer coming back, and never forget that
for hotels, customer retention is one of the main factors
that will guarantee its success.
Imagine the great satisfaction potential (and regular)
customers can obtain from receiving an almost immediate
reply from one of their comments on Trip advisor or
Facebook. It will show not only that you care about their
opinions and inquiries, but it will also portray your
company as an efficient and well oiled service providing
machine, and to hotels this means guarantee bookings!
You can check out YOHOTELS Facebook page for an
example of how a hotel can take full advantage of Social
Media to create and maintain a close and very friendly
relationship with their customers, while making
themselves look really cool in the process.

5. Social media for hotels – Branding:

The great thing about social media is that it provides the
perfect platform to represent your brand directly to the
client. Through a smart combination of the tricks
mentioned above, we can target our specific markets with
customized advertisement to their mobile phones, create
a close relationship by responding to their posts on
Facebook and Twitter and create a following through our
events page. Its a very personalized and close way to
relate to clients which will create trust in our Brand and
Hotels can even take it further and invest in a mobile app.
What better way to build a long lasting relationship with
your clients than a direct communication channel
between the two of you? Everything from promotions to
direct bookings can be done in a breeze with a mobile
application, the clients will be happy, the hotel will get a
reputation for good service and the perfect platform to
showcase their brand. Here’s an example of some
extreme personal and mobile services from some the
world’s best hotel brands.

6. Social media for hotels – Achieve More

Direct Bookings:

Valued at an approximate 8.0 Billion dollars (a 6.5%

increase from last years figures), direct booking through
mobile devices are becoming a real factor in hotel’s
financial sheets .

Though not strictly a Social Media Site, having an efficient
and well managed website is becoming a basic necessity
for any property that wants to remain profitable and
competitive, after all, the website is a hotel’s best and
most direct tool to shape their online presence, and if
done properly, it can easily become the main driving force
behind most bookings.
We can’t afford to go too deep inside the topic of SEO
(search engine optimization) , but just know its also a vital
part in maintaining your company well visible inside the
ever more clustered world of the internet. For more
information on SEO please check out our SEO general
information and our SEO tips in memes, and (in case you
have the time) don’t be afraid to explore the rest of our
articles on social marketing.
As for now, the industry needs to understand that people
are becoming much more independent in a virtually
driven world, hotels must follow and ensure, they too, are
putting effort in creating direct booking channels online
for their internet savvy customers. It will become very
important for hotels to have a well managed website,

learn to Facebook, Twitter and should provably think
about a mobile application (at the very least!)

7. Social media for hotels – Hiring talented


It’s absolutely no secret that great individuals make up

great companies. Hotels, as it happens, greatly depend on
a talented workforce to be able to provide what is
expected of them. It’s easy to standardize a product, but
to standardize something as intangible as a service…? Not
so easy! You truly need people you can trust and rely
upon. As an example, what if a hotel needs a new assistant
manager who must speak both english and Chinese, have
some web-design knowledge and a good customer service
mentality? This would have sound ridiculous and near
impossible to find a decade ago, now a days however,
thanks to platforms like LinkedIn, an individual with those
same exact characteristics is just a web-search away
(LinkedIn will soon reach 300 million users) Hotel
properties can now find individuals based on their age,
languages spoken, nationality, previous experience,
specific skills, you can even set up a search to find people
that have similar skills. This is truly an invaluable tool to
any hotel looking for talented staff and it would be
impossible to accomplish without social media and its
global reach.

Psychological benefits:
Psychological benefits are derived from feeling
connected to community members, and include
identity expression through the community, a sense of
belonging to the community, and a sense of affiliation
with other members (Bressler & Grantham, 2000).
Bressler and Grantham (2000) indicated that
psychological benefits are a starting point for joining
an online community due to an individuals need for a
fulfilling sense of belonging to a community.

Monetary benefits:
Consumers seek to receive economic advantages from
a relationship with a service provider, which can be
referred to as monetary savings . Monetary savings
(i.e., discounts or special price breaks) is a primary
reason for a consumer to develop a relationship with
a company.


1.Showcase & Strengthen your Brand
Let the people know who you are! Social media is a
fantastic way to tell everyone what you stand for since you
control the content and craft the image for your hotel! Are
you luxury, affordable, high-class, relaxed? However, it is
that your identity, make sure you display that brand
through your photos, videos, and other content.
2.Create Realistic Expectations
This is how you justify the price at checkout. Why is it that
a luxury hotel can charge hundreds of dollars for a night
while others charge less than one hundred? Show your
audience exactly what you are going to give them when
they book with you. If you showcase extravagant
amenities like a sauna, on-site spa, or prime location, you
can justify a top-dollar price. Otherwise, if you are offering
a budget-friendly option for travelers looking for an
affordable room, show them what they get too.
Showcasing your hotel in an accurate light creates realistic
expectations for the consumers that may lead to more
accurate reviews since the consumer understands what
they are purchasing.
3.Form & Strengthen Relationships
Connecting with your audience on social media may be
one of the most significant benefits for your hotel. If you
send out appropriate content that resonates with your
target audience, they may see that you are similar to
them, and they may be more inclined to book with a
familiar hotel.
4.Reach New Customers
With almost 2 billion users worldwide on Facebook, 700
million monthly Instagram users, and 328 million monthly
Twitter users, there are bound to be people that fit your
target audience demographic. You can set up ads
targeting specific ages, genders, locations, and other
demographics to match the type of customer you are
looking for! With so many potential leads, you can bet on
social media to produce new and loyal customers!
5.Give Value
Show your audience the benefits they will get from all the
features of your hotel. The benefits are what will make
their stay better to one degree or another. If you say, you
have a “central location,” that doesn’t describe the perk
for your guest. On the other hand, if you describe it as
“less than one mile” from a concert venue, theme park, or
popular restaurants, they can truly see why they will
benefit from staying at your centrally located hotel.
6.Show you Keep up with Modern Technology
Another great reason why it’s crucial to have various social
media accounts is that your hotel should not be left
behind when it comes to modern technology. By
contributing a public face for your hotel, you are telling
the world that you are keeping up to date with social
media, and they can expect the same from your hotel.

7.Provide a Voice
A significant aspect of social media it that you can respond
to comments in real-time. If someone says that they can’t
wait for their vacation to swim in your pool, it’s a good
idea to like their post and respond with an equally
enthusiastic response. The user will be excited that the
official account responded to their post, and they will look
forward to their experience even before they set foot in
your hotel! If there any questions from users, you can
answer them via social media, and it’s even better if the
questions come in the form of comments because other
users will be able to see your response to these questions.
If there are any concerns or negative reviews, you can
even do some damage control in the comments section
but choose your battles carefully! It might be a good idea
at times to send a private message regarding a specific
The hotels have the capacity to produce videos, and one
other way to promote the hotel is the use of testimonial
videos from the customers. During the check-in process,
the customer can be informed that a short 5 minutes
video of them could earn them some incentive, such as a
complimentary drink, a meal or a pair of tickets to an
inhouse entertainment. Since reviews are vital in
attracting customers to a specific hotel, these videos have
the potential to entice a potential customer to make a
reservation at the hotel, instead of their competition or
similar. With that said, the perception of a hotel brand is
more often influenced by experience than by products.

The Value of Social Media in the

In 1991 there was no way of foreseeing the impact that
social media would have on the industry. Presently, 2.3
billion people are active on social media, and that number
increases daily. Companies should no longer debate
having a social media presence but rather HOW to utilize
the various platforms to increase the experience for your
guests and value for your hotels.

As a privately owned hotel development and hospitality

management company, we implement our social media
plan adhering to both the guidelines of the hotel brands
we work with, as well as, our own ideas about what makes
social media successful in the hospitality industry. It is
always a collaborative effort to investigate the evolving
social media trends, new platform features, and stay
aligned with what our guests hope to experience from
following our hotels on social media.
Most hotels are dependent on word of mouth and good
reviews from loyal guests, which is what makes social
media a natural marketing and branding tool. The use of
social media platforms has become widespread, and
travelers consistently use social media to express pleasure
or frustration about their experiences. Whether it is used
intentionally or inadvertently, the leaders within the
hospitality industry cannot ignore the impact of the social
media paradigm on their businesses.
Here are four lessons that we learned to effectively
navigate the social media world in order to market our
hotels, as well as our company:

Respond, Respond, Respond
Because our hotels fall under many different brands, we
are expected to adhere to each specific brand's social
media requirements. For example, some hotels prefer
using Twitter and ask us to post five times per week, while
others leave the decision about frequency and usage to
At all times, we are expected to respond and serve as
communicators for the brands, which means that we
understand the value of attending to EVERY review that
comes in, taking on the responsibility of directing guests
to the correct sources as well as those concerning
customer service.
It is essential in the hospitality industry to respond to
messages within a certain amount of time – usually, within
the first few hours. Communication in this format should
be viewed in the same way we would treat a guest who is
standing at our front desk.

Treat TripAdvisor Like Any Other Social

Media Platform

TripAdvisor is always considered in any hospitality
business' social media strategy. As many hoteliers know,
it is a huge source of information and TripAdvisor ranks
hotels based on three factors: recently posted reviews,
the quantity of reviews, and the quality of reviews. At
times, it can seem difficult to convince your guests to
engage and review your hotel (unless the review is
negative). Trends report that people are more apt to post
about a negative experience than a positive one, but our
team put a system in place in order to help with quantity
and frequency of feedback from guests. We developed
review cards featuring Google and TripAdvisor, and we
send them to each of our hotel teams to give to guests,
hoping that they will be encouraged to post about their
experience on the spot.
Overall, the main standard we adhere to is to consistently
make sure that all general managers at all of our hotels are
aware of any and all reviews – especially the less favorable
ones. This is one of the most useful tools we have in order
to improve our hotel and guest service.

Consider the Overall Guest Experience

We have learned time and again that in hospitality, people
don't necessarily care about the hotel they're staying at
(especially if it mimics others within the same brand) but
they DO care what they can do around the hotel. Is it
walkable to landmarks? Are hip bars nearby? Running
trails? Kid-friendly stores?
We've found that posting videos is an easy way to get
people engaged with the hotel as well as what is around
it. Sometimes, hotels send us content about any events
they have on property or nearby, or perhaps, if they want
to showcase an employee, they will send us a picture and
the content behind it. They'll send Christmas trees and
Halloween outfits to personalize the hotels so people
don't think of it as just another hotel. By posting about
associates, we humanize our hotel so our great associates
are given attention as well as the hotel culture itself.
As another part of our social media plan, we make an
effort to share updated information on things to do in the
local area, and we connect with the local businesses
nearby that could advise their guests on our
accommodation offerings. Is there a local landmark,
attraction or tourist hotspot near the hotel? Follow their
pages and promote their services to your followers.
People will repay the favor.

The Pivotal Role of Social Media in the
Hospitality Industry
Social Media in the Hospitality Industry. It can be argued
that the hospitality industry is entirely unique in the fact
that success or failure will often depend much more upon
customer reviews as opposed to discrete products or
services. In other words, the opinions of others will have a
massive impact regarding how a business is perceived. In
the past, this equated to simple word of mouth or the
recommendation of a friend. Social marketing has now
undeniably changed the playing field. What are some of
the most notable impacts within the hospitality sector?
More importantly, how can hotels and similar properties
leverage this tool to their advantage?

The Surprising Role of Social Media in

Hospitality Industry Sectors
Sites such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram can have a
massive influence on the perception of a certain hotel (or
a chain of properties). To put this in perspective, it has
now been shown that no less than 75 percent of all

consumers will consult with a social media outlet before
committing to a product or service¹.
Related: Social Media Marketing for the MICE Industry
No longer is a static web page sufficient in and of itself to
attract customers and to drive business. This is to say
nothing about major online hospitality review sites such
as TripAdvisor or Now that we can
appreciate the fundamental role of social media in
hospitality industry sectors, how can businesses capitalise
upon its influence?

The Most Frequently Used Networks

To appreciate what customers may be saying, it is first
critical to know which sites they are visiting the most.
Keep in mind that this may not necessarily be popular
portals such as Facebook or Twitter. Due to the rise of the
smartphone, guests are now utilising locations which
allow them to post pictures and descriptions (such as
Instagram). Identifying which sites are popular is the first
step towards effective customer relations management.

Engagement: The Key to Successful Social
Media Marketing Success
Engagement is the very same rule which applies to every
modern business. It is critical to socialise with customers,
and this is why the concept of “social marketing hotels”
has been created. Guests need to feel as if their needs are
being addressed. Proactive client engagement will serve
two primary purposes:
• It will contribute to building brand loyalty over time.
• Any problems can be identified and rectified to avoid
future complaints.
It should also me mentioned that other patrons would see
that the hotel takes the needs of its patrons seriously. This
is an excellent form of passive social media marketing, and
within the hospitality industry, such a benefit cannot be

Social Media in Hospitality Industry

Social customers simply love hearing about new
promotions and deals. As a growing number of consumers
are now relying upon social networks to retrieve valuable
information, it only stands to reason that such bonuses
should be made visible. Customers can be rewarded by
following or “liking” a specific page while they are also
able to be sent timely newsletters. These strategies are
other effective ways to build brand recognition and

Pipeline Management
Social media should always be employed as a form of
pipeline management. While sales data and
occupancy rates are important, these may not
provide the “big picture” necessary to make the
most informed decisions. Social media posts and
comments will provide an additional level of insight,
and as a result, specific marketing campaigns can be
tailored around trending subjects and issues which
guests find the most appealing.

Regular Updates for SEO Improvement
On a final note, it is crucial to mention the importance of
online exposure about social media posts. Greater
degrees of interaction will cause SERP rankings to
increase. In turn exposure within the hospitality sector can
grow. This leads to higher click-through rates and
ultimately, greater success.

Related: Social Media Networks Basics:

The concepts of social media in the hospitality industry
needs to be taken seriously in these modern times. To
learn more about this subject or to discover even more
turnkey solutions based on your requirements, please feel
free to contact us and speak with a dedicated specialist.
The post The Pivotal Role of Social Media in the Hospitality
Industry was first published on Author
Frank M. Waechter.

Social networking sites creates a real connections
between companies and coustomers , that creates trend
for purchase intensity. social networking sites provide
ample of opportunities for interacting with hotel
industries partners. Social networking sites provides a
platform to innovative advertising to be effectively used
for business growth of hotel industries . form data
interpretation we observed that hotel industry in Pune
prefer facebook and tripadvisor .in more than any other
social networking sites for their promotional activities.
Hotel industry with use of social networking sites can gain
competitive advantage by reducing cost. create
awareness capture large market able to transact , can
improve customer service quality and acquire new conclusion the ability to reach out to such a
huge volume of potential guests would make ignoring
social media o poor business choice . the other side of the
coin that potential for damage to the brand by reaching
out in haphazard fashion could be quite destructive and
costly to repair .

6. Social Media Marketing by Charles Edwards
7. Social Media Marketing Tips for Hotels by Joshua
Kwentoh & Judith Kwentoh


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