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Fruits of the Flesh and the Spirit (Gal.

Fruits of the Flesh Fruits of the Spirit
English Word Immorality Love
Русская Словь прелюбоделяние, блуд (*) любовь (*)
Greek Word pornei/a aga&ph
Meaning unlawful sex, prostitution, Love
Explanation get my own cup filled Enjoys the gift with out the gift
controlling them- focus is on the
English Word Impurity giver
Русская Словь нечистота (*)
Greek Word akaqarsi/a
Meaning uncleanness, viciousness, dirt,
refuse, immorality
Explanation drinking from the wrong spring
English Word Sensuality Joy
Русская Словь непотребство - грехи плоти радость (*)
Greek Word ase/lgeia xara
Meaning licentiousness, debauchery Joy
Explanation sucking in a joy substitute you are a fountain of joy and life
English Word Idolatry Peace
Русская Словь идолослужение - идолклонство мир (*)
Greek Word eidwlolatrei/a eirhnh
Meaning idolatry Peace
Explanation trying to placate the forces in this You are a fountain of peace, you are
life founded on the rock
English Word Sorcery Patience
Русская Словь болшебство - колдовство долготерпение - терпение
Greek Word farmakei/a makroqumi/a
Meaning sorcery, magic Patience, steadfastness, endurance,
Explanation trying to control the forces of this able to trurst with eager expectation
life of good - Rom 8:28
English Word Enmities Kindness
Русская Словь вражда (*) благость - доброту
Greek Word exqrai xrhstoth
Meaning enmity, hatred, hostilities goodness, uprightness, kindness,
Explanation self-protection able to give freely to all who ask
without protecting yourself
English Word Strife
Русская Словь ссоры (*)
Greek Word erei=j
Meaning strife, discord, contention
Explanation self-protection through distraction
Fruits of the Flesh Fruits of the Spirit
English Word Jealousy Goodness
Русская Словь зависть (*) милосердие - (___)
Greek Word zhloi a)gaqwsu&nh
Meaning zeal, ardor, jealousy goodness, uprightness, generosity
Explanation oriented on the potentiality of others your identity is based in God's
goodness not as a negative
representation of the character of
English Word Outbursts of Anger
Русская Словь гневт - злоба
Greek Word qumoi/
Meaning passion, rage, wrath
Explanation controlled by the actions of others
English Word Disputes Faithfulness
Русская Словь распри (*) вера - доверие
Greek Word eriqei/ai pi/sti
Meaning selfishness, selfish ambition, selfish faithfulness, full of faith
Explanation It's all about you, if you don't watch your faithfulness is to the God who
out for you, who will cares for each every one with no
English Word Dissensions
Русская Словь разногласия (*)
Greek Word dixostasi/a
Meaning dissensions
Explanation defined by a negative evaluation of
English Word Factions
Русская Словь соблазны, ереси - противоречия
Greek Word aire/seij
Meaning party, school, opinion, factions,
Explanation defined by a negative evaluation of
English Word Envying Gentleness
Русская Словь ненависть (убийства) - ревность кротость (*)
Greek Word fqonoi, praothj
Meaning envy, jealousy humility, courtesy
Explanation looking out for your own needs, looking out for the good and needs
wanting others good for you of others
English Word Drunkenness Self Control
Русская Словь пьянство (*) воздержание (*)
Greek Word me/qai egkrateia
Meaning drunkenness self-control
Explanation purposely losing control, because able to control self and not a victim
you already feel out of control
English Word Carousing
Русская Словь бесчниство - дикие оргии
Fruits of the Flesh Fruits of the Spirit
Greek Word kwmoi
Meaning excessive feasting, carousing,
Explanation escapism
Fruits of the Flesh and the Spirit (Gal. 5)
Fruits of the Flesh Fruits of the Spirit
English Word Immorality Love
Русская Словь прелюбоделяние, блуд (*) (разврат) любовь (*)
Greek Word pornei/a aga&ph
Meaning unlawful sex, prostitution, fornication Love
Hebrew Word ds,EH, chesed
Meaning deeds of devotion, devotion, devout, faithfulness,
good, kindness, lovingkindness, loyalty, merciful,
righteousness, unchanging love
Explanation get my own cup filled, sins against one's own body Enjoys the gift with out the gift controlling them -
(1 Cor. 6:18) focus is on the giver
English Word Impurity
Русская Словь нечистота (*) (нечистые побуждения)
Greek Word akaqarsi/a
Meaning uncleanness, viciousness, dirt, refuse, immorality
Hebrew Word
Explanation drinking from the wrong spring
English Word Sensuality Joy
Русская Словь непотребство (необузданность) радость (*)
Greek Word ase/lgeia xara
Meaning licentiousness, debauchery Joy
Hebrew Word
Explanation sucking in a joy substitute you are a fountain of joy and life
English Word Idolatry Peace
Русская Словь идолослужение - (идолклонство) мир (*)
Greek Word eidwlolatrei/a eirhnh
Meaning idolatry Peace
Hebrew Word shalom mwlc;;'
Meaning prosperity of body, soul and spirit
Explanation trying to placate the forces in this life You are a fountain of peace, you are founded on
the rock
English Word Sorcery Patience
Русская Словь болшебство - (колдовство) долготерпение - терпение
Greek Word farmakei/a makroqumi/a
Meaning sorcery, magic Patience, steadfastness, endurance, forebearance

Hebrew Word
Explanation trying to control the forces of this life able to trust with eager expectation of good -
Rom 8:28
English Word Enmities Kindness
Русская Словь вражда (*) благость - доброту
Greek Word exqrai xrhstoth
Meaning enmity, hatred, hostilities goodness, uprightness, kindness, generosity

Hebrew Word ds,EH, chesed

Explanation self-protection able to give freely to all who ask without
protecting yourself
English Word Strife
Русская Словь ссоры (*)
Greek Word erei=j
Meaning strife, discord, contention
Hebrew Word
Explanation self-protection through distraction

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Fruits of the Flesh Fruits of the Spirit
English Word Jealousy Goodness
Русская Словь зависть (*) милосердие - (___)
Greek Word zhloi a)gaqwsu&nh
Meaning zeal, ardor, jealousy goodness, uprightness, generosity
Hebrew Word
Explanation oriented on the potentiality of others your identity is based in God's goodness not as a
negative representation of the character of others

English Word Outbursts of Anger

Русская Словь гневт - злоба
Greek Word qumoi/
Meaning passion, rage, wrath
Hebrew Word
Explanation controlled by the actions of others
English Word Disputes Faithfulness
Русская Словь распри (*) - (ссоры) вера - доверие
Greek Word eriqei/ai pi/sti
Meaning selfishness, selfish ambition, selfish rivalry faithfulness, full of faith

Hebrew Word ds,EH, chesed

Explanation It's all about you, if you don't watch out for you, your faithfulness is to the God and to His people,
who will those He gives you - God who cares for each
everyone with no favorites
English Word Dissensions
Русская Словь разногласия (*) - соблазны (раздоры)
Greek Word dixostasi/a
Meaning dissensions
Hebrew Word
Explanation defined by a negative evaluation of others

English Word Factions

Русская Словь соблазны, ереси - противоречия (разделения)
Greek Word aire/seij - heresy or гересий
Meaning party, school, opinion, factions, dissensions

Explanation defined by a negative evaluation of others

English Word Envying Gentleness

Русская Словь ненависть (убийства) - ревность кротость (*)
Greek Word fqonoi (fonoi=killing, probable misp.) praothj
Meaning envy, jealousy humility, courtesy
Hebrew Word
Explanation looking out for your own needs, wanting others looking out for the good and needs of others
good for you
English Word Drunkenness Self Control
Русская Словь пьянство (*) воздержание (*)
Greek Word me/qai egkrateia
Meaning drunkenness self-control
Hebrew Word aphaq qp'a;
Explanation purposely losing control, because you already feel able, through the Holy Spirit in you to control
out of control (helpless) yourself and not be a victim
English Word Carousing
Русская Словь бесчниство - дикие оргии
Greek Word kwmoi
Meaning excessive feasting, carousing, revelry
Hebrew Word
Explanation escapism
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