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Hey guys! I’ve put up my PRS IGCSE Edexcel notes for all the sections now.

Feel free
to comment here or on TSR if you have any queries or need any help. :) Happy revising.

My notes are sort of in the form of an essay structure, so if you have any essays to do,
just expand my points and you will have covered pretty much everything. I have also
colour coded the different views so it’s easier to remember.

Section A

1.​ ​Creationists​ / Christians — Genesis story
· God’s words in the Bible = must be true
· Created humans in his own image
· God planned & designed the universe
2. Big Bang
· Universe began 13.7 billion years ago
· Explosion created time, space, matter & energy
· PROOF: remnant of heat & universe still expanding
3. Evolution
· Living things evolved over many generations
· Survival of the fittest
· PROOF: birds in Galapagos
4. Atheists
· Universe self contained, don’t need outside force

Humans & the environment

1. Christians
· Stewardship:​ ​humans are responsible for the world and should take care of it
-​ ​“Then the Lord God placed the man in the Garden of Eden to cultivate it and
guard it”
· God’s creation à belongs to God à have to return it in good state
-​ ​“The world is the Lord’s, and everything in it”
2. Atheists
· Keep it in good condition for future generations → better lives
· Humans weren’t in the world since the start → not ours & shouldn’t exploit it

Animal VS Humans
1. Christians

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· God put humans in charge of animals → people can use animals however they want
-​ ​“Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living
creature that moves on the ground”
· Stewardship: God’s creations → treat with love & respect
✓​ ​Humans are superior
✓ ​ ​Humans were made in God’s image
✓​ ​God gave humans a soul, can have a personal relationship with God
✓​ ​Bible values human life over animal life
-​ ​Petitions / protest campaigns

2. Atheists
· Humans have superior intelligence
· Dominance:​ humans have power over animals
· Humans can rationalise & have greater capacity for emotions
· Humans have inherited knowledge → develop faster

Animal Rights:​ a ​ nimals have the same rights as humans, not property
· Commonality: ​all living creatures are part of the same development process and share similar
· Shouldn’t be used for food / medical research / entertainment / clothing
✓​ ​Animals can’t make moral choices
Animal Welfare:​ a ​ nimals can be used but avoid unnecessary suffering & cruelty
x​ ​Only considers animals around human needs
x​ ​Speciesism: ​preference to “cute” animals

Humans Beings & Conditions

1. Christians
· God gave us a ​soul: ​spiritual / non-material part of a person, that’s ​immortal: l​ ives on
after the body dies
-​ ​Used for relationship with God
-​ ​“The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into
his nostrils the breath of life and the man became a living being”
2. Scientists
· Physicalism: ​person is entirely physical
-​ ​No evidence for the soul
-​ ​Changes in thoughts & feelings have physical effects on our body
-​ ​PROOF: world is made up of particles
3. Atheists
· Dualism: h ​ aving 2 parts – body (physical) & mind / soul / thoughts / feelings
-​ ​Moral conscience stops us from being driven to our desires

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-​ C
​ onsciousness doesn’t come from the brain

Cause of Wrongdoing

Selfishness:​ ​self-interest and concern with individual needs & wants which excludes
considering those of others
1. Christians:
· Parable of the Good Samaritan
-​ ​“Love your neighbour as you love yourself”
2. Atheists:
· Leads to the suffering of others
· Ignoring others’ needs, refusing to help
-​ ​Apartheid: turned a blind eye if they aren’t affected
​ ​Natural → ensure our own survival
-​ ​Theory of evolution / survival of the fittest
Greed:​ ​excessive desire for wealth or possessions
1. Christians:
· One of the 7 deadly sins
· Worshipping money & possessions rather than God → lack faith in him
-​ ​ “The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil”
· Jesus showed concern for the poor
2. Atheists:
· Greed → injustice
-​ ​Consumerism: cheap production → child exploitation
​ ​Without greed → no incentive to work harder
Ignorance:​ ​not knowing / understanding the difference between right and wrong
1. Christians:
· Everyone has the capacity to tell right from wrong → not a valid excuse
· Humans have God-given conscience
· Avoid being morally ignorant, learn right from wrong
2. Atheists:
· Important to learn right from wrong
· Parents responsibility to teach
Sin: ​behaviour that goes against the law of God
1. Fundamentalist Christians:
· Everything the Bible says is a sin → avoid
· Sin gives rise to injustice
· All human beings have free will → responsible for injustice
2. Liberal Christians:
· Some sins from the Old Testament are reflection of the values
3. Atheists
· Don’t believe there’s a God

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1. Christians:
· Evitable
-​ ​Everyone follow Jesus’ teachings (love)
-​ ​INDIVIDUAL: Desmond Tutu (stop apartheid injustice)
-​ ​ORGANISATION: EAPPI (different Christian denominations, volunteer observer to
disputed territories prevent human right abuse)
2. Atheists:
· Evitable
-​ ​Society is less likely to support injustice
-​ ​Mass media = can’t hide
-​ ​Look back at mistakes and learn
-​ ​ORGANISATION: Amnesty International (write petitions & raise awareness)
· Inevitable
-​ ​As long as humans are present
-​ ​Existed throughout history
-​ ​World over populate = not enough resources

Nature / Nurture
1.​ ​Nature
· Certain genes show personality traits
-​ ​Fraternal twins brought up separately show similarities in behaviour
2.​ ​Nurture
· Children can be trained to do anything despite personalities & talents

Good and Evil

1.​ ​Good
· All good things come from God
· God gave humans moral laws (10 commandments) for guidance
2.​ ​Evil
· Things that keep people away from God
· Devil is a form of temptation that tempts us to disobey God

Sin and Salvation

1.​ ​Original sin
· Adam & Eve’s mistakes à everyone is born with original sin
· Need forgiveness from God
-​ ​Baptism: physically wash away our sins
2.​ ​Salvation
· Accept that you have done wrong and are a sinner
· Accept Jesus died as the Son of God to save you
-​ ​Crucifixion: give us a chance to repair our relationship with God

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Free Will, Determinism and Predestination

Free Will: ​human will is free, so we have the ability to make unhindered choices
1. Scientists:
​ ​Determinism:​ ​ ​every event has a cause, which means all human actions have a cause
and we don’t have free will
​ ​Genetic determinism:​ genes have an impact on our behaviour and abilities
§​ ​Research into a gene responsible for quick-temper by affecting hormone level
2. Atheists:
​ ​Psychological determinism​: our actions are determined by childhood and environment
✓​ ​Fundamental for human autonomy
3. Christians:
✓​ ​Humans are free & autonomous (act independently)
● Adam & Eve CHOSE to eat the forbidden fruit à punished
● Face the consequence of choices, God will forgive if truly sorry
● Jesus’ death allows humans to act kindly & compassionately
​ ​Predestination: ​the belief that God has already decided the fate of human beings
● People are inherently sinful (original sin) à need salvation from God
● God chooses the elect & reprobate / who’s going to Heaven
● People don’t have free will
✓​ ​Judgement Day
● God will judge us based on our actions
● Reward and punishment
​ ​God is omnibenevolent à why create reprobate?
● Makes judgement & moral pointless
​ ​God is omniscient à knows what choices we make
● He’s made the choice for us already

Death and Life After Death

Human destiny:​ t​ he inevitable / necessary fate which a particular person is destined to
1. Buddhists
✓​ ​Cyclical view: ​time has no beginning and end, the human soul is just reborn again
● Birth --- Death --- Reincarnation Enlightenment
2. Atheists
✓​ ​Nihilism: nothing after life
✓​ ​Near death experience
-​ ​Patients under anaesthetic could give accurate descriptions of their operation
✓​ ​Medium
✓​ ​Ghosts
​ ​Wishful thinking
-​- ​People can’t face the idea of death
-​ ​Take comfort knowing they can still communicate with their loved ones
3. Scientists

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· Energy can’t be destroyed à transformed into another form
​ ​No scientific evidence
-​ ​Nobody has returned from the dead
​ ​Near-death experiences are hallucinations
-​ ​Caused by a chemical reaction due to starvation of oxygen / drugs
4. Christians
✓​ ​Linear view: t​ ime has a beginning & end, humans only live once on earth
· God-given soul
-​ ​“The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground, then breathed into his
nostrils the breath of life
· Jesus’ resurrection à humans can achieve salvation
-​ ​“He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and
believes in me will never die”
· Bible teachings
-​ ​Heaven​: live with God
-​ ​Hell​: separated from God, suffering
-​ ​Purgatory: preparation for heaven: not too bad but not perfect enough

Judgement:​ ​the decision of God on the destiny of human beings

1. Christians
· Depends on your faith & work (God knows everything)
-​ ​People will be separated for reward & punishment
-​ ​“The righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father”
· Jesus is the saviour of humans from sin and punishment; the redeemer because his
death paid the price for human sin
➢​ ​Uphold Biblical teachings, follow moral & ethical principles (stewardship)
➢​ ​Spend money on poor and needy
➢​ ​Treat others as God wants them to
➢​ ​Developing faith – worship and respect God (pray, read the Bible)
2. Buddhists
· Judged on their good & bad karma
. Good ​→​ able to achieve nirvana / escape samsara, no need to be reborn

Section B
God VS Gods
1. Christians
· Monotheism
● 10 commandments: worship one God only
● God is omnipotent, cant have 2 powerful Gods
2. Hinduism
· Polytheism

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● Agree what all those Gods say
● Different teachings for each God
3. Atheists
· Don’t believe in a God
· If there was a God his presence would be obvious
· If there was a God, all suffering would end
Ultimate reality
1. Christians
· Worship God
· Spread the word of God
2. Buddhists
· Do good karma
· Achieve enlightenment
3. Atheists
· Charity à help people
· No ultimate reality
4. Scientists
· Find out as much about the universe

Nature of God
· Omnipresent: present everywhere at all times throughout the universe
· Omnipotent: all powerful
· Omniscient: knows everything, nothing can be hidden
· Omnibenevolent: in every loving relationship
· Eternal: outside time, no beginning nor end
· Creator of the world

· Father
● Brought humans into existence
● Cares and provides, loving and forgiving
● Position of authority: rules, rewards, punishment
· Son
● God incarnate à perfect
· Holy Spirit
● Guides them to make right decisions
● Gives them courage at difficult times

Meaning & purpose of life

Belief, uncertainty and unbelief

✓ ​Parents / community have brought them up this way

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1. Christians
· Christian family
§​ ​Church: meet people à talk through problems
§​ ​Youth group: people of the same age, help in community
§​ ​School: Christian values
§​ ​Christian family: prayers, religious celebrations, support
· Prayer
§​ ​Response from God
§​ ​Personal way of communicating with God
· Miracles
§​ ​Breaks the law of nature
§​ ​God is omnipotent
· Numinous
§​ ​Sense of awe à presence of greater power
§​ ​World isn’t only functional, there’s beauty as well
· Reason for universe
➢​ ​Conversion
§​ ​Powerful experience à convinced God is responsible
2. Scientists
✓​ ​If the world wasn’t exactly like this, life forms would cease to exist
​ ​No evidence
​ ​Science disproves religion
3. Atheists & Agnostic
✓​ ​More to life than fulfilling own life
✓​ ​Looking for explanations for life after death
✓​ ​Agree to religious teachings about purpose & meaning of life
✓​ ​Give a structure to family
✓​ ​Experienced God
✓​ ​Beauty & order must have been created by somebody
​ ​People can be moral without being religious
​ ​Suffering, evil and chaos in the world

1.​ C
​ ausation argument

· Everything happened due to a cause

§​ ​Something as intricate as the universe à powerful creator
§​ ​God is powerful à God exists
· Causes can not go on forever
§​ ​Must be an uncaused cause à God
· Scientists & Big Bang
§​ ​Nothing can come from nothing
§​ ​Big Bang created space, matter, time and energy
§​ ​Only God has power à caused Big Bang
· Scientists

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​ ​Energy can’t be destroyed / created
​ ​Must be an initial energy to start the momentum
· Atheists
​ ​If God made the universe, who made God
​ ​If God doesn’t need a cause, universe doesn’t either
2.​ ​Teleological argument
· Paley’s watch
● An ecosystem so intricate can’t have happened by chance à must be designed by someone
● Idea of mechanism of a watch à world more complex à Designer could be God
· Fred Hoyle
● C-atom is tiny, chance of discovery is miniscule à someone designed so we found it
● Airplane can’t be created by chance ​e.g. forces whirl through scrapyard to airplane

The problem of evil and suffering

Natural evil: s​ uffering & pain caused by experiences beyond human control
Moral evil: s​ uffering & pain caused by human sin
1. Inconsistent triad
· If God is omnibenevolent → want to end evil & suffering
· omnipotent → be able to end evil & suffering
· omniscient → know there will be evil
§​ ​God is not omnibenevolent / omnipotent, God doesn’t exist
2. Christians
✓​ ​Result of the Fall
● Adam & Eve spoiled the world
✓​ ​Way for people to grow & develop their faith
● God gave us difficulties to overcome
✓​ ​Let us make free choices
✓​ ​Story of Job
● Suffering is part of God’s plan à humans won’t understand
​ ​Natural evil = creation went wrong/out of control
● God is omnipotent, should have had power to create perfect world
​ ​Soul supposed to guide moral conscience
● Moral evil à no soul à no God
​ ​God created humans
● Evil God?

Abortion: m​ edical process of ending a pregnancy before it results in the birth of a baby
Ireland: abortion is illegal
UK Law:
· Permitted before 24 weeks
· 2 doctors agreement:
§​ ​mother’s health (physical mental) at risk

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§​ ​risk of severe disabilities for baby
1.​ ​Pro Life:​ foetus is a life that possesses full DNA to develop into a unique child
· Destroys human life → murder & great evil
· Sanctity of life: human life is sacred, a gift from God
§​ ​Holy Spirit lives inside the soul: killing person = kill HS
§​ ​“Don't you realise that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was
given to you by God?”
· Human life should be respected & protected from the moment of conception
§​ ​Absolute: one rule for all solutions
§​ ​Supported by Catholics & Salvation Army
· Roman Catholics
​ ​Life begins immediately after fertilisation
​ ​Baby has right to life à no one can take it away
· Salvation Army
​ ​Modern society doesn't show enough concern for the vulnerable (unborn)
✓​ ​In cases of rape
2.​ ​Pro Choice:​ women have the right to choose what happens to her own body
· Illegal abortions in unhealthy conditions
· Love, free will, compassion
· Only last resort
§​ ​Relative morality: different rules for different situations
§​ ​Support by ​Anglicans & Liberals
✓​ ​Abortion is kinder on some occasions
§​ ​Jesus’ teaching of love
§​ ​Atheists
§​ ​People have the right for their body
§​ ​Might be because they can foresee bad environment for raising children

Euthanasia: ​gentle death to relieve pain & suffering

1. Atheists
✓​ ​Free will
✓​ ​Kindness if someone was suffering
✓​ ​Waste of money for hopeless cases à spend on those with a chance of recovery
✓​ ​Quality of life is poor
✓​ ​Loss of personal dignity
· ORGANISATION: Dignity In Dying
​ ​New cures
​ ​Elderly relatives might be pressured because they are a responsibility for the family
2. Christians
​ ​Sanctity of Life
​ ​God is the one who decides your death
§​ ​“The Lord God kills and restores to life”
​ ​Shouldn’t choose to die because of suffering

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§​ ​“If we die, it is for the Lord that we die”
​ ​Killing ourselves = killing Holy Spirit
§​ ​“Don’t you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit […] You do not belong to
yourselves but to God”
3. Liberals
✓​ ​Acceptable to switch off life-support machine since person is brain-dead
4. Roman Catholics
✓​ ​Have the right to refuse treatment to prolong life
→ ​ ​Hospices & Palliative care
Control pain → better quality of life

Section C
1. Atheists
· Love is involved, no one is hurt
2. Roman Catholics & some Anglicans
· Thoughts aren’t a sin but actions are
§​ ​“No man is to have sexual relations with another man; God hates that” OT
§​ ​“Men do shameful things with each other” NT
· Treat them with respect & compassion
· Homosexuals should control their sexual feelings by being ​celibate
​ ​Sex is for procreation
3. Liberal Christians & some Anglicans
· Nature & quality of the relationship matters most
· Expresses true affection and gives pleasure to both individuals
· Jesus’ message of love and forgiveness
4. Some religious people
· Homosexual not equivalent to heterosexual
· Contrary to religious teachings
· Accept monogamous relationship; condemn promiscuity

Cohabitation: ​living together without being married

1. Atheists
· Sensible to find out whether relationship will work
2. Catholics
· Might have sexual relationships / temptation of sex
· Sex before marriage not allowed
· “human love does not tolerate trial marriages”
3. Liberals
· If it leads to children & marriage
· Good way to test relationship
Celibacy: r​ emain unmarried and having no sexual relationships

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1. Christians
· Sex to procreate → don’t want children
· Devote time to worship God ​e.g. nuns
· Self-control to overcome physical desires
· Don’t want to commit to a long-term relationship à pre-marital sex is sin
2. Atheists
· Avoid hereditary disease
· Don’t want children / control yourself (independent)
· No need to spend money on contraception
· More time to focus on yourself
· Unable to have sex

1. Christians
· Procreation
§​ ​“Have children so that your descendants will live all over the earth”
· Christian family
· Sexual relationship
· Provides support and companionship
· Holy relationship with God
2. Atheists
· Support and companionship
· Have children

Sex outside marriage

1. Christians
​ ​Sex is an act of love and commitment
​ ​Only be part of a meaning, loving relationship
✓​ ​Accept if marriage is likely to follow
2. Roman Catholics
​ ​Sex only belongs within marriage
§​ ​“Human love does not tolerate ‘trial marriages’ ”
3. Evangelical Protestants
​ ​Bible
§​ ​“Do not commit adultery” (10 commandments)
4. Liberals
✓​ ​Part of a loving relationship
✓​ ​No one is harmed / exploited
§​ ​Jesus’ teaching that love matters most
5. Atheists
· Trust is broken & people are hurt
· Promiscuity​: sex with a number of partners with commitment
§​ ​Sex is a special act between people who care about each other

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Divorce: ​legal process that ends a marriage
1. Atheists
✓​ ​If you’ve made a mistake, better to start again
​ ​Marriage is a serious commitment, divorce shouldn’t be 1​st​ option
​ ​People will be hurt
​ ​Children separated? Not a nuclear family
2. Anglicans
​ ​Marriage is a lifelong commitment
​ ​Children involved
✓​ ​Understand some relationships break down, divorce may be best option
✓​ ​Divorce is a matter of courts, not the Church
✓​ ​God will forgive
3. Roman Catholic
​ ​Marriage is a sacrament (holy relationship & promises made with God)
​ ​Better for couple to live apart
​ ​Only death ends a marriage
4. Baptists
✓​ ​When marriage has broken down, may do more harm than good
✓​ ​Attempted all methods ​e.g. counselling, meditation
5. Jesus
​ ​“No human being then must separate what God has joined together”

Remarriage: ​marrying another partner after a divorce

1. Roman Catholic
​ ​Promises to God cannot be broken
​ ​Catholics who do can’t take the Holy Communion
​ ​Adultery, 3​rd​ person in relationship
§​ ​Sermon on the Mount
​ ​Annulment:​ marriage not legally valid, by the Church
2. Anglican
✓​ ​Allowed though some vicars may refuse to perform the service
§​ ​Have determination for new marriage to be lifelong relationship?
§​ ​Divorced more than once?
3. Atheists
​ ​Hurt people from previous marriage
§​ ​Children can’t adapt to new family ​e.g. reconstituted family
§​ ​Divorced husband / wife hurt

Importance of family
1. Christians
· Home is a holy place with God’s presence & loving relationships
· Bring children up in Christian faith

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2. Atheists
· Care
· Support
· Teaching
· Shelter
· Identity

Types of family
1.​ ​Nuclear: parents & children living as a unit

2.​ ​Extended: extends beyond nuclear, living together

3.​ ​Reconstituted: children from previous marriages becoming one family when their divorced parents marry

each other
4.​ ​Homosexual parents / single parents

Roles in family
1.​ ​Parents

· Provide necessities
· Bring children up as Christians
· Make sure they are baptised & confirmed
2.​ ​Children

· Obey parents (10 commandments)

3.​ ​Homosexual parents / single parents

Help from Christian communities

1.​ ​Support family
4.​ ​Short-term childcare

5.​ ​Day nurseries, out-of-school care

6.​ ​Counselling for parenting skills

7.​ ​Short-term accommodation

2.​ ​Help families stay together

· Teach couples about marriage & family life

§​ ​Couples understand importance of what they are taking on
· Counselling
· Discussion groups

Contraception: ​a means of preventing a woman from becoming pregnant

● ​Artificial ​e.g. contraception pill, condoms
● ​Natural ​e.g. sex in less fertile times of the month

1. Anglican
✓​ ​Sexual love is essential for partners to express & strengthen their love
✓​ ​Enables couples to enjoy sex
✓​ ​Allows couples to take responsibility for the size of their family
2. Roman Catholics

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​ ​Artificial, interfere with natural law
​ ​Intefere with God’s intentions for the couple
​ ​Use natural family planning methods to limit size
​ ​Goes against purpose of Christian marriage ​e.g. procreation
3. Atheists
✓​ M​ aking responsible choices

✓​ ​Prevent overcrowding & poverty

Fertility treatment
1.​ ​Artificial Insemination by Husband: ​husband’s sperm to women’s uterus

✓​ ​Agape
§​ ​God gave us knowledge & ability to help infertile
§​ ​Helping people who can’t conceive
§​ ​Jesus healed people
​ ​Old Testament
§​ ​Having a baby is a gift, not a right
§​ ​Unnatural sex
2.​ ​Artificial Insemination by Donor: ​donor sperm to woman’s uterus

​ ​Catholics
§​ ​Form of adultery, 3​rd​ party into relationship
§​ ​Child not biologically from both parents
3.​ ​IVF: ​egg + sperm in test tube then uterus

✓​ ​Catholics
§​ ​Number of eggs fertilised put back in mother
✓​ ​Anglicans
§​ ​Up to 14 days
​ ​Protestants
§​ ​Destroys spare fertilised embryos
§​ ​SANCTITY OF LIFE, life is sacred
§​ ​Life begins at contraception
4.​ ​Surrogacy: ​pregnant with someone else’s child

✓​ ​Christians
§​ ​Child is genetically from parents
​ ​Catholics
§​ ​Introducing 3​rd​ party into relationship
§​ ​Playing God

1. Christians
✓​ ​Focus on relationship with God
✓​ ​Not ready to raise children
✓​ ​God’s choice for couple not to have children
​ ​Purpose is procreation

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​ aise Christian children

Section D
Human Rights
​ he right to be free, do lawful business without interference
Right to liberty: T
Right to equality before the law: ​entitled to equal protection of the law without discrimination
Freedom of Religion: P ​ erson’s right to follow or not follow a religion
Freedom of opinion: P ​ erson’s right to hold an opinion they choose
Freedom of speech: ​Freedom to speak freely without censorship

1. Christians
· All humans are related à everyone receives same Human Rights
§​ ​“Adam named his wife Eve, because she was the mother of all human beings”
· Jesus was concerned à went out of his way to help the rejected
§​ ​Good Samaritan
§​ ​Lepers, tax collectors
· Needed in order to preach their religion freely
§​ ​Speak out against colour discrimination
§​ ​Fight human rights abuse
2. Atheists
· Allow them to not follow a religion or they will be forced

Women’s role
Gender bias: ​Treating men / women more favourably
1.​ ​Traditional view
· Men in charge (leaders in family & society), women support men
§​ ​Jesus’ disciples were all men
§​ ​Eve was created as Adam’s companion
§​ ​“Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives and treat them with
respect as the weaker partner”
2.​ ​Liberal view
· Men and women treated equally
· Bible was written ages ago in a male-dominated society
· Principles of equality apply to gender
§​ ​“There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in
Christ Jesus”
· Unfair to limit people’s opportunities
3.​ ​Roman Catholics
· Equal but different

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§​ “​ in perfect equality as human person; on the other, in their respective beings as man and
4. Atheists
​ ​Physical disadvantage → sedentary jobs
​ ​Women more intelligent
​ ​Take care of children
​ ​Men have been providers traditionally ​e.g. hunting
✓​ ​Equal status, discrimination unfair

Ø​ ​Gained the right to vote, be educated, equal employment opportunities

Ø​ ​Equal Pay Act, 1970, illegal to discriminate in pay and conditions for the same job
Ø​ ​Sex Discrimination Act, 1975, unlawful to treat a person less favourably than a member of the other sex in
Ø​ ​Church of England allow female vicars
Ø​ ​Catholic Church doesn’t allow
§​ ​Priest represents Jesus
§​ ​Bishops are descendants of Jesus’ apostles
§​ ​Pope is successor of Peter
1.​ ​Everyone is of equal value, different doesn’t mean worse
· Everyone was made in the image of God
2.​ ​Love
· Important to love & treat others well
3.​ ​Justice
· Bible shows importance of social justice regardless of race / position in society
4.​ ​Sanctity of life
· God gave humans a special status in life
· Everyone is sacred à treated accordingly
5.​ ​Not judging
· Only God has the authority to judge
· None of us are perfect

Disability: a​ physical / mental impairment that has substantial effect on a person’s abilities to carry out
daily activities
Disability bias: ​Treating the disabled less favourably than others
1. Christians
· Jesus’ healing ministry → view sick & disabled as equals in need of help than pity
§​ ​The paralysed man
§​ ​Healed the blind, deaf, lepers
Ø​ ​Donate money / volunteer for charities that serve the disabled
Ø​ ​ORGANISATION: Livability (run care homes for rehabilitation for brain injury sufferers)

Ø​ 1​ 970 Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act: provide for disabled

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Ø​ 1​ 995 Disability Discrimination Act: in employment, education, services
Ø​ ​2010 Equality Act: unified all previous discrimination legislation

Multi-ethnic Society:​ many different races and cultures living in one society
✓​ ​Experience different cultures → interesting
✓​ ​More tolerant towards other cultures / ideas
✓​ ​Might have things in common ​e.g. religion
​ ​Over-populated → lack of jobs
​ ​Lack of community cohesion & identity as a community
​ ​Language barriers
​ ​Racism: ​the belief that some races are superior than others
Ø​ ​1976 Race Relations Act: illegal to discriminate / use threatening & abusive language in public
that could cause racial hatred
Ø​ ​2001 Race Relations Amendment Act: person can challenge in court
Ø​ ​2007 Equality and Human Rights Commission: government body improve rights

Racial Harmony:​ People from different races living together peacefully and happily
1. Christians
· Jesus treated all people of different races equally
§​ ​Helps everyone despite their personal beliefs / identity
§​ ​Perfect example for humans
§​ ​Aligned himself with unpopular groups ​e.g. tax collectors
· God does not show favouritism
§​ ​God created all humans equally, same in his eyes
§​ ​Cares for all his beliefs despite differences
· Bible
§​ ​“From one man He made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth”
§​ ​we all have the same origin
§​ ​Men of every nation are the same
· Church
§​ ​Shouldn’t be racist if following Jesus’ teachings (love)
Ø​ ​ORGANISATION: RESTORE — help refugees and asylum seekers
§​ ​Raise awareness, speak out for them
§​ ​Organise social activities
Ø​ ​INDIVIDUAL: Desmond Tutu
Ø​ ​Priests
§​ ​Encourage people to mingle, no discrimination
§​ ​Welcome families into society
§​ ​Read quotes from the Bible
§​ ​Interfaith dialogues

Multi-faith society: ​different religions living together in one society

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1.​ ​Exclusivism (Evangelical): ​only Christianity has complete truth, avoiding people following other
· Christians: believe that their religion is the only way to reach God
§​ ​“ ‘I have been given all authority in heaven and Earth. Go then, to all peoples everywhere
and make them my disciples’ ”
§​ ​Tell people to convert to Christianity
§​ ​Others have got the wrong approach à excluded from heaven
§​ ​Duty to tell others about Christianity
û​ ​Forcing them to change
û​ ​Offending other religions
2.​ ​Pluralism (Liberal): ​all religions are equal, no religion has whole truth
· Christians: all forms of religion will lead people to God
§​ ​Everyone is free to follow the religion that suits them best
§​ ​Religion is an accident of birth (Europe – Christianity)
§​ ​All religions are good, right to exist alongside each other
§​ ​“In my father’s house there are many rooms”
3.​ ​Inclusivism (Catholic):​ there’s truth in all religions, Christianity has complete truth, other religions have
partial truth
· Christians: all religions can help reach God but Christianity has the complete answers
§​ ​Respect other religions
§​ ​Right things is to explain the Christian path to them
§​ ​If you practise the right things in another religion à might be saved

Interfaith relationships in practise

· Sharing places of worship
· Interfaith forums
§​ ​Promote understanding & cooperation between people of different faiths
· Multi-religion charities
§​ ​Global warming
§​ ​Both religions teach that humans should take care of earth
· Interdenominational churches
§​ ​No particular denomination
§​ ​Strives to incorporate different practises

Relationships between rich and poor

1. Christians
· Charity
§​ ​Story of the rich young man (give all his money away)
§​ ​“You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor”
§​ ​A way of storing up riches in Heaven
· Compassion
§​ ​Duty to show agape
§​ ​People will be judged on how they treat others

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§​ ​Parable of the Good Samaritan
§​ ​Parable of the Sheep and the Goats
§​ ​“Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep”
§​ ​“Love one another as I have loved you”
· Equality
§​ ​All come from same roots à deserve same things
· Justice
§​ ​God is a lover of justice, followers are encouraged to do justice
§​ ​The unjust are condemned
§​ ​World’s resources are created for all people to share equally
ORGANISATION: ChristianAid (end poverty, strive for social justice & equality)
§​ ​Educate communities
§​ ​Climate justice, tax justice
§​ ​Provide disaster relief
2. Atheists
✓​ ​Unfair for the rich to have luxuries when the poor lack essentials
✓​ ​People are lucky to be rich (born into developed country)
✓​ ​All wealth comes from God → show compassion to the poor
​ ​The rich have worked hard for it & deserve to keep it
​ ​Donating encourages some people to not work
​ ​Nice if people choose to donate but not a duty
​ ​Society as a whole have a duty to end poverty, not just rich

Religious Community

Religious texts & sources of authority

1.​ ​Bible
§​ ​Inspired by God = authority
§​ ​Has rules & teachings on how Christians should lead their lives
§​ ​E.g. 10 commandments (OT); sermon on the mount, parables (NT
§​ ​Source of authority for church leaders to pass on to worshippers
·​ ​Fundamentalist: contains Word of God à follow closely
·​ ​Liberal: inspired by God, written by humans à consult with modern interpretation
·​ ​Conservatives: key teachings that can’t be changed; some fit to context
Ø​ ​Catholics: read during mass
Ø​ ​Anglican: processed through the church & read
Ø​ ​Sermon: reading & preaching by priest
Ø​ ​Instruction & education within denomination
Ø​ ​Daily reading
Ø​ ​Aid for meditation (concentrate on a particular part)
2.​ ​Church (people)

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·​ ​Trained priests have studied the Bible & how Church interprets it
·​ ​Catholics: pope à infallible guidance à magisterium
·​ ​God speak through priests
3.​ ​Conscience
·​ ​Inner feeling that differentiates right from wrong
·​ ​Given by God for guidance
§​ ​“The Lord gave us mind and conscience”
✓​ ​Universal agreement on good & bad
✓​ ​God’s way of telling us to follow his plan
​ ​Might direct them to do things other people don’t agree with
4.​ ​Situation ethics
·​ ​Base morals on the most loving to do
§​ ​The Golden Rule (Jesus): treat others the way you want to be treated
✓​ ​Jesus “Love over law”
​ ​You can make mistakes
​ ​Church has more reliable teachings → ignoring Word of God

Founders & leaders

·​ ​Jesus is like ordinary people
·​ ​Humility, baptised by cousin
·​ ​People follow his steps and get baptised
·​ ​God will forgive your sins if you believe in him
·​ ​Holy Trinity (God’s voice, dove, Jesus)
·​ ​Marks beginning of Jesus’ ministry
·​ ​40 days & 40 nights in the wilderness
§​ ​turn stone into bread
§​ ​jump down from the temple – don’t put God to the test
§​ ​bow down and worship me – worship God only
·​ ​resisted temptation à example for humans
·​ ​Life isn’t meant to be easy
Last Supper
·​ ​Washed disciples’ feet à humility, teach them to serve others
·​ ​Instructed disciples to eat bread & wine in remembrance of him à sacrament
·​ ​died for humans’ sins à saviour à humans can go to heaven
·​ ​God has eternal life
·​ ​More powerful than death
·​ ​Idea of life after death

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Ministry of Healing: ​reward those who had faith & show divinity
·​ ​Paralysed man
§​ ​Show concern for the sick
§​ ​Loving in those in need
§​ ​Forgiveness of sins to those who believe in him
§​ ​Divine, can break laws of nature
·​ ​Man with evil spirit
§​ ​Jesus’ authority over evil
§​ ​If you believe and ask for help, you will receive it

Discipleship: ​one who embraces & assists in spreading the Jesus’ teachings
✓​ ​Wear sandals
✓​ ​Stay in houses they are welcomed in
û​ ​Carry anything except a stick ​e.g. bread, money
·​ ​Spread the word of God
§​ ​“go then to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples”
§​ ​give people chance to renounce sin & be baptised
·​ ​Be prepared for hardship
§​ ​“he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me”
·​ ​Priority is to help others
·​ ​Be humble & compassionate
§​ ​“Even the Son of Man did not come to be served, he came to serve and to give his life to
redeem many people”
§​ ​The Widow’s Offering
·​ ​Mum’s examples of taking food, clothing, medicine to the poor
·​ ​Taught in a school for poorest families
·​ ​Set up school & home for dying people
·​ ​Set up Missionaries of Charity
§​ ​Spread the word
§​ ​Donations
·​ ​Homes for uncared ​e.g. lepers,​ ​sick, poor, orphans
Ø​ ​Jesus’ teaching of love & compassion, 2 great commandments
Ø​ ​Faith in god for guidance to help others
Ø​ ​Didn’t bring anything with her
Ø​ ​Don’t have to start big, be loving
10 commandments
Sermon on the mount
·​ ​Teaching on how to live moral life
·​ ​Behaviour of agape
Principle of love
·​ ​“Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength”

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·​ ​“Love your neighbour as you love yourself”
·​ ​Agape: unconditional love
·​ ​Love over law

Worship and celebration

·​ ​Liturgical (Catholic)
§​ ​Formal, set pattern
§​ ​Services designed to stimulate sense ​e.g. incense
§​ ​Emphasis on ritual
§​ ​Baptism, Holy communion, Confirmation
§​ ​Sign of peace
·​ ​Non-Liturgical (Protestant)
§​ ​Emphasis on Word of God
·​ ​Quakers
§​ ​Sit in silence, God speaks to them

Places of Worship: church

·​ ​Focal point for Christian community
·​ ​Building for ceremonies / religious services ​e.g. marriage, baptism
·​ ​Place of calm and refuge
·​ ​Sense of awe & wonder (think about power & existence of God)

·​ ​Stained glass window

§​ ​Tell stories from the Bible for the illiterate
·​ ​Font
§​ ​Bowl of water for baptism
§​ ​Entrance à welcoming to the church
·​ ​Altar
§​ ​Focal point, congregation face altar
§​ ​Place for Holy Communion & candles
§​ ​Reminds people of Jesus’ death
§​ ​Jesus is light & guidance
§​ ​Congregation kneel à respected by worshippers, commitment
·​ ​Pulpit
o​ ​Raised stand where the priest preaches
·​ ​Lectern WITH EAGLE
§​ ​Bookstand to rest Bible
·​ ​Pews
§​ ​Long wooden benches for congregation

Higher Anglican Lower Anglican

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Font at the entrance Font in the middle

Organ Piano, drum kit, keyboard, guitar

Jesus on crucifix à suffering Empty cross à Jesus conquered death

Many stained glass windows Words from Bible à no distraction

Roles of Christians
·​ ​Priest
§​ ​Visit prisons, elderly homes
§​ ​Bring Holy Communion to those who are unable to come to church
§​ ​Marriage, funeral, baptism services
§​ ​Preach, sermon
§​ ​Meet leaders or other faiths
·​ ​Laity
§​ ​Sing hymns, listen to sermon
§​ ​Go to church every Sunday
§​ ​Process Holy Communion down the aisle
§​ ​Collect donations
§​ ​Volunteer to do Bible reading
§​ ​Not needed, Word of God more important

Pilgrimage: a​ journey to a sacred place as an act of devotion

·​ ​See where Jesus had been (holy place)
·​ ​Experience surroundings à understand Bible teachings better
·​ ​Research prior to going
·​ ​Discuss with others à broaden knowledge of Jesus

1.​ B​ ethlehem

·​ ​Church of the nativity

§​ ​Jesus born into poverty
§​ ​Jesus was fully human
·​ ​Shepherd’s Fields
§​ ​God cares for ordinary people as well (share news with low reputable people)
§​ ​An angel once appeared there
·​ ​Milk Grotto
§​ ​Mary spilt a drop of milk whilst nursing Jesus
2.​ ​Jerusalem
·​ ​Garden tomb
§​ ​Jesus’ burial site à holy place
§​ ​Understand how Jesus suffered to clear our sins
·​ ​Church of the Holy Sepulchre

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§​ ​Site where Jesus rose from the dead
§​ ​Resurrection à divine & Son of God, power over death
§​ ​Holiest site in Christian world
·​ ​Via Dolorosa
§​ ​Jesus’ route to site of crucifixion after trial with Pilate
§​ ​Jesus suffered for us
§​ ​“walking with” him à his follower
·​ ​Garden of Gethsemane
§​ ​Where Jesus prayed before being persecuted
3.​ L
​ ourdes

·​ T​ he baths

§​ ​Filled with water from the spring

§​ ​Have healing properties
§​ ​Clear away sins
·​ ​Touch the Rock at the Grotto
§​ ​Solid foundation à real
§​ ​Site of Bernadette’s visions of Virgin Mary
·​ ​Blessed Sacrament Procession
§​ ​Reminds of Jesus’ sacrifice
§​ ​Bread and wine processed through
§​ ​Monstrance – giant lollipop stick
§​ ​Affirms real presence of Christ
§​ ​Need to see god’s loving nature
§​ ​God’s son is always with us
·​ ​Candlelit procession
§​ ​Jesus is the light of the world

Holy Communion
·​ ​Celebrate Jesus’ sacrifice
§​ ​Bread = broken body
§​ ​Wine = blood spilt
§​ ​Transubstantiation​ à Holy Spirit guidance
·​ ​Achieve salvation
§​ ​Removes sins
§​ ​Weekly celebration of Jesus
·​ ​Follow Jesus’ examples
§​ ​Jesus started this ritual
§​ ​Reminder for Christians to live like Jesus
·​ ​Renew your behaviour
§​ ​Give you new energy to follow Jesus à change behaviour
§​ ​Feel like the Holy Spirit is in you
·​ ​People can gather together
§​ ​Congregation celebrate together

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§​ U
​ nity of congregation

·​ U​ nite people in worship

·​ ​Readings from Bible about God’s teachings

·​ I​ ntroduction
§​ ​Explain Christian beliefs of importance / seriousness of marriage à gift from God;
à emphasise love, support and companionship in relationship
·​ ​Declaration
§​ ​Promises (love, comfort, protection, honour) in front of God and to one another
à show presence of God
à idea that God is judging our behaviour
à promise God to remain loyal
à emphasise significant role of family and friends
·​ ​Vows
à marriage is lifelong or it means adultery because divorce not acceptable
§​ ​“Till death us do part”
à Characteristics of Christian marriage
§​ ​“To love and to cherish”
·​ ​Rings
§​ ​Circular à never-ending love, faithfulness, eternity
§​ ​Physical reminder of marriage (faithfulness)
§​ ​God in the marriage to provide love and guidance
·​ ​Prayers & Bible readings
§​ ​Emphasize Christian beliefs about marriage and love
§​ ​Bible is the Word of God
·​ ​Bible readings
§​ ​Jesus’ words
§​ ​“I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even
though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die”
§​ ​Death isn’t the end à eternal life with God
§​ ​“We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed”
·​ ​Prayers
§​ ​Thank God for Jesus’ sacrifice à allow salvation
§​ ​Ask for comfort
·​ ​Hymns
§​ ​Remind people of their beliefs
§​ ​United & support each other
·​ ​Sermon

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§​ ​Focuses on belief in life after death
§​ ​Reminder to thank God for person’s life
·​ ​Burial
§​ ​Body no longer needed, soul lives on
§​ ​Flowers = splendour, candles = Jesus is light and saviour

Christian festivals
·​ ​Christmas
§​ ​Incarnation, God becoming flesh / fully human
§​ ​Scenes of nativity put out
§​ ​Money raised for charity
§​ ​Gratitude for the life of Jesus
§​ ​Carol services to rejoice in the good news of Jesus’ birth
§​ ​Midnight mass to mark the beginning of Christmas
§​ ​Christingle service
o​ ​Orange = world
o​ ​Candle = Jesus is light
o​ ​Sweets = God’s gifts to humanity
§​ ​Exchange presents
o​ ​Emphasise Jesus’ teaching of love & kindness
§​ ​Family gathering
·​ ​Lent
§​ ​Reflection of Jesus’ 40 nights temptation
§​ ​Understand how Jesus felt
§​ ​Give up something à test of self-discipline
·​ ​Easter
§​ ​Palm Sunday
à​ ​People wave palm leaves & shout “hosanna” (save us)
§​ ​Maundy Thursday: The Last Supper
à​ ​Washes disciples’ feet à serving others
à​ ​Remind them to serve others first
à​ ​Inspire Christians to stand up for injustice ​(Jesus crucifixion was unjust)
§​ ​Good Friday: death
à​ ​Example of love, God’s omnibenevolence (send Son to die)
à​ ​Willingly accepted punishment for peoples’ sins
à​ ​Proves that he is the Son of God
à​ ​Reminder of his suffering leading to salvation
§​ ​Easter Sunday: resurrection
à​ ​God has the power to raise people from the dead
à​ ​Death is not the end
à​ ​Jesus conquered death
à​ ​Divine

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Sacrament= an outward sign of an inner change
Rite of passage= ceremony going from one stage to another
Section B
God VS Gods
1. Christians
· Monotheism
§ 10 commandments: worship one God only
§ God is omnipotent, cant have 2 powerful Gods
2. Hinduism
· Polytheism
§ Agree what all those Gods say
§ Different teachings for each God
3. Atheists
· Don’t believe in a God
· If there was a God his presence would be obvious
· If there was a God, all suffering would end
Ultimate reality
1. Christians
· Worship God
· Spread the word of God
2. Buddhists
· Do good karma
· Achieve enlightenment
3. Atheists
· Charity à help people
· No ultimate reality
4. Scientists
· Find out as much about the universe

Nature of God
· Omnipresent: present everywhere at all times throughout the universe
· Omnipotent: all powerful
· Omniscient: knows everything, nothing can be hidden
· Omnibenevolent: in every loving relationship
· Eternal: outside time, no beginning nor end
· Creator of the world

· Father
§ Brought humans into existence
§ Cares and provides, loving and forgiving
§ Position of authority: rules, rewards, punishment
· Son
§ God incarnate à perfect

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· Holy Spirit
§ Guides them to make right decisions
§ Gives them courage at difficult times

Meaning & purpose of life

Belief, uncertainty and unbelief

ü Parents / community have brought them up this way

1. Christians
· Christian family
§ Church: meet people à talk through problems
§ Youth group: people of the same age, help in community
§ School: Christian values
§ Christian family: prayers, religious celebrations, support
· Prayer
§ Response from God
§ Personal way of communicating with God
· Miracles
§ Breaks the law of nature
§ God is omnipotent
· Numinous
§ Sense of awe à presence of greater power
§ World isn’t only functional, there’s beauty as well
· Reason for universe
Ø Conversion
§ Powerful experience à convinced God is responsible
2. Scientists
ü If the world wasn’t exactly like this, life forms would cease to exist
û No evidence
û Science disproves religion
3. Atheists & Agnostic
ü More to life than fulfilling own life
ü Looking for explanations for life after death
ü Agree to religious teachings about purpose & meaning of life
ü Give a structure to family
ü Experienced God
ü Beauty & order must have been created by somebody
û People can be moral without being religious
û Suffering, evil and chaos in the world

1. Causation argument

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· Everything happened due to a cause
§ Something as intricate as the universe à powerful creator
§ God is powerful à God exists
· Causes can not go on forever
§ Must be an uncaused cause à God
· Scientists & Big Bang
§ Nothing can come from nothing
§ Big Bang created space, matter, time and energy
§ Only God has power à caused Big Bang
· Scientists
û Energy can’t be destroyed / created
û Must be an initial energy to start the momentum
· Atheists
û If God made the universe, who made God
û If God doesn’t need a cause, universe doesn’t either
2. Teleological argument
· Paley’s watch
§ An ecosystem so intricate can’t have happened by chance à must be designed by someone
§ Idea of mechanism of a watch à world more complex à Designer could be God
· Fred Hoyle
§ C-atom is tiny, chance of discovery is miniscule à someone designed so we found it
§ Airplane can’t be created by chance e.g. forces whirl through scrapyard to airplane

The problem of evil and suffering

Natural evil: suffering & pain caused by experiences beyond human control
Moral evil: suffering & pain caused by human sin
1. Inconsistent triad
· If God is omnibenevolent à want to end evil & suffering
· omnipotent à be able to end evil & suffering
· omniscient à know there will be evil
§ God is not omnibenevolent / omnipotent, God doesn’t exist
2. Christians
ü Result of the Fall
§ Adam & Eve spoiled the world
ü Way for people to grow & develop their faith
§ God gave us difficulties to overcome
ü Let us make free choices
ü Story of Job
§ Suffering is part of God’s plan à humans won’t understand
û Natural evil = creation went wrong/out of control
§ God is omnipotent, should have had power to create perfect world
û Soul supposed to guide moral conscience

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§ Moral evil à no soul à no God
û God created humans
§ Evil God?

Abortion: medical process of ending a pregnancy before it results in the birth of a baby
Ireland: abortion is illegal
HK Law:
· Permitted before 24 weeks
· 2 doctors agreement:
§ mother’s health (physical mental) at risk
§ risk of sever disabilities for baby
1. Pro Life: foetus is a life that possesses full DNA to develop into a unique child
· Destroys human life à murder & great evil
· Sanctity of life: human life is sacred, a gift from God
§ Holy Spirit lives inside the soul: killing person = kill HS
§ “Don't you realise that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was
given to you by God?”
· Human life should be respected & protected from the moment of conception
§ Absolute: one rule for all solutions
§ Supported by Catholics & Salvation Army
· Roman Catholics
û Life begins immediately after fertilisation
û Baby has right to life à no one can take it away
· Salvation Army
û Modern society doesn't show enough concern for the vulnerable (unborn)
ü In cases of rape
2. Pro Choice: women have the right to choose what happens to her own body
· Illegal abortions in unhealthy conditions
· Love, free will, compassion
· Only last resort
§ Relative morality: different rules for different situations
§ Support by Anglicans & Liberals
ü Abortion is kinder on some occasions
§ Jesus’ teaching of love
§ Atheists
§ People have the right for their body
§ Might be because they can foresee bad environment for raising children

Euthanasia: gentle death to relieve pain & suffering

1. Atheists
ü Free will
ü Kindness if someone was suffering
ü Waste of money for hopeless cases à spend on those with a chance of recovery

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ü Quality of life is poor
ü Loss of personal dignity
· ORGANISATION: Dignityindying
û New cures
û Elderly relatives might be pressured because they are a responsibility for the family
2. Christians
û Sanctity of Life
û God is the one who decides your death
§ “The Lord God kills and restores to life”
û Shouldn’t choose to die because of suffering
§ “If we die, it is for the Lord that we die”
û Killing ourselves = killing Holy Spirit
§ “Don’t you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit […] You do not belong to
yourselves but to God”
3. Liberals
ü Acceptable to switch off life-support machine since person is brain-dead
4. Roman Catholics
ü Have the right to refuse treatment to prolong life
Ø Hospices & Palliative care
· Control pain à better quality of life

Section C
1. Atheists
· Love is involved, no one is hurt
2. Roman Catholics & some Anglicans
· Thoughts aren’t a sin but actions are
§ “No man is to have sexual relations with another man; God hates that” OT
§ “Men do shameful things with each other” NT
· Treat them with respect & compassion
· Homosexuals should control their sexual feelings by being celibate
û Sex is for procreation
3. Liberal Christians & some Anglicans
· Nature & quality of the relationship matters most
· Expresses true affection and gives pleasure to both individuals
· Jesus’ message of love and forgiveness
4. Some religious people
· Homosexual not equivalent to heterosexual
· Contrary to religious teachings
· Accept monogamous relationship; condemn promiscuity

Cohabitation: living together without being married

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1. Atheists
· Sensible to find out whether relationship will work
2. Catholics
· Might have sexual relationships / temptation of sex
· Sex before marriage not allowed
· “human love does not tolerate trial marriages”
3. Liberals
· If it leads to children & marriage
· Good way to test relationship
Celibacy: remain unmarried and having no sexual relationships
1. Christians
· Sex to procreate à don’t want children
· Devote time to worship God e.g. nuns
· Self-control to overcome physical desires
· Don’t want to commit to a long-term relationship à pre-marital sex is sin
2. Atheists
· Avoid hereditary disease
· Don’t want children / control yourself (independent)
· No need to spend money on contraception
· More time to focus on yourself
· Unable to have sex

1. Christians
· Procreation
§ “Have children so that your descendants will live all over the earth”
· Christian family
· Sexual relationship
· Provides support and companionship
· Holy relationship with God
2. Atheists
· Support and companionship
· Have children

Sex outside marriage

1. Christians
û Sex is an act of love and commitment
û Only be part of a meaning, loving relationship
ü Accept if marriage is likely to follow
2. Roman Catholics
û Sex only belongs within marriage
§ “Human love does not tolerate ‘trial marriages’ ”
3. Evangelical Protestants

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û Bible
§ “Do not commit adultery” (10 commandments)
4. Liberals
ü Part of a loving relationship
ü No one is harmed / exploited
§ Jesus’ teaching that love matters most
5. Atheists
· Trust is broken & people are hurt
· Promiscuity: sex with a number of partners with commitment
§ Sex is a special act between people who care about each other

Divorce: legal process that ends a marriage

1. Atheists
ü If you’ve made a mistake, better to start again
û Marriage is a serious commitment, divorce shouldn’t be 1st option
û People will be hurt
û Children separated? Not a nuclear family
2. Anglicans
û Marriage is a lifelong commitment
û Children involved
ü Understand some relationships break down, divorce may be best option
ü Divorce is a matter of courts, not the Church
ü God will forgive
3. Roman Catholic
û Marriage is a sacrament (holy relationship & promises made with God)
û Better for couple to live apart
û Only death ends a marriage
4. Baptists
ü When marriage has broken down, may do more harm than good
ü Attempted all methods e.g. counselling, meditation
5. Jesus
û “No human being then must separate what God has joined together”

Remarriage: marrying another partner after a divorce

1. Roman Catholic
û Promises to God cannot be broken
û Catholics who do can’t take the Holy Communion
û Adultery, 3rd person in relationship
§ Sermon on the Mount
ü Annulment: marriage not legally valid, by the Church
2. Anglican
ü Allowed though some vicars may refuse to perform the service
§ Have determination for new marriage to be lifelong relationship?

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§ Divorced more than once?
3. Atheists
û Hurt people from previous marriage
§ Children can’t adapt to new family e.g. reconstituted family
§ Divorced husband / wife hurt

Importance of family
1. Christians
· Home is a holy place with God’s presence & loving relationships
· Bring children up in Christian faith
2. Atheists
· Care
· Support
· Teaching
· Shelter
· Identity

Types of family
1. Nuclear: parents & children living as a unit
2. Extended: extends beyond nuclear, living together
3. Reconstituted: children from previous marriages becoming one family when their divorced parents marry
each other
4. Homosexual parents / single parents
Roles in family
1. Parents
· Provide necessities
· Bring children up as Christians
· Make sure they are baptised & confirmed
2. Children
· Obey parents (10 commandments)
3. Homosexual parents / single parents

Help from Christian communities

1. Support family
4. Short-term childcare
5. Day nurseries, out-of-school care
6. Counselling for parenting skills
7. Short-term accommodation
2. Help families stay together
· Teach couples about marriage & family life
§ Couples understand importance of what they are taking on
· Counselling
· Discussion groups

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Contraception: a means of preventing a woman from becoming pregnant
Ø Artificial e.g. contraception pill, condoms
Ø Natural e.g. sex in less fertile times of the month

1. Anglican
ü Sexual love is essential for partners to express & strengthen their love
ü Enables couples to enjoy sex
ü Allows couples to take responsibility for the size of their family
2. Roman Catholics
û Artificial, interfere with natural law
û Intefere with God’s intentions for the couple
û Use natural family planning methods to limit size
û Goes against purpose of Christian marriage e.g. procreation
3. Atheists
ü Making responsible choices
ü Prevent overcrowding & poverty

Fertility treatment
1. Artificial Insemination by Husband: husband’s sperm to women’s uterus
ü Agape
§ God gave us knowledge & ability to help infertile
§ Helping people who can’t conceive
§ Jesus healed people
û Old Testament
§ Having a baby is a gift, not a right
§ Unnatural sex
2. Artificial Insemination by Donor: donor sperm to woman’s uterus
û Catholics
§ Form of adultery, 3rd party into relationship
§ Child not biologically from both parents
3. IVF: egg + sperm in test tube then uterus
ü Catholics
§ Number of eggs fertilised put back in mother
ü Anglicans
§ Up to 14 days
û Protestants
§ Destroys spare fertilised embryos
§ SANCTITY OF LIFE, life is sacred
§ Life begins at contraception
4. Surrogacy: pregnant with someone else’s child
ü Christians
§ Child is genetically from parents

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û Catholics
§ Introducing 3rd party into relationship
§ Playing God

1. Christians
ü Focus on relationship with God
ü Not ready to raise children
ü God’s choice for couple not to have children
û Purpose is procreation
û Raise Christian children
Section D
Human Rights
Right to liberty: The right to be free, do lawful business without interference
Right to equality before the law: entitled to equal protection of the law without discrimination
Freedom of Religion: Person’s right to follow or not follow a religion
Freedom of opinion: Person’s right to hold an opinion they choose
Freedom of speech: Freedom to speak freely without censorship

1. Christians
· All humans are related à everyone receives same Human Rights
§ “Adam named his wife Eve, because she was the mother of all human beings”
· Jesus was concerned à went out of his way to help the rejected
§ Good Samaritan
§ Lepers, tax collectors
· Needed in order to preach their religion freely
§ Speak out against colour discrimination
§ Fight human rights abuse
2. Atheists
· Allow them to not follow a religion or they will be forced

Women’s role
Gender bias: Treating men / women more favourably
1. Traditional view
· Men in charge (leaders in family & society), women support men
§ Jesus’ disciples were all men
§ Eve was created as Adam’s companion
§ “Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives and treat them with
respect as the weaker partner”
2. Liberal view
· Men and women treated equally

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· Bible was written ages ago in a male-dominated society
· Principles of equality apply to gender
§ “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in
Christ Jesus”
· Unfair to limit people’s opportunities
3. Roman Catholics
· Equal but different
§ “in perfect equality as human person; on the other, in their respective beings as man and
4. Atheists
û Physical disadvantage à sedentary jobs
û Women more intelligent
û Take care of children
û Men have been providers traditionally e.g. hunting
ü Equal status, discrimination unfair

Ø Gained the right to vote, be educated, equal employment opportunities

Ø Equal Pay Act, 1970, illegal to discriminate in pay and conditions for the same job
Ø Sex Discrimination Act, 1975, unlawful to treat a person less favourably than a member of the other sex in
Ø Church of England allow female vicars
Ø Catholic Church doesn’t allow
§ Priest represents Jesus
§ Bishops are descendants of Jesus’ apostles
§ Pope is successor of Peter
1. Everyone is of equal value, different doesn’t mean worse
· Everyone was made in the image of God
2. Love
· Important to love & treat others well
3. Justice
· Bible shows importance of social justice regardless of race / position in society
4. Sanctity of life
· God gave humans a special status in life
· Everyone is sacred à treated accordingly
5. Not judging
· Only God has the authority to judge
· None of us are perfect

Disability: a physical / mental impairment that has substantial effect on a person’s abilities to carry out
daily activities
Disability bias: Treating the disabled less favourably than others
1. Christians

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· Jesus’ healing ministry à view sick & disabled as equals in need of help than pity
§ The paralysed man
§ Healed the blind, deaf, lepers
Ø Donate money / volunteer for charities that serve the disabled
Ø ORGANISATION: Livability (run care homes for rehabilitation for brain injury sufferers)

Ø 1970 Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act: provide for disabled
Ø 1995 Disability Discrimination Act: in employment, education, services
Ø 2010 Equality Act: unified all previous discrimination legislation

Multi-ethnic Society: many different races and cultures living in one society
ü Experience different cultures à interesting
ü More tolerant towards other cultures / ideas
ü Might have things in common e.g. religion
û Over-populated à lack of jobs
û Lack of community cohesion & identity as a community
û Language barriers
û Racism: the belief that some races are superior than others
Ø 1976 Race Relations Act: illegal to discriminate / use threatening & abusive language in public
that could cause racial hatred
Ø 2001 Race Relations Amendment Act: person can challenge in court
Ø 2007 Equality and Human Rights Commission: government body improve rights

Racial Harmony: People from different races living together peacefully and happily
1. Christians
· Jesus treated all people of different races equally
§ Helps everyone despite their personal beliefs / identity
§ Perfect example for humans
§ Aligned himself with unpopular groups e.g. tax collectors
· God does not show favouritism
§ God created all humans equally, same in his eyes
§ Cares for all his believes despite differences
· Bible
§ “From one man He made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth”
§ we all have the same origin
§ Men of every nation are the same
· Church
§ Shouldn’t be racist if following Jesus’ teachings (love)
Ø ORGANISATION: RESTORE — help refugees and asylum seekers
§ Raise awareness, speak out for them
§ Organise social activities
Ø INDIVIDUAL: Desmond Tutu
Ø Priests

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§ Encourage people to mingle, no discrimination
§ Welcome families into society
§ Read quotes from the Bible
§ Interfaith dialogues

Multi-faith society: different religions living together in one society

1. Exclusivism (Evangelical): only Christianity has complete truth, avoiding people following other
· Christians: believe that their religion is the only way to reach God
§ “ ‘I have been given all authority in heaven and Earth. Go then, to all peoples everywhere
and make them my disciples’ ”
§ Tell people to convert to Christianity
§ Others have got the wrong approach à excluded from heaven
§ Duty to tell others about Christianity
û Forcing them to change
û Offending other religions
2. Pluralism (Liberal): all religions are equal, no religion has whole truth
· Christians: all forms of religion will lead people to God
§ Everyone is free to follow the religion that suits them best
§ Religion is an accident of birth (Europe – Christianity)
§ All religions are good, right to exist alongside each other
§ “In my father’s house there are many rooms”
3. Inclusivism (Catholic): there’s truth in all religions, Christianity has complete truth, other religions have
partial truth
· Christians: all religions can help reach God but Christianity has the complete answers
§ Respect other religions
§ Right things is to explain the Christian path to them
§ If you practise the right things in another religion à might be saved

Interfaith relationships in practise

· Sharing places of worship
· Interfaith forums
§ Promote understanding & cooperation between people of different faiths
· Multi-religion charities
§ Global warming
§ Both religions teach that humans should take care of earth
· Interdenominational churches
§ No particular denomination
§ Strives to incorporate different practises

Relationships between rich and poor

1. Christians
· Charity

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§ Story of the rich young man (give all his money away)
§ “You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor”
§ A way of storing up riches in Heaven
· Compassion
§ Duty to show agape
§ People will be judged on how they treat others
§ Parable of the Good Samaritan
§ Parable of the Sheep and the Goats
§ “Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep”
§ “Love one another as I have loved you”
· Equality
§ All come from same roots à deserve same things
· Justice
§ God is a lover of justice, followers are encouraged to do justice
§ The unjust are condemned
§ World’s resources are created for all people to share equally
ORGANISATION: ChristianAid (end poverty, strive for social justice & equality)
§ Educate communities
§ Climate justice, tax justice
§ Provide disaster relief
2. Atheists
ü Unfair for the rich to have luxuries when the poor lack essentials
ü People are lucky to be rich (born into developed country)
ü All wealth comes from God à show compassion to the poor
û The rich have worked hard for it & deserve to keep it
û Donating encourages some people to not work
û Nice if people choose to donate but not a duty
û Society as a whole have a duty to end poverty, not just rich

Religious Community

Religious texts & sources of authority

1. Bible
§ Inspired by God = authority
§ Has rules & teachings on how Christians should lead their lives
§ E.g. 10 commandments (OT); sermon on the mount, parables (NT
§ Source of authority for church leaders to pass on to worshippers
· Fundamentalist: contains Word of God à follow closely
· Liberal: inspired by God, written by humans à consult with modern interpretation
· Conservatives: key teachings that can’t be changed; some fit to context
Ø Catholics: read during mass
Ø Anglican: processed through the church & read

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Ø Sermon: reading & preaching by priest
Ø Instruction & education within denomination
Ø Daily reading
Ø Aid for meditation (concentrate on a particular part)
2. Church (people)
· Trained priests have studied the Bible & how Church interprets it
· Catholics: pope à infallible guidance à magisterium
· God speak through priests
3. Conscience
· Inner feeling that differentiates right from wrong
· Given by God for guidance
§ “The Lord gave us mind and conscience”
ü Universal agreement on good & bad
ü God’s way of telling us to follow his plan
û Might direct them to do things other people don’t agree with
4. Situation ethics
· Base morals on the most loving to do
§ The Golden Rule (Jesus): treat others the way you want to be treated
ü Jesus “Love over law”
û You can make mistakes
û Church has more reliable teachings à ignoring Word of God

Founders & leaders

· Jesus is like ordinary people
· Humility, baptised by cousin
· People follow his steps and get baptised
· God will forgive your sins if you believe in him
· Holy Trinity (God’s voice, dove, Jesus)
· Marks beginning of Jesus’ ministry
· 40 days & 40 nights in the wilderness
§ turn stone into bread
§ jump down from the temple – don’t put God to the test
§ bow down and worship me – worship God only
· resisted temptation à example for humans
· Life isn’t meant to be easy
Last Supper
· Washed disciples’ feet à humility, teach them to serve others
· Instructed disciples to eat bread & wine in remembrance of him à sacrament
· died for humans’ sins à saviour à humans can go to heaven

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· God has eternal life
· More powerful than death
· Idea of life after death

Ministry of Healing: reward those who had faith & show divinity
· Paralysed man
§ Show concern for the sick
§ Loving in those in need
§ Forgiveness of sins to those who believe in him
§ Divine, can break laws of nature
· Man with evil spirit
§ Jesus’ authority over evil
§ If you believe and ask for help, you will receive it

Discipleship: one who embraces & assists in spreading the Jesus’ teachings
ü Wear sandals
ü Stay in houses they are welcomed in
û Carry anything except a stick e.g. bread, money
· Spread the word of God
§ “go then to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples”
§ give people chance to renounce sin & be baptised
· Be prepared for hardship
§ “he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me”
· Priority is to help others
· Be humble & compassionate
§ “Even the Son of Man did not come to be served, he came to serve and to give his life to
redeem many people”
§ The Widow’s Offering
· Mum’s examples of taking food, clothing, medicine to the poor
· Taught in a school for poorest families
· Set up school & home for dying people
· Set up Missionaries of Charity
§ Spread the word
§ Donations
· Homes for uncared e.g. lepers, sick, poor, orphans

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Ø Jesus’ teaching of love & compassion, 2 great commandments
Ø Faith in god for guidance to help others
Ø Didn’t bring anything with her
Ø Don’t have to start big, be loving
10 commandments
Sermon on the mount
· Teaching on how to live moral life
· Behaviour of agape
Principle of love
· “Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength”
· “Love your neighbour as you love yourself”
· Agape: unconditional love
· Love over law

Worship and celebration

· Liturgical (Catholic)
§ Formal, set pattern
§ Services designed to stimulate sense e.g. incense
§ Emphasis on ritual
§ Baptism, Holy communion, Confirmation
§ Sign of peace
· Non-Liturgical (Protestant)
§ Emphasis on Word of God
· Quakers
§ Sit in silence, God speaks to them

Places of Worship: church

· Focal point for Christian community
· Building for ceremonies / religious services e.g. marriage, baptism
· Place of calm and refuge
· Sense of awe & wonder (think about power & existence of God)

· Stained glass window

§ Tell stories from the Bible for the illiterate
· Font
§ Bowl of water for baptism
§ Entrance à welcoming to the church
· Altar
§ Focal point, congregation face altar
§ Place for Holy Communion & candles
§ Reminds people of Jesus’ death
§ Jesus is light & guidance

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§ Congregation kneel à respected by worshippers, commitment
· Pulpit
o Raised stand where the priest preaches
· Lectern WITH EAGLE
§ Bookstand to rest Bible
· Pews
§ Long wooden benches for congregation

Higher Anglican Lower Anglican

Font at the entrance Font in the middle

Organ Piano, drum kit, keyboard, guitar

Jesus on crucifix à suffering Empty cross à Jesus conquered death

Many stained glass windows Words from Bible à no distraction

Roles of Christians
· Priest
§ Visit prisons, elderly homes
§ Bring Holy Communion to those who are unable to come to church
§ Marriage, funeral, baptism services
§ Preach, sermon
§ Meet leaders or other faiths
· Laity
§ Sing hymns, listen to sermon
§ Go to church every Sunday
§ Process Holy Communion down the aisle
§ Collect donations
§ Volunteer to do Bible reading
§ Not needed, Word of God more important

Pilgrimage: a journey to a sacred place as an act of devotion

· See where Jesus had been (holy place)
· Experience surroundings à understand Bible teachings better
· Research prior to going
· Discuss with others à broaden knowledge of Jesus

1. Bethlehem
· Church of the nativity
§ Jesus born into poverty
§ Jesus was fully human

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· Shepherd’s Fields
§ God cares for ordinary people as well (share news with low reputable people)
§ An angel once appeared there
· Milk Grotto
§ Mary spilt a drop of milk whilst nursing Jesus
2. Jerusalem
· Garden tomb
§ Jesus’ burial site à holy place
§ Understand how Jesus suffered to clear our sins
· Church of the Holy Sepulchre
§ Site where Jesus rose from the dead
§ Resurrection à divine & Son of God, power over death
§ Holiest site in Christian world
· Via Dolorosa
§ Jesus’ route to site of crucifixion after trial with Pilate
§ Jesus suffered for us
§ “walking with” him à his follower
· Garden of Gethsemane
§ Where Jesus prayed before being persecuted
3. Lourdes
· The baths
§ Filled with water from the spring
§ Have healing properties
§ Clear away sins
· Touch the Rock at the Grotto
§ Solid foundation à real
§ Site of Bernadette’s visions of Virgin Mary
· Blessed Sacrament Procession
§ Reminds of Jesus’ sacrifice
§ Bread and wine processed through
§ Monstrance – giant lollipop stick
§ Affirms real presence of Christ
§ Need to see god’s loving nature
§ God’s son is always with us
· Candlelit procession
§ Jesus is the light of the world

Holy Communion
· Celebrate Jesus’ sacrifice
§ Bread = broken body
§ Wine = blood spilt
§ Transubstantiation à Holy Spirit guidance
· Achieve salvation

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§ Removes sins
§ Weekly celebration of Jesus
· Follow Jesus’ examples
§ Jesus started this ritual
§ Reminder for Christians to live like Jesus
· Renew your behaviour
§ Give you new energy to follow Jesus à change behaviour
§ Feel like the Holy Spirit is in you
· People can gather together
§ Congregation celebrate together
§ Unity of congregation

· Unite people in worship
· Readings from Bible about God’s teachings

· Introduction
§ Explain Christian beliefs of importance / seriousness of marriage à gift from God;
à emphasise love, support and companionship in relationship
· Declaration
§ Promises (love, comfort, protection, honour) in front of God and to one another
à show presence of God
à idea that God is judging our behaviour
à promise God to remain loyal
à emphasise significant role of family and friends
· Vows
à marriage is lifelong or it means adultery because divorce not acceptable
§ “Till death us do part”
à Characteristics of Christian marriage
§ “To love and to cherish”
· Rings
§ Circular à never-ending love, faithfulness, eternity
§ Physical reminder of marriage (faithfulness)
§ God in the marriage to provide love and guidance
· Prayers & Bible readings
§ Emphasize Christian beliefs about marriage and love
§ Bible is the Word of God
· Bible readings
§ Jesus’ words

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§ “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even
though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die”
§ Death isn’t the end à eternal life with God
§ “We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed”
· Prayers
§ Thank God for Jesus’ sacrifice à allow salvation
§ Ask for comfort
· Hymns
§ Remind people of their beliefs
§ United & support each other
· Sermon
§ Focuses on belief in life after death
§ Reminder to thank God for person’s life
· Burial
§ Body no longer needed, soul lives on
§ Flowers = splendour, candles = Jesus is light and saviour

Christian festivals
· Christmas
§ Incarnation, God becoming flesh / fully human
§ Scenes of nativity put out
§ Money raised for charity
§ Gratitude for the life of Jesus
§ Carol services to rejoice in the good news of Jesus’ birth
§ Midnight mass to mark the beginning of Christmas
§ Christingle service
o Orange = world
o Candle = Jesus is light
o Sweets = God’s gifts to humanity
§ Exchange presents
o Emphasise Jesus’ teaching of love & kindness
§ Family gathering
· Lent
§ Reflection of Jesus’ 40 nights temptation
§ Understand how Jesus felt
§ Give up something à test of self-discipline
· Easter
§ Palm Sunday
à People wave palm leaves & shout “hosanna” (save us)
§ Maundy Thursday: The Last Supper
à Washes disciples’ feet à serving others
à Remind them to serve others first

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à Inspire Christians to stand up for injustice (Jesus crucifixion was unjust)
§ Good Friday: death
à Example of love, God’s omnibenevolence (send Son to die)
à Willingly accepted punishment for peoples’ sins
à Proves that he is the Son of God
à Reminder of his suffering leading to salvation
§ Easter Sunday: resurrection
à God has the power to raise people from the dead
à Death is not the end
à Jesus conquered death
à Divine

Sacrament= an outward sign of an inner change

Rite of passage= ceremony going from one stage to another

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