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49 Featherstone Street
United Kingdom.
27th March, 2016
Dear Charlie,

Only a few weeks to go now and you’ll be jetsetting out of here, you must be excited!

I hear the food over there is amazing, but it’ll take some getting used to. I imagine it will be very strange
at first, having Thai food that isn’t from the local takeaway. But soon enough you’ll be learning to cook it
and you can teach me when you come back to visit.

Now that I have gotten the food out of the way (you know I like food), another thing you’re going to have
to learn is the language. You won’t be able to watch TV when you first get there! I know you have started
learning it a little bit already, but it’s going to be a real shock because they will be speaking so fast, and
they probably have different accents like we do over here. But it’s such a talent, being able to speak
multiple languages. That’s a thought, have you got a school sorted out yet?

Make sure you take lots of pictures when you get there and send them over to me, I bet the view from
your house will be beautiful there, compared to the concrete jungle outside my house. You’ll see lots of
trees, farms and animals roaming the fields. You’ll be able to breathe fresh air that isn’t polluted by dirty
cars in constant gridlock. Best of all, you’ll be able to go to sleep at night and hear nothing, no cars, no
fighting cats, no barking dogs, no police sirens, no loud arguments on the street. It will be bliss.

You will meet so many new people in your new town, you probably won’t have to cook for the first two
weeks because I’m sure they’ll be inviting you to theirs for dinner to welcome you. You might not get on
so well without a knife and fork, but as long as you show them you are grateful they won’t mind, they
might even laugh with you about it. Hopefully, you meet a few people that you become really good friends
with, they can show you all of the fun staff over there like their music. They can teach you how to sing
Thai songs and you can teach them how to sing English songs.

Anyway, that’s all from me, I wish you the best of luck with your new home, just make sure you come
back to visit your old home, and me, often enough. Let me know when you are settled in and I can come
over there.
Yours sincerely,

PS: How could I forget, the weather! You know us British like to talk about the weather all the time. It’s
going to be lovely over there, you’ll notice it as soon as the plane touches down, you’ll feel hot just looking
at it through the plane window. Make sure you’ve got lose cloths to wear after taking of some layers, else
you’ll be sweating like mad. I’m so jealous of you being in the nice sun when I’m stuck here in cloudy and
rainy England.

(517 words)

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