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Activity: My Road Map

Supposed you are to invite your new classmates in your house for your birthday party.
But sadly, your friends are not familiar with your location.
To help them locate your home, draw a map from your home to school. Include labels and
landmarks and apply colors for easy reading and tracking. Use black broken lines to trace the
path from home to the destination. Draw a red straight arrow to trace the direction from the
house to the school. Consider figure 1 below as a guide.

Sample Road

Note: Insert your own made ROAD MAP to

the next page. (can be digitally made or drawn manually by hands.)

Guide Questions:
1. On the map you have drawn, what does the black broken line indicates?
What about the red straight line?
2. Which line is shorter? Which is longer?
3. How is distance demonstrated in the map you have drawn?
4. What do you think is the difference between distance and displacement?

Insert your Road Map here: (picture of the your own drawing is accepted.)

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